/*! b2b-angular-library - v1.0.5 - Last updated: 2017-05-24. Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Services, Inc. */ angular.module("b2b.att.tpls", ['b2bTemplate/audioPlayer/audioPlayer.html', 'b2bTemplate/audioRecorder/audioRecorder.html', 'b2bTemplate/backToTop/backToTop.html', 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bAddBoard.html', 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoard.html', 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoardstrip.html', 'b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker-popup.html', 'b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker.html', 'b2bTemplate/coachmark/coachmark.html', 'b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownDesktop.html', 'b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownGroupDesktop.html', 'b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownListDesktop.html', 'b2bTemplate/fileUpload/fileUpload.html', 'b2bTemplate/flyout/flyout.html', 'b2bTemplate/flyout/flyoutContent.html', 'b2bTemplate/footer/footer_column_switch_tpl.html', 'b2bTemplate/horizontalTable/horizontalTable.html', 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpicker.html', 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerPanel.html', 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerValue.html', 'b2bTemplate/leftNavigation/leftNavigation.html', 'b2bTemplate/listbox/listbox.html', 'b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-backdrop.html', 'b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-window.html', 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector-popup.html', 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector.html', 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelectorLink.html', 'b2bTemplate/pagination/b2b-pagination.html', 'b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelector.html', 'b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelectorPane.html', 'b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard-addUser.html', 'b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard.html', 'b2bTemplate/searchField/searchField.html', 'b2bTemplate/seekBar/seekBar.html', 'b2bTemplate/slider/slider.html', 'b2bTemplate/spinButton/spinButton.html', 'b2bTemplate/statusTracker/statusTracker.html', 'b2bTemplate/stepTracker/stepTracker.html', 'b2bTemplate/switches/switches-spanish.html', 'b2bTemplate/switches/switches.html', 'b2bTemplate/tableMessages/tableMessage.html', 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTable.html', 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableBody.html', 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableHeaderSortable.html', 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableHeaderUnsortable.html', 'b2bTemplate/tableScrollbar/tableScrollbar.html', 'b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTab.html', 'b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTabset.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNav/groupedTree.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNav/treeMember.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNav/ungroupedTree.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/groupedTree.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/treeMember.html', 'b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/ungroupedTree.html']);angular.module("b2b.att", ["b2b.att.tpls", 'b2b.att.addressInputTemplate','b2b.att.arrows','b2b.att.audioPlayer','b2b.att.audioRecorder','b2b.att.backToTop','b2b.att.badgesForAlerts','b2b.att.boardstrip','b2b.att.bootstrapGridTemplate','b2b.att.breadcrumbs','b2b.att.buttonGroups','b2b.att.buttons','b2b.att.calendar','b2b.att.checkboxes','b2b.att.coachmark','b2b.att.configurationSection','b2b.att.directoryListingTemplate','b2b.att.dropdowns','b2b.att.fileUpload','b2b.att.filters','b2b.att.flyout','b2b.att.footer','b2b.att.header','b2b.att.headingsAndCopy','b2b.att.horizontalTable','b2b.att.hourPicker','b2b.att.inputTemplate','b2b.att.leftNavigation','b2b.att.links','b2b.att.listbox','b2b.att.loaderAnimation','b2b.att.messageWrapper','b2b.att.modalsAndAlerts','b2b.att.monthSelector','b2b.att.multiLevelNavigation','b2b.att.multipurposeExpander','b2b.att.notesMessagesAndErrors','b2b.att.notificationCardTemplate','b2b.att.orderConfirmationTemplate','b2b.att.pagination','b2b.att.paneSelector','b2b.att.phoneNumberInput','b2b.att.profileBlockTemplate','b2b.att.profileCard','b2b.att.radios','b2b.att.searchField','b2b.att.seekBar','b2b.att.separators','b2b.att.slider','b2b.att.spinButton','b2b.att.staticRouteTemplate','b2b.att.statusTracker','b2b.att.stepTracker','b2b.att.switches','b2b.att.tableDragAndDrop','b2b.att.tableMessages','b2b.att.tables','b2b.att.tableScrollbar','b2b.att.tabs','b2b.att.tagBadges','b2b.att.textArea','b2b.att.timeInputField','b2b.att.tooltipsForForms','b2b.att.treeNav','b2b.att.treeNodeCheckbox','b2b.att.utilities']);/** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Address Input * * @description * * * @usage * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.addressInputTemplate', ['ngMessages']); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:arrows * * @description * * * @usage * Please refer demo.html tab in Example section below. * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.arrows', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Videos, audio & animation.att:Audio Player * @scope * @param {string} audioSrcUrl - MP3 audio source URL or Blob URL * @description * * * @usage *
* * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.audioPlayer', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'b2b.att.seekBar']) .constant('AudioPlayerConfig', { 'defaultVolume': 50, 'timeShiftInSeconds': 5 }) .filter('trustedAudioUrl', ['$sce', function ($sce) { return function (audioFileFullPath) { return audioFileFullPath ? $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(audioFileFullPath) : 'undefined'; }; }]) .directive('b2bAudio', ['$log', '$timeout', 'AudioPlayerConfig', '$compile', 'events', function ($log, $timeout, AudioPlayerConfig, $compile, events) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { audioSrcUrl: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/audioPlayer/audioPlayer.html', controller: function ($scope) { $scope.audio = {}; if (!angular.isDefined($scope.audioSrcUrl)) { $log.warn('b2b-audio : audio-src-url undefined'); $scope.audioSrcUrl = undefined; $scope.audio.mp3 = undefined; } }, link: function (scope, element) { var audioElement = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('audio'))[0]; scope.audio.audioElement = audioElement; function setAttributes(element, attributes) { Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (name) { element.setAttribute(name, attributes[name]); }); } $timeout(function () { // TODO: Replace with DDA Tooltip var seekBarKnob = element[0].querySelector('.b2b-seek-bar-knob'); var tooltipObject = { 'tooltip': '{{timeFormatter(audio.currentTime)}}', 'tooltip-placement': 'above', 'tooltip-style': 'blue', 'tooltip-trigger': 'mousedown', 'tooltip-append-to-body': 'false', 'tooltip-offset': '-10', 'refer-by': 'seek-bar-tooltip' }; setAttributes(seekBarKnob, tooltipObject); $compile(seekBarKnob)(scope); }); if (angular.isDefined(scope.audioSrcUrl)) { scope.audio.mp3 = scope.audioSrcUrl; } scope.audio.currentTime = 0; scope.audio.currentVolume = AudioPlayerConfig.defaultVolume; scope.audio.timeShiftInSeconds = AudioPlayerConfig.timeShiftInSeconds; scope.isPlayInProgress = false; scope.isReady = false; scope.isAudioDragging = false; $timeout(function () { audioElement.load(); audioElement.volume = scope.audio.currentVolume / 100; }); scope.$watch('audioSrcUrl', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if (!newVal) { $log.warn('b2b-audio : audio-src-url undefined. Please provide a valid URL'); } scope.audio.mp3 = newVal; $timeout(function () { audioElement.load(); }); } }); scope.playAudio = function () { if (scope.isReady) { audioElement.play(); } }; audioElement.onplay = function () { scope.isPlayInProgress = true; scope.$digest(); }; scope.pauseAudio = function () { audioElement.pause(); }; audioElement.onpause = function () { scope.isPlayInProgress = false; scope.$digest(); }; scope.toggleAudio = function () { if (audioElement.paused) { scope.playAudio(); } else { scope.pauseAudio(); } }; scope.volumeUp = function (delta) { if (!delta) { delta = 0.1; } else { delta = delta / 100; } audioElement.muted = false; if (audioElement.volume < 1) { audioElement.volume = Math.min((Math.round((audioElement.volume + delta) * 100) / 100), 1); } scope.audio.currentVolume = audioElement.volume * 100; return audioElement.volume; }; scope.volumeDown = function (delta) { if (!delta) { delta = 0.1; } else { delta = delta / 100; } audioElement.muted = false; if (audioElement.volume > 0) { audioElement.volume = Math.max((Math.round((audioElement.volume - delta) * 100) / 100), 0); } scope.audio.currentVolume = audioElement.volume * 100; return audioElement.volume; }; var volumeHandler = function (e) { events.preventDefault(e); if ((e.wheelDelta && e.wheelDelta > 0) || (e.detail && e.detail < 0)) { scope.volumeUp(); } else { scope.volumeDown(); } scope.$digest(); }; scope.$watch('audio.currentVolume', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { audioElement.volume = newVal / 100; } }); scope.setCurrentTime = function (timeInSec) { audioElement.currentTime = timeInSec; }; scope.setAudioPosition = function (val) { if (scope.isReady) { scope.setCurrentTime(val); scope.isAudioDragging = false; } }; function getTimestampArray(timestamp) { var d = Math.abs(timestamp) / 1000; // delta var r = {}; // result var s = { // structure day: 86400, hour: 3600, minute: 60, second: 1 }; Object.keys(s).forEach(function (key) { r[key] = Math.floor(d / s[key]); d -= r[key] * s[key]; }); return r; }; scope.timeFormatter = function (timeInSec) { var formattedTime = '00:00'; if (!timeInSec || timeInSec < 1) { return formattedTime; } if (typeof timeInSec === 'string') { return timeInSec; } var dateArray = getTimestampArray(timeInSec * 1000); Object.keys(dateArray).forEach(function (key) { if (dateArray[key] === 0) { dateArray[key] = '00'; } else if (dateArray[key] < 10) { dateArray[key] = '0' + dateArray[key]; } }); formattedTime = dateArray['minute'] + ':' + dateArray['second']; if (dateArray['hour'] !== '00') { formattedTime = dateArray['hour'] + ':' + formattedTime; } if (dateArray['day'] !== '00') { formattedTime = dateArray['day'] + ':' + formattedTime; } return formattedTime; }; audioElement.onloadedmetadata = function () { scope.audio.duration = audioElement.duration; scope.$digest(); }; audioElement.ontimeupdate = function () { if (!scope.isAudioDragging) { scope.audio.currentTime = audioElement.currentTime; scope.$digest(); } }; audioElement.onended = function () { scope.setCurrentTime(0); scope.audio.currentTime = 0; if (!audioElement.paused) { scope.pauseAudio(); } scope.$digest(); }; audioElement.oncanplay = function () { scope.isReady = true; scope.isPlayInProgress = !audioElement.paused; scope.$digest(); }; var onloadstart = function () { scope.isReady = false; scope.isPlayInProgress = !audioElement.paused; scope.audio.currentTime = 0; scope.audio.duration = 0; scope.$digest(); }; audioElement.addEventListener("loadstart", onloadstart); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Videos, audio & animation.att:Audio Recorder * @scope * @param {function} callback - A callback to handle the WAV blob * @param {object} config - A config object with properties startRecordingMessage & whileRecordingMessage * @description * * * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.audioRecorder', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('AudioRecorderConfig', { 'startRecordingMessage': 'Click on REC icon to being recording', 'whileRecordingMessage': 'Recording...' }) .directive('b2bAudioRecorder', ['$interval', 'AudioRecorderConfig', 'b2bUserAgent', 'b2bRecorder', function($interval, AudioRecorderConfig, b2bUserAgent, b2bRecorder) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { callback: '&' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/audioRecorder/audioRecorder.html', controller: function($scope) { function hasGetUserMedia() { return !!(navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia); } if (!hasGetUserMedia()) { throw new Error('Your broswer does not support MediaRecorder API'); } if (!(b2bUserAgent.isFF() || b2bUserAgent.isChrome())) { throw new Error('b2bAudioRecorder does not support this browser!'); } }, link: function(scope, element) { scope.elapsedTime = 0; scope.isRecording = false; scope.config = {}; scope.config.startRecordingMessage = AudioRecorderConfig.startRecordingMessage; scope.config.whileRecordingMessage = AudioRecorderConfig.whileRecordingMessage; var timer = undefined; // Interval promise navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; var stream; var audio = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('audio'))[0]; var recorder = undefined; function startRecording() { scope.isRecording = true; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(function(stream) { //create the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode context = new AudioContext(); source = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); recorder = new b2bRecorder(source); recorder.record(); timer = $interval(function() { scope.elapsedTime += 1; }, 1000, 0); }).catch(function(err) { angular.noop(); }); }; function stopRecording() { scope.isRecording = false; recorder.stop(); var audio = {}; recorder.exportWAV(function(s) { audio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(s); context.close().then(function() { if (timer) { $interval.cancel(timer); } scope.elapsedTime = 0; recorder.clear(); recorder = undefined; }); if (angular.isFunction(scope.callback)){ scope.callback({'data': audio}); } }); } scope.toggleRecording = function() { if (scope.isRecording) { stopRecording(); } else { startRecording(); } }; //TODO: Move this into utilities function getTimestampArray(timestamp) { var d = Math.abs(timestamp) / 1000; // delta var r = {}; // result var s = { // structure day: 86400, hour: 3600, minute: 60, second: 1 }; Object.keys(s).forEach(function(key) { r[key] = Math.floor(d / s[key]); d -= r[key] * s[key]; }); return r; }; scope.timeFormatter = function(timeInSec) { var formattedTime = '00:00'; if (!timeInSec || timeInSec < 1) { return formattedTime; } if (typeof timeInSec === 'string') { return timeInSec; } var dateArray = getTimestampArray(timeInSec * 1000); Object.keys(dateArray).forEach(function(key) { if (dateArray[key] === 0) { dateArray[key] = '00'; } else if (dateArray[key] < 10) { dateArray[key] = '0' + dateArray[key]; } }); formattedTime = dateArray['minute'] + ':' + dateArray['second']; if (dateArray['hour'] !== '00') { formattedTime = dateArray['hour'] + ':' + formattedTime; } if (dateArray['day'] !== '00') { formattedTime = dateArray['day'] + ':' + formattedTime; } return formattedTime; }; scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (timer) { $interval.cancel(timer); } }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:Back To Top * @scope * @description * * @param {integer} scrollSpeed - Scroll speed in seconds, default is 1 * * @usage *
* * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.backToTop', ['b2b.att.utilities','b2b.att.position']) .directive('b2bBacktotopButton', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/backToTop/backToTop.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { elem.bind('click', function(evt) { var scrollSpeed = parseInt(attr.scrollSpeed) || 1; TweenLite.to(window, scrollSpeed, {scrollTo:{x: 0, y: 0}}); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:badgesForAlerts * * @description * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.badgesForAlerts', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Misc.att:boardstrip * * @description * * * @usage * See demo section * @example
HTML + AngularJS
*/ angular.module('b2b.att.boardstrip', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('BoardStripConfig', { 'maxVisibleBoards': 4, 'boardsToScroll': 1, /* These parameters are non-configurable and remain unaltered, until there is a change in corresponding CSS */ 'boardLength': 140, 'boardMargin': 15 }) .directive('b2bBoard', [function () { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, require: '^b2bBoardStrip', scope: { boardIndex: '=', boardLabel: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoard.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var parentCtrl = ctrls; scope.getCurrentIndex = function () { return parentCtrl.getCurrentIndex(); }; scope.selectBoard = function (boardIndex) { if (!isNaN(boardIndex)) { parentCtrl.setCurrentIndex(boardIndex); } }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bBoardStrip', ['BoardStripConfig', '$timeout', function (BoardStripConfig, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, require: ['?ngModel', 'b2bBoardStrip'], scope: { boardsMasterArray: '=', onAddBoard: '&?' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoardstrip.html', controller: function ($scope) { if (!angular.isDefined($scope.boardsMasterArray)) { $scope.boardsMasterArray = []; } this.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards = function () { if (this.maxVisibleIndex >= $scope.boardsMasterArray.length) { this.maxVisibleIndex = $scope.boardsMasterArray.length - 1; } if (this.maxVisibleIndex < 0) { this.maxVisibleIndex = 0; } }; this.resetBoardStrip = function () { $scope.currentIndex = 0; this.maxVisibleIndex = BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards - 1; this.minVisibleIndex = 0; this.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); }; this.getCurrentIndex = function () { return $scope.currentIndex; }; this.setCurrentIndex = function (indx) { $scope.currentIndex = indx; }; this.getBoardsMasterArrayLength = function () { return $scope.boardsMasterArray.length; }; $scope.addBoardPressedFlag = false; this.getAddBoardPressedFlag = function () { return $scope.addBoardPressedFlag; }; this.setAddBoardPressedFlag = function (booleanValue) { $scope.addBoardPressedFlag = booleanValue; }; }, link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var ctrl = ctrls[1]; var oldTimeout; var animationTimeout = 1000; var getBoardViewportWidth = function (numberOfVisibleBoards) { return numberOfVisibleBoards * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin); }; if (element[0].querySelector(".board-viewport")) { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".board-viewport")).css({ "width": getBoardViewportWidth(BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards) + "px" }); } var getBoardstripContainerWidth = function (totalNumberOfBoards) { return totalNumberOfBoards * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin); }; if (element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")) { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px" }); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "left": "0px" }); } var calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment = function () { var calculatedAdjustmentValue; if (ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() <= BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards) { calculatedAdjustmentValue = 0; } else { calculatedAdjustmentValue = (ctrl.minVisibleIndex * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin)) * -1; } return calculatedAdjustmentValue; }; var animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment = function (elementToFocusAfterAnimation) { var oldContainerAdjustment = angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container"))[0].style.left; var containerAdjustment = calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment(); if (oldContainerAdjustment !== containerAdjustment + 'px') { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "left": containerAdjustment + "px" }); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); oldTimeout = $timeout(function () { elementToFocusAfterAnimation.focus(); }, animationTimeout); } else { elementToFocusAfterAnimation.focus(); } }; var updateBoardsTabIndex = function (boardArray, minViewIndex, maxViewIndex) { for (var i = 0; i < boardArray.length; i++) { angular.element(boardArray[i]).attr('tabindex', '-1'); } for (var j = minViewIndex; j <= maxViewIndex; j++) { angular.element(boardArray[j]).attr('tabindex', '0'); } }; $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); scope.$watchCollection('boardsMasterArray', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { /* When a board is removed */ if (newVal.length < oldVal.length) { ctrl.resetBoardStrip(); $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); if (currentBoardArray.length !== 0) { animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment(currentBoardArray[0]); } else { element[0].querySelector('div.boardstrip-item--add').focus(); } angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px" }); /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } /* When a board is added */ else { if (ctrl.getAddBoardPressedFlag()) { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() - 1; ctrl.minVisibleIndex = Math.max(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards + 1, 0); ctrl.setCurrentIndex(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); $timeout(function () { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px" }); var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment(currentBoardArray[currentBoardArray.length - 1]); /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } else { if (ctrl.minVisibleIndex === 0 && ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() < BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards + 1) { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() - 1; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); } $timeout(function () { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px" }); var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } ctrl.setAddBoardPressedFlag(false); } } }); scope.nextBoard = function () { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex += BoardStripConfig.boardsToScroll; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); ctrl.minVisibleIndex = ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - (BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards - 1); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "left": calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment() + "px" }); $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); /* Remove tabindex from non-visible boards */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); if (!(scope.isNextBoard())) { try { currentBoardArray[currentBoardArray.length - 1].focus(); } catch (e) { /* IE8 may throw exception */ } } }, animationTimeout); }; scope.prevBoard = function () { ctrl.minVisibleIndex -= BoardStripConfig.boardsToScroll; if (ctrl.minVisibleIndex < 0) { ctrl.minVisibleIndex = 0; } ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.minVisibleIndex + BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards - 1; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({ "left": calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment() + "px" }); $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); /* Remove tabindex from non-visible boards */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); if (ctrl.minVisibleIndex === 0) { try { element[0].querySelector('div.boardstrip-item--add').focus(); } catch (e) { /* IE8 may throw exception */ } } }); }; scope.isPrevBoard = function () { return (ctrl.minVisibleIndex > 0); }; scope.isNextBoard = function () { return (ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() - 1 > ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }; ngModelCtrl.$render = function () { if (ngModelCtrl.$viewValue || ngModelCtrl.$viewValue === 0) { var newCurrentIndex = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; if (!(newCurrentIndex = parseInt(newCurrentIndex, 10))) { newCurrentIndex = 0; } if (newCurrentIndex <= 0) { ctrl.resetBoardStrip(); newCurrentIndex = 0; var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); if (currentBoardArray.length !== 0) { animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment(currentBoardArray[0]); } else { element[0].querySelector('div.boardstrip-item--add').focus(); } /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); } else if (newCurrentIndex >= ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() - 1; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); ctrl.minVisibleIndex = Math.max(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards + 1, 0); newCurrentIndex = ctrl.maxVisibleIndex; $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment(currentBoardArray[newCurrentIndex]); /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } else { if (!(newCurrentIndex >= ctrl.minVisibleIndex && newCurrentIndex <= ctrl.maxVisibleIndex)) { ctrl.minVisibleIndex = newCurrentIndex; ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.minVisibleIndex + BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards - 1; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); if (ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() < BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards) { ctrl.minVisibleIndex = 0; } else { ctrl.minVisibleIndex = Math.max(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards + 1, 0); } $timeout(function () { var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-board]'); animateBoardstripContainerAdjustment(currentBoardArray[newCurrentIndex]); /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } } scope.currentIndex = newCurrentIndex; ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(newCurrentIndex); } else { ctrl.resetBoardStrip(); ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(0); } }; scope.$watch('currentIndex', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal && ngModelCtrl && ngModelCtrl.$viewValue !== newVal) { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(newVal); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bAddBoard', ['BoardStripConfig', '$parse', function (BoardStripConfig, $parse) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, require: '^b2bBoardStrip', scope: { onAddBoard: '&?' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bAddBoard.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { scope.addBoard = function () { if (attrs['onAddBoard']) { scope.onAddBoard = $parse(scope.onAddBoard); scope.onAddBoard(); ctrl.setAddBoardPressedFlag(true); } }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bBoardNavigation', ['keymap', 'events', function (keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'AE', link: function (scope, elem) { var prevElem = keymap.KEY.LEFT; var nextElem = keymap.KEY.RIGHT; elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { if (!(ev.keyCode)) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } switch (ev.keyCode) { case nextElem: events.preventDefault(ev); events.stopPropagation(ev); if (elem[0].nextElementSibling && parseInt(angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { angular.element(elem[0])[0].nextElementSibling.focus(); } else { /* IE8 fix */ var el = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; do { if (el.nextSibling) { el = el.nextSibling; } else { break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if (el.tagName && el.tagName === 'LI' && parseInt(angular.element(el).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { el.focus(); } } break; case prevElem: events.preventDefault(ev); events.stopPropagation(ev); if (elem[0].previousElementSibling && parseInt(angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { angular.element(elem[0])[0].previousElementSibling.focus(); } else { /* IE8 fix */ var el1 = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; do { if (el1.previousSibling) { el1 = el1.previousSibling; } else { break; } } while (el1 && el1.tagName !== 'LI'); if (el1.tagName && el1.tagName === 'LI' && parseInt(angular.element(el1).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { el1.focus(); } } break; default: break; } }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Bootstrap Grid Template * * @description * * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.bootstrapGridTemplate', []) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:breadcrumbs * * @description * * @usage * @example */ angular.module('b2b.att.breadcrumbs',[]) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:buttonGroups * * @description * * * @usage

Radio Aproach

Checkbox Aproach

* * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.buttonGroups', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('buttonConfig', { activeClass: 'active', toggleEvent: 'click' }) .directive('b2bBtnRadio', ['buttonConfig', function (buttonConfig) { var activeClass = buttonConfig.activeClass || 'active'; var toggleEvent = buttonConfig.toggleEvent || 'click'; return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) { var notMobile = !/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (notMobile) { element.bind('focus', function () { scope.$apply(function () { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnRadio)); ngModelCtrl.$render(); }); }); } element.attr('role', 'radio'); //model -> UI ngModelCtrl.$render = function () { element.toggleClass(activeClass, angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnRadio))); if (angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnRadio))) { element.attr("aria-checked", true); } else { element.attr("aria-checked", false); } }; //ui->model element.bind(toggleEvent, function () { if (!element.hasClass(activeClass)) { scope.$apply(function () { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnRadio)); ngModelCtrl.$render(); }); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bBtnCheckbox', ['buttonConfig', function (buttonConfig) { var activeClass = buttonConfig.activeClass || 'active'; var toggleEvent = buttonConfig.toggleEvent || 'click'; return { require: ['ngModel', '^^b2bButtonGroup'], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var parentCtrl = ctrls[1]; element.attr('role', 'checkbox'); element.attr('aria-describedby', parentCtrl.getStateDescriptionElemId()); function getTrueValue() { var trueValue = scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnCheckboxTrue); return angular.isDefined(trueValue) ? trueValue : true; } function getFalseValue() { var falseValue = scope.$eval(attrs.b2bBtnCheckboxFalse); return angular.isDefined(falseValue) ? falseValue : false; } //model -> UI ngModelCtrl.$render = function () { element.toggleClass(activeClass, angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, getTrueValue())); if ((angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, getTrueValue()))) { element.attr("aria-checked", true); } else { element.attr("aria-checked", false); } }; //ui->model element.bind(toggleEvent, function () { scope.$apply(function () { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(element.hasClass(activeClass) ? getFalseValue() : getTrueValue()); ngModelCtrl.$render(); }); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bButtonGroup', ['$timeout', '$compile', function ($timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { maxSelect: "=", ngModelButtonState: '=ngModel' }, controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { $scope.nSel = 0; var stateDescriptionElem = angular.element(''); $compile(stateDescriptionElem)($scope); $element.after(stateDescriptionElem); this.getStateDescriptionElemId = function () { return stateDescriptionElem.attr('id'); }; }], link: function (scope, element) { var executeFxn = function () { scope.nSel = 0; angular.forEach(scope.ngModelButtonState, function (value, key) { if (value === true) { scope.nSel += 1; } }); if (scope.nSel >= scope.maxSelect) { angular.forEach(element.children(), function (chd) { if (chd.className.indexOf('active') < 0) { chd.disabled = true; chd.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); } }); } else { angular.forEach(element.children(), function (chd) { chd.disabled = false; chd.setAttribute('aria-disabled', false); }); } scope.$digest(); }; $timeout(function () { executeFxn(); }); element.bind('click', executeFxn); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:buttons * @element input * @function * * @description * * @usage * Button shape button.btn (button shape only) button.btn (button shape only) with custom aria label button.btn with click functionality Button a.btn (button shape only) .btn-primary Button a.btn-primary 5 Button colors .btn-secondary Button a.btn-secondary .btn-alt Button a.btn-alt .btn-specialty Button a.btn-specialty disabled="disabled" Button a.disabled 3 button heights .btn is default and 46px height .btn-medium is 42px .btn-small is 36px .row-nowrap 2 up buttons
.row 2 up buttons (desktop) stacked (mobile) (different order)
* @example *
HTML + AngularJS * * *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.buttons', ['b2b.att.utilities']); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:calendar * * @description * * @usage * * * @example
HTML + AngularJS
*/ angular.module('b2b.att.calendar', ['b2b.att.position', 'b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bDatepickerConfig', { dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy', dayFormat: 'd', monthFormat: 'MMMM', yearFormat: 'yyyy', dayHeaderFormat: 'EEEE', dayTitleFormat: 'MMMM yyyy', disableWeekend: false, disableSunday: false, disableDates: null, onSelectClose: null, startingDay: 0, minDate: null, maxDate: null, dueDate: null, fromDate: null, legendIcon: null, legendMessage: null, calendarDisabled: false, collapseWait: 0, orientation: 'right', inline: false, helperText: 'The date you selected is $date. In case of mobile double tap to open calendar. Select a date to close the calendar.', datepickerEvalAttributes: ['dateFormat', 'dayFormat', 'monthFormat', 'yearFormat', 'dayHeaderFormat', 'dayTitleFormat', 'disableWeekend', 'disableSunday', 'startingDay', 'collapseWait', 'orientation'], datepickerWatchAttributes: ['min', 'max', 'due', 'from', 'legendIcon', 'legendMessage', 'ngDisabled'], datepickerFunctionAttributes: ['disableDates', 'onSelectClose'] }) .factory('b2bDatepickerService', ['b2bDatepickerConfig', 'dateFilter', function (b2bDatepickerConfig, dateFilter) { var setAttributes = function (attr, elem) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(elem) && elem !== null) { var attributes = b2bDatepickerConfig.datepickerEvalAttributes.concat(b2bDatepickerConfig.datepickerWatchAttributes, b2bDatepickerConfig.datepickerFunctionAttributes); for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (attributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { elem.attr(key.toSnakeCase(), key); } } } }; var bindScope = function (attr, scope) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(scope) && scope !== null) { var evalFunction = function (key, val) { scope[key] = scope.$parent.$eval(val); }; var watchFunction = function (key, val) { scope.$parent.$watch(val, function (value) { scope[key] = value; }); scope.$watch(key, function (value) { scope.$parent[val] = value; }); }; var evalAttributes = b2bDatepickerConfig.datepickerEvalAttributes; var watchAttributes = b2bDatepickerConfig.datepickerWatchAttributes; for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (evalAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { evalFunction(key, val); } else if (watchAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { watchFunction(key, val); } } } }; return { setAttributes: setAttributes, bindScope: bindScope }; }]) .controller('b2bDatepickerController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'dateFilter', '$element', '$position', 'b2bDatepickerConfig', function ($scope, $attrs, dateFilter, $element, $position, dtConfig) { var format = { date: getValue($attrs.dateFormat, dtConfig.dateFormat), day: getValue($attrs.dayFormat, dtConfig.dayFormat), month: getValue($attrs.monthFormat, dtConfig.monthFormat), year: getValue($attrs.yearFormat, dtConfig.yearFormat), dayHeader: getValue($attrs.dayHeaderFormat, dtConfig.dayHeaderFormat), dayTitle: getValue($attrs.dayTitleFormat, dtConfig.dayTitleFormat), disableWeekend: getValue($attrs.disableWeekend, dtConfig.disableWeekend), disableSunday: getValue($attrs.disableSunday, dtConfig.disableSunday) }, startingDay = getValue($attrs.startingDay, dtConfig.startingDay); if($attrs.disableDates !== undefined) { format.disableDates = $attrs.disableDates; } else { format.disableDates = dtConfig.disableDates; } $scope.minDate = dtConfig.minDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.minDate) : null; $scope.maxDate = dtConfig.maxDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.maxDate) : null; $scope.dueDate = dtConfig.dueDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.dueDate) : null; $scope.fromDate = dtConfig.fromDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.fromDate) : null; $scope.legendIcon = dtConfig.legendIcon ? dtConfig.legendIcon : null; $scope.legendMessage = dtConfig.legendMessage ? dtConfig.legendMessage : null; $scope.ngDisabled = dtConfig.calendarDisabled ? dtConfig.calendarDisabled : null; $scope.collapseWait = getValue($attrs.collapseWait, dtConfig.collapseWait); $scope.orientation = getValue($attrs.orientation, dtConfig.orientation); $scope.onSelectClose = getValue($attrs.onSelectClose, dtConfig.onSelectClose); $scope.inline = $attrs.inline === 'true' ? true : dtConfig.inline; function getValue(value, defaultValue) { return angular.isDefined(value) ? $scope.$parent.$eval(value) : defaultValue; } function getDaysInMonth(year, month) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } function getDates(startDate, n) { var dates = new Array(n); var current = startDate, i = 0; while (i < n) { dates[i++] = new Date(current); current.setDate(current.getDate() + 1); } return dates; } this.updatePosition = function (b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate) { $scope.position = $position.offset($element); $scope.position.top = $scope.position.top + $element.prop('offsetHeight'); $scope.position.left = $scope.position.left - (((b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate && b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.prop('offsetWidth')) || 290) - $element.prop('offsetWidth')); }; this.isDateInRange = function(date) { if ((compare(date, $scope.minDate) >= 0) && (compare(date, $scope.maxDate) <= 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } this.isDisbaledDate = function(date) { if ($attrs.from && !angular.isDate($scope.fromDate)) { return true; } if (format.disableWeekend === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (format.disableSunday === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } return (($scope.minDate && compare(date, $scope.minDate) < 0) || ($scope.maxDate && compare(date, $scope.maxDate) > 0) || ($scope.datesCallBack({ date: date }))); } function isSelected(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isFromDate(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.fromDate) && compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isDateRange(dt) { if (dt && $scope.fromDate && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && (compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) >= 0) && (compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) <= 0)) { return true; } else if (dt && $scope.fromDate && compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isOld(date, currentMonthDate) { if (date && currentMonthDate && (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() < new Date(currentMonthDate.getFullYear(), currentMonthDate.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isNew(date, currentMonthDate) { if (date && currentMonthDate && (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() > new Date(currentMonthDate.getFullYear(), currentMonthDate.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isPastDue(dt) { if ($scope.dueDate) { return (dt > $scope.dueDate); } return false; } function isDueDate(dt) { if ($scope.dueDate) { return (dt.getTime() === $scope.dueDate.getTime()); } return false; } var isDisabled = function (date, currentMonthDate) { if ($attrs.from && !angular.isDate($scope.fromDate)) { return true; } if (format.disableWeekend === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (format.disableSunday === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (isOld(date, currentMonthDate) || isNew(date, currentMonthDate)) { return true; } return (($scope.minDate && compare(date, $scope.minDate) < 0) || ($scope.maxDate && compare(date, $scope.maxDate) > 0) || ($scope.datesCallBack({ date: date }))); }; var compare = function (date1, date2) { return (new Date(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate()) - new Date(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate())); }; function isMinDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { if (($scope.minDate && $scope.minDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.minDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) { $scope.disablePrev = true; $scope.visibilityPrev = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disablePrev = false; $scope.visibilityPrev = "visible"; } } function isMaxDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { if (($scope.maxDate && $scope.maxDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.maxDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) { $scope.disableNext = true; $scope.visibilityNext = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disableNext = false; $scope.visibilityNext = "visible"; } } function getLabel(label) { if (label) { var labelObj = { pre: label.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(), post: label }; return labelObj; } return; } function makeDate(date, dayFormat, dayHeaderFormat, isSelected, isFromDate, isDateRange, isOld, isNew, isDisabled, dueDate, pastDue) { return { date: date, label: dateFilter(date, dayFormat), header: dateFilter(date, dayHeaderFormat), selected: !!isSelected, fromDate: !!isFromDate, dateRange: !!isDateRange, oldMonth: !!isOld, nextMonth: !!isNew, disabled: !!isDisabled, dueDate: !!dueDate, pastDue: !!pastDue, focusable: !((isDisabled && !(isSelected || isDateRange)) || (isOld || isNew)) }; } this.modes = [ { name: 'day', getVisibleDates: function (date) { var year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth(), firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1), lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0); var difference = startingDay - firstDayOfMonth.getDay(), numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth = (difference > 0) ? 7 - difference : -difference, firstDate = new Date(firstDayOfMonth), numDates = 0; if (numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth > 0) { firstDate.setDate(-numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth + 1); numDates += numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth; // Previous } numDates += getDaysInMonth(year, month + 1); // Current numDates += (7 - numDates % 7) % 7; // Next var days = getDates(firstDate, numDates), labels = new Array(7); for (var i = 0; i < numDates; i++) { var dt = new Date(days[i]); days[i] = makeDate(dt, format.day, format.dayHeader, isSelected(dt), isFromDate(dt), isDateRange(dt), isOld(dt, date), isNew(dt, date), isDisabled(dt, date), isDueDate(dt), isPastDue(dt)); } for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { labels[j] = getLabel(dateFilter(days[j].date, format.dayHeader)); } isMinDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); isMaxDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); return { objects: days, title: dateFilter(date, format.dayTitle), labels: labels }; }, split: 7, step: { months: 1 } } ]; }]) .directive('b2bDatepicker', ['$parse', '$log', '$timeout', '$document', '$documentBind', '$isElement', '$templateCache', '$compile', 'trapFocusInElement', '$position', '$window', '$filter', 'b2bDatepickerConfig', function ($parse, $log, $timeout, $document, $documentBind, $isElement, $templateCache, $compile, trapFocusInElement, $position, $window, $filter, b2bDatepickerConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { model: '=ngModel', datesCallBack: '&disableDates', onSelectClose: '&', disabledInput: '=?ngDisabled' }, require: ['b2bDatepicker', 'ngModel', '?^b2bDatepickerGroup'], controller: 'b2bDatepickerController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var datepickerCtrl = ctrls[0], ngModel = ctrls[1], b2bDatepickerGroupCtrl = ctrls[2]; var b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate; var isCalendarOpened = false; if(scope.disabledInput === undefined || scope.disabledInput === '') { scope.disabledInput = false; } if(attrs.inline == 'true'){ element.after($compile($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker-popup.html'))(scope)); var temp = element.after(); element.remove(); element = temp; } else { var buttonTabIndex = scope.disabledInput===true ? -1 : 0; element.after($compile('')(scope)); element.attr('placeholder', 'MM/dd/yyyy'); element.attr('b2b-format-date', b2bDatepickerConfig.dateFormat); } scope.$watch('model', function(val) { if(val !== undefined && val !== '') { var date_regex = /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])\/(19|20)\d{2}$/ ; if(!date_regex.test(element[0].value)) { ngModel.$setValidity('datePattern', false); } else { ngModel.$setValidity('datePattern', true); } } else { ngModel.$setValidity('datePattern', true); } }); if (!ngModel) { $log.error("ng-model is required."); return; // do nothing if no ng-model } if(scope.model !== undefined && scope.model !== '') { element[0].value = $filter('date')(scope.model, "MM/dd/yyyy"); } // Configuration parameters var mode = 0, selected; scope.isOpen = false; var isValidDate = false; scope.headers = []; scope.footers = []; if (b2bDatepickerGroupCtrl) { b2bDatepickerGroupCtrl.registerDatepickerScope(scope); } var calendarButton = angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling); calendarButton.bind('click',function(){ openCalendarPopup = false; if (!scope.ngDisabled) { scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); scope.$apply(); datepickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); $timeout(function () { // angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.datepicker-input')).scrollTop=0; },10); } }) var openCalendarPopup = false; element.bind('blur', function() { if(scope.model !== undefined && scope.model !== '') { var dateEntered = scope.model; var date_regex = /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])\/(19|20)\d{2}$/ ; if(date_regex.test(dateEntered)) { var parts = dateEntered.split('/'); var enteredDate = new Date(parts[2],parts[0]-1,parts[1]); if(datepickerCtrl.isDateInRange(enteredDate)) { isValidDate -= 1; ngModel.$setValidity('outOfRange', true); $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$setValidity('outOfRange', true); },10); isValidDate = true; if(!datepickerCtrl.isDisbaledDate(enteredDate)) { $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$setValidity('disabledDate', true); },10); scope.select(enteredDate); openCalendarPopup = true; } else { $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$setValidity('disabledDate', false); },10); isValidDate = false; openCalendarPopup = false; } } else { isValidDate += 1; $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$setValidity('outOfRange', false); },10); isValidDate = false; openCalendarPopup = false; } } } }); var toggleCalendar = function (flag) { if (!scope.inline) { if (flag) { b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate = angular.element($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker-popup.html')); b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate = $compile(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate)(scope); $document.find('body').append(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.bind('keydown', keyPress); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; trapFocusInElement(flag, b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); }, 100); handleTabEvent(); }); angular.element(document.querySelector('.b2b-calendar-icon')).attr('aria-expanded','true'); } else { if(!openCalendarPopup) { b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.unbind('keydown', keyPress); b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.remove(); } element[0].focus(); scope.getFocus = false; angular.element(document.querySelector('.b2b-calendar-icon')).attr('aria-expanded','false'); trapFocusInElement(flag, b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); } } }; var handleTabEvent = function(){ b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('td').on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '9') { if(e.shiftKey){ if(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.next')){ b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.next').focus(); }else{ b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.datepicker-switch').focus() } }else{ if(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.prev')){ b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.prev').focus(); }else{ b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate.find('tr')[0].querySelector('th.datepicker-switch').focus() } } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); } var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); var isb2bDatepickerPopupTemplate = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate, $document); if (!(isElement || isb2bDatepickerPopupTemplate)) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); scope.$apply(); } }; var keyPress = function (ev) { if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if (ev.keyCode) { if (ev.keyCode === 27) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === 33) { !scope.disablePrev && scope.move(-1); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); }, 100); }); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === 34) { !scope.disableNext && scope.move(1); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); }, 100); }); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isOpen', outsideClick, scope); var modalContainer = angular.element(document.querySelector('.modalwrapper')); var modalBodyContainer = angular.element(document.querySelector('.modal-body')); if (modalContainer) { modalContainer.bind('scroll', function () { if (b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate) { datepickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); scope.$apply(); } }); } if (modalBodyContainer) { modalBodyContainer.bind('scroll', function () { if (b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate) { datepickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); var datepickerTextfield = $position.offset(element.find('input')); var modalBodyPosition = $position.offset(modalBodyContainer); if (((datepickerTextfield.top + datepickerTextfield.height) < modalBodyPosition.top || datepickerTextfield.top > (modalBodyPosition.top + modalBodyPosition.height)) && scope.isOpen) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); } scope.$apply(); } }); } var window = angular.element($window); window.bind('resize', function () { if (b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate) { datepickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); scope.$apply(); } }); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { if (scope.isOpen) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); } }); scope.resetTime = function (date) { if (typeof date === 'string') { date = date + 'T12:00:00'; } var dt; if (!isNaN(new Date(date))) { dt = new Date(date); } else { return null; } return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); }; if (attrs.min) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.min), function (value) { scope.minDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.max) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.max), function (value) { scope.maxDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.due) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.due), function (value) { scope.dueDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.from) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.from), function (value) { scope.fromDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.legendIcon) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.legendIcon, function (value) { scope.legendIcon = value ? value : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.legendMessage) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.legendMessage, function (value) { scope.legendMessage = value ? value : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.ngDisabled) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.ngDisabled, function (value) { scope.ngDisabled = value ? value : null; }); } // Split array into smaller arrays function split(arr, size) { var arrays = []; while (arr.length > 0) { arrays.push(arr.splice(0, size)); } return arrays; } function refill(date) { if (angular.isDate(date) && !isNaN(date)) { selected = new Date(date); } else { if (!selected) { selected = new Date(); } } if (selected) { var currentMode = datepickerCtrl.modes[mode], data = currentMode.getVisibleDates(selected); scope.rows = split(data.objects, currentMode.split); var flag = false; var startFlag = false; var firstSelected = false; for (var i = 0; i < scope.rows.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < scope.rows[i].length; j++) { if (scope.rows[i][j].label === "1" && !firstSelected) { firstSelected = true; var firstDay = scope.rows[i][j]; } if (scope.rows[i][j].selected === true) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { break; } } if (!flag) { firstDay.firstFocus = true; } scope.labels = data.labels || []; scope.title = data.title; datepickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bDatepickerPopupTemplate); } } scope.select = function (date) { var dt = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); if (!scope.onSelectClose || (scope.onSelectClose && scope.onSelectClose({ date: dt }) !== false)) { scope.currentDate = dt; element[0].value = $filter('date')(dt, "MM/dd/yyyy"); ngModel.$setValidity('outOfRange', true); if (angular.isNumber(scope.collapseWait)) { $timeout(function () { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); }, scope.collapseWait); } else { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); } } }; scope.move = function (direction,$event) { var step = datepickerCtrl.modes[mode].step; selected.setDate(1); selected.setMonth(selected.getMonth() + direction * (step.months || 0)); selected.setFullYear(selected.getFullYear() + direction * (step.years || 0)); refill(); $timeout(function () { trapFocusInElement(); handleTabEvent(); }, 100); $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); }; scope.trapFocus = function () { $timeout(function () { trapFocusInElement(); }, 100); }; scope.$watch('currentDate', function (value) { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { refill(value); } else { refill(); } ngModel.$setViewValue(value); }); ngModel.$render = function () { scope.currentDate = ngModel.$viewValue; }; var stringToDate = function (value) { if (!isNaN(new Date(value))) { value = new Date(value); } return value; }; ngModel.$formatters.unshift(stringToDate); } }; }]) .directive('b2bDatepickerGroup', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { this.$$headers = []; this.$$footers = []; this.registerDatepickerScope = function (datepickerScope) { datepickerScope.headers = this.$$headers; datepickerScope.footers = this.$$footers; }; }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {} }; }]) .directive('b2bFormatDate', ['dateFilter', function (dateFilter) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var b2bFormatDate = ""; attr.$observe('b2bFormatDate', function (value) { b2bFormatDate = value; }); var dateToString = function (value) { if (!isNaN(new Date(value))) { return dateFilter(new Date(value), b2bFormatDate); } return value; }; ctrl.$formatters.unshift(dateToString); } }; }]) .directive('b2bDatepickerHeader', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bDatepickerGroup', transclude: true, replace: true, template: '', compile: function (elem, attr, transclude) { return function link(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (ctrl) { ctrl.$$headers.push(transclude(scope, function () {})); } elem.remove(); }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bDatepickerFooter', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bDatepickerGroup', transclude: true, replace: true, template: '', compile: function (elem, attr, transclude) { return function link(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (ctrl) { ctrl.$$footers.push(transclude(scope, function () {})); } elem.remove(); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:checkboxes * * @description * * @usage * See demo section * @example */ angular.module('b2b.att.checkboxes', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bSelectGroup', [function (){ return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', scope: { checkboxes: "=" }, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { elem.bind('change', function () { var isChecked = elem.prop('checked'); angular.forEach(scope.checkboxes, function (item) { item.isSelected = isChecked; }); scope.$apply(); }); scope.$watch('checkboxes', function () { var setBoxes = 0; if(scope.checkboxes === undefined) { return; } angular.forEach(scope.checkboxes, function (item) { if (item.isSelected) { setBoxes++; } }); elem.prop('indeterminate', false); if ( scope.checkboxes !==undefined && setBoxes === scope.checkboxes.length && scope.checkboxes.length > 0) { ctrl.$setViewValue(true); elem.removeClass('indeterminate'); } else if (setBoxes === 0) { ctrl.$setViewValue(false); elem.removeClass('indeterminate'); } else { ctrl.$setViewValue(false); elem.addClass('indeterminate'); elem.prop('indeterminate', true); } ctrl.$render(); }, true); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Misc.att:coachmark * * @description * * * @usage * * @example
HTML + AngularJS
*/ angular.module('b2b.att.coachmark', ['b2b.att.utilities','b2b.att.position']) .directive('b2bCoachmark', ['$document', '$compile', '$position', '$timeout', 'b2bViewport', 'keymap', function($document, $compile, $position, $timeout, b2bViewport, keymap) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { coachmarks: '=', coachmarkIndex: '=', startCoachmarkCallback: '&', endCoachmarkCallback: '&', actionCoachmarkCallback: '&' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var coachmarkItems = scope.coachmarks; var body = $document.find('body').eq(0); var coackmarkJqContainer; var coackmarkContainer; var coachMarkElement; var backdropjqLiteEl; var coachmarkHighlight; var initaitedCoachmark = false; scope.coackmarkElPos ={ 'top':'', 'left':'' }; scope.currentCoachmark = {}; var coachmarkBackdrop = function(){ backdropjqLiteEl = angular.element('
'); body.append(backdropjqLiteEl); backdropjqLiteEl.bind('click', function() { scope.closeCoachmark(); scope.$apply(); }); }; scope.closeButtonFocus = function(){ if(document.getElementsByClassName('b2b-coachmark-header').length >0){ document.getElementsByClassName('b2b-coachmark-header')[0].scrollLeft = 0; document.getElementsByClassName('b2b-coachmark-header')[0].scrollTop = 0; } } scope.actionCoachmark = function(action){ scope.actionCoachmarkCallback({ 'action':action }) }; scope.closeCoachmark = function(){ initaitedCoachmark = false; backdropjqLiteEl.remove(); coackmarkContainer.remove(); coachmarkHighlight.remove(); if(coachMarkElement !== undefined && coachMarkElement !==""){ coachMarkElement.removeClass('b2b-coachmark-label') } if (angular.isFunction(scope.endCoachmarkCallback)){ scope.endCoachmarkCallback(); } element[0].focus(); } var realStyle = function(_elem, _style) { var computedStyle; if ( typeof _elem.currentStyle != 'undefined' ) { computedStyle = _elem.currentStyle; } else { computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(_elem, null); } return _style ? computedStyle[_style] : computedStyle; }; var copyComputedStyle = function(src, dest) { var s = realStyle(src); for ( var i in s ) { // Do not use `hasOwnProperty`, nothing will get copied if ( typeof i == "string" && i != "cssText" && !/\d/.test(i) && i.indexOf('webkit') !== 0 ) { // The try is for setter only properties try { dest.style[i] = s[i]; // `fontSize` comes before `font` If `font` is empty, `fontSize` gets // overwritten. So make sure to reset this property. (hackyhackhack) // Other properties may need similar treatment if ( i == "font" ) { dest.style.fontSize = s.fontSize; } } catch (e) {} } } }; function showCoachmark(targetElement) { scope.currentCoachmark = targetElement; if(coachMarkElement !== undefined && coachMarkElement !==""){ coachMarkElement.removeClass('b2b-coachmark-label') coackmarkContainer.remove(); coachmarkHighlight.remove(); } coachMarkElement = angular.element(document.querySelector(targetElement.elementId)); var elementPosition = $position.offset(coachMarkElement); coachmarkHighlight = angular.element('
'); coachmarkHighlight.css({ 'width': (elementPosition.width + 25) +'px', 'top': (elementPosition.top -10) + 'px', 'left': (elementPosition.left - 10) + 'px', 'height': (elementPosition.height + 20) +'px' }); if(targetElement.cloneHtml){ var copy = coachMarkElement[0].cloneNode(true); copy.id = "b2b-unique-"+targetElement.elementId.slice(1); copyComputedStyle(coachMarkElement[0],copy); var copychildNodes = copy.childNodes; var coachmarkChildNodes = coachMarkElement[0].childNodes; for(i=0;i'); coackmarkContainer = $compile(coackmarkJqContainer)(scope); body.append(coackmarkContainer); $timeout(function () { var currentCoachmarkContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('b2b-coachmark-container')[0]; currentCoachmarkContainer.focus(); newElem = angular.element(currentCoachmarkContainer); newElem.bind('keydown', function (e) { if(e.keyCode == keymap.KEY.TAB){ if(e.shiftKey) { if(e.target.className === 'b2b-coachmark-container'){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } } }); var coachmarkHeight = window.getComputedStyle(currentCoachmarkContainer).height.split('px')[0]; var newOffsetHeight = Math.round(elementPosition.top) - elementPosition.height; // We need a slight offset to show the lightboxed item if(!targetElement.cloneHtml){ TweenLite.to(window, 2, {scrollTo:{x: (scope.coackmarkElPos.left.split('px')[0] - 100), y: newOffsetHeight-200}}); } }, 200); } element.bind('click', function (e) { initaitedCoachmark = true; scope.$watch('coachmarkIndex', function () { if(initaitedCoachmark === true){ if(scope.coachmarkIndex === -1){ scope.closeCoachmark(); }else{ findAvailableCoachmark(scope.coachmarkIndex); showCoachmark(scope.coachmarks[scope.coachmarkIndex]); } } }); coachmarkBackdrop(); var findAvailableCoachmark = function(index){ if(index === -1){ scope.coachmarkIndex = 0; } else if(!angular.isDefined(scope.coachmarks[index]) || angular.element(document.querySelector(scope.coachmarks[index].elementId)).length === 0){ findAvailableCoachmark(index-1); } else { scope.coachmarkIndex = index; } } if (angular.isFunction(scope.startCoachmarkCallback)){ scope.startCoachmarkCallback(); } findAvailableCoachmark(scope.coachmarkIndex); showCoachmark(scope.coachmarks[scope.coachmarkIndex]); $document.bind('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.which === 27 && initaitedCoachmark) { scope.closeCoachmark(); scope.$apply(); } }); }); //performance technique to ensure scroll event doesn't cause lag var throttle = function(type, name, obj) { obj = obj || window; var running = false; var func = function() { if (running) { return; } running = true; requestAnimationFrame(function() { obj.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name)); running = false; }); }; obj.addEventListener(type, func); }; scope.viewportWidth = b2bViewport.viewportWidth(); /* init - you can init any event */ throttle("resize", "optimizedResize"); window.addEventListener("optimizedResize", function() { if(initaitedCoachmark){ showCoachmark(scope.coachmarks[scope.coachmarkIndex]); scope.viewportWidth = b2bViewport.viewportWidth(); scope.$digest(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bCoachmarkContainer', ['$document', '$position', function($document, $position) { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: true, replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/coachmark/coachmark.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Configuration Section * * @description * * * @example *
HTML + AngularJS
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.configurationSection', []) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Directory Listing * * @description * * * @example *
HTML + AngularJS
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.directoryListingTemplate', []) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:dropdowns * * @description * * @usage * * @example
*/ angular.module('b2b.att.dropdowns', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'b2b.att.position', 'ngSanitize']) .constant('b2bDropdownConfig', { prev: '37,38', next: '39,40', menuKeyword: 'menu', linkMenuKeyword: 'link-menu', largeKeyword: 'large', smallKeyword: 'small' }) .directive("b2bDropdown", ['$timeout', '$compile', '$templateCache', 'b2bUserAgent', 'b2bDropdownConfig', '$position', function ($timeout, $compile, $templateCache, b2bUserAgent, b2bDropdownConfig, $position) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, require: 'ngModel', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.isInputDropdown = true; scope.placeHoldertext = attr.placeholderText; if (attr.type) { if (attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.menuKeyword) > -1 || attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) > -1) { scope.isInputDropdown = false; if (attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) > -1) { scope.dropdownType = b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword; } else if (attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.menuKeyword) > -1) { scope.dropdownType = b2bDropdownConfig.menuKeyword; } } if (attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.largeKeyword) > -1) { scope.dropdownSize = b2bDropdownConfig.largeKeyword; } else if (attr.type.indexOf(b2bDropdownConfig.smallKeyword) > -1) { scope.dropdownSize = b2bDropdownConfig.smallKeyword; } } scope.labelText = attr.labelText; scope.setBlur = function () { scope.setTouched(); }; if ((scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) || (!scope.isInputDropdown)) { var formCtrl = elem.controller('form'); scope.setNgModelController = function (name, ngModelCtrl) { if (name && formCtrl && ngModelCtrl) { formCtrl[name] = ngModelCtrl; } }; scope.setOptionalCta = function (optionalCta) { scope.optionalCta = optionalCta; }; var innerHtml = angular.element('
').append(elem.html()); innerHtml = ($compile(innerHtml)(scope)).html(); var template = angular.element($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownDesktop.html')); template.find('ul').eq(0).append(innerHtml); template = $compile(template)(scope); elem.replaceWith(template); } else if (scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.isMobile()) { elem.css({ 'opacity': '0', 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=0)' }); elem.addClass('awd-select isWrapped'); elem.wrap(''); var cover = angular.element(''); elem.parent().append(cover); elem.parent().append(''); var set = function () { var sel = elem[0] ? elem[0] : elem; var selectedText = ""; var selIndex = sel.selectedIndex; if (typeof selIndex !== 'undefined') { selectedText = sel.options[selIndex].text; } cover.text(selectedText).append(''); }; var update = function (value) { $timeout(set, 100); }; if (attr.ngModel) { scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function (newVal, oldVal) { update(); }); } elem.bind('keyup', function (ev) { if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB || ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ESC) { return; } set(); }); } }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if ((scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) || (!scope.isInputDropdown)) { scope.updateModel = function () { ctrl.$setViewValue(scope.currentSelected.value); if (scope.dropdownRequired && scope.currentSelected.value === '') { scope.setRequired(false); } else { scope.setRequired(true); } if (scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) { $timeout(function () { scope.appendCaretPositionStyle(); }, 100); } }; ctrl.$render = function () { $timeout(function () { if ((angular.isUndefined(ctrl.$viewValue) || ctrl.$viewValue == '') && (angular.isUndefined(scope.placeHoldertext) || scope.placeHoldertext == '')) { scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue] && scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue][0].updateDropdownValue(); } else if ((angular.isUndefined(scope.placeHoldertext) || scope.placeHoldertext == '') && ctrl.$viewValue !== '' ) { scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue] && scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue][0].updateDropdownValue(); } else if ((angular.isUndefined(ctrl.$viewValue) || ctrl.$viewValue == '') && scope.placeHoldertext !== '' ) { scope.currentSelected.text = scope.placeHoldertext; ctrl.$setViewValue(scope.placeHoldertext); } else { scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue] && scope.dropdownLists[ctrl.$viewValue][0].updateDropdownValue(); } }, 100); }; scope.disabled = false; scope.dropdownName = attr.name; scope.dropdownId = attr.id; scope.labelId = attr.ariaLabelledby; scope.dropdownDescribedBy = attr.ariaDescribedby; if (attr.required) { scope.dropdownRequired = true; } else { scope.dropdownRequired = false; } elem.removeAttr('name'); elem.removeAttr('id'); scope.$parent.$watch(attr.ngDisabled, function (val) { scope.disabled = val; }); } } }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownToggle", ['$document', '$documentBind', '$isElement', 'b2bDropdownConfig', 'keymap', 'b2bUtilitiesConfig', '$timeout', '$position', function ($document, $documentBind, $isElement, b2bDropdownConfig, keymap, b2bUtilitiesConfig, $timeout, $position) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '?^b2bKey', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.appendCaretPositionStyle = function () { while (document.querySelector('style.b2bDropdownCaret')) { document.querySelector('style.b2bDropdownCaret').remove(); }; var caretPosition = $position.position(elem).width - 26; if (scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) { var template = angular.element(''); $document.find('head').append(template); } }; if (scope.isInputDropdown && (scope.labelText !== undefined)) { elem.attr('aria-label', scope.labelText); } scope.toggleFlag = false; scope.dropdownLists = {}; scope.dropdownListValues = []; scope.dropdown = { totalIndex: -1 }; scope.currentSelected = { value: '', text: '', label: '', index: -1 }; scope.dropdownTextList = []; var searchString = ''; scope.removeItem = function(value){ delete scope.dropdownLists[value]; var index = scope.dropdownListValues.indexOf(value); scope.dropdownListValues.splice(index,1); scope.dropdownTextList=[]; scope.dropdown.totalIndex = scope.dropdownListValues.length-1; }; var getDropdownText = function(){ var dropdownItems = elem.parent().find('ul').children(); var count = dropdownItems.length; for(var i=0;i -1) { return position; } return undefined; }; var startTimer = function (time) { if (searchString === '') { $timeout(function () { searchString = ''; }, time); } }; scope.toggleDropdown = function (toggleFlag) { if (!scope.disabled) { if (angular.isDefined(toggleFlag)) { scope.toggleFlag = toggleFlag; } else { scope.toggleFlag = !scope.toggleFlag; } if (!scope.toggleFlag) { if (scope.isInputDropdown) { elem.parent().find('input')[0].focus(); } else { elem.parent().find('button')[0].focus(); } } else { scope.dropdown.highlightedValue = scope.currentSelected.value; if (ctrl && ctrl.enableSearch) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.dropdownLists[scope.currentSelected.value])) { ctrl.resetCounter(scope.dropdownLists[scope.currentSelected.value][2]); } } $timeout(function () { if(scope.dropdownLists[scope.currentSelected.value] !== undefined){ (scope.dropdownLists[scope.currentSelected.value][1])[0].focus(); } else { if (scope.isInputDropdown) { elem.parent().find('input')[0].focus(); } else { elem.parent().find('button')[0].focus(); } } }, 100); if (scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) { scope.appendCaretPositionStyle(); } } } }; elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if (!scope.toggleFlag) { if (ev.keyCode) { var currentIndex = scope.currentSelected.index; if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.DOWN) { scope.toggleDropdown(true); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (b2bDropdownConfig.prev.split(',').indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { angular.isDefined(scope.dropdownListValues[currentIndex - 1]) ? scope.dropdownLists[scope.dropdownListValues[currentIndex - 1]][0].updateDropdownValue() : angular.noop(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (b2bDropdownConfig.next.split(',').indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { angular.isDefined(scope.dropdownListValues[currentIndex + 1]) ? scope.dropdownLists[scope.dropdownListValues[currentIndex + 1]][0].updateDropdownValue() : angular.noop(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode >= 48 && ev.keyCode <= 105) { startTimer(b2bUtilitiesConfig.searchTimer); searchString = searchString + (keymap.MAP[ev.keyCode] || ''); var position = searchElement(searchString); angular.isDefined(scope.dropdownListValues[position]) ? scope.dropdownLists[scope.dropdownListValues[position]][0].updateDropdownValue() : angular.noop(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } } else { if (ev.altKey === true && ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.UP) { scope.toggleDropdown(false); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB || ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ESC) { scope.toggleDropdown(false); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } scope.$apply(); // TODO: Move this into each block to avoid expensive digest cycles }); var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), elem.parent(), $document); if (!isElement) { scope.toggleDropdown(false); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('toggleFlag', outsideClick, scope); $documentBind.touch('toggleFlag', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownGroup", ['$compile', '$templateCache', 'b2bUserAgent', function ($compile, $templateCache, b2bUserAgent) { return { restrict: 'A', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { if ((scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) || (!scope.isInputDropdown)) { var innerHtml = angular.element('
').append(elem.html()); innerHtml = ($compile(innerHtml)(scope)).html(); var template = angular.element($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownGroupDesktop.html')); template.attr('ng-repeat', attr.optGroupRepeat); template.attr('label', elem.attr('label')); template.find('ul').append(innerHtml); elem.replaceWith(template); } else if (scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.isMobile()) { var template = angular.element(elem.prop('outerHTML')); template.attr('ng-repeat', attr.optGroupRepeat); template.removeAttr('b2b-dropdown-group'); template.removeAttr('opt-group-repeat'); template = $compile(template)(scope); elem.replaceWith(template); } }] }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownGroupDesktop", [function () { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.groupHeader = attr.label; } }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownList", ['$compile', '$templateCache', 'b2bUserAgent', function ($compile, $templateCache, b2bUserAgent) { return { restrict: 'A', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { if ((scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) || (!scope.isInputDropdown)) { var innerHtml = angular.element('
').append(elem.html()); innerHtml = ($compile(innerHtml)(scope)).html(); var template = angular.element($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownListDesktop.html')); template.attr('ng-repeat', attr.optionRepeat); template.attr('value', elem.attr('value')); template.attr('search-key', elem.text()); if (elem.attr('aria-describedby')){ template.attr('aria-describedby', attr.ariaDescribedby); } if (elem.attr('imgsrc')) { if (elem.attr('imgalt')) { template.append('' + elem.attr('imgalt') + ''); } else { template.append(''); } } template.append(innerHtml); elem.replaceWith(template); } else if (scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.isMobile()) { var template = angular.element(elem.prop('outerHTML')); template.attr('ng-repeat', attr.optionRepeat); if (elem.attr('aria-describedby')){ template.attr('aria-describedby', attr.ariaDescribedby); } template.removeAttr('b2b-dropdown-list'); template.removeAttr('option-repeat'); template = $compile(template)(scope); elem.replaceWith(template); } }] }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownListDesktop", ['$sce', 'keymap', 'b2bDropdownConfig', function ($sce, keymap, b2bDropdownConfig) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var dropdownListValue = scope.dropdownListValue = attr.value; scope.dropdown.totalIndex++; var dropdownListIndex = scope.dropdown.totalIndex; scope.dropdownListValues.push(dropdownListValue); scope.dropdownLists[dropdownListValue] = []; scope.dropdownLists[dropdownListValue][0] = scope; scope.dropdownLists[dropdownListValue][1] = elem; scope.dropdownLists[dropdownListValue][2] = dropdownListIndex; scope.$parent.$parent.dropdownTextList=[]; scope.updateDropdownValue = function () { scope.currentSelected.value = dropdownListValue; if (scope.isInputDropdown) { scope.currentSelected.text = elem.text(); scope.currentSelected.label = elem.text(); } else if ((scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.linkMenuKeyword) || (scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.menuKeyword && scope.dropdownSize === b2bDropdownConfig.smallKeyword)) { scope.currentSelected.text = dropdownListValue; scope.currentSelected.label = dropdownListValue; } else if (scope.dropdownType === b2bDropdownConfig.menuKeyword) { scope.currentSelected.text = $sce.trustAsHtml(elem.html()); scope.currentSelected.label = elem.text(); } scope.currentSelected.index = dropdownListIndex; scope.updateModel(); }; scope.selectDropdownItem = function () { scope.setDirty(); scope.updateDropdownValue(); scope.toggleDropdown(false); }; scope.highlightDropdown = function () { scope.dropdown.highlightedValue = dropdownListValue; }; elem.bind('mouseover', function (ev) { elem[0].focus(); }); elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if (ev.altKey === true && ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.UP) { scope.toggleDropdown(false); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB || ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ESC) { scope.toggleDropdown(false); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } scope.$apply(); }); scope.$on('$destroy',function(){ scope.removeItem(dropdownListValue); }); } }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownRepeat", ['$compile', 'b2bUserAgent', function ($compile, b2bUserAgent) { return { restrict: 'A', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { if ((scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) || (!scope.isInputDropdown)) { var innerHtml = angular.element('
').append(elem.html()); innerHtml = ($compile(innerHtml)(scope)).html(); var template = angular.element('
'); template.attr('ng-repeat', attr.b2bDropdownRepeat); template.append(innerHtml); elem.replaceWith(template); } else if (scope.isInputDropdown && b2bUserAgent.isMobile()) { angular.noop(); } }] }; }]) .directive("b2bDropdownValidation", ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { $timeout(function () { scope.setNgModelController(attr.name, ctrl); }, 100); scope.setDirty = function () { if (ctrl.$dirty === false) { ctrl.$dirty = true; ctrl.$pristine = false; } }; scope.setTouched = function () { if (ctrl.$touched === false) { ctrl.$touched = true; ctrl.$pristine = false; } }; scope.setRequired = function (flag) { ctrl.$setValidity('required', flag); }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bDropdownOptionalCta', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, template: '', compile: function (elem, attr, transclude) { return function link(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (scope.setOptionalCta) { scope.setOptionalCta(transclude(scope, function () {})); } elem.remove(); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:File Upload * * @description * * * @usage *

To upload a file, drag & drop it here or click here to select from your computer.

* * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.fileUpload', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bFileDrop', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { fileModel: '=', onDrop: '&' }, controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs) { this.onDrop = $scope.onDrop; }], link: function(scope, element) { element.addClass('b2b-dragdrop'); element.bind( 'dragover', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent) { e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; } e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; // allows us to drop if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } element.addClass('b2b-dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'dragenter', function(e) { // allows us to drop if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } element.addClass('b2b-dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'dragleave', function() { element.removeClass('b2b-dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'drop', function(e) { // Stops some browsers from redirecting. if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (e.originalEvent) { e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; } element.removeClass('b2b-dragdrop-over'); if (e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { scope.fileModel = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; scope.$apply(); if (angular.isFunction(scope.onDrop)) { scope.onDrop(); } } return false; } ); } }; }]) .directive('b2bFileLink', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^?b2bFileDrop', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/fileUpload/fileUpload.html', scope: { fileModel: '=?', onFileSelect: '&' }, controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { this.setFileModel = function(fileModel) { if ($scope.takeFileModelFromParent) { $scope.$parent.fileModel = fileModel; $scope.$parent.$apply(); } else { $scope.fileModel = fileModel; $scope.$apply(); } }; this.callbackFunction = function() { if (angular.isFunction($scope.onFileSelect)) { $scope.onFileSelect(); } }; }], link: function(scope, element, attr, b2bFileDropCtrl) { scope.takeFileModelFromParent = false; if (!(attr.fileModel) && b2bFileDropCtrl) { scope.takeFileModelFromParent = true; } if (!(attr.onFileSelect) && b2bFileDropCtrl) { scope.onFileSelect = b2bFileDropCtrl.onDrop; } } }; }]) .directive('b2bFileChange', ['$log', '$rootScope', function($log, $rootScope) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bFileLink', link: function(scope, element, attr, b2bFileLinkCtrl) { element.bind('change', changeFileModel); function changeFileModel(e) { if (e.target.files && e.target.files.length > 0) { b2bFileLinkCtrl.setFileModel(e.target.files[0]); b2bFileLinkCtrl.callbackFunction(); } else { var strFileName = e.target.value; try { var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); b2bFileLinkCtrl.setFileModel(objFSO.getFile(strFileName)); b2bFileLinkCtrl.callbackFunction(); } catch (e) { var errMsg = "There was an issue uploading " + strFileName + ". Please try again."; $log.error(errMsg); $rootScope.$broadcast('b2b-file-link-failure', errMsg); } } } } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:filters * * @description * * * @usage *
* * @example *
HTML + AngularJS
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.filters', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'b2b.att.multipurposeExpander']) .filter('filtersSelectedItemsFilter', [function () { return function (listOfItemsArray) { if (!listOfItemsArray) { listOfItemsArray = []; } var returnArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < listOfItemsArray.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < listOfItemsArray[i].filterTypeItems.length; j++) { if (listOfItemsArray[i].filterTypeItems[j].selected && !listOfItemsArray[i].filterTypeItems[j].inProgress) { returnArray.push(listOfItemsArray[i].filterTypeItems[j]); } } } return returnArray; }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:flyout * * @description * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.flyout', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'b2b.att.position']) .directive('b2bFlyout', ['$timeout', 'b2bDOMHelper', 'keymap', 'events', function ($timeout, b2bDOMHelper, keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/flyout/flyout.html', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.flyoutOpened = false; var contentScope = ''; var togglerScope = ''; this.registerContentScope = function (scp) { contentScope = scp; }; this.registerTogglerScope = function (scp) { togglerScope = scp; }; this.toggleFlyoutState = function () { if (contentScope) { contentScope.toggleFlyout(); } }; this.getTogglerDimensions = function () { return togglerScope.getTogglerDimensions(); } this.setTogglerFocus = function () { return togglerScope.setTogglerFocus(); } this.closeFlyout = function (e) { contentScope.closeFromChild(e); }; this.gotFocus = function () { contentScope.gotFocus(); }; this.updateAriaModel = function (val) { scope.flyoutOpened = val; }; var firstTabableElement = undefined, lastTabableElement = undefined; var firstTabableElementKeyhandler = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB && e.shiftKey && scope.flyoutOpened) { contentScope.gotFocus(); events.preventDefault(e); events.stopPropagation(e); } }; var lastTabableElementKeyhandler = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB && !e.shiftKey) { contentScope.gotFocus(); events.preventDefault(e); events.stopPropagation(e); } }; this.associateTabEvent = function(){ $timeout(function () { var element = elem[0].getElementsByClassName('b2b-flyout-container')[0]; firstTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(element); lastTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(element); if(angular.isUndefined(firstTabableElement)){ angular.element(element).css('display','block'); firstTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(element); lastTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(element); angular.element(element).css('display','none'); } angular.element(firstTabableElement).bind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); angular.element(lastTabableElement).bind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); }); } this.updateTabbableElements = function(){ $timeout(function () { var element = elem[0].getElementsByClassName('b2b-flyout-container')[0]; angular.element(element).css('display','block'); firstTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(element); lastTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(element); angular.element(firstTabableElement).bind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); angular.element(lastTabableElement).bind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); angular.element(element).css('display','none'); }); } this.unbindTabbaleEvents = function(){ if(angular.isDefined(firstTabableElement)){ angular.element(firstTabableElement).unbind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); } if(angular.isDefined(lastTabableElement)){ angular.element(lastTabableElement).unbind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); } } }], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { } }; }]) .directive('b2bFlyoutToggler', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bFlyout', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { element.bind('click', function (e) { ctrl.toggleFlyoutState(); }); scope.getTogglerDimensions = function () { return element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); } scope.setTogglerFocus = function () { element[0].focus(); } ctrl.registerTogglerScope(scope); } }; }]) .directive('b2bFlyoutContent', ['$position', '$timeout', '$documentBind', '$isElement', '$document', function ($position, $timeout, $documentBind, $isElement, $document) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, require: '^b2bFlyout', scope: { horizontalPlacement: '@', verticalPlacement: '@', flyoutStyle: '@', flyoutTitle: '@', contentUpdated: "=?" }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/flyout/flyoutContent.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var flyoutStyleArray, eachCssProperty, cssPropertyKey, cssPropertyVal, temp; scope.openFlyout = false; if (!scope.horizontalPlacement) { scope.horizontalPlacement = 'center'; } if (!scope.verticalPlacement) { scope.verticalPlacement = 'below'; } scope.toggleFlyout = function () { scope.openFlyout = !scope.openFlyout; if (scope.openFlyout) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.flyoutStyle) && scope.flyoutStyle != "") { flyoutStyleArray = scope.flyoutStyle.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < flyoutStyleArray.length; i++) { eachCssProperty = flyoutStyleArray[i].split(":"); if (eachCssProperty.length == 2) { cssPropertyKey = eachCssProperty[0].trim(); cssPropertyVal = eachCssProperty[1].trim(); angular.element(element[0])[0].style[cssPropertyKey] = cssPropertyVal; } } } angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'opacity': 0, 'display': 'block' }); var flyoutIcons = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll(".b2b-flyout-icon")); angular.forEach(flyoutIcons, function (elm) { angular.element(elm)[0].blur(); }); $timeout(function () { ctrl.setTogglerFocus(); var togglerDimensions = ctrl.getTogglerDimensions(); var flyoutDimensions = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); switch (scope.horizontalPlacement) { case "left": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'left': ((togglerDimensions.width / 2) - 26) + 'px' }); break; case "right": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'right': ((togglerDimensions.width / 2) - 23) + 'px' }); break; case "centerLeft": var marginLeft = 10-(flyoutDimensions.width)-20; angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'margin-left': marginLeft + 'px' }); break; case "centerRight": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'left': ((togglerDimensions.width + 9 )) + 'px' }); break; default: var marginLeft = (togglerDimensions.width / 2) - (flyoutDimensions.width / 2) - 8; angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'margin-left': marginLeft + 'px' }); } switch (scope.verticalPlacement) { case "above": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'top': -(flyoutDimensions.height + 13) + 'px' }); break; case "centerLeft": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'top': -((togglerDimensions.height-13))+ 'px' }); break; case "centerRight": angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'top': -(flyoutDimensions.height - 23)+ 'px' }); break; default: angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'top': (togglerDimensions.height + 13) + 'px' }); } angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'opacity': 1 }); }, 100); } else { scope.hideFlyout(); } }; scope.gotFocus = function () { scope.openFlyout = false; scope.hideFlyout(); ctrl.setTogglerFocus(); scope.$apply(); }; scope.closeFromChild = function (e) { scope.openFlyout = false; scope.hideFlyout(); ctrl.setTogglerFocus(); scope.$apply(); }; scope.hideFlyout = function () { angular.element(element[0]).css({ 'opacity': 0, 'display': 'none' }); }; scope.closeFlyout = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); if ((e.type === "keydown" && e.which === 27) || ((e.type === "click" || e.type==="touchend") && !isElement)) { scope.openFlyout = false; scope.hideFlyout(); ctrl.setTogglerFocus(); scope.$apply(); } }; scope.$watch('openFlyout', function () { ctrl.updateAriaModel(scope.openFlyout); }); $documentBind.click('openFlyout', scope.closeFlyout, scope); $documentBind.event('keydown', 'openFlyout', scope.closeFlyout, scope); $documentBind.event('touchend', 'openFlyout', scope.closeFlyout, scope); ctrl.registerContentScope(scope); if (angular.isDefined(scope.contentUpdated) && scope.contentUpdated !== null) { scope.$watch('contentUpdated', function (newVal, oldVal) { if(newVal){ if (newVal !== oldVal) { ctrl.unbindTabbaleEvents(); ctrl.associateTabEvent(); } scope.contentUpdated = false; } }); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bCloseFlyout', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bFlyout', scope: { closeFlyout: '&' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { element.bind('click touchstart', function (e) { scope.closeFlyout(e); ctrl.closeFlyout(e); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bFlyoutTrapFocusInside', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, require: '^b2bFlyout', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { /* Before opening modal, find the focused element */ ctrl.updateTabbableElements(); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Layouts.att:footer * * @description * * * @usage * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.footer', ['b2b.att.utilities']). directive('b2bColumnSwitchFooter', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: true, scope: { footerLinkItems: "=" }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/footer/footer_column_switch_tpl.html', link: function(scope) { var tempFooterColumns = scope.footerLinkItems.length; scope.footerColumns = 3; if ( (tempFooterColumns === 5) || (tempFooterColumns === 4) ) { scope.footerColumns = tempFooterColumns; } } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Layouts.att:header * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example *
* */ angular.module('b2b.att.header', ['b2b.att.dropdowns','b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bHeaderMenu', ['keymap', '$documentBind', '$timeout', '$isElement', '$document', function (keymap, $documentBind, $timeout, $isElement, $document) { return { restrict: 'A', controller:['$scope',function($scope){ this.nextSiblingFocus = function (elObj,flag) { if (elObj.nextElementSibling) { if(flag){ var nextmenuItem = this.getFirstElement(elObj.nextElementSibling,'a'); nextmenuItem.focus(); }else{ elObj.nextElementSibling.focus(); } } }; this.previousSiblingFocus = function (elObj,flag) { if (elObj.previousElementSibling) { if(flag){ var prevmenuItem = this.getFirstElement(elObj.previousElementSibling,'a'); prevmenuItem.focus(); }else{ elObj.previousElementSibling.focus(); } } }; this.getFirstElement = function(elmObj,selector){ return elmObj.querySelector(selector); }; }], link: function (scope, elem,attr,ctrl) { scope.showMenu = false; var activeElm, subMenu, tertiaryMenu, el= angular.element(elem)[0], menuItem = angular.element(elem[0].children[0]); menuItem.bind('click', function () { elem.parent().children().removeClass('active'); elem.addClass('active'); var elems= this.parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li[b2b-header-menu]>a'); for (var i=0; i"); $timeout(function(){ var menuItem = angular.element(elem[0].children[0]); menuItem.bind('focus mouseenter', function () { elem.parent().children().removeClass('active'); elem.addClass('active'); if(elem[0].childElementCount > 1){ // > 1 has third level menu menuItem.attr('aria-expanded',true); menuItem.attr('aria-haspopup',true); } var caretLeft = (elem[0].offsetLeft + elem[0].offsetWidth/2) - 10; caretSign.css({left: caretLeft + 'px'}); angular.element(caretSign); var tertiaryItems = elem[0].querySelectorAll('[b2b-header-tertiarymenu]'); if(tertiaryItems.length >=1){ elem.append(caretSign); } }); menuItem.bind('blur', function () { $timeout(function () { var parentElm = document.activeElement.parentElement.parentElement; if(parentElm){ if (!(parentElm.hasAttribute('b2b-header-tertiarymenu'))) { elem.removeClass('active'); if(elem[0].childElementCount > 1){ // > 1 has third level menu menuItem.attr('aria-expanded',false); } var caret = elem[0].querySelector('.menuCaret'); if(caret){ caret.remove(); } } } }); }); }); } }; }]).directive('b2bHeaderTertiarymenu', ['$timeout','keymap', function ($timeout,keymap){ return{ restrict: 'A', require:'^b2bHeaderMenu', link: function (scope, elem,attr,ctrl) { elem.bind('keydown', function (evt) { var activeElm = document.activeElement; var activeParentElm = activeElm.parentElement; var activeParentObj = angular.element(activeParentElm)[0]; if(activeParentElm.hasAttribute('b2b-tertiary-link')){ var quarterNav = angular.element(activeParentElm)[0].querySelector('li[b2b-header-quarternarymenu]'); if(quarterNav){ var links = ctrl.getFirstElement(angular.element(quarterNav)[0],'a'); } } var tertiaryMenu = activeElm.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; var tertiaryMenuFlag = tertiaryMenu.hasAttribute('b2b-tertiary-link'); switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (activeParentElm.hasAttribute('b2b-tertiary-link')) { if(angular.element(quarterNav).hasClass('active')){ links.focus(); }else if(activeParentObj.nextElementSibling){ ctrl.nextSiblingFocus(activeParentObj,true); } } else if(angular.element(activeParentElm).hasClass('active')){ ctrl.nextSiblingFocus(activeElm); } break; case keymap.KEY.UP: evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if(activeParentElm.hasAttribute('b2b-tertiary-link')){ if(activeParentObj.previousElementSibling.hasAttribute('b2b-tertiary-link')){ ctrl.previousSiblingFocus(activeParentObj,true); }else{ var elm = angular.element(activeElm.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement)[0]; ctrl.getFirstElement(elm,"a").focus(); } }else if(angular.element(activeParentElm).hasClass('active')){ if (activeElm.previousElementSibling) { ctrl.previousSiblingFocus(activeElm); }else if (tertiaryMenuFlag) { var elm = angular.element(tertiaryMenu)[0]; ctrl.getFirstElement(elm,"a.header-tertiaryitem").focus(); } } break; default: break; } }); } }; }]).directive('b2bHeaderTogglemenu', ['$timeout', 'keymap', function ($timeout, keymap) { return{ restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bHeaderMenu', link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { var quarterNav; $timeout(function () { quarterNav = angular.element(elem.parent())[0].querySelector('li[b2b-header-quarternarymenu]'); elem.bind('click', function () { angular.element(quarterNav).toggleClass('active'); }); }); } }; }]).directive('b2bHeaderResponsive', ['$timeout',function ($timeout) { return{ restrict: 'A', controller: function($scope){ this.applyMediaQueries = function(value){ document.querySelector('style').textContent += "@media screen and (max-width:950px) { \ .header__item.profile { right: " + value + "px; } \ }"; }; this.arrangeResponsiveHeader = function(children){ /* * clientWidth of 1090 === max-width of 1100px * clientWidth of 920 === max-width of 950px * see b2b-angular.css for rest of responsive header CSS */ if (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 920) { switch(children){ case 1: this.applyMediaQueries(200); break; case 2: this.applyMediaQueries(200); break; default: // anthing above 3, however, should not have more than 3 to date this.applyMediaQueries(200); } } } }, link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { var children; var profile; // onload of page $timeout(function(){ profile = document.querySelector('li.header__item.profile'); children = angular.element(profile).children().length; ctrl.arrangeResponsiveHeader(children); // shift right-side icon flyovers }); // on screen resize window.addEventListener('resize', function(event){ // caret adjustmet var activeSubmenu = elem[0].querySelector('[b2b-header-menu] [b2b-header-submenu].active'); var activeSubmenuEl = angular.element(activeSubmenu); if(activeSubmenu){ var caretSign = activeSubmenu.querySelector('i.menuCaret'); if(caretSign){ var caretSignEl = angular.element(caretSign); var caretLeft = (activeSubmenu.offsetLeft + activeSubmenu.offsetWidth/2) - 10; caretSignEl.css({left: caretLeft + 'px'}); } } ctrl.arrangeResponsiveHeader(children); // shift right-side icon flyovers }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Layouts.att:headings & copy * * @description * * * @example
HTML + AngularJS
*/ var b2bLegalCopy = angular.module('b2b.att.headingsAndCopy', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Tabs, tables & accordions.att:horizontalTable * * @description * * * @usage * @param {int} sticky - Number of sticky columns to have. Maximum of 3. * @param {boolean} refresh - A boolean that when set to true will force a re-render of table. Only use when using 'bulk mode' * @param {string} legendContent - A string of html to fill in the legend flyout. This should generally be a
  • and should not rely on Angular for repeating. * @param {boolean} retainColumnSet - A boolean that on re-render of the table, determines if the columns visible should reset to 0 or not. Default is false. * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.horizontalTable', []) .constant('b2bHorizontalTableConfig', { 'maxStickyColumns': 3 }) .directive('b2bHorizontalTable', ['$timeout', 'b2bHorizontalTableConfig', 'b2bDOMHelper', function ($timeout, b2bHorizontalTableConfig, b2bDOMHelper) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: true, transclude: true, scope: { numOfStickyCols: '=?sticky', refresh: '=?', legendContent: '=?', retainColumnSet: '=?' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/horizontalTable/horizontalTable.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { scope.numOfStickyCols = scope.numOfStickyCols || 1; scope.viewportIndex = scope.numOfStickyCols; scope.countDisplayText = ""; var tableElement = element.find('table'); var thElements = element.find('th'); var innerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table-inner-container')); var outerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table')); var tableColumns = []; var tableRows = element.find('tr'); var maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; var totalWidth = element.children()[0].offsetWidth; var lastVisibleColumn = 0; var collectiveColumnWidth = []; var collectiveRowHeight = []; var columnSets = []; var setIndex = 0; var stickyPixels = 0; var displayNoneCSS = {'display': 'none'}; var displayBlockCSS = {'display': 'table-cell'}; var init = function() { // Reset this from a previous execution tableColumns = []; collectiveColumnWidth = []; collectiveRowHeight = []; maxWidth = 0; maxHeight = 0; lastVisibleColumn = 0; columnSets = []; if ((!!scope.retainColumnSet)) { setIndex = 0; } visibleColumns = []; stickyPixels = 0; tableElement = element.find('table'); thElements = element.find('th'); innerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table-inner-container')); outerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table')); totalWidth = element.children()[0].offsetWidth; tableRows = element.find('tr'); scope.disableLeft = true; scope.disableRight = false; if (scope.numOfStickyCols > b2bHorizontalTableConfig.maxStickyColumns) { throw new Error('Table can only support ' + b2bHorizontalTableConfig.maxStickyColumns + ' sticky columns.'); } scope.countDisplayText = ""; for(var count = 1; count <= scope.numOfStickyCols; count++) { scope.countDisplayText = scope.countDisplayText + count + ", " } angular.forEach(tableRows, function(row, rowIndex) { for(var j = 0; j < row.children.length; j++) { if (tableColumns[j] === undefined) { tableColumns[j] = []; } tableColumns[j].push(row.children[j]); } }); // We need to reset all the displayNones from previous runs, if applicable if (attrs.refresh !== undefined && attrs.refresh !== '') { for (var i = scope.numOfStickyCols+1; i < tableColumns.length; i++) { angular.element(tableColumns[i]).css(displayBlockCSS); } } // We must calculate here as we need cells to be reset after re-render. angular.forEach(tableRows, function(row, rowIndex) { collectiveRowHeight.push(findMax(row.children, 'height')); // BUG: Keeping this here now causes row height bugs }); for (var i = 0; i < tableColumns.length; i++) { collectiveColumnWidth.push(findMax(tableColumns[i], 'width')); //offsetWidth doesn't take into account custom css inside } for(var i = 0; i < scope.numOfStickyCols; i++) { maxWidth += collectiveColumnWidth[i]; } // BUG: The code I put in to fix the table not spanning 100% width is now preventing // table cells from laying out more than stickyPixels and thus we have weird wrapping stickyPixels = totalWidth-maxWidth; // At this point, for each tr, I need to set the properties (height) and each numOfStickyCols children // should be set with sticky properties (margin-left and width) var width = maxWidth; var additive = 0; if (angular.element(document).find('html').hasClass('isIE')) { additive = 25; } var thObject = undefined; for(var i = 0; i < scope.numOfStickyCols; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < tableRows.length; j++) { thObject = angular.element(tableRows[j].children[i]); angular.element(thObject).css({ 'margin-left': -(width + 2) + 'px', 'width': (collectiveColumnWidth[i] + 3) + 'px', // instead of taking the max width, grab max width for that column 'height': (collectiveRowHeight[j] + additive) + 'px', 'position': 'absolute', 'background-color': '#F2F2F2' }); } width -= collectiveColumnWidth[i]; } angular.element(tableRows[0]).css('height', collectiveRowHeight[0] + 'px'); for(var i = 0; i < tableRows.length; i++) { angular.element(tableRows[i]).css('height', (collectiveRowHeight[i] + additive) + 'px'); } innerContainer.css({ 'padding-left': (maxWidth + 2) + 'px' }); // Let's precompute all the (set) combinations beforehand columnSets = []; for (var i = scope.numOfStickyCols; i < tableColumns.length;) { visibleColumns = calculateVisibleColumns(i); if(visibleColumns === tableColumns.length){ columnSets.push([i, visibleColumns-1]); }else{ columnSets.push([i, visibleColumns]); } i = visibleColumns + 1; } //columnSets = [[1, 1], [2,7]]; updateCellDisplay(columnSets[setIndex]); checkScrollArrows(); scope.numOfCols = tableColumns.length; } // JM520E: This is a temporary hack until I solve the ngRepeat issue function hack() { if (element.find('th').length < scope.numOfStickyCols) { // DOM ngRepeat is not ready, let's check back in 10 ms $timeout(hack, 10, false); } else { if (scope.refresh !== undefined) { scope.$watch('refresh', function(oldVal, newVal) { // this watch calls too many times if (!angular.equals(oldVal, newVal)) { //hackFinished && oldVal < newVal // From testing it takes about 30 ms before ngRepeat executes, so let's set initial timeout // NOTE: May need to expose timeout to developers. Application is known to have digest cycle of 3-5k watches. $timeout(init, 100, false); scope.refresh = false; } }); } init(); } } // Let's get started with some math! hack(); function calculateVisibleColumns(startingPoint) { var usedWidth = 0, visibleColumns = startingPoint || scope.numOfStickyCols; while(usedWidth < stickyPixels && visibleColumns < collectiveColumnWidth.length) { if (usedWidth+collectiveColumnWidth[visibleColumns] > stickyPixels) { if (startingPoint === visibleColumns) { return visibleColumns; // The next cell is too large to fit, it should be only thing to fit } visibleColumns--; return visibleColumns; } usedWidth += collectiveColumnWidth[visibleColumns]; visibleColumns++; } if (usedWidth > stickyPixels) { return --visibleColumns; } return visibleColumns; } function updateCellDisplay(set) { for (var i = scope.numOfStickyCols; i < tableColumns.length; i++) { angular.element(tableColumns[i]).css(displayNoneCSS); } for (var i = set[0]; i <= set[1]; i++) { angular.element(tableColumns[i]).css(displayBlockCSS); } } function findMax(arr, prop) { var max = 0; var localVal = 0; var prevDisplay; var item; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { item = arr[i]; prevDisplay = angular.element(item).css('display'); if (scope.$$phase) { scope.$digest(); } // Remove inline styles, they will mess up calculations from original run angular.element(item).css('height', ''); angular.element(item).css('width', ''); if (prop === 'width') { // If we do not undo previous run's inline styles, this will grow widths on each re-render. localVal = Math.ceil(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(item).width.split('px')[0], 10)) + 30; // 30 px is padding } else if (prop === 'offsetWidth') { localVal = item.offsetWidth; } else if (prop === 'height') { //localVal = item.offsetHeight; localVal = Math.ceil(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(item).height.split('px')[0], 10)) } if (localVal >= max) { max = localVal; } } return max; } function checkScrollArrows() { scope.disableLeft = (setIndex === 0); scope.disableRight = !(setIndex < columnSets.length-1); } scope.moveViewportLeft = function () { setIndex--; updateCellDisplay(columnSets[setIndex]); checkScrollArrows(); if (scope.disableLeft) { element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table-column-info').focus(); } }; scope.moveViewportRight = function () { setIndex++; updateCellDisplay(columnSets[setIndex]); checkScrollArrows(); if (scope.disableRight) { element[0].querySelector('.b2b-horizontal-table-column-info').focus(); } }; scope.getColumnSet = function () { return columnSets[setIndex]; }; innerContainer.bind('scroll', function () { $timeout(function () { checkScrollArrows(); }, 1); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:hourPicker * * @description * * * @usage *
    * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.hourPicker', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bHourpickerConfig', { dayOptions: [{ title: 'sunday', caption: 'Sun', label: 'S', disabled: false }, { title: 'monday', caption: 'Mon', label: 'M', disabled: false }, { title: 'tuesday', caption: 'Tues', label: 'T', disabled: false }, { title: 'wednesday', caption: 'Wed', label: 'W', disabled: false }, { title: 'thursday', caption: 'Thu', label: 'T', disabled: false }, { title: 'friday', caption: 'Fri', label: 'F', disabled: false }, { title: 'saturday', caption: 'Sat', label: 'S', disabled: false }], startTimeOptions: ['1:00', '2:00', '3:00', '4:00', '5:00', '6:00', '7:00', '8:00', '9:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'], startTimeDefaultOptionIndex: -1, startTimeDefaultMeridiem: "am", endTimeOptions: ['1:00', '2:00', '3:00', '4:00', '5:00', '6:00', '7:00', '8:00', '9:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'], endTimeDefaultOptionIndex: -1, endTimeDefaultMeridiem: "pm", sameDayOption: true }) .factory('b2bNormalizeHourpickerValues', [function () { var _normalize = function (hourpickerValues) { if (angular.isDefined(hourpickerValues) && hourpickerValues != null) { var finalHourpickerValues = []; var hourpickerValue = {}; var days = {}; for (var i = 0; i < hourpickerValues.length; i++) { days = hourpickerValues[i].days ? hourpickerValues[i].days : {}; hourpickerValue.startTime = hourpickerValues[i].startTime ? hourpickerValues[i].startTime : ''; hourpickerValue.startMeridiem = hourpickerValues[i].startMeridiem ? hourpickerValues[i].startMeridiem : ''; hourpickerValue.endTime = hourpickerValues[i].endTime ? hourpickerValues[i].endTime : ''; hourpickerValue.endMeridiem = hourpickerValues[i].endMeridiem ? hourpickerValues[i].endMeridiem : ''; hourpickerValue.days = []; var retrieveDaysText = function (daysDetails) { var daysTexts = []; var first = -1; var last = -1; var index = -1; for (var i in days) { if (days[i].value) { daysTexts.push(i); } } first = daysTexts[0]; last = daysTexts[0]; index = 0; hourpickerValue.days[index] = days[first].caption; if (daysTexts.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < daysTexts.length; i++) { if (daysTexts[i] - last === 1) { last = daysTexts[i]; hourpickerValue.days[index] = days[first].caption + ' - ' + days[last].caption; } else { index++; first = last = daysTexts[i]; hourpickerValue.days[index] = days[first].caption; } } } }; retrieveDaysText(); finalHourpickerValues.push(angular.copy(hourpickerValue)); } return angular.copy(finalHourpickerValues); } }; return { normalize: _normalize }; }]) .directive('b2bHourpicker', ['b2bHourpickerConfig', 'b2bNormalizeHourpickerValues', function (b2bHourpickerConfig, b2bNormalizeHourpickerValues) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: false, scope: true, require: 'ngModel', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpicker.html', controller: ['$scope', function (scope) { }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.hourpicker = {}; scope.hourpicker.dayOptions = attr.dayOptions ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.dayOptions) : b2bHourpickerConfig.dayOptions; scope.hourpicker.startTimeOptions = attr.startTimeOptions ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.startTimeOptions) : b2bHourpickerConfig.startTimeOptions; scope.hourpicker.endTimeOptions = attr.endTimeOptions ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.endTimeOptions) : b2bHourpickerConfig.endTimeOptions; scope.hourpicker.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex = attr.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex) : b2bHourpickerConfig.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex; scope.hourpicker.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex = attr.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex) : b2bHourpickerConfig.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex; scope.hourpicker.startTimeDefaultMeridiem = attr.startTimeDefaultMeridiem ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.startTimeDefaultMeridiem) : b2bHourpickerConfig.startTimeDefaultMeridiem; scope.hourpicker.endTimeDefaultMeridiem = attr.endTimeDefaultMeridiem ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.endTimeDefaultMeridiem) : b2bHourpickerConfig.endTimeDefaultMeridiem; scope.hourpicker.sameDayOption = attr.sameDayOption ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.sameDayOption) : b2bHourpickerConfig.sameDayOption; scope.hourpicker.editMode = -1; scope.hourpickerValues = []; scope.finalHourpickerValues = []; scope.addHourpickerValue = function (hourpickerPanelValue) { if (hourpickerPanelValue) { if (scope.hourpicker.editMode > -1) { scope.hourpickerValues[scope.hourpicker.editMode] = hourpickerPanelValue; scope.hourpicker.editMode = -1; } else { scope.hourpickerValues.push(hourpickerPanelValue); } } scope.finalHourpickerValues = b2bNormalizeHourpickerValues.normalize(angular.copy(scope.hourpickerValues)); ctrl.$setViewValue(angular.copy(scope.hourpickerValues)); }; ctrl.$render = function () { if (angular.isDefined(ctrl.$modelValue)) { scope.hourpickerValues = angular.copy(ctrl.$modelValue); scope.finalHourpickerValues = b2bNormalizeHourpickerValues.normalize(angular.copy(scope.hourpickerValues)); } }; scope.editHourpickerValue = function (index) { scope.hourpickerPanelValue = angular.copy(scope.hourpickerValues[index]); scope.hourpicker.editMode = index; }; scope.deleteHourpickerValue = function (index) { scope.hourpickerValues.splice(index, 1); scope.resetHourpickerPanelValue(); scope.addHourpickerValue(); }; scope.setValidity = function (errorType, errorValue) { ctrl.$setValidity(errorType, errorValue); } } } }]) .directive('b2bHourpickerPanel', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: false, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerPanel.html', controller: ['$scope', function (scope) { }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var hourpickerPanelValueTemplate = { days: {}, startTime: '', startMeridiem: 'am', endTime: '', endMeridiem: 'pm' }; for (var i = 0; i < scope.hourpicker.dayOptions.length; i++) { hourpickerPanelValueTemplate.days[i] = { value: false, title: scope.hourpicker.dayOptions[i].title, caption: scope.hourpicker.dayOptions[i].caption }; } scope.hourpickerPanelValue = {}; scope.disableAddBtn = true; scope.$watch('hourpickerPanelValue.days', function(){ for(var i in scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days) { if(scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days[i].value) { scope.disableAddBtn = false; break; } scope.disableAddBtn = true; } }, true); scope.resetHourpickerPanelValue = function () { scope.hourpickerPanelValue = angular.copy(hourpickerPanelValueTemplate); if (scope.hourpicker.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex > -1) { scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startTime = scope.hourpicker.startTimeOptions[scope.hourpicker.startTimeDefaultOptionIndex]; } if (scope.hourpicker.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex > -1) { scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endTime = scope.hourpicker.endTimeOptions[scope.hourpicker.endTimeDefaultOptionIndex]; } scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startMeridiem = scope.hourpicker.startTimeDefaultMeridiem; scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endMeridiem = scope.hourpicker.endTimeDefaultMeridiem; scope.hourpicker.editMode = -1; scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerData', true); scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerTimeRange', true); }; scope.resetHourpickerPanelValue(); scope.updateHourpickerValue = function () { if (scope.isFormValid() && !scope.isTimeOverlap()) { scope.addHourpickerValue(angular.copy(scope.hourpickerPanelValue)); scope.resetHourpickerPanelValue(); } }; scope.isFormValid = function () { var isStartTimeAvailable = scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startTime ? true : false; var isStartMeridiemAvailable = scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startMeridiem ? true : false; var isEndTimeAvailable = scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endTime ? true : false; var isEndMeridiemAvailable = scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endMeridiem ? true : false; var currentStartTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startTime, scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startMeridiem); var currentEndTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endTime, scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endMeridiem); var isTimeInProperSequence = currentEndTime > currentStartTime; var isDayChecked = false; for (var i in scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days) { if (scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days[i].value) { isDayChecked = true; break; } } if (isStartTimeAvailable && isStartMeridiemAvailable && isEndTimeAvailable && isEndMeridiemAvailable && isTimeInProperSequence && isDayChecked) { scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerData', true); return true; } else { scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerData', false); return false; } }; scope.isTimeOverlap = function () { var selectedDays = []; for (var i in scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days) { if (scope.hourpickerPanelValue.days[i].value) { selectedDays.push(i); } } var currentStartTime, currentEndTime, existingStartTime, existingEndTime; currentStartTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startTime, scope.hourpickerPanelValue.startMeridiem); currentEndTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endTime, scope.hourpickerPanelValue.endMeridiem); for (var i = 0; i < scope.hourpickerValues.length; i++) { if (i === scope.hourpicker.editMode) { continue; } for (var j = 0; j < selectedDays.length; j++) { existingStartTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerValues[i].startTime, scope.hourpickerValues[i].startMeridiem); existingEndTime = getTime(scope.hourpickerValues[i].endTime, scope.hourpickerValues[i].endMeridiem); if (scope.hourpickerValues[i].days[selectedDays[j]].value) { if(!scope.hourpicker.sameDayOption){ scope.setValidity('dayAlreadySelected', false); return true; } else if ((currentStartTime > existingStartTime && currentStartTime < existingEndTime) || (currentEndTime > existingStartTime && currentEndTime < existingEndTime)) { scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerTimeRange', false); return true; } else if ((existingStartTime > currentStartTime && existingStartTime < currentEndTime) || (existingEndTime > currentStartTime && existingEndTime < currentEndTime)) { scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerTimeRange', false); return true; } else if ((currentStartTime === existingStartTime) && (currentEndTime === existingEndTime)) { scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerTimeRange', false); return true; } } } } scope.setValidity('dayAlreadySelected', true); scope.setValidity('invalidHourpickerTimeRange', true); return false; }; var getTime = function (timeString, meridiem) { var tempDate = new Date(); if (timeString && meridiem) { var timeSplit = timeString.split(':'); var hour = ((meridiem === 'PM' || meridiem === 'pm') && timeSplit[0] !== '12') ? parseInt(timeSplit[0], 10) + 12 : parseInt(timeSplit[0], 10); tempDate.setHours(hour, parseInt(timeSplit[1], 10), 0, 0); } return tempDate.getTime(); }; } } }]) .directive('b2bHourpickerValue', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: false, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerValue.html', controller: ['$scope', function (scope) { }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.hourpickerValue = {}; scope.hourpickerValue.startTime = attr.startTime ? scope.$eval(attr.startTime) : ''; scope.hourpickerValue.startMeridiem = attr.startMeridiem ? scope.$eval(attr.startMeridiem) : ''; scope.hourpickerValue.endTime = attr.endTime ? scope.$eval(attr.endTime) : ''; scope.hourpickerValue.endMeridiem = attr.endMeridiem ? scope.$eval(attr.endMeridiem) : ''; scope.hourpickerValue.days = attr.days ? scope.$eval(attr.days).join(', ') : ''; scope.hourpickerValue.index = attr.b2bHourpickerValue ? scope.$eval(attr.b2bHourpickerValue) : -1; } } }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:inputTemplate * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.inputTemplate', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:leftNavigation * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.leftNavigation', []) .directive('b2bLeftNavigation', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/leftNavigation/leftNavigation.html', scope: { menuData: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { scope.idx = -1; scope.itemIdx = -1; scope.navIdx = -1; scope.toggleNav = function (val) { if (val === scope.idx) { scope.idx = -1; return; } scope.idx = val; }; scope.liveLink = function (evt, val1, val2) { scope.itemIdx = val1; scope.navIdx = val2; evt.stopPropagation(); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:links * * @description * * @usage * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.links', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Misc.att:listbox * * @description * * * @param {int} currentIndex - Current index of selected listbox item. Is not supported on multiselect listbox * @param {Array} listboxData - Data of listbox items. Should include full data regardless if HTML will be filtered. * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.listbox', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bListBox', ['keymap', 'b2bDOMHelper', '$rootScope', function(keymap, b2bDOMHelper, $rootScope) { return { restrict: 'AE', transclude: true, replace: true, scope: { currentIndex: '=', listboxData: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/listbox/listbox.html', link: function(scope, elem, attr) { if (attr.ariaMultiselectable !== undefined || attr.ariaMultiselectable === 'true') { scope.multiselectable = true; } else { scope.multiselectable = false; } var shiftKey = false; var elements = []; var prevDirection = undefined; // previous direction is used for an edge case when shifting var shiftKeyPressed = false; // Used to handle shift clicking var ctrlKeyPressed = false; var currentIndexSet = { 'elementIndex': 0, 'listboxDataIndex': 0 }; function isTrue(item) { if (item.selected === true) { return true; } } function incrementIndex(elem) { $rootScope.$apply(); var nextElem = elem.next(); if (!angular.isDefined(nextElem) || nextElem.length === 0) { return; } currentIndexSet.elementIndex += 1; currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = parseInt(nextElem.attr('data-index'), 10); scope.currentIndex = currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex; if (currentIndexSet.elementIndex >= elements.length - 1) { currentIndexSet.elementIndex = elements.length-1; } } function decrementIndex(elem) { $rootScope.$apply(); var prevElem = angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.previousElement(elem)); if (!angular.isDefined(prevElem) || prevElem.length === 0) { return; } currentIndexSet.elementIndex -= 1; currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = parseInt(prevElem.attr('data-index'), 10); scope.currentIndex = currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex; if (currentIndexSet.elementIndex <= 0) { currentIndexSet.elementIndex = 0; } } var focusOnElement = function(index) { try { elements[index].focus(); } catch (e) {}; } function selectItems(startIndex, endIndex, forceValue) { for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { if (forceValue === undefined) { // We will flip the value scope.listboxData[i].selected = !scope.listboxData[i].selected; } else { scope.listboxData[i].selected = forceValue; } } if (!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } } elem.bind('focus', function(evt) { // If multiselectable or not and nothing is selected, put focus on first element // If multiselectable and a range is set, put focus on first element of range // If not multiselectable and something selected, put focus on element elements = elem.children(); var selectedItems = scope.listboxData.filter(isTrue); var elementsIndies = Array.prototype.map.call(elements, function(item) { return parseInt(angular.element(item).attr('data-index'), 10); }); if (selectedItems.length == 0) { focusOnElement(0); currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = 0; } else if (attr.ariaMultiselectable) { var index = scope.listboxData.indexOf(selectedItems[0]); var indies = elementsIndies.filter(function(item) { return (item === index); }); if (indies.length === 0 || indies[0] != index) { // Set focused on 0 currentIndexSet.elementIndex = elementsIndies[0]; currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = 0; focusOnElement(currentIndexSet.elementIndex); } else { focusOnElement(indies[0]); currentIndexSet.elementIndex = indies[0]; currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = index; } } else { focusOnElement(currentIndexSet.elementIndex); } scope.currentIndex = currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex; if (!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } }); elem.bind('keyup', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.SHIFT) { shiftKeyPressed = false; } else if (evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.CTRL) { ctrlKeyPressed = false; } }); elem.bind('keydown', function(evt) { var keyCode = evt.keyCode; elements = elem.children(); if (keyCode === keymap.KEY.SHIFT) { shiftKeyPressed = true; } else if (evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.CTRL) { ctrlKeyPressed = true; } switch(keyCode) { case 65: // A key { if (scope.multiselectable && evt.ctrlKey) { var arr = scope.listboxData.filter(isTrue); var elementsIndies = Array.prototype.map.call(elements, function(item) { return parseInt(angular.element(item).attr('data-index'), 10); }); var val = !(arr.length === scope.listboxData.length); for (var i = 0; i < elementsIndies.length; i++) { scope.listboxData[elementsIndies[i]].selected = val; } if (!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } break; } case keymap.KEY.END: { if (scope.multiselectable && evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey) { var elementsIndies = Array.prototype.map.call(elements, function(item) { return parseInt(angular.element(item).attr('data-index'), 10); }).filter(function(item) { return (item >= currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex); }); for (var i = 0; i < elementsIndies.length; i++) { scope.listboxData[elementsIndies[i]].selected = true; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } } break; } case keymap.KEY.HOME: { if (scope.multiselectable && evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey) { selectItems(0, currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex+1, true); // currentIndex+1 is what is being focused on evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } break; } case keymap.KEY.LEFT: case keymap.KEY.UP: { if (currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex === 0) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return; } decrementIndex(elements.eq(currentIndexSet.elementIndex)); if (scope.multiselectable && (evt.shiftKey || evt.ctrlKey)) { if (evt.shiftKey) { if (prevDirection === 'DOWN') { scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex+1].selected = !scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex+1].selected; } scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected = !scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected; } prevDirection = 'UP'; } else { // If no modifier keys are selected, all other items need to be unselected. prevDirection = undefined; selectItems(0, scope.listboxData.length, false); if(currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex !== undefined && !isNaN(currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex)){ scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected = true; } } focusOnElement(currentIndexSet.elementIndex); if(!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; } case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: case keymap.KEY.DOWN: { if (currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex === scope.listboxData.length-1) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return; } incrementIndex(elements.eq(currentIndexSet.elementIndex)); if (scope.multiselectable && (evt.shiftKey || evt.ctrlKey)) { if (evt.shiftKey) { if (prevDirection === 'UP') { scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex-1].selected = !scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex-1].selected; } scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected = !scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected; } prevDirection = 'DOWN'; } else { // If no modifier keys are selected, all other items need to be unselected. prevDirection = undefined; selectItems(0, scope.listboxData.length, false); if(currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex !== undefined && !isNaN(currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex)){ scope.listboxData[currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex].selected = true; } } focusOnElement(currentIndexSet.elementIndex); if(!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; } case keymap.KEY.TAB: if(evt.shiftKey) { var previousElement = b2bDOMHelper.previousElement(elem.parent().parent(), true); evt.preventDefault(); previousElement.focus(); } break; default: break; } }); elem.bind('click', function(evt) { var index = parseInt(evt.target.dataset.index, 10); if (index === undefined || isNaN(index)) { return; } if (scope.multiselectable && currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex !== undefined) { if (shiftKeyPressed) { var min = Math.min(index, currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex); var max = Math.max(index, currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex); if (index === min) { // clicking up var firstIndex = scope.listboxData.findIndex(function(item) { return item.selected === true;}); // Given the firstIndex, let's find the matching element to get proper element match elements = elem.children(); elements.eq(firstIndex) var elementsThatMatch = Array.prototype.filter.call(elements, function(item) { if (parseInt(angular.element(item).attr('data-index'), 10) === firstIndex) { return true; } }); firstIndex = parseInt(angular.element(elementsThatMatch).attr('data-index'), 10); if (index <= firstIndex && scope.listboxData.filter(isTrue).length > 1) { // Break the selection into 2 selectItems(firstIndex + 1, max + 1, undefined); // + 1 needed because selectItems only selects up to MAX selectItems(min, firstIndex, undefined); } else if (scope.listboxData.filter(isTrue).length == 1){ selectItems(min, max, undefined); } else { selectItems(min + 1, max + 1, undefined); } } else { // clicking down selectItems(min + 1, max + 1, scope.listboxData[min].selected); } } else if (ctrlKeyPressed) { scope.listboxData[index].selected = !scope.listboxData[index].selected; } else { selectItems(0, scope.listboxData.length, false); scope.listboxData[index].selected = !scope.listboxData[index].selected; } } else { selectItems(0, scope.listboxData.length, false); scope.listboxData[index].selected = !scope.listboxData[index].selected; } currentIndexSet.elementIndex = index; currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex = index; scope.currentIndex = currentIndexSet.listboxDataIndex; if (!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(); } focusOnElement(index); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Videos, audio & animation.att:loaderAnimation * * @description * * * @usage * * Angular library uses Global.css's icon-primary-spinner. * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.loaderAnimation', []) .constant('b2bSpinnerConfig', { loadingText: 'Loading...', startEvent: 'startButtonSpinner', stopEvent: 'stopButtonSpinner' }) .constant("progressTrackerConfig", { loadingText: 'Loading...', minDuration: "", activationDelay: "", minDurationPromise: "", activationDelayPromise: "" }) .provider('progressTracker', function () { this.$get = ['$q', '$timeout', function ($q, $timeout) { function cancelTimeout(promise) { if (promise) { $timeout.cancel(promise); } } return function ProgressTracker(options) { //do new if user doesn't if (!(this instanceof ProgressTracker)) { return new ProgressTracker(options); } options = options || {}; //Array of promises being tracked var tracked = []; var self = this; //Allow an optional "minimum duration" that the tracker has to stay active for. var minDuration = options.minDuration; //Allow a delay that will stop the tracker from activating until that time is reached var activationDelay = options.activationDelay; var minDurationPromise; var activationDelayPromise; self.active = function () { //Even if we have a promise in our tracker, we aren't active until delay is elapsed if (activationDelayPromise) { return false; } return tracked.length > 0; }; self.tracking = function () { //Even if we aren't active, we could still have a promise in our tracker return tracked.length > 0; }; self.destroy = self.cancel = function () { minDurationPromise = cancelTimeout(minDurationPromise); activationDelayPromise = cancelTimeout(activationDelayPromise); for (var i = tracked.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tracked[i].resolve(); } tracked.length = 0; }; //Create a promise that will make our tracker active until it is resolved. // @return deferred - our deferred object that is being tracked self.createPromise = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); tracked.push(deferred); //If the tracker was just inactive and this the first in the list of promises, we reset our delay and minDuration again. if (tracked.length === 1) { if (activationDelay) { activationDelayPromise = $timeout(function () { activationDelayPromise = cancelTimeout(activationDelayPromise); startMinDuration(); }, activationDelay); } else { startMinDuration(); } } deferred.promise.then(onDone(false), onDone(true)); return deferred; function startMinDuration() { if (minDuration) { minDurationPromise = $timeout(angular.noop, minDuration); } } //Create a callback for when this promise is done. It will remove our tracked promise from the array if once minDuration is complete function onDone() { return function () { (minDurationPromise || $q.when()).then(function () { var index = tracked.indexOf(deferred); tracked.splice(index, 1); //If this is the last promise, cleanup the timeouts for activationDelay if (tracked.length === 0) { activationDelayPromise = cancelTimeout(activationDelayPromise); } }); }; } }; self.addPromise = function (promise) { // we cannot assign then function in other var and then add the resolve and reject var thenFxn = promise && (promise.then || promise.$then || (promise.$promise && promise.$promise.then)); if (!thenFxn) { throw new Error("progressTracker expects a promise object :: Not found"); } var deferred = self.createPromise(); //When given promise is done, resolve our created promise //Allow $then for angular-resource objects promise.then(function (value) { deferred.resolve(value); return value; }, function (value) { deferred.reject(value); return $q.reject(value); } ); return deferred; }; }; }]; }) .config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q', 'progressTracker', function ($q) { return { request: function (config) { if (config.tracker) { if (!angular.isArray(config.tracker)) { config.tracker = [config.tracker]; } config.$promiseTrackerDeferred = config.$promiseTrackerDeferred || []; angular.forEach(config.tracker, function (tracker) { var deferred = tracker.createPromise(); config.$promiseTrackerDeferred.push(deferred); }); } return $q.when(config); }, response: function (response) { if (response.config && response.config.$promiseTrackerDeferred) { angular.forEach(response.config.$promiseTrackerDeferred, function (deferred) { deferred.resolve(response); }); } return $q.when(response); }, responseError: function (response) { if (response.config && response.config.$promiseTrackerDeferred) { angular.forEach(response.config.$promiseTrackerDeferred, function (deferred) { deferred.reject(response); }); } return $q.reject(response); } }; }]); }]) .directive('b2bClickSpin', ['$timeout', '$parse', '$rootScope', 'progressTracker', function ($timeout, $parse, $rootScope, progressTracker) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elm, attrs) { var fn = $parse(attrs.b2bClickSpin); elm.on('click', function (event) { var promise = $timeout(function () {console.log("inside Promise")}, 5000); scope.$apply(function () { fn(scope, { $event: event }); }); //comment this line if not running unit test $rootScope.loadingTracker = progressTracker({ minDuration: 750 }); $rootScope.loadingTracker.addPromise(promise); angular.forEach("$routeChangeSuccess $viewContentLoaded $locationChangeSuccess".split(" "), function (event) { $rootScope.$on(event, function () { $timeout.cancel(promise); }); }); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bProgressTracker', ['progressTrackerConfig', function (ptc) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, template: '
    '+ ptc.loadingText+'
    ' }; }]) .directive('b2bLoadButton', ['b2bSpinnerConfig', '$timeout', function (spinnerConfig, $timeout) { var spinButton = function (state, element, data) { var attr = element.html() ? 'html' : 'val'; state = state + 'Text'; if (state === 'loadingText') { element[attr](data[state]); element.attr("disabled",'disabled'); element.addClass('disabled'); } else if (state === 'resetText') { element[attr](data[state]); element.removeAttr("disabled"); element.removeClass('disabled'); } }; return { restrict: 'A', replace: false, scope: { promise: '=promise', startEvent: '@startEvent', stopEvent: '@stopEvent' }, link: function (scope, element, attr) { var validAttr = element.html() ? 'html' : 'val'; var data = { loadingText: '', resetText: '' }; var updateLoadingText = function (val) { var loadingText = val; if (!angular.isDefined(loadingText) || loadingText === "") { loadingText = spinnerConfig.loadingText; } data.loadingText = validAttr === 'html' ? "" + loadingText : loadingText; }; var updateResetText = function (val) { data.resetText = val; }; attr.$observe('b2bLoadButton', function (val) { updateLoadingText(val); }); $timeout(function () { updateResetText(element[validAttr]()); }, 500); if (!angular.isDefined(scope.startEvent) || scope.startEvent === "") { scope.startEvent = spinnerConfig.startEvent; } if (!angular.isDefined(scope.stopEvent) || scope.stopEvent === "") { scope.stopEvent = spinnerConfig.stopEvent; } scope.$watch('promise', function () { if (angular.isDefined(scope.promise) && angular.isFunction(scope.promise.then)) { spinButton('loading', element, data); scope.promise.then(function () { spinButton('reset', element, data); }, function () { spinButton('reset', element, data); }); } }); scope.$on(scope.startEvent, function () { spinButton('loading', element, data); scope.$on(scope.stopEvent, function () { spinButton('reset', element, data); }); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Misc.att:messageWrapper * @scope * @param {boolean} trigger - A boolean that triggers directive to switch focus * @param {integer} delay - Extra delay added to trigger code to allow for DOM to be ready. Default is 10ms. * @param {string} noFocus - Attribute-based API to trigger whether first focusable element receives focus on trigger or whole message (assumes tabindex="-1" set on first child) * @param {string} trapFocus - Attribute-based API to trap focus within the message. This should be enabled by default on all toast messages. * @description * * @usage * Code that contains at least one focusable element and will be shown/hidden on some logic. This must have tabindex="-1". * * @example *
    HTML + AngularJS
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.messageWrapper', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bMessageWrapper', ['b2bDOMHelper', '$compile', '$timeout', '$log', function(b2bDOMHelper, $compile, $timeout, $log) { return { restrict: 'AE', scope: { trigger: '=', delay: '=?' }, transclude: true, replace: true, template: '
    ', link: function(scope, elem, attrs) { scope.delay = scope.delay || 10; if (attrs.trapFocus != undefined && !elem.children().eq(0).attr('b2b-trap-focus-inside-element')) { // Append b2bTrapFocusInsideElement onto first child and recompile elem.children().eq(0).attr('b2b-trap-focus-inside-element', 'false'); elem.children().eq(0).attr('trigger', scope.trigger); $compile(elem.contents())(scope); } var firstElement = undefined, launchingElement = undefined; scope.$watch('trigger', function(oldVal, newVal) { if (oldVal === newVal) return; if (!angular.isDefined(launchingElement)) { launchingElement = document.activeElement; } $timeout(function() { if (scope.trigger) { if (attrs.noFocus === true || attrs.noFocus === "") { elem.children()[0].focus(); } else { firstElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(elem); if (angular.isDefined(firstElement)) { firstElement.focus(); } } } else { if (angular.isDefined(launchingElement) && launchingElement.nodeName !== 'BODY') { if (launchingElement === document.activeElement) { return; } if (b2bDOMHelper.isInDOM(launchingElement) && b2bDOMHelper.isTabable(launchingElement)) { // At this point, launchingElement is still a valid element, but focus will fail and // activeElement will become body, hence we want to apply custom logic and find previousElement var prevLaunchingElement = launchingElement; launchingElement.focus(); if (document.activeElement !== launchingElement || document.activeElement.nodeName === 'BODY') { launchingElement = b2bDOMHelper.previousElement(angular.element(prevLaunchingElement), true); launchingElement.focus(); } } else { launchingElement = b2bDOMHelper.previousElement(launchingElement, true); launchingElement.focus(); } } } }, scope.delay); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:modalsAndAlerts * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.modalsAndAlerts', ['b2b.att.position', 'b2b.att.transition', 'b2b.att.utilities']) /** * A helper, internal data structure that acts as a map but also allows getting / removing * elements in the LIFO order */ .factory('$$stackedMap', function () { return { createNew: function () { var stack = []; return { add: function (key, value) { stack.push({ key: key, value: value }); }, get: function (key) { for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (key === stack[i].key) { return stack[i]; } } }, keys: function () { var keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { keys.push(stack[i].key); } return keys; }, top: function () { return stack[stack.length - 1]; }, remove: function (key) { var idx = -1; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (key === stack[i].key) { idx = i; break; } } return stack.splice(idx, 1)[0]; }, removeTop: function () { return stack.splice(stack.length - 1, 1)[0]; }, length: function () { return stack.length; } }; } }; }).factory('trapFocusInElement', ['$document', '$isElement', 'b2bDOMHelper', 'keymap', function ($document, $isElement, b2bDOMHelper, keymap) { var elementStack = []; var stackHead = undefined; var firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement; var trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.shiftKey === true && e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { lastTabableElement[0].focus(); e.preventDefault(e); e.stopPropagation(e); } }; var trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.shiftKey === false && e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { firstTabableElement[0].focus(); e.preventDefault(e); e.stopPropagation(e); } }; var trapFocusInElement = function (flag, firstTabableElementParam, lastTabableElementParam) { var bodyElements = $document.find('body').children(); firstTabableElement = firstTabableElementParam ? firstTabableElementParam : angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(stackHead)); lastTabableElement = lastTabableElementParam ? lastTabableElementParam : angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(stackHead)); if (flag) { for (var i = 0; i < bodyElements.length; i++) { if (bodyElements[i] !== stackHead[0]) { bodyElements.eq(i).attr('aria-hidden', true); } } firstTabableElement.bind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement); lastTabableElement.bind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement); } else { for (var j = 0; j < bodyElements.length; j++) { if (bodyElements[j] !== stackHead[0]) { bodyElements.eq(j).removeAttr('aria-hidden'); } } firstTabableElement.unbind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement); lastTabableElement.unbind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement); } }; var toggleTrapFocusInElement = function (flag, element) { if (angular.isDefined(flag) && angular.isDefined(element)) { if (angular.isUndefined(stackHead)) { stackHead = element; trapFocusInElement(flag); } else { if (flag) { trapFocusInElement(false); elementStack.push(stackHead); stackHead = element; trapFocusInElement(true); } else { if (stackHead.prop('$$hashKey') === element.prop('$$hashKey')) { trapFocusInElement(false); stackHead = elementStack.pop(); if (angular.isDefined(stackHead)) { trapFocusInElement(true); } } } } }else { if (angular.isDefined(stackHead)) { trapFocusInElement(false, firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement); trapFocusInElement(true); } } }; return toggleTrapFocusInElement; }]) /** * A helper directive for the $modal service. It creates a backdrop element. */ .directive('b2bModalBackdrop', ['$modalStack', '$timeout', function ($modalStack, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-backdrop.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.close = function (evt) { var modal = $modalStack.getTop(); if (modal && modal.value.backdrop && modal.value.backdrop !== 'static') { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key, 'backdrop click'); } }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bModalWindow', ['$timeout', 'windowOrientation', '$window', 'keymap', function ($timeout, windowOrientation, $window, keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { index: '@' }, replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-window.html', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.windowClass = attrs.windowClass || ''; scope.sizeClass = attrs.sizeClass || ''; scope.isNotifDialog = false; scope.modalClose = attrs.modalClose || false; this.setTitle = function (title) { scope.title = title; }; this.setContent = function (content) { scope.content = content; scope.isNotifDialog = true; }; this.isDockedModal = scope.windowClass.indexOf('modal-docked') > -1; }], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { if (ctrl.isDockedModal) { scope.isModalLandscape = false; var window = angular.element($window); scope.updateCss = function () { if (windowOrientation.isPotrait()) { // Potrait Mode scope.isModalLandscape = false; } else if (windowOrientation.isLandscape()) { // Landscape Mode scope.isModalLandscape = true; } }; $timeout(function () { scope.updateCss(); scope.$apply(); }, 100); window.bind('orientationchange', function () { scope.updateCss(); scope.$apply(); }); window.bind('resize', function () { scope.updateCss(); scope.$apply(); }); }else { angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll(".awd-select-list")).css({ "max-height": "200px" }); } var isIE = /msie|trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (isIE) { if(angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.corner-button button.close')).length > 0){ angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.corner-button button.close')).bind('focus', function () { angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-modal-header'))[0].scrollLeft = 0; angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-modal-header'))[0].scrollTop = 0; }); } } if(scope.modalClose){ element.bind('keydown', function (e) { if(e.keyCode == keymap.KEY.ESC){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bModalTitle', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bModalWindow', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { ctrl.setTitle(attr.id); } }; }]) .directive('b2bModalContent', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bModalWindow', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { ctrl.setContent(attr.id); } }; }]) .directive('b2bModalBody', ['$timeout', '$position', '$document', '$window', 'windowOrientation', 'b2bAwdBreakpoints', function ($timeout, $position, $document, $window, windowOrientation, b2bAwdBreakpoints) { return { restrict: 'AC', scope: { index: '@' }, require: '^b2bModalWindow', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var window = angular.element($window); var body = $document.find('body').eq(0); scope.setModalHeight = function () { var modalHeaderHeight, modalFooterHeight, modalBodyHeight, windowHeight, windowWidth, modalHeight; modalHeaderHeight = 0; modalFooterHeight = 0; windowHeight = $window.innerHeight; windowWidth = $window.innerWidth; body.css({ 'height': windowHeight + 'px' }); if (ctrl.isDockedModal) { var modalElements = element.parent().children(); for (var i = 0; i < modalElements.length; i++) { if (modalElements.eq(i).hasClass('b2b-modal-header')) { modalHeaderHeight = $position.position(modalElements.eq(i)).height; } else if (modalElements.eq(i).hasClass('b2b-modal-footer')) { modalFooterHeight = $position.position(modalElements.eq(i)).height; } } modalHeight = $position.position(element.parent()).height; modalBodyHeight = modalHeight - (modalHeaderHeight + modalFooterHeight) + 'px'; if (windowOrientation.isPotrait()) { // Potrait Mode element.removeAttr('style').css({ height: modalBodyHeight }); } else if (windowOrientation.isLandscape() && windowWidth < b2bAwdBreakpoints.breakpoints.mobile.max) { // Landscape Mode Mobile element.removeAttr('style'); } else if (windowOrientation.isLandscape() && windowWidth >= b2bAwdBreakpoints.breakpoints.mobile.max) { // Landscape Mode Non-Mobile element.removeAttr('style').css({ height: modalBodyHeight }); } } }; $timeout(function () { scope.setModalHeight(); scope.$apply(); }, 100); window.bind('orientationchange', function () { scope.setModalHeight(); scope.$apply(); }); window.bind('resize', function () { scope.setModalHeight(); scope.$apply(); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bModalFooter', ['windowOrientation', '$window', function (windowOrientation, $window) { return { restrict: 'AC', scope: { index: '@' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { } }; }]) .factory('$modalStack', ['$document', '$compile', '$rootScope', '$$stackedMap', '$log', '$timeout', 'trapFocusInElement', function ($document, $compile, $rootScope, $$stackedMap, $log, $timeout, trapFocusInElement) { var backdropjqLiteEl, backdropDomEl; var backdropScope = $rootScope.$new(true); var body = $document.find('body').eq(0); var html = $document.find('html').eq(0); var openedWindows = $$stackedMap.createNew(); var $modalStack = {}; function backdropIndex() { var topBackdropIndex = -1; var opened = openedWindows.keys(); for (var i = 0; i < opened.length; i++) { if (openedWindows.get(opened[i]).value.backdrop) { topBackdropIndex = i; } } return topBackdropIndex; } $rootScope.$watch(backdropIndex, function (newBackdropIndex) { backdropScope.index = newBackdropIndex; }); function removeModalWindow(modalInstance) { //background scroll fix html.removeAttr('style'); body.removeAttr('style'); body.removeClass('styled-by-modal'); var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance).value; trapFocusInElement(false, modalWindow.modalDomEl); //clean up the stack openedWindows.remove(modalInstance); //remove window DOM element modalWindow.modalDomEl.remove(); //remove backdrop if no longer needed if (backdropDomEl && backdropIndex() === -1) { backdropDomEl.remove(); backdropDomEl = undefined; } //destroy scope modalWindow.modalScope.$destroy(); } $document.bind('keydown', function (evt) { var modal; if (evt.which === 27) { modal = openedWindows.top(); if (modal && modal.value.keyboard) { $rootScope.$apply(function () { $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key); }); } } }); $modalStack.open = function (modalInstance, modal) { openedWindows.add(modalInstance, { deferred: modal.deferred, modalScope: modal.scope, backdrop: modal.backdrop, keyboard: modal.keyboard }); var angularDomEl = angular.element('
    '); angularDomEl.attr('window-class', modal.windowClass); angularDomEl.attr('size-class', modal.sizeClass); angularDomEl.attr('index', openedWindows.length() - 1); angularDomEl.attr('modal-close', modal.modalClose); angularDomEl.html(modal.content); var modalDomEl = $compile(angularDomEl)(modal.scope); openedWindows.top().value.modalDomEl = modalDomEl; //background page scroll fix html.css({ 'overflow-y': 'hidden' }); body.css({ 'overflow-y': 'hidden', 'width': '100%', 'height': window.innerHeight + 'px' }); body.addClass('styled-by-modal'); body.append(modalDomEl); if (backdropIndex() >= 0 && !backdropDomEl) { backdropjqLiteEl = angular.element('
    '); backdropDomEl = $compile(backdropjqLiteEl)(backdropScope); body.append(backdropDomEl); } $timeout(function () { if (modal.scope.$$childHead.isNotifDialog) { angular.element(modalDomEl).find('button')[0].focus(); } else { angular.element(modalDomEl)[0].focus(); } trapFocusInElement(true, angular.element(modalDomEl).eq(0)); }, 200); }; $modalStack.close = function (modalInstance, result) { var modal = openedWindows.get(modalInstance); if (modal) { modal.value.deferred.resolve(result); removeModalWindow(modalInstance); } }; $modalStack.dismiss = function (modalInstance, reason) { var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance).value; if (modalWindow) { modalWindow.deferred.reject(reason); removeModalWindow(modalInstance); } }; $modalStack.getTop = function () { return openedWindows.top(); }; return $modalStack; }]) .provider('$modal', function () { var $modalProvider = { options: { backdrop: true, //can be also false or 'static' keyboard: true }, $get: ['$injector', '$rootScope', '$q', '$http', '$templateCache', '$controller', '$modalStack', function ($injector, $rootScope, $q, $http, $templateCache, $controller, $modalStack) { var $modal = {}; function getTemplatePromise(options) { return options.template ? $q.when(options.template) : $http.get(options.templateUrl, { cache: $templateCache }).then(function (result) { return result.data; }); } function getResolvePromises(resolves) { var promisesArr = []; angular.forEach(resolves, function (value, key) { if (angular.isFunction(value) || angular.isArray(value)) { promisesArr.push($q.when($injector.invoke(value))); } }); return promisesArr; } $modal.open = function (modalOptions) { var modalResultDeferred = $q.defer(); var modalOpenedDeferred = $q.defer(); //prepare an instance of a modal to be injected into controllers and returned to a caller var modalInstance = { result: modalResultDeferred.promise, opened: modalOpenedDeferred.promise, close: function (result) { $modalStack.close(modalInstance, result); }, dismiss: function (reason) { $modalStack.dismiss(modalInstance, reason); } }; //merge and clean up options modalOptions = angular.extend({}, $modalProvider.options, modalOptions); modalOptions.resolve = modalOptions.resolve || {}; //verify options if (!modalOptions.template && !modalOptions.templateUrl) { throw new Error('One of template or templateUrl options is required.'); } var templateAndResolvePromise = $q.all([getTemplatePromise(modalOptions)].concat(getResolvePromises(modalOptions.resolve))); templateAndResolvePromise.then(function resolveSuccess(tplAndVars) { var modalScope = (modalOptions.scope || $rootScope).$new(); modalScope.$close = modalInstance.close; modalScope.$dismiss = modalInstance.dismiss; var ctrlInstance, ctrlLocals = {}; var resolveIter = 1; //controllers if (modalOptions.controller) { ctrlLocals.$scope = modalScope; ctrlLocals.$modalInstance = modalInstance; angular.forEach(modalOptions.resolve, function (value, key) { ctrlLocals[key] = tplAndVars[resolveIter++]; }); ctrlInstance = $controller(modalOptions.controller, ctrlLocals); } $modalStack.open(modalInstance, { scope: modalScope, deferred: modalResultDeferred, content: tplAndVars[0], backdrop: modalOptions.backdrop, keyboard: modalOptions.keyboard, windowClass: modalOptions.windowClass, sizeClass: modalOptions.sizeClass, modalClose: modalOptions.modalClose }); }, function resolveError(reason) { modalResultDeferred.reject(reason); }); templateAndResolvePromise.then(function () { modalOpenedDeferred.resolve(true); }, function () { modalOpenedDeferred.reject(false); }); return modalInstance; }; return $modal; }] }; return $modalProvider; }) .directive("b2bModal", ["$modal", "$log", '$scrollTo', function ($modal, $log, $scrollTo) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { b2bModal: '@', modalController: '@', modalOk: '&', modalCancel: '&', windowClass: '@', sizeClass: '@', modalClose: '@' }, link: function (scope, elm, attr) { elm.bind('click', function (ev) { var currentPosition = ev.pageY - ev.clientY; ev.preventDefault(); if (angular.isDefined(elm.attr("href")) && elm.attr("href") !== "") { scope.b2bModal = elm.attr("href"); } $modal.open({ templateUrl: scope.b2bModal, controller: scope.modalController, windowClass: scope.windowClass, sizeClass: scope.sizeClass, modalClose: scope.modalClose }).result.then(function (value) { scope.modalOk({ value: value }); elm[0].focus(); }, function (value) { scope.modalCancel({ value: value }); elm[0].focus(); }); }); } }; }]) .directive("utilityFilter", ["$modal", "$log", '$scrollTo', function ($modal, $log, $scrollTo) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { utilityFilter: '@' }, require: 'ngModel', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/modal/u-filter.html', link: function (scope, element, attribute, ctrl) { //controller to be passed to $modal service scope.options = angular.copy(scope.$parent.$eval(attribute.ngModel)); scope.$parent.$watch(attribute.ngModel, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { scope.options = newVal; } }); var modalCtrl = function ($scope, options) { $scope.options = angular.copy(options); }; if (angular.isDefined(scope.utilityFilter)) { scope.templateUrl = scope.utilityFilter; } else { scope.templateUrl = 'b2bTemplate/modal/u-filter-window.html'; } element.bind('click', function (ev) { var currentPosition = ev.pageY - ev.clientY; $modal.open({ templateUrl: scope.templateUrl, controller: modalCtrl, resolve: { options: function () { return scope.options; } } }).result.then(function (value) { ctrl.$setViewValue(value); element[0].focus(); $scrollTo(0, currentPosition, 0); }, function () { element[0].focus(); $scrollTo(0, currentPosition, 0); }); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:monthSelector * * @description * * * @usage *
    * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.monthSelector', ['b2b.att.position', 'b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bMonthpickerConfig', { dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy', dayFormat: 'd', monthFormat: 'MMMM', yearFormat: 'yyyy', dayHeaderFormat: 'EEEE', dayTitleFormat: 'MMMM yyyy', disableWeekend: false, disableSunday: false, disableDates: null, onSelectClose: null, startingDay: 0, minDate: null, maxDate: null, dueDate: null, fromDate: null, legendIcon: null, legendMessage: null, calendarDisabled: false, collapseWait: 0, orientation: 'left', inline: false, mode:0, helperText: 'The date you selected is $date. Double tap to open calendar. Select a date to close the calendar.', descriptionText: 'Use tab to navigate between previous button, next button and month. Use arrow keys to navigate between months. Use space or enter to select a month.', MonthpickerEvalAttributes: ['dateFormat', 'dayFormat', 'monthFormat', 'yearFormat', 'dayHeaderFormat', 'dayTitleFormat', 'disableWeekend', 'disableSunday', 'startingDay', 'collapseWait', 'orientation','mode','id'], MonthpickerWatchAttributes: ['min', 'max', 'due', 'from', 'legendIcon', 'legendMessage', 'ngDisabled'], MonthpickerFunctionAttributes: ['disableDates', 'onSelectClose'] }) .factory('b2bMonthpickerService', ['b2bMonthpickerConfig', 'dateFilter', function (b2bMonthpickerConfig, dateFilter) { var setAttributes = function (attr, elem) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(elem) && elem !== null) { var attributes = b2bMonthpickerConfig.MonthpickerEvalAttributes.concat(b2bMonthpickerConfig.MonthpickerWatchAttributes, b2bMonthpickerConfig.MonthpickerFunctionAttributes); for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (attributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { elem.attr(key.toSnakeCase(), key); } } } }; var bindScope = function (attr, scope) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(scope) && scope !== null) { var evalFunction = function (key, val) { scope[key] = scope.$parent.$eval(val); }; var watchFunction = function (key, val) { scope.$parent.$watch(val, function (value) { scope[key] = value; }); scope.$watch(key, function (value) { scope.$parent[val] = value; }); }; var evalAttributes = b2bMonthpickerConfig.MonthpickerEvalAttributes; var watchAttributes = b2bMonthpickerConfig.MonthpickerWatchAttributes; for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (evalAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { evalFunction(key, val); } else if (watchAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { watchFunction(key, val); } } } }; return { setAttributes: setAttributes, bindScope: bindScope }; }]) .controller('b2bMonthpickerController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'dateFilter', '$element', '$position', 'b2bMonthpickerConfig', function ($scope, $attrs, dateFilter, $element, $position, dtConfig) { var format = { date: getValue($attrs.dateFormat, dtConfig.dateFormat), day: getValue($attrs.dayFormat, dtConfig.dayFormat), month: getValue($attrs.monthFormat, dtConfig.monthFormat), year: getValue($attrs.yearFormat, dtConfig.yearFormat), dayHeader: getValue($attrs.dayHeaderFormat, dtConfig.dayHeaderFormat), dayTitle: getValue($attrs.dayTitleFormat, dtConfig.dayTitleFormat), disableWeekend: getValue($attrs.disableWeekend, dtConfig.disableWeekend), disableSunday: getValue($attrs.disableSunday, dtConfig.disableSunday), disableDates: getValue($attrs.disableDates, dtConfig.disableDates) }, startingDay = getValue($attrs.startingDay, dtConfig.startingDay); $scope.minDate = dtConfig.minDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.minDate) : null; $scope.maxDate = dtConfig.maxDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.maxDate) : null; $scope.dueDate = dtConfig.dueDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.dueDate) : null; $scope.fromDate = dtConfig.fromDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.fromDate) : null; $scope.legendIcon = dtConfig.legendIcon ? dtConfig.legendIcon : null; $scope.legendMessage = dtConfig.legendMessage ? dtConfig.legendMessage : null; $scope.ngDisabled = dtConfig.calendarDisabled ? dtConfig.calendarDisabled : null; $scope.collapseWait = getValue($attrs.collapseWait, dtConfig.collapseWait); $scope.orientation = getValue($attrs.orientation, dtConfig.orientation); $scope.onSelectClose = getValue($attrs.onSelectClose, dtConfig.onSelectClose); $scope.mode = getValue($attrs.mode, dtConfig.mode); $scope.inline = $attrs.inline === 'true' ? true : dtConfig.inline; function getValue(value, defaultValue) { return angular.isDefined(value) ? $scope.$parent.$eval(value) : defaultValue; } function getDaysInMonth(year, month) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } function getDates(startDate, n) { var dates = new Array(n); var current = startDate, i = 0; while (i < n) { dates[i++] = new Date(current); current.setDate(current.getDate() + 1); } return dates; } this.updatePosition = function (b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate) { $scope.position = $position.offset($element); if($element.find('input').length > 0 ){ $scope.position.top += $element.find('input').prop('offsetHeight'); }else{ $scope.position.top += $element.find('a').prop('offsetHeight'); } if ($scope.orientation === 'right') { $scope.position.left -= (((b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate && b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.prop('offsetWidth')) || 290) - $element.find('input').prop('offsetWidth')); } }; function isSelected(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isFromDate(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.fromDate) && compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isDateRange(dt) { if (dt && $scope.fromDate && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && (compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) >= 0) && (compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) <= 0)) { return true; } else if (dt && $scope.fromDate && compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isOld(date, currentMonthDate) { if (date && currentMonthDate && (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() < new Date(currentMonthDate.getFullYear(), currentMonthDate.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isNew(date, currentMonthDate) { if (date && currentMonthDate && (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() > new Date(currentMonthDate.getFullYear(), currentMonthDate.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isPastDue(dt) { if ($scope.dueDate) { return (dt > $scope.dueDate); } return false; } function isDueDate(dt) { if ($scope.dueDate) { return (dt.getTime() === $scope.dueDate.getTime()); } return false; } var isDisabled = function (date, currentMonthDate) { if ($attrs.from && !angular.isDate($scope.fromDate)) { return true; } if (format.disableWeekend === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (format.disableSunday === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (isOld(date, currentMonthDate) || isNew(date, currentMonthDate)) { return true; } return (($scope.minDate && compare(date, $scope.minDate) < 0) || ($scope.maxDate && compare(date, $scope.maxDate) > 0) || (format.disableDates && format.disableDates({ date: date }))); }; var isDisabledMonth = function (date, currentMonthDate) { if ($attrs.from && !angular.isDate($scope.fromDate)) { return true; } if (format.disableWeekend === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (format.disableSunday === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } return (($scope.minDate && compare(date, $scope.minDate) < 0) || ($scope.maxDate && compare(date, $scope.maxDate) > 0) || (format.disableDates && format.disableDates({ date: date }))); }; var compare = function (date1, date2) { return (new Date(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate()) - new Date(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate())); }; function isMinDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { if (($scope.minDate && $scope.minDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.minDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) { $scope.disablePrev = true; $scope.visibilityPrev = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disablePrev = false; $scope.visibilityPrev = "visible"; } } function isMaxDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { if (($scope.maxDate && $scope.maxDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.maxDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) { $scope.disableNext = true; $scope.visibilityNext = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disableNext = false; $scope.visibilityNext = "visible"; } } function isYearInRange(currentYear) { if ($scope.minDate && currentYear === $scope.minDate.getFullYear()) { $scope.disablePrev = true; $scope.visibilityPrev = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disablePrev = false; $scope.visibilityPrev = "visible"; } if ($scope.maxDate && currentYear === $scope.maxDate.getFullYear()) { $scope.disableNext = true; $scope.visibilityNext = "hidden"; } else { $scope.disableNext = false; $scope.visibilityNext = "visible"; } } this.focusNextPrev = function(b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate,init){ if(init){ if (!$scope.disablePrev){ b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate[0].querySelector('th.prev').focus(); }else if (!$scope.disableNext){ b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate[0].querySelector('th.next').focus(); }else{ b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate[0].querySelector('th.b2b-monthSelector-label').focus(); } }else{ if ($scope.disableNext || $scope.disablePrev){ b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate[0].querySelector('th.b2b-monthSelector-label').focus(); } } }; function getLabel(label) { if (label) { var labelObj = { pre: label.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(), post: label }; return labelObj; } return; } function makeDate(date, dayFormat, dayHeaderFormat, isSelected, isFromDate, isDateRange, isOld, isNew, isDisabled, dueDate, pastDue) { return { date: date, label: dateFilter(date, dayFormat), header: dateFilter(date, dayHeaderFormat), selected: !!isSelected, fromDate: !!isFromDate, dateRange: !!isDateRange, oldMonth: !!isOld, nextMonth: !!isNew, disabled: !!isDisabled, dueDate: !!dueDate, pastDue: !!pastDue, focusable: !((isDisabled && !(isSelected || isDateRange)) || (isOld || isNew)) }; } this.modes = [ { name: 'day', getVisibleDates: function (date) { var year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth(), firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1), lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0); var difference = startingDay - firstDayOfMonth.getDay(), numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth = (difference > 0) ? 7 - difference : -difference, firstDate = new Date(firstDayOfMonth), numDates = 0; if (numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth > 0) { firstDate.setDate(-numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth + 1); numDates += numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth; // Previous } numDates += getDaysInMonth(year, month + 1); // Current numDates += (7 - numDates % 7) % 7; // Next var days = getDates(firstDate, numDates), labels = new Array(7); for (var i = 0; i < numDates; i++) { var dt = new Date(days[i]); days[i] = makeDate(dt, format.day, format.dayHeader, isSelected(dt), isFromDate(dt), isDateRange(dt), isOld(dt, date), isNew(dt, date), isDisabled(dt, date), isDueDate(dt), isPastDue(dt)); } for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { labels[j] = getLabel(dateFilter(days[j].date, format.dayHeader)); } isMinDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); isMaxDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); return { objects: days, title: dateFilter(date, format.dayTitle), labels: labels }; }, split: 7, step: { months: 1 } }, { name: 'month', getVisibleDates: function(date) { var months = [], labels = [], year = date.getFullYear(); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var dt = new Date(year,i,1); months[i] = makeDate(dt, format.month, format.dayHeader, isSelected(dt), isFromDate(dt), isDateRange(dt), false, false, isDisabledMonth(dt, date), isDueDate(dt), isPastDue(dt)); } isYearInRange(year); return {objects: months, title: dateFilter(date, format.year), labels: labels}; }, split:4, step: {years: 1} } ]; }]) .directive('b2bMonthpickerPopup', ['$parse', '$log', '$timeout', '$document', '$documentBind', '$isElement', '$templateCache', '$compile','$interval', 'trapFocusInElement', 'keymap', function ($parse, $log, $timeout, $document, $documentBind, $isElement, $templateCache, $compile, $interval,trapFocusInElement, keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { trigger: '=' }, replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: function (elem, attr) { if (attr.inline === 'true') { return 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector-popup.html'; }else if (attr.link === 'true') { return 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelectorLink.html'; }else { return 'b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector.html'; } }, scope: {}, require: ['b2bMonthpickerPopup', 'ngModel', '?^b2bMonthpickerGroup'], controller: 'b2bMonthpickerController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var MonthpickerCtrl = ctrls[0], ngModel = ctrls[1], b2bMonthpickerGroupCtrl = ctrls[2]; var b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate; if (!ngModel) { $log.error("ng-model is required."); return; // do nothing if no ng-model } // Configuration parameters var mode = scope.mode, selected; scope.isOpen = false; scope.headers = []; scope.footers = []; scope.triggerInterval=undefined; if (b2bMonthpickerGroupCtrl) { b2bMonthpickerGroupCtrl.registerMonthpickerScope(scope); } element.bind('keydown', function (ev) { if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if(ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ESC) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); scope.$apply(); } }); element.find('button').bind('click', function () { onClicked(); }); element.find('a').bind('click', function () { onClicked(); }); element.find('input').bind('click', function () { onClicked(); }); var onClicked = function() { if (!scope.ngDisabled) { scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); MonthpickerCtrl.updatePosition(b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate); scope.$apply(); } }; var toggleCalendar = function (flag) { if (!scope.inline) { if (flag) { b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate = angular.element($templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector-popup.html')); b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.attr('b2b-trap-focus-inside-element', 'false'); b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.attr('trigger', 'true'); b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate = $compile(b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate)(scope); $document.find('body').append(b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate); b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.bind('keydown', escPress); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; scope.trigger=0; scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); MonthpickerCtrl.focusNextPrev(b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate,true); }, 100); }); scope.triggerInterval = $interval(function () { //This value is updated to trigger init() function of directive on year change. scope.trigger=(scope.trigger === 0 ? 1 : 0); }, 200); } else { b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.unbind('keydown', escPress); if(scope.triggerInterval) { $interval.cancel(scope.triggerInterval); scope.triggerInterval=undefined; } b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate.remove(); if(element.find('button').length > 0){ element.find('button')[0].focus(); }else{ element.find('a')[0].focus(); } scope.getFocus = false; } } }; var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); var isb2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), b2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate, $document); if (!(isElement || isb2bMonthpickerPopupTemplate)) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); scope.$apply(); } }; var escPress = function (ev) { if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if (ev.keyCode) { if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ESC) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === 33) { !scope.disablePrev && scope.move(-1); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); }, 100); }); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === 34) { !scope.disableNext && scope.move(1); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = true; scope.$apply(); $timeout(function () { scope.getFocus = false; scope.$apply(); }, 100); }); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isOpen', outsideClick, scope); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { if (scope.isOpen) { scope.isOpen = false; toggleCalendar(scope.isOpen); } }); scope.resetTime = function (date) { if (typeof date === 'string') { date = date + 'T12:00:00'; } var dt; if (!isNaN(new Date(date))) { dt = new Date(date); if(scope.mode === 1){ dt = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth()); }else{ dt = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); } } else { return null; } return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); }; if (attrs.min) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.min), function (value) { scope.minDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.max) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.max), function (value) { scope.maxDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.due) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.due), function (value) { scope.dueDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.from) { scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.from), function (value) { scope.fromDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.legendIcon) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.legendIcon, function (value) { scope.legendIcon = value ? value : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.legendMessage) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.legendMessage, function (value) { scope.legendMessage = value ? value : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.ngDisabled) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.ngDisabled, function (value) { scope.ngDisabled = value ? value : null; }); } // Split array into smaller arrays function split(arr, size) { var arrays = []; while (arr.length > 0) { arrays.push(arr.splice(0, size)); } return arrays; } var moveMonth = function(selectedDate, direction) { var step = MonthpickerCtrl.modes[scope.mode].step; selectedDate.setDate(1); selectedDate.setMonth(selectedDate.getMonth() + direction * (step.months || 0)); selectedDate.setFullYear(selectedDate.getFullYear() + direction * (step.years || 0)); return selectedDate; }; function refill(date) { if (angular.isDate(date) && !isNaN(date)) { selected = new Date(date); } else { if (!selected) { selected = new Date(); } } if (selected) { var selectedCalendar; if(scope.mode === 1){ if(!angular.isDate(selected)) { selected = new Date(); } selectedCalendar = moveMonth(angular.copy(selected), -1); } else { selectedCalendar = angular.copy(selected); } var currentMode = MonthpickerCtrl.modes[mode], data = currentMode.getVisibleDates(selected); scope.rows = split(data.objects, currentMode.split); var flag=false; var startFlag=false; var firstSelected = false; for(var i=0; i' + helperText + ''; elem.attr('tabindex', '-1'); elem.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); elem.attr('readonly', 'true'); }else{ selectedDateMessage = '' elem.attr('aria-label', helperText); } var descriptionTextSpan = ''+descriptionText+''; elem.removeAttr('b2b-Monthpicker'); elem.removeAttr('ng-model'); elem.removeAttr('ng-disabled'); elem.addClass('Monthpicker-input'); elem.attr('ng-model', 'dt'); elem.attr('aria-describedby', 'monthpicker-description'+scope.$id); elem.attr('ng-disabled', 'ngDisabled'); elem.attr('b2b-format-date', dateFormatString); var wrapperElement = angular.element('
    '); wrapperElement.attr('b2b-Monthpicker-popup', ''); wrapperElement.attr('ng-model', 'dt'); if (inline) { wrapperElement.attr('inline', inline); } if (elem.prop('nodeName') === 'A'){ wrapperElement.attr('link', true); } b2bMonthpickerService.setAttributes(attr, wrapperElement); b2bMonthpickerService.bindScope(attr, scope); wrapperElement.html(''); wrapperElement.append(selectedDateMessage); wrapperElement.append(''); wrapperElement.append(descriptionTextSpan); wrapperElement.append(''); wrapperElement.append(elem.prop('outerHTML')); var elm = wrapperElement.prop('outerHTML'); elm = $compile(elm)(scope); elem.replaceWith(elm); }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) { $log.error("ng-model is required."); return; // do nothing if no ng-model } scope.$watch('dt', function (value) { ctrl.$setViewValue(value); }); ctrl.$render = function () { scope.dt = ctrl.$viewValue; }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bMonthpickerGroup', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, elem, attr) { this.$$headers = []; this.$$footers = []; this.registerMonthpickerScope = function (MonthpickerScope) { MonthpickerScope.headers = this.$$headers; MonthpickerScope.footers = this.$$footers; }; }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {} }; }]) .directive('b2bFormatDate', ['dateFilter', function (dateFilter) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var b2bFormatDate = ""; attr.$observe('b2bFormatDate', function (value) { b2bFormatDate = value; }); var dateToString = function (value) { if (!isNaN(new Date(value))) { return dateFilter(new Date(value), b2bFormatDate); } return value; }; ctrl.$formatters.unshift(dateToString); } }; }]) .directive('b2bMonthpickerHeader', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bMonthpickerGroup', transclude: true, replace: true, template: '', compile: function (elem, attr, transclude) { return function link(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (ctrl) { ctrl.$$headers.push(transclude(scope, function () {})); } elem.remove(); }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bMonthpickerFooter', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bMonthpickerGroup', transclude: true, replace: true, template: '', compile: function (elem, attr, transclude) { return function link(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (ctrl) { ctrl.$$footers.push(transclude(scope, function () {})); } elem.remove(); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:multiLevelNavigation * * @description * * * @usage *
    * *
    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.multiLevelNavigation', ['b2b.att.utilities']) //directive b2bMlNav Test coverage 100% on 5/13 .directive('b2bMlNav', ['keymap', function (keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', link: function (scope, element) { var rootE, parentE, upE, downE, lastE, homeE, endE; //default root tree element tabindex set zero if (element.parent().parent().hasClass('b2b-ml-nav') && (element[0].previousElementSibling === null)) { element.attr('tabindex', 0); } //check root via class var isRoot = function (elem) { if (elem.parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-ml-nav')) { return true; } else { return false; } } //for any expandable tree item on click var toggleState = function (e) { if (angular.element(e.target).attr("b2b-ml-nav") !== "endNode") { var eLink = element.find('a').eq(0); if (eLink.hasClass('active')) { eLink.removeClass('active'); eLink.parent().attr("aria-expanded", "false"); eLink.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-expanded'); eLink.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); } else { eLink.addClass('active'); eLink.parent().attr("aria-expanded", "true"); eLink.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); eLink.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-expanded'); } } }; //function finds the main root-item from particular tree-group var findRoot = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem)) { rootE = elem; return; } if (elem.attr("b2b-ml-nav") === "middleNode" || elem.attr("b2b-ml-nav") === "endNode") { parentE = elem.parent().parent(); } else { parentE = elem; } if (parentE.attr("b2b-ml-nav") === "rootNode") { rootE = parentE; } else { findRoot(parentE); } }; //finds the last visible node of the previous tree-group var findPreActive = function (elem) { if (!(elem.hasClass("active"))) { return; } else { var childElems = angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling.children); lastE = angular.element(childElems[childElems.length - 1]); if (lastE.attr("b2b-ml-nav") === "middleNode" && lastE.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { findPreActive(lastE.find('a').eq(0)); } upE = lastE; } }; //find above visible link var findUp = function (elem) { if (elem[0].previousElementSibling !== null) { upE = angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling); } else { upE = elem.parent().parent(); } if (isRoot(elem) || (upE.attr('b2b-ml-nav') === "middleNode" && upE[0] !== elem.parent().parent()[0])) { findPreActive(upE.find('a').eq(0)); } }; //find below visible link var findDown = function (elem) { if (elem.hasClass('active')) { downE = elem.next().find('li').eq(0); } else { if (elem.parent().next().length !== 0) { downE = elem.parent().next().eq(0); } else { if (elem.parent().parent().parent().next().length !== 0) { downE = elem.parent().parent().parent().next().eq(0); return; } downE = elem.parent().eq(0); } } }; //finds last root-group element of the tree var findEnd = function (elem) { findRoot(elem); endE = angular.element(rootE.parent()[0].children[rootE.parent()[0].children.length - 1]); }; //finds first root element of tree var findHome = function (elem) { findRoot(elem); homeE = angular.element(rootE.parent()[0].children[0]); }; element.bind('click', function (e) { if(element.attr("b2b-ml-nav") !== "endNode") { toggleState(e); } if (rootE==undefined){ findRoot(element); } var currSelected = rootE.parent()[0].querySelector('.selected'); if(currSelected){ angular.element(currSelected).removeClass('selected'); } element.find('a').eq(0).addClass('selected'); e.stopPropagation(); }); element.bind('focus', function (e) { if(element.attr("b2b-ml-nav") !== "endNode") { if(element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { element.attr("aria-expanded", true); } else { element.attr("aria-expanded", false); } } }) //Keyboard functionality approach: //find keycode //set set tabindex -1 on the current focus element //find the next element to be focussed, set tabindex 0 and throw focus element.bind('keydown', function (evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.ENTER: case keymap.KEY.SPACE: element.triggerHandler('click'); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); break; case keymap.KEY.END: evt.preventDefault(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findEnd(element); endE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); endE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.HOME: evt.preventDefault(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findHome(element); homeE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); homeE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: evt.preventDefault(); if (!isRoot(element)) { element.attr('tabindex', -1); parentE = element.parent().parent(); parentE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); parentE[0].focus(); parentE.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); } else { if (element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { element.triggerHandler('click'); } } evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: evt.preventDefault(); if (!(isRoot(element) && element[0].previousElementSibling === null)) { element.attr('tabindex', -1); findUp(element); upE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); upE[0].focus(); } evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: evt.preventDefault(); if (element.attr("b2b-ml-nav") !== "endNode") { if (!element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { element.triggerHandler('click'); } element.attr('tabindex', -1); findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); } evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: evt.preventDefault(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); if (!(element.attr("b2b-ml-nav") === "middleNode" && element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) && (element.next().length === 0)) { if(element.parent().parent().attr("b2b-ml-nav") !== "rootNode" && element.parent().parent()[0].nextElementSibling !== null) { findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; } findRoot(element); if (!(rootE.next().length === 0)) { rootE.next().eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); rootE.next()[0].focus(); } else { rootE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); rootE[0].focus(); } evt.stopPropagation(); break; } findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; default: break; } }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Tabs, tables & accordions.att:multipurposeExpander * * @description * * * @usage * * * * Heading content goes here *

    body content goes here

    * * * * Heading content goes here *

    body content goes here

    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.multipurposeExpander', ['b2b.att', 'b2b.att.collapse']) .directive('b2bExpanderGroup', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, template: "", controller:['$scope','$attrs', function($scope,$attrs){ this.groups = []; this.index = -1; this.scope = $scope; this.addGroup = function (groupScope) { var that = this; groupScope.index = this.groups.length; this.groups.push(groupScope); if(this.groups.length > 0){ this.index = 0; } groupScope.$on('$destroy', function () { that.removeGroup(groupScope); }); }; this.closeOthers = function (openGroup) { var closeOthers = angular.isDefined($attrs.closeOthers); if (closeOthers && !$scope.forceExpand) { angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group) { if (group !== openGroup) { group.isOpen = false; } }); } if (this.groups.indexOf(openGroup) === (this.groups.length - 1) && $scope.forceExpand) { $scope.forceExpand = false; } }; this.removeGroup = function (group) { var index = this.groups.indexOf(group); if (index !== -1) { this.groups.splice(this.groups.indexOf(group), 1); } }; }] }; }) .directive('b2bExpanders', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', replace: true, require:['b2bExpanders','?^b2bExpanderGroup'], transclude: true, scope:{isOpen:'=?'}, template: "
    ", controller: ['$scope', function ($scope){ var bodyScope = null; var expanderScope = null; this.isOpened = function(){ if($scope.isOpen) { return true; }else { return false; } }; this.setScope = function (scope) { bodyScope = scope; bodyScope.isOpen = $scope.isOpen; }; this.setExpanderScope = function (scope) { expanderScope = scope; }; this.toggle = function () { $scope.isOpen = bodyScope.isOpen = !bodyScope.isOpen; return bodyScope.isOpen; }; this.watchToggle = function(io){ bodyScope.isOpen = io; expanderScope.updateIcons(io); }; }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, myCtrl) { //scope.isOpen = false; if(myCtrl[1]){ myCtrl[1].addGroup(scope); } scope.$watch('isOpen', function(val){ myCtrl[0].watchToggle(scope.isOpen); if(val && myCtrl[1]){ myCtrl[1].closeOthers(scope); } }); } }; }) .directive('b2bExpanderHeading', function () { return{ require: "^b2bExpanders", restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: true, template: "
    " }; }) .directive('b2bExpanderBody', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', require: "^b2bExpanders", replace: true, transclude: true, scope: {}, template: "
    ", link: function (scope, elem, attr, myCtrl) { scope.isOpen = false; myCtrl.setScope(scope); } }; }) .directive('b2bExpanderToggle', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', require: "^b2bExpanders", scope: { expandIcon: '@', collapseIcon: '@' }, link: function (scope, element, attr, myCtrl) { myCtrl.setExpanderScope(scope); var isOpen = myCtrl.isOpened(); scope.setIcon = function () { element.attr("role", "button"); if (scope.expandIcon && scope.collapseIcon) { if (isOpen) { element.removeClass(scope.expandIcon); element.addClass(scope.collapseIcon); element.attr("aria-expanded", "true"); } else { element.removeClass(scope.collapseIcon); element.addClass(scope.expandIcon); element.attr("aria-expanded", "false"); } } }; element.bind('click', function (){ scope.toggleit(); }); scope.updateIcons = function(nStat){ isOpen = nStat; scope.setIcon(); }; scope.toggleit = function (){ isOpen = myCtrl.toggle(); scope.setIcon(); scope.$apply(); }; scope.setIcon(); } }; }); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:notesMessagesAndErrors * * @description * * * @usage * See Demo * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.notesMessagesAndErrors', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Notification Card * * @description * * * @example *
    HTML + AngularJS
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.notificationCardTemplate', []) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Order Confirmation Template * * @description * * * @example *
    HTML + AngularJS
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.orderConfirmationTemplate', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:pagination * * @description * * @param {int} total-pages - Total # of pages, set in your controller $scope * @param {int} current-page - Current selected page, set in your controller $scope * @param {function} click-handler - Handler function on click of page number, defined in your controller $scope * @param {string} input-id - _UNIQUE ID_ __MUST__ be provided for 508 compliance, set in your HTML as static text * @param {string} input-class - optional class that can be given to use for the go to page container * * @usage *
    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.pagination', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'ngTouch']) .directive('b2bPagination', ['b2bUserAgent', 'keymap', '$window', '$timeout', function (b2bUserAgent, keymap, $window, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { totalPages: '=', currentPage: '=', clickHandler: '=?', inputId: '=', isDroppable: '=?' }, replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/pagination/b2b-pagination.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.isMobile = b2bUserAgent.isMobile(); scope.notMobile = b2bUserAgent.notMobile(); scope.focusedPage; scope.meanVal = 3; scope.inputClass = attr.inputClass; scope.droppableAttribute = scope.isDroppable ? true : false; scope.$watch('totalPages', function (value) { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { scope.pages = []; if (value < 1) { scope.totalPages = 1; return; } if (value <= 10) { for (var i = 1; i <= value; i++) { scope.pages.push(i); } } else if (value > 10) { var midVal = Math.ceil(value / 2); scope.pages = [midVal - 2, midVal - 1, midVal, midVal + 1, midVal + 2]; } if(scope.currentPage === undefined || scope.currentPage === 1) { currentPageChanged(1); } } }); scope.$watch('currentPage', function (value) { currentPageChanged(value); callbackHandler(value); }); var callbackHandler = function (num) { if (angular.isFunction(scope.clickHandler)) { scope.clickHandler(num); } }; var getBoundary = function(value){ if ( value < 100 ) { return 5; } else if ( 100 <= value && value < 1000 ) { return 4; } else if ( 1000 <= value ) { return 3; } else { return 5; // error } }; function currentPageChanged(value) { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { if (!value || value < 1) { value = 1; } if (value > scope.totalPages) { value = scope.totalPages; } if (scope.currentPage !== value) { scope.currentPage = value; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } if (scope.totalPages > 10) { var val = parseInt(value); scope.boundary = getBoundary(val); if (val <= 6) { // Left (first) section scope.pages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; } else if ( val <= (scope.totalPages - scope.boundary) ) { // Middle section if ( 7 <= val && val < 9 ) { if(scope.totalPages < 100) { scope.pages = [val - 3, val - 2, val - 1, val, val + 1, val + 2]; } else if(scope.totalPages < 1000) { scope.pages = [val - 2, val - 1, val, val + 1, val + 2]; } else if(scope.totalPages < 1000) { scope.pages = [val - 2, val - 1, val, val + 1, val + 2]; } } else if ( 9 <= val && val < 100 ) { scope.pages = [val - 3, val - 2, val - 1, val, val + 1, val + 2]; } else if ( 100 <= val && val < 1000 ) { scope.pages = [val - 2, val - 1, val, val + 1]; } else if ( 1000 <= val ) { scope.pages = [val - 1, val, val + 1]; } } else if ( (scope.totalPages - scope.boundary) < val ) { // Right (last) section if ( val < 100 ) { scope.pages = [scope.totalPages - 5, scope.totalPages - 4, scope.totalPages - 3, scope.totalPages - 2, scope.totalPages - 1, scope.totalPages]; } else if ( 100 <= val && val < 1000 ) { scope.pages = [scope.totalPages - 4, scope.totalPages - 3, scope.totalPages - 2, scope.totalPages - 1, scope.totalPages]; } else if ( 1000 <= val ) { scope.pages = [scope.totalPages - 3, scope.totalPages - 2, scope.totalPages - 1, scope.totalPages]; } } } if (scope.isMobile) { var inWidth = $window.innerWidth; var viewLimit = 7; if (inWidth <= 400) { viewLimit = 7; } else if (inWidth > 400 && inWidth < 500) { viewLimit = 9; } else if (inWidth >= 500 && inWidth < 600) { viewLimit = 11; } else if (inWidth >= 600 && inWidth < 700) { viewLimit = 13; } else if (inWidth >= 700 && inWidth < 800) { viewLimit = 15; } var val = parseInt(value); scope.meanVal = Math.floor(viewLimit / 2); var lowerLimit = (val - scope.meanVal) < 1 ? 1 : val - scope.meanVal; var upperLimit = (lowerLimit + viewLimit - 1) > scope.totalPages ? scope.totalPages : lowerLimit + viewLimit - 1; scope.pages = []; for (var i = lowerLimit; i <= upperLimit; i++) { scope.pages.push(i); } } } } scope.gotoKeyClick = function (keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.which === keymap.KEY.ENTER) { scope.gotoBtnClick() } } scope.gotoBtnClick = function () { currentPageChanged(parseInt(scope.gotoPage)); callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); var qResult = elem[0].querySelector('button'); angular.element(qResult).attr('disabled','true'); $timeout(function(){ elem[0].querySelector('.b2b-pager__item--active').focus(); }, 50); scope.gotoPage = null; } scope.onfocusIn = function(evt) { var qResult = elem[0].querySelector('button'); angular.element(qResult).removeAttr('disabled'); } scope.onfocusOut = function(evt) { if(evt.target.value === "") { var qResult = elem[0].querySelector('button'); angular.element(qResult).attr('disabled','true'); } } scope.next = function (event) { if (event != undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if (scope.currentPage < scope.totalPages) { scope.currentPage += 1; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } }; scope.prev = function (event) { if (event != undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if (scope.currentPage > 1) { scope.currentPage -= 1; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } }; scope.selectPage = function (value, event) { event.preventDefault(); scope.currentPage = value; scope.focusedPage = value; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); }; scope.checkSelectedPage = function (value) { if (scope.currentPage === value) { return true; } return false; }; scope.isFocused = function (page) { return scope.focusedPage === page; }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:paneSelector * * @description * * * @usage * Please refer demo.html tab in Example section below. * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.paneSelector', ['b2b.att.tabs', 'b2b.att.utilities']) .filter('paneSelectorSelectedItemsFilter', [function () { return function (listOfItemsArray) { if (!listOfItemsArray) { listOfItemsArray = []; } var returnArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < listOfItemsArray.length; i++) { if (listOfItemsArray[i].isSelected) { returnArray.push(listOfItemsArray[i]); } } return returnArray; }; }]) .filter('paneSelectorFetchChildItemsFilter', [function () { return function (listOfItemsArray) { if (!listOfItemsArray) { listOfItemsArray = []; } var returnArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < listOfItemsArray.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < listOfItemsArray[i].childItems.length; j++) { returnArray.push(listOfItemsArray[i].childItems[j]); } } return returnArray; }; }]) .directive('b2bPaneSelector', [function () { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelector.html', transclude: true, scope: {} }; }]) .directive('b2bPaneSelectorPane', [ function () { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelectorPane.html', transclude: true, scope: {} }; }]) .directive('b2bTabVertical', ['$timeout', 'keymap', function ($timeout, keymap) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^b2bTab', link: function (scope, element, attr, b2bTabCtrl) { if (!b2bTabCtrl) { return; } // retreive the isolateScope var iScope = angular.element(element).isolateScope(); $timeout(function () { angular.element(element[0].querySelector('a')).unbind('keydown'); angular.element(element[0].querySelector('a')).bind('keydown', function (evt) { if (!(evt.keyCode)) { evt.keyCode = evt.which; } switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: evt.preventDefault(); iScope.nextKey(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: evt.preventDefault(); iScope.previousKey(); break; default:; } }); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:phoneNumberInput * * @description * * * @usage
    This field is mandatory! Please enter valid phone number! Please enter valid phone number!
    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.phoneNumberInput', ['ngMessages', 'b2b.att.utilities']) .constant("CoreFormsUiConfig", { phoneMask: '(___) ___-____', phoneMaskDot: '___.___.____', phoneMaskHyphen: '___-___-____' }) .directive('b2bPhoneMask', ['$parse', 'CoreFormsUiConfig', 'keymap', 'b2bUserAgent', function ($parse, CoreFormsUiConfig, keymap, b2bUserAgent) { return { require: 'ngModel', scope: { ngModel: '=' }, link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl) { var mask = ''; var validPhoneNumber = false; var currentKey = ''; if (b2bUserAgent.isMobile()) { mask = "__________"; } else { switch (iAttrs.b2bPhoneMask) { case "phoneMask": mask = CoreFormsUiConfig.phoneMask; break; case "phoneMaskDot": mask = CoreFormsUiConfig.phoneMaskDot; break; case "phoneMaskHyphen": mask = CoreFormsUiConfig.phoneMaskHyphen; break; default: mask = CoreFormsUiConfig.phoneMask; } } iElement.attr("maxlength", mask.length); var checkValidity = function (unmaskedValue, rawValue) { var valid = false; if (angular.isUndefined(rawValue) || rawValue === '') { valid = true; } else if (unmaskedValue) { valid = (unmaskedValue.length === 10); } ctrl.$setValidity('invalidPhoneNumber', validPhoneNumber); ctrl.$setValidity('mask', valid); return valid; }; var handleKeyup = function (evt) { if (evt && evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.SHIFT) { return; } var index, formattedNumber; if (ctrl.$modelValue) { formattedNumber = ctrl.$modelValue; } else { formattedNumber = iElement.val(); } if (!formattedNumber.length && currentKey === '') { return; } var maskLength, inputNumbers, maskArray, tempArray, maskArrayLength; tempArray = []; maskArray = mask.split(""); maskArrayLength = maskArray.length; maskLength = formattedNumber.substring(0, mask.length); inputNumbers = formattedNumber.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "").split(""); for (index = 0; index < maskArrayLength; index++) { tempArray.push(maskArray[index] === "_" ? inputNumbers.shift() : maskArray[index]); if (inputNumbers.length === 0) { break; } } formattedNumber = tempArray.join(""); if (formattedNumber === '(') { formattedNumber = ''; } if ( (angular.isDefined(evt) && evt.which) && currentKey !== '') { if (maskArray[0] === currentKey && formattedNumber === '') { formattedNumber = '('; } else if (evt.which === keymap.KEY.SPACE && currentKey === ' ') { formattedNumber = formattedNumber + ') '; } else if (maskArray[0] === currentKey && formattedNumber === '') { formattedNumber = formattedNumber + currentKey; } else if (maskArray[formattedNumber.length] === currentKey) { formattedNumber = formattedNumber + currentKey; } currentKey = ''; } ctrl.$setViewValue(formattedNumber); ctrl.$render(); return formattedNumber; }; // since we are only allowing 0-9, why even let the keypress go forward? // also added in delete... in case they want to delete :) var handlePress = function (e) { if (e.which) { if ((e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) && (e.which < 96 || e.which > 105)) { if (e.which !== keymap.KEY.BACKSPACE && e.which !== keymap.KEY.TAB && e.which !== keymap.KEY.DELETE && e.which !== keymap.KEY.ENTER && e.which !== keymap.KEY.LEFT && e.which !== keymap.KEY.RIGHT && // Allow: Ctrl+V/v (!(e.ctrlKey) && (e.which !== '118' || e.which !== '86')) && // Allow: Ctrl+C/c (!(e.ctrlKey) && (e.which !== '99' || e.which !== '67')) && // Allow: Ctrl+X/x (!(e.ctrlKey) && (e.which !== '120' || e.which !== '88')) && /* 229 key code will sent as placeholder key for andriod devices */ (e.which != 229 )) { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; validPhoneNumber = false; } } else { validPhoneNumber = true; } setCurrentKey(e); } scope.$apply(); }; // i moved this out because i thought i might need focus as well.. // to handle setting the model as the view changes var parser = function (fromViewValue) { var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/; var numbers = /^[0-9]+$/; if (angular.isUndefined(fromViewValue) || fromViewValue === '') { validPhoneNumber = true; } else { if (fromViewValue.match(letters)) { validPhoneNumber = false; } if (fromViewValue.match(numbers)) { validPhoneNumber = true; } } var clean = ""; if (fromViewValue && fromViewValue.length > 0) { clean = fromViewValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); } checkValidity(clean, fromViewValue); return clean; }; //to handle reading the model and formatting it var formatter = function (fromModelView) { var input = ''; checkValidity(fromModelView); if (fromModelView) { input = handleKeyup(); } return input; }; var setCurrentKey = function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 189: case 109: currentKey = '-'; break; case 190: case 110: currentKey = '.'; break; case 57: if (e.shiftKey === true) { currentKey = '('; } break; case 48: if (e.shiftKey === true) { currentKey = ')'; } break; case 32: currentKey = ' '; break; } }; if (angular.isDefined(scope.ngModel)) { parser(scope.ngModel); } ctrl.$parsers.push(parser); ctrl.$formatters.push(formatter); iElement.bind('keyup', handleKeyup); iElement.bind('keydown', handlePress); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Profile Blocks * * @description * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.profileBlockTemplate', []) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Layouts.att:profileCard * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.profileCard', ['b2b.att']) .constant('profileStatus',{ status: { ACTIVE: { status: "Active", color: "green" }, DEACTIVATED: { status: "Deactivated", color: "red" }, LOCKED: { status: "Locked", color: "red" }, IDLE: { status: "Idle", color: "yellow" }, PENDING: { status: "Pending", color: "blue" } }, role: "COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR" }) .directive('b2bProfileCard',['$http','$q','profileStatus', function($http,$q,profileStatus) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: 'true', templateUrl: function(element, attrs){ if(!attrs.addUser){ return 'b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard.html'; } else{ return 'b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard-addUser.html'; } }, scope: { profile:'=', characterLimit: '@' }, link: function(scope, elem, attr){ scope.characterLimit = parseInt(attr.characterLimit, 10) || 25; scope.shouldClip = function(str) { return str.length > scope.characterLimit; }; scope.showEmailTooltip = false; scope.image=true; function isImage(src) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var image = new Image(); image.onerror = function() { deferred.reject(false); }; image.onload = function() { deferred.resolve(true); }; if(src !== undefined && src.length>0 ){ image.src = src; } else { deferred.reject(false); } return deferred.promise; } if(!attr.addUser){ scope.image=false; isImage(scope.profile.img).then(function(img) { scope.image=img; }); var splitName=(scope.profile.name).split(' '); scope.initials=''; for(var i=0;i * * @usage * See demo section * * @param {boolean} refreshRadioGroup - A trigger that recalculates and updates the accessibility roles on radios in a group. * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.radios', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bRadioGroupAccessibility', ['$timeout', 'b2bUserAgent', function($timeout, b2bUserAgent) { return { restrict: "A", scope: { refreshRadioGroup: "=", }, link: function(scope, ele, attr) { var roleRadioElement, radioProductSelectElement, radioInputTypeElement; $timeout(calculateNumberOfRadio); scope.$watch('refreshRadioGroup', function(value) { if (value === true) { addingRoleAttribute(); $timeout(calculateNumberOfRadio); scope.refreshRadioGroup = false; } else { return; } }) function calculateNumberOfRadio() { roleRadioElement = ele[0].querySelectorAll('[role="radio"]'); radioProductSelectElement = ele[0].querySelectorAll('[role="radiogroup"] li.radio-box'); radioInputTypeElement = ele[0].querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); for (var i = 0; i < radioInputTypeElement.length; i++) { var isChecked = radioInputTypeElement[i].checked ? 'true' : 'false'; var isDisabled = radioInputTypeElement[i].disabled ? 'true' : 'false'; var numOfx = i + 1 + ' of ' + radioInputTypeElement.length; angular.element(roleRadioElement[i]).attr({ 'aria-checked': isChecked, 'aria-disabled': isDisabled, 'data-opNum': numOfx }); if (b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) { angular.element(roleRadioElement[i]).removeAttr("role"); } if (radioProductSelectElement.length) { isChecked === 'true' ? angular.element(radioProductSelectElement[i]).addClass('active') : angular.element(radioProductSelectElement[i]).removeClass('active'); } if (/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { angular.element(roleRadioElement[i]).append('. ' + numOfx + '.'); } angular.element(radioInputTypeElement[i]).bind('click', radioStateChangeonClick); } } function addingRoleAttribute() { for (var i = 0; i < radioInputTypeElement.length; i++) { if (b2bUserAgent.notMobile()) { angular.element(roleRadioElement[i]).attr("role", "radio"); } } } function radioStateChangeonClick() { for (var i = 0; i < radioInputTypeElement.length; i++) { var isChecked = radioInputTypeElement[i].checked ? 'true' : 'false'; var isDisabled = radioInputTypeElement[i].disabled ? 'true' : 'false'; if (radioProductSelectElement.length) { isChecked === 'true' ? angular.element(radioProductSelectElement[i]).addClass('active') : angular.element(radioProductSelectElement[i]).removeClass('active'); } angular.element(roleRadioElement[i]).attr({ 'aria-checked': isChecked, 'aria-disabled': isDisabled }); } } } } }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:searchField * * @description * * * @usage *
    * * @example
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.searchField', ['b2b.att.utilities', 'b2b.att.position']) .filter('b2bFilterInput', [function() { return function(list, str, keyArray, displayListKey, isContainsSearch, searchSeperator) { var res = []; var searchLabel; var searchCondition; var conditionCheck = function(searchSeperator, listItem, displayListKey, splitString) { var displayTitle = null; if (splitString) { for (var i = 0; i < displayListKey.length; i++) { if (i <= 0) { displayTitle = listItem[displayListKey[i]].toLowerCase().indexOf(splitString[i].toLowerCase()) > -1; } else { displayTitle = (splitString[i]) ? displayTitle && listItem[displayListKey[i]].toLowerCase().indexOf(splitString[i].toLowerCase().trim()) > -1 : displayTitle; } } } else { angular.forEach(displayListKey, function(value) { if (!displayTitle) { displayTitle = listItem[value]; } else { displayTitle = displayTitle + (listItem[value] ? searchSeperator + ' ' + listItem[value] : ''); } }); } return displayTitle; } angular.forEach(list, function(listItem) { var splitString = str.indexOf(searchSeperator) > -1 ? str.split(searchSeperator) : false; var displayList = conditionCheck(searchSeperator, listItem, displayListKey, splitString) for (var i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) { searchLabel = keyArray[i]; if (listItem[searchLabel]) { if (isContainsSearch) { var displaySearchList = listItem[searchLabel].toLowerCase().indexOf(str.toLowerCase()) > -1; if (splitString.length > 1) { displaySearchList = (splitString.length <= keyArray.length) ? displayList : false; } searchCondition = displaySearchList; } else { searchCondition = listItem[searchLabel].match(new RegExp('^' + str, 'gi')); } if (searchCondition) { res.push({ 'title': conditionCheck(searchSeperator, listItem, displayListKey), 'valueObj': listItem }); break; } } } }); return res; }; }]).directive('b2bSearchField', ['$filter', 'b2bFilterInputFilter', 'keymap', '$documentBind', '$isElement', '$document', 'events', '$timeout', function($filter, b2bFilterInput, keymap, $documentBind, $isElement, $document, events, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { dataList: '=dropdownList', onClickCallback: '&', inputModel: '=', configObj: '=', objModel: '=', inputDeny: '=?', disabled: '=?' }, replace: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/searchField/searchField.html', controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { this.searchKeyArray = []; if ($scope.configObj.searchKeys) { this.searchKeyArray = $scope.configObj.searchKeys; } if (angular.isUndefined($scope.disabled)) { $scope.disabled = false; } this.triggerInput = function(searchString) { $scope.originalInputModel = searchString; if (searchString === '') { $scope.currentIndex = -1; $scope.filterList = []; $scope.showListFlag = false; } else if (searchString !== '' && !$scope.isFilterEnabled) { $scope.filterList = $filter('b2bFilterInput')($scope.dataList, searchString, this.searchKeyArray, $scope.configObj.displayListDataKey, $scope.configObj.isContainsSearch, $scope.configObj.searchSeperator); $scope.showListFlag = true; } }; this.denyRegex = function() { return $scope.inputDeny; }; }], link: function(scope, elem) { scope.isFilterEnabled = false; scope.showListFlag = false; scope.currentIndex = -1; scope.setCurrentIdx = function(idx) { scope.currentIndex = idx; if (idx > -1) { scope.inputModel = scope.filterList[idx].title; scope.objModel = scope.filterList[idx]; } }; scope.isActive = function(index, dropdownLength) { scope.dropdownLength = dropdownLength; return scope.currentIndex === index; }; scope.selectItem = function(idx) { scope.setCurrentIdx(idx); scope.onClickCallback({ value: scope.inputModel, objValue: scope.objModel }); scope.showListFlag = false; $timeout(function() { elem.find('div').find('input')[0].focus(); }, 150); }; scope.startSearch = function() { scope.onClickCallback({ value: scope.inputModel, objValue: scope.objModel }); }; scope.selectPrev = function() { if (scope.currentIndex > 0 && scope.filterList.length > 0) { scope.currentIndex = scope.currentIndex - 1; scope.setCurrentIdx(scope.currentIndex); } else if (scope.currentIndex === 0) { scope.currentIndex = scope.currentIndex - 1; scope.inputModel = scope.originalInputModel; scope.isFilterEnabled = true; } }; scope.selectNext = function() { if (scope.currentIndex < scope.configObj.noOfItemsDisplay - 1) { if (scope.currentIndex < scope.filterList.length - 1) { scope.currentIndex = scope.currentIndex + 1; scope.setCurrentIdx(scope.currentIndex); } } }; scope.selectCurrent = function() { scope.selectItem(scope.currentIndex); }; scope.selectionIndex = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: events.preventDefault(e); scope.isFilterEnabled = true; scope.selectNext(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: events.preventDefault(e); scope.isFilterEnabled = true; scope.selectPrev(); break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: events.preventDefault(e); scope.isFilterEnabled = true; scope.selectCurrent(); break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: events.preventDefault(e); scope.isFilterEnabled = false; scope.showListFlag = false; scope.inputModel = ''; break; default: scope.isFilterEnabled = false; break; } if (elem[0].querySelector('.filtercontainer')) { elem[0].querySelector('.filtercontainer').scrollTop = (scope.currentIndex - 1) * 35; } }; scope.$watch('filterList', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { scope.currentIndex = -1; } }); scope.blurInput = function() { $timeout(function() { scope.showListFlag = false; }, 150); }; var outsideClick = function(e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), elem.find('ul').eq(0), $document); if (!isElement && document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { scope.showListFlag = false; scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('showListFlag', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]) .directive('b2bSearchInput', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: ['ngModel', '^b2bSearchField'], link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var ngModelCtrl = ctrl[0]; var attSearchBarCtrl = ctrl[1]; var REGEX = ctrl[1].denyRegex(); var parser = function(viewValue) { attSearchBarCtrl.triggerInput(viewValue); return viewValue; }; ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(parser); if (REGEX !== undefined || REGEX !== '') { elem.bind('input', function() { var inputString = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue && ngModelCtrl.$viewValue.replace(REGEX, ''); if (inputString !== ngModelCtrl.$viewValue) { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(inputString); ngModelCtrl.$render(); scope.$apply(); } }); } } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:Seek bar * * @description * * * @usage * Horizontal Seek Bar * * Vertical Seek Bar * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.seekBar', ['b2b.att.utilities','b2b.att.position']) .constant('b2bSeekBarConfig', { 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1, 'skipInterval': 1 }) .directive('b2bSeekBar', ['$documentBind', 'events', 'b2bSeekBarConfig', 'keymap', '$compile', function($documentBind, events, b2bSeekBarConfig, keymap, $compile) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, require: 'ngModel', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/seekBar/seekBar.html', scope: { onDragEnd: '&?', onDragInit: '&?' }, link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngModelCtrl) { scope.isDragging = false; scope.verticalSeekBar = false; var min; var max; var step = b2bSeekBarConfig.step; var skipInterval = b2bSeekBarConfig.skipInterval; var knob = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.b2b-seek-bar-knob-container')); var seekBarKnob = angular.element(knob[0].querySelector('.b2b-seek-bar-knob')); var trackContainer = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.b2b-seek-bar-track-container')); var trackFill = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.b2b-seek-bar-track-fill')); var trackContainerRect = {}; var axisPosition; var trackFillOrderPositioning; if (angular.isDefined(attr.vertical)) { scope.verticalSeekBar = true; axisPosition = "clientY"; } else { scope.verticalSeekBar = false; axisPosition = "clientX"; } var getValidStep = function(val) { val = parseFloat(val); // in case $modelValue came in string number if (angular.isNumber(val)) { val = Math.round((val - min) / step) * step + min; return Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000; } }; var getPositionToPercent = function(x) { if (scope.verticalSeekBar) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (trackContainerRect.bottom - x) / (trackFillOrderPositioning))); } else { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (x - trackContainerRect.left) / (trackFillOrderPositioning))); } }; var getPercentToValue = function(percent) { return (min + percent * (max - min)); }; var getValueToPercent = function(val) { return (val - min) / (max - min); }; var getValidMinMax = function(val) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val)); }; var updateTrackContainerRect = function() { trackContainerRect = trackContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (scope.verticalSeekBar) { if (!trackContainerRect.height) { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainer[0].scrollHeight; } else { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainerRect.height; } } else { if (!trackContainerRect.width) { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainer[0].scrollWidth; } else { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainerRect.width; } } }; var updateKnobPosition = function(percent) { var percentStr = (percent * 100) + '%'; if (scope.verticalSeekBar) { knob.css('bottom', percentStr); trackFill.css('height', percentStr); } else { knob.css('left', percentStr); trackFill.css('width', percentStr); } }; var modelRenderer = function() { if (isNaN(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue)) { ngModelCtrl.$viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue || min; } var viewVal = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; scope.currentModelValue = viewVal; //wait for min, max and step to be set then only update UI to avoid NaN on percent calculation if ((min || min === 0) && max && step) { updateKnobPosition(getValueToPercent(viewVal)); } }; var setModelValue = function(val) { scope.currentModelValue = getValidMinMax(getValidStep(val)); ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(scope.currentModelValue); }; var updateMin = function(val) { min = parseFloat(val); if(isNaN(min)){ min = b2bSeekBarConfig.min; } modelRenderer(); }; var updateMax = function(val) { max = parseFloat(val); if(isNaN(max)){ max = b2bSeekBarConfig.max; } modelRenderer(); }; var updateStep = function(val) { step = parseFloat(val); if (!attr['skipInterval']) { skipInterval = step; } }; var updateSkipInterval = function(val) { skipInterval = step * Math.ceil(val / (step!==0?step:1)); }; angular.isDefined(attr.min) ? attr.$observe('min', updateMin) : updateMin(b2bSeekBarConfig.min); angular.isDefined(attr.max) ? attr.$observe('max', updateMax) : updateMax(b2bSeekBarConfig.max); if (angular.isDefined(attr.step)) { attr.$observe('step', updateStep); } if (angular.isDefined(attr.skipInterval)) { attr.$observe('skipInterval', updateSkipInterval); } scope.currentModelValue = getValidMinMax(getValidStep(min)); var onMouseDown = function(e) { switch (e.which) { case 1: // left mouse button break; case 2: case 3: // right or middle mouse button return; } ; scope.isDragging = true; seekBarKnob[0].focus(); updateTrackContainerRect(); if (attr['onDragInit']) { scope.onDragInit(); } events.stopPropagation(e); events.preventDefault(e); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(getPercentToValue(getPositionToPercent(e[axisPosition]))); }); }; var onMouseUp = function() { if (attr['onDragEnd']) { scope.onDragEnd(); } scope.isDragging = false; scope.$digest(); }; var onMouseMove = function(e) { if (scope.isDragging) { events.stopPropagation(e); events.preventDefault(e); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(getPercentToValue(getPositionToPercent(e[axisPosition]))); }); } }; function onKeyDown(e) { if (!(e.keyCode)) { e.keyCode = e.which; } var updateStep; switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.LEFT: if (!scope.verticalSeekBar) { updateStep = -skipInterval; } break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: if (!scope.verticalSeekBar) { updateStep = skipInterval; } break; case keymap.KEY.UP: if (scope.verticalSeekBar) { updateStep = skipInterval; } break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: if (scope.verticalSeekBar) { updateStep = -skipInterval; } break; default: return; } if (updateStep) { events.stopPropagation(e); events.preventDefault(e); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue + updateStep); }); if (attr['onDragEnd']) { scope.onDragEnd(); } } } elm.on('keydown', onKeyDown); elm.on('mousedown', onMouseDown); $documentBind.event('mousemove', 'isDragging', onMouseMove, scope, true, 0); $documentBind.event('mouseup', 'isDragging', onMouseUp, scope, true, 0); ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { if (!scope.isDragging) { modelRenderer(); } }; ngModelCtrl.$viewChangeListeners.push(modelRenderer); ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(getValidMinMax); ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(getValidStep); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Layouts.att:separators * * @description * * * @usage * * @example *
    HTML + AngularJS
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.separators', []); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:slider * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.slider', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('SliderConfig', { 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1, 'skipInterval': 1 }) .directive('b2bSlider', ['$documentBind', 'SliderConfig', 'keymap', '$compile', '$log', function($documentBind, SliderConfig, keymap, $compile, $log) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, require: 'ngModel', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/slider/slider.html', scope: { onDragEnd: '&?', onDragInit: '&?', trackFillColor: '=?', preAriaLabel: '=?', postAriaLabel: '=?', onRenderEnd: '&?', sliderSnapPoints: '=?', customAriaLabel: '=?', labelId: '@?' }, link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngModelCtrl) { scope.isDragging = false; scope.verticalSlider = false; var min; var max; var step = SliderConfig.step; var skipInterval = SliderConfig.skipInterval; var knob = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.slider-knob-container')); var sliderKnob = angular.element(knob[0].querySelector('.slider-knob')); var trackContainer = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.slider-track-container')); var trackFill = angular.element(elm[0].querySelector('.slider-track-fill')); var trackContainerRect = {}; var axisPosition = "clientX"; var trackFillOrderPositioning; //Forcefully disabling the vertical Slider code. if (angular.isDefined(attr.vertical)) { scope.verticalSlider = true; axisPosition = "clientY"; } if (angular.isDefined(scope.noAriaLabel) && scope.noAriaLabel !== '') { $log.warn('no-aria-label has been deprecated. This will be removed in v0.6.0.'); } if (angular.isDefined(scope.preAriaLabel) && scope.preAriaLabel !== '') { $log.warn('pre-aria-label has been deprecated. Please use label-id instead. This will be removed in v0.6.0.'); } if (angular.isDefined(scope.customAriaLabel) && scope.customAriaLabel !== '') { $log.warn('custom-aria-label has been deprecated. Please use label-id and post-aria-label instead. This will be removed in v0.6.0.'); } var binarySearchNearest = function (num, arr) { var mid; var lo = 0; var hi = arr.length - 1; while (hi - lo > 1) { mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2); if (arr[mid] < num) { lo = mid; } else { hi = mid; } } if (num - arr[lo] < arr[hi] - num) { return arr[lo]; } return arr[hi]; }; var getValidStep = function(val) { val = parseFloat(val); // in case $modelValue came in string number if (!isNaN(val)) { if(attr['sliderSnapPoints'] && scope.sliderSnapPoints.length > 0) { val = binarySearchNearest(val, scope.sliderSnapPoints); } else { val = Math.round((val - min) / step) * step + min; } return Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000; } }; var getPositionToPercent = function(x) { if (scope.verticalSlider) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (trackContainerRect.bottom - x) / (trackFillOrderPositioning))); } else { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (x - trackContainerRect.left) / (trackFillOrderPositioning))); } }; var getPercentToValue = function(percent) { return (min + percent * (max - min)); }; var getValueToPercent = function(val) { return (val - min) / (max - min); }; var getValidMinMax = function(val) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val)); }; var updateTrackContainerRect = function() { trackContainerRect = trackContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (scope.verticalSlider) { if (!trackContainerRect.height) { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainer[0].scrollHeight; } else { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainerRect.height; } } else { if (!trackContainerRect.width) { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainer[0].scrollWidth; } else { trackFillOrderPositioning = trackContainerRect.width; } } }; var updateKnobPosition = function(percent) { var percentStr = (percent * 100) + '%'; if (scope.verticalSlider) { knob.css('bottom', percentStr); trackFill.css('height', percentStr); } else { knob.css('left', percentStr); trackFill.css('width', percentStr); } }; var modelRenderer = function() { if(attr['disabled']){ return; } if (isNaN(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue)) { ngModelCtrl.$viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue || min; } var viewVal = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; scope.currentModelValue = viewVal; //wait for min, max and step to be set then only update UI to avoid NaN on percent calculation if ((min || min === 0) && max && step) { updateKnobPosition(getValueToPercent(viewVal)); } }; var setModelValue = function(val) { scope.currentModelValue = getValidMinMax(getValidStep(val)); ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(scope.currentModelValue); }; var updateMin = function(val) { min = parseFloat(val); if(isNaN(min)){ min = SliderConfig.min; } scope.min = min; modelRenderer(); }; var updateMax = function(val) { max = parseFloat(val); if(isNaN(max)){ max = SliderConfig.max; } scope.max = max; modelRenderer(); }; var updateStep = function(val) { step = parseFloat(val); if (!attr['skipInterval']) { skipInterval = step; } }; var updateSkipInterval = function(val) { skipInterval = step * Math.ceil(val / (step!==0?step:1)); }; angular.isDefined(attr.min) ? attr.$observe('min', updateMin) : updateMin(SliderConfig.min); angular.isDefined(attr.max) ? attr.$observe('max', updateMax) : updateMax(SliderConfig.max); if (angular.isDefined(attr.step)) { attr.$observe('step', updateStep); } if (angular.isDefined(attr.skipInterval)) { attr.$observe('skipInterval', updateSkipInterval); } scope.currentModelValue = getValidMinMax(getValidStep(min)); var onMouseDown = function(e) { if(attr['disabled']){ return; } switch (e.which) { case 1: // left mouse button break; case 2: case 3: // right or middle mouse button return; } scope.isDragging = true; sliderKnob[0].focus(); updateTrackContainerRect(); if (attr['onDragInit']) { scope.onDragInit(); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(getPercentToValue(getPositionToPercent(e[axisPosition]))); }); }; var onMouseUp = function() { if (attr['onDragEnd']) { scope.onDragEnd(); } scope.isDragging = false; scope.$digest(); }; var onMouseMove = function(e) { if (scope.isDragging) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(getPercentToValue(getPositionToPercent(e[axisPosition]))); }); } }; function onKeyDown(e) { if (!(e.keyCode)) { e.keyCode = e.which; } var updateStep; switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: case keymap.KEY.LEFT: if(attr['sliderSnapPoints'] && scope.sliderSnapPoints.length > 0) { var currentIndex = scope.sliderSnapPoints.indexOf(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue); if (currentIndex > 0) { currentIndex--; } updateStep = scope.sliderSnapPoints[currentIndex]; } else { updateStep = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue - skipInterval; } break; case keymap.KEY.UP: case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: if(attr['sliderSnapPoints'] && scope.sliderSnapPoints.length > 0) { var currentIndex = scope.sliderSnapPoints.indexOf(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue); if (currentIndex < scope.sliderSnapPoints.length-1) { currentIndex++; } updateStep = scope.sliderSnapPoints[currentIndex]; } else { updateStep = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue + skipInterval; } break; case keymap.KEY.END: if(attr['sliderSnapPoints'] && scope.sliderSnapPoints.length > 0) { currentIndex = scope.sliderSnapPoints.length-1; updateStep = scope.sliderSnapPoints[currentIndex]; } else { setModelValue(scope.max); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.HOME: if(attr['sliderSnapPoints'] && scope.sliderSnapPoints.length > 0) { currentIndex = 0; updateStep = scope.sliderSnapPoints[currentIndex]; } else { setModelValue(scope.min); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); break; default: return; } if (angular.isNumber(updateStep) && !attr['disabled']) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); scope.$apply(function() { setModelValue(updateStep); }); if (attr['onDragEnd']) { scope.onDragEnd(); } } } elm.on('keydown', onKeyDown); elm.on('mousedown', onMouseDown); $documentBind.event('mousemove', 'isDragging', onMouseMove, scope, true, 0); $documentBind.event('mouseup', 'isDragging', onMouseUp, scope, true, 0); attr.$observe('disabled', function (disabled) { if (disabled) { sliderKnob.removeAttr('tabindex'); } else { sliderKnob.attr('tabindex', '0'); disabled = false; } elm.toggleClass("slider-disabled", disabled); if (angular.isDefined(attr.hideDisabledKnob)) { scope.hideKnob = disabled; } }); ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { if (!scope.isDragging) { modelRenderer(); if (attr['onRenderEnd'] && !attr['disabled']) { scope.onRenderEnd({currentModelValue: scope.currentModelValue}); } } }; ngModelCtrl.$viewChangeListeners.push(modelRenderer); ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(getValidMinMax); ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(getValidStep); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:spinButton * * @param {String} spin-button-id - An ID for the input field * @param {Integer} min - Minimum value for the input * @param {Integer} max - Maximum value for the input * @param {Integer} step - Value by which input field increments or decrements on up/down arrow keys * @param {Integer} page-step - Value by which input field increments or decrements on page up/down keys * @param {boolean} input-model-key - Default value for input field * @param {boolean} disabled-flag - A boolean that triggers directive once the min or max value has reached * * @description * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.spinButton', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bSpinButtonConfig', { min: 1, max: 10, step: 1, pageStep: 10, inputModelKey: 'value', disabledFlag: false }) .directive('b2bSpinButton', ['keymap', 'b2bSpinButtonConfig', 'b2bUserAgent', function (keymap, b2bSpinButtonConfig, userAgent) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '?ngModel', transclude: false, replace: true, scope: { min: '=min', max: '=max', step: '=step', pageStep: '=pageStep', spinButtonId: '@', inputValue: '=ngModel', inputModelKey: '@', disabledFlag: "=?" }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/spinButton/spinButton.html', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.isMobile = userAgent.isMobile(); scope.notMobile = userAgent.notMobile(); scope.min = attrs.min ? scope.min : b2bSpinButtonConfig.min; scope.max = attrs.max ? scope.max : b2bSpinButtonConfig.max; scope.step = attrs.step ? scope.step : b2bSpinButtonConfig.step; scope.pageStep = attrs.pageStep ? scope.pageStep : b2bSpinButtonConfig.pageStep; scope.inputModelKey = attrs.inputModelKey ? scope.inputModelKey : b2bSpinButtonConfig.inputModelKey; scope.disabledFlag = attrs.disabledFlag ? scope.disabledFlag : b2bSpinButtonConfig.disabledFlag; if (scope.min < 0) { scope.min = 0; } if (scope.max > 999) { scope.max = 999; } scope.isPlusDisabled = function () { return (scope.disabledFlag || scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] >= scope.max); }; scope.isMinusDisabled = function () { return (scope.disabledFlag || scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] <= scope.min); }; scope.getValidateInputValue = function (value) { if (value <= scope.min) { return scope.min; } else if (value >= scope.max) { return scope.max; } else { return value; } }; scope.plus = function () { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.getValidateInputValue(parseInt(scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey], 10) + scope.step); }; scope.minus = function () { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.getValidateInputValue(parseInt(scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey], 10) - scope.step); }; scope.pagePlus = function () { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.getValidateInputValue(parseInt(scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey], 10) + scope.pageStep); }; scope.pageMinus = function () { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.getValidateInputValue(parseInt(scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey], 10) - scope.pageStep); }; }], link: function (scope, elem) { if (scope.notMobile) { angular.element(elem).find('input').attr('aria-live', 'off'); angular.element(elem).find('input').attr('role', 'spinbutton'); } elem.find('input').bind('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.UP) { scope.plus(); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.DOWN){ scope.minus(); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.HOME) { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = parseInt(scope.min); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.END) { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = parseInt(scope.max); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.PAGE_UP) { scope.pagePlus(); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.PAGE_DOWN) { scope.pageMinus(); } scope.$apply(); }); elem.find('input').bind('keyup', function () { if (scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] === null || scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] === '' || scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] < scope.min) { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.min; scope.$apply(); } else if (angular.isUndefined(scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey]) || scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] > scope.max) { scope.inputValue[scope.inputModelKey] = scope.max; scope.$apply(); } }); scope.focusInputSpinButton = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if (scope.notMobile) { elem[0].querySelector('input').focus(); } }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Static Route * * @description * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.staticRouteTemplate', ['b2b.att.utilities']) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Progress & usage indicators.att:statusTracker * * @scope * @param {array} statusObject - An array of status objects that accept heading, estimate, description and state * @description * * * @usage *
    * @example
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.statusTracker', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bStatusTrackerConfig', { 'maxViewItems': 3, 'icons': { 'complete': 'icoControls-approval', 'current': 'icon-misc-time', 'pending': 'icoControls-statusokay', 'actionRequired': 'icon-primary-securityalerts-alert', 'notAvailable': 'icoControls-restricted' } }) .directive('b2bStatusTracker', ['b2bStatusTrackerConfig', function(b2bStatusTrackerConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: false, replace: true, scope:{ statuses: '=' }, templateUrl: function(scope) { return 'b2bTemplate/statusTracker/statusTracker.html'; }, link: function(scope, element, attr) { scope.currentViewIndex = 0; scope.b2bStatusTrackerConfig = b2bStatusTrackerConfig; scope.nextStatus = function() { if (scope.currentViewIndex+1 <= scope.statuses.length) { scope.currentViewIndex++; } }; scope.previousStatus = function() { if (scope.currentViewIndex-1 >= 0) { scope.currentViewIndex--; } }; scope.isInViewport = function(index) { return (index < scope.currentViewIndex+3 && index >= scope.currentViewIndex); // && index > scope.currentViewIndex-2 }; scope.removeCamelCase = function(str) { return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2').toLowerCase(); } } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Progress & usage indicators.att:stepTracker * * @scope * @param {array} stepsItemsObject - An array of step objects * @param {Integer} currenIindex - This indicates the current running step * @param {Integer} viewportIndex - This is optional. This can used to start the view port rather than 1 item. * @description * * * @usage * * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.stepTracker', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bStepTrackerConfig', { 'maxViewItems': 5 }) .directive('b2bStepTracker', ['b2bStepTrackerConfig', function(b2bStepTrackerConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope:{ stepsItemsObject:"=", currentIndex:"=", viewportIndex:"=?" }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/stepTracker/stepTracker.html', link: function(scope, ele, attr) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.viewportIndex)) { scope.currentViewIndex = scope.viewportIndex - 1; }else{ scope.currentViewIndex = 0; } scope.b2bStepTrackerConfig = b2bStepTrackerConfig; scope.nextStatus = function() { if (scope.currentViewIndex+1 <= scope.stepsItemsObject.length) { scope.currentViewIndex++; } }; scope.previousStatus = function() { if (scope.currentViewIndex-1 >= 0) { scope.currentViewIndex--; } }; scope.isInViewport = function(index) { return (index < scope.currentViewIndex+b2bStepTrackerConfig.maxViewItems && index >= scope.currentViewIndex); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Buttons, links & UI controls.att:switches * * @description * * * @usage * * * * * * * * * @example *
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.switches', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bSwitches', ['$compile', '$templateCache', 'keymap', 'events', function ($compile, $templateCache, keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: ['ngModel'], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var ngModelController = ctrl[0]; element.parent().bind("keydown", function (e) { if (!attrs.disabled && (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.ENTER || e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.SPACE)) { events.preventDefault(e); ngModelController.$setViewValue(!ngModelController.$viewValue); element.prop("checked", ngModelController.$viewValue); } }); element.wrap('
    '); //element.attr("tabindex", -1); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iphone/i)){ element.attr("aria-live", "polite"); } else { element.removeAttr('aria-live'); } var templateSwitch = angular.element($templateCache.get("b2bTemplate/switches/switches.html")); if (angular.isDefined(attrs.typeSpanish)) { templateSwitch = angular.element($templateCache.get("b2bTemplate/switches/switches-spanish.html")); } templateSwitch = $compile(templateSwitch)(scope); element.parent().append(templateSwitch); element.bind("focus", function (e) { element.parent().addClass('focused'); }); element.bind("blur", function (e) { element.parent().removeClass('focused'); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Template.att:Table with Drag and Drop * * @description * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.tableDragAndDrop', ['b2b.att.utilities','b2b.att.tables']) /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:tableMessages * * @description * * * @usage

    No Matching Results

    The data is currently loading...

    * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.tableMessages', []) .directive('b2bTableMessage', [function() { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { msgType: '=', onRefreshClick: '&' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tableMessages/tableMessage.html', link: function(scope) { scope.refreshAction = function(evt) { scope.onRefreshClick(evt); }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Tabs, tables & accordions.att:tableScrollbar * * @description * * * @usage * ..... .....
    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.tableScrollbar', []) .directive('b2bTableScrollbar', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'E', scope: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tableScrollbar/tableScrollbar.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var firstThWidth, firstTdWidth, firstColumnWidth, firstColumnHeight, trHeight = 0; var pxToScroll = ''; var tableElement = element.find('table'); var thElements = element.find('th'); var tdElements = element.find('td'); var innerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-table-inner-container')); var outerContainer = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.b2b-table-scrollbar')); scope.disableLeft = true; scope.disableRight = false; if (angular.isDefined(thElements[0])) { firstThWidth = thElements[0].offsetWidth; } if (angular.isDefined(tdElements[0])) { firstTdWidth = tdElements[0].offsetWidth; } firstColumnWidth = (firstThWidth > firstTdWidth) ? firstThWidth : firstTdWidth; innerContainer.css({ 'padding-left': (firstColumnWidth + 2) + 'px' }); angular.forEach(element.find('tr'), function (eachTr, index) { trObject = angular.element(eachTr); firstColumn = angular.element(trObject.children()[0]); angular.element(firstColumn).css({ 'left': '0px', 'width': (firstColumnWidth + 2) + 'px', 'position': 'absolute' }); trHeight = trObject[0].offsetHeight; firstColumnHeight = firstColumn[0].offsetHeight; if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { firstColumnHeight += 1; } if (trHeight !== firstColumnHeight - 1) { if (trHeight > firstColumnHeight) { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { trHeight -= 1; } angular.element(firstColumn).css({ 'height': (trHeight + 1) + 'px' }); } else { angular.element(trObject).css({ 'height': (firstColumnHeight - 1) + 'px' }); } } }); pxToScroll = outerContainer[0].offsetWidth - firstColumnWidth; scope.scrollLeft = function () { innerContainer[0].scrollLeft = innerContainer[0].scrollLeft + 20 - pxToScroll; }; scope.scrollRight = function () { innerContainer[0].scrollLeft = innerContainer[0].scrollLeft + pxToScroll - 20; }; scope.checkScrollArrows = function () { if (innerContainer[0].scrollLeft == 0) { scope.disableLeft = true; } else { scope.disableLeft = false; } if (((innerContainer[0].offsetWidth - firstColumnWidth) + innerContainer[0].scrollLeft) >= tableElement[0].offsetWidth) { scope.disableRight = true; } else { scope.disableRight = false; } }; innerContainer.bind('scroll', function () { $timeout(function () { scope.checkScrollArrows(); }, 1); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Tabs, tables & accordions.att:tables * * @description * * * @usage * Table
    Header 1 Header 2
    * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.tables', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .constant('b2bTableConfig', { defaultSortPattern: false, // true for descending & false for ascending highlightSearchStringClass: 'tablesorter-search-highlight', zebraStripCutOff: 6, // > zebraStripCutOff tableBreakpoints: [ // breakpoints are >= min and < max { min: 0, max: 480, columns: 2 }, { min: 480, max: 768, columns: 3 }, { min: 768, max: 1025, columns: 5 }, { min: 1025, max: 1920, columns: 7 } ] }) .directive('b2bTable', ['$filter', '$window', 'b2bTableConfig', '$timeout', function ($filter, $window, b2bTableConfig, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { tableData: "=", viewPerPage: "=", currentPage: "=", totalPage: "=", searchCategory: "=", searchString: "=", nextSort: '=' }, require: 'b2bTable', templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTable.html', controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { this.headers = []; this.currentSortIndex = null; this.responsive = $scope.responsive = $attrs.responsive; this.maxTableColumns = -1; this.totalTableColums = 0; this.active = $scope.active = false; this.responsiveRowScopes = []; this.hideColumnPriority = []; this.hiddenColumn = []; this.setIndex = function (headerScope, priority) { this.headers.push(headerScope); if (this.responsive) { this.totalTableColums++; if (!isNaN(priority)) { this.hideColumnPriority[priority] = this.totalTableColums - 1; } else { this.hideColumnPriority[this.totalTableColums - 1] = this.totalTableColums - 1; } } return this.totalTableColums - 1; }; this.getIndex = function (headerName) { for (var i = 0; i < this.headers.length; i++) { if (this.headers[i].headerName === headerName) { return this.headers[i].index; } } return null; }; this.setResponsiveRow = function (responsiveRowScope) { this.responsiveRowScopes.push(responsiveRowScope); } $scope.nextSort = ''; this.sortData = function (columnIndex, reverse, externalSort) { if ($scope.$parent && $scope.$parent !== undefined) { $scope.$parent.columnIndex = columnIndex; $scope.$parent.reverse = reverse; } this.currentSortIndex = columnIndex; if (externalSort === true) { if (!reverse) { $scope.nextSort = 'd' } else { $scope.nextSort = 'a' } } $scope.currentPage = 1; this.resetSortPattern(); }; this.getSearchString = function () { return $scope.searchString; }; this.resetSortPattern = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.headers.length; i++) { var currentScope = this.headers[i]; if (currentScope.index !== this.currentSortIndex) { currentScope.resetSortPattern(); } } }; $scope.$watch('nextSort', function (val) { if ($scope.$parent && $scope.$parent !== undefined) { $scope.$parent.nextSort = val; } }); }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.searchCriteria = {}; scope.tableBreakpoints = attr.tableConfig ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.tableConfig) : angular.copy(b2bTableConfig.tableBreakpoints); scope.$watchCollection('tableData', function (value) { if (value && !isNaN(value.length)) { scope.totalRows = value.length; } }); scope.$watch('currentPage', function (val) { if (scope.$parent && scope.$parent !== undefined) { scope.$parent.currentPage = val; } }); scope.$watch('viewPerPage', function (val) { if (scope.$parent && scope.$parent !== undefined) { scope.$parent.viewPerPage = val; } }); scope.$watch('totalRows', function (val) { if (scope.$parent && scope.$parent !== undefined) { if (val > b2bTableConfig.zebraStripCutOff) { scope.$parent.zebraStripFlag = true; } else { scope.$parent.zebraStripFlag = false; } } }); scope.$watch(function () { return scope.totalRows / scope.viewPerPage; }, function (value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { scope.totalPage = Math.ceil(value); scope.currentPage = 1; } }); var searchValCheck = function (val) { if (angular.isDefined(val) && val !== null && val !== "") { return true; } }; var setSearchCriteria = function (v1, v2) { if (searchValCheck(v1) && searchValCheck(v2)) { var index = ctrl.getIndex(v2); scope.searchCriteria = {}; if (index !== null) { scope.searchCriteria[index] = v1; } } else if (searchValCheck(v1) && (!angular.isDefined(v2) || v2 === null || v2 === "")) { scope.searchCriteria = { $: v1 }; } else { scope.searchCriteria = {}; } }; scope.$watch('searchCategory', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { setSearchCriteria(scope.searchString, newVal); } }); scope.$watch('searchString', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { setSearchCriteria(newVal, scope.searchCategory); } }); scope.$watchCollection('searchCriteria', function (val) { if (scope.$parent && scope.$parent !== undefined) { scope.$parent.searchCriteria = val; } scope.totalRows = scope.tableData && ($filter('filter')(scope.tableData, val, false)).length || 0; scope.currentPage = 1; }); var window = angular.element($window); var findMaxTableColumns = function () { var windowWidth; windowWidth = $window.innerWidth; ctrl.maxTableColumns = -1; for (var i in scope.tableBreakpoints) { if (windowWidth >= scope.tableBreakpoints[i].min && windowWidth < scope.tableBreakpoints[i].max) { ctrl.maxTableColumns = scope.tableBreakpoints[i].columns; break; } } if (ctrl.maxTableColumns > -1 && ctrl.totalTableColums > ctrl.maxTableColumns) { ctrl.active = true; } else { ctrl.active = false; } for (var i in ctrl.responsiveRowScopes) { ctrl.responsiveRowScopes[i].setActive(ctrl.active); } }; var findHiddenColumn = function () { var columnDiffenence = ctrl.maxTableColumns > -1 ? ctrl.totalTableColums - ctrl.maxTableColumns : 0; ctrl.hiddenColumn = []; if (columnDiffenence > 0) { var tempHideColumnPriority = angular.copy(ctrl.hideColumnPriority); for (var i = 0; i < columnDiffenence; i++) { ctrl.hiddenColumn.push(tempHideColumnPriority.pop()); } } }; var resizeListener = function () { findMaxTableColumns(); findHiddenColumn(); }; if (ctrl.responsive) { window.bind('resize', function () { resizeListener(); scope.$apply(); }); $timeout(function () { resizeListener(); }, 100); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bTableRow', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', compile: function (elem, attr) { if (attr.type === 'header') { angular.noop(); } else if (attr.type === 'body') { var html = elem.children(); if (attr.rowRepeat) { html.attr('ng-repeat', attr.rowRepeat.concat(" | orderBy : (reverse?'-':'')+ columnIndex | filter : searchCriteria : false ")); } html.attr('ng-class', "{'odd': $odd && zebraStripFlag}"); html.attr('class', 'data-row'); html.attr('b2b-responsive-row', '{{$index}}'); elem.append(html); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bTableHeader', ['b2bTableConfig', function (b2bTableConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { sortable: '@', defaultSort: '@', index: '@key' }, require: '^b2bTable', templateUrl: function (elem, attr) { if (attr.sortable === 'false') { return 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableHeaderUnsortable.html'; } else { return 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableHeaderSortable.html'; } }, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var reverse = b2bTableConfig.defaultSortPattern; scope.headerName = elem.text(); scope.headerId = elem.attr('id'); scope.sortPattern = null; var priority = parseInt(attr.priority, 10); scope.columnIndex = ctrl.setIndex(scope, priority); scope.isHidden = function () { return (ctrl.hiddenColumn.indexOf(scope.columnIndex) > -1); }; scope.$watch(function () { return elem.text(); }, function (value) { scope.headerName = value; }); scope.sort = function (sortType) { if (typeof sortType === 'boolean') { reverse = sortType; } ctrl.sortData(scope.index, reverse, false); scope.sortPattern = reverse ? 'descending' : 'ascending'; reverse = !reverse; }; scope.$watch(function () { return ctrl.currentSortIndex; }, function (value) { if (value !== scope.index) { scope.sortPattern = null; } }); if (scope.sortable === undefined || scope.sortable === 'true' || scope.sortable === true) { scope.sortable = 'true'; } else if (scope.sortable === false || scope.sortable === 'false') { scope.sortable = 'false'; } if (scope.sortable !== 'false') { if (scope.defaultSort === 'A' || scope.defaultSort === 'a') { scope.sort(false); } else if (scope.defaultSort === 'D' || scope.defaultSort === 'd') { scope.sort(true); } } scope.resetSortPattern = function () { reverse = b2bTableConfig.defaultSortPattern; }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bResponsiveRow', ['$templateCache', '$timeout', '$compile', function ($templateCache, $timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bTable', controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.rowValues = $scope.rowValues = []; this.setRowValues = function (rowValue) { this.rowValues.push(rowValue); }; var columnIndexCounter = -1; this.getIndex = function () { columnIndexCounter++; return columnIndexCounter; }; }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (ctrl.responsive) { scope.rowIndex = attr.b2bResponsiveRow; scope.active = false; scope.expandFlag = false; scope.headerValues = ctrl.headers; ctrl.setResponsiveRow(scope); var firstTd = elem.find('td').eq(0); scope.setActive = function (activeFlag) { scope.active = activeFlag; if (scope.active) { elem.addClass('has-button'); firstTd.attr('role', 'rowheader'); firstTd.parent().attr('role', 'row'); } else { elem.removeClass('has-button'); firstTd.removeAttr('role'); firstTd.parent().removeAttr('role'); } }; scope.toggleExpandFlag = function (expandFlag) { if (angular.isDefined(expandFlag)) { scope.expandFlag = expandFlag; } else { scope.expandFlag = !scope.expandFlag; } if (scope.expandFlag) { elem.addClass('opened'); } else { elem.removeClass('opened'); } }; firstTd.attr('scope', 'row'); firstTd.addClass('col-1'); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { elem.next().remove(); }); $timeout(function () { scope.firstTdId = firstTd.attr('id'); var firstTdContent = firstTd.html(); var toggleButtonTemplate = '' + firstTdContent + ''; toggleButtonTemplate = $compile(toggleButtonTemplate)(scope); firstTd.html(''); firstTd.prepend(toggleButtonTemplate); var template = $templateCache.get('b2bTemplate/tables/b2bResponsiveRow.html'); template = $compile(template)(scope); elem.after(template); }, 100); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bResponsiveList', ['$templateCache', '$timeout', '$compile', function ($templateCache, $timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^b2bTable', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.columnIndex = parseInt(attr.b2bResponsiveList, 10); scope.isVisible = function () { return (ctrl.hiddenColumn.indexOf(scope.columnIndex) > -1); }; } }; }]) .directive('b2bTableBody', ['$filter', '$timeout', 'b2bTableConfig', function ($filter, $timeout, b2bTableConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: ['^b2bTable', '?^b2bResponsiveRow'], scope: true, replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tables/b2bTableBody.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var b2bTableCtrl = ctrl[0]; var b2bResponsiveRowCtrl = ctrl[1]; var highlightSearchStringClass = b2bTableConfig.highlightSearchStringClass; var searchString = ""; var wrapElement = function (elem) { var text = elem.text(); elem.html($filter('b2bHighlight')(text, searchString, highlightSearchStringClass)); }; var traverse = function (elem) { var innerHtml = elem.children(); if (innerHtml.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < innerHtml.length; i++) { traverse(innerHtml.eq(i)); } } else { wrapElement(elem); return; } }; var clearWrap = function (elem) { var elems = elem.find('*'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (elems.eq(i).attr('class') && elems.eq(i).attr('class').indexOf(highlightSearchStringClass) !== -1) { var text = elems.eq(i).text(); elems.eq(i).replaceWith(text); } } }; if (b2bResponsiveRowCtrl) { scope.columnIndex = b2bResponsiveRowCtrl.getIndex(); scope.isHidden = function () { return (b2bTableCtrl.hiddenColumn.indexOf(scope.columnIndex) > -1); }; } $timeout(function () { var actualHtml = elem.children(); scope.$watch(function () { return b2bTableCtrl.getSearchString(); }, function (val) { searchString = val; clearWrap(elem); if (actualHtml.length > 0) { traverse(elem); } else { wrapElement(elem); } }); if (b2bResponsiveRowCtrl) { b2bResponsiveRowCtrl.setRowValues(elem.html()); } }, 50); } }; }]) .directive('b2bTableSort', ['b2bTableConfig','$timeout', function (b2bTableConfig,$timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, require: '^b2bTable', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var initialSort = '', nextSort = '', tempsort = ''; initialSort = attr.initialSort; scope.sortTable = function (msg,trigger) { if(trigger == 'dropdown'){ if (nextSort === 'd' || nextSort === 'D') { ctrl.sortData(msg, false, false); }else{ ctrl.sortData(msg, true, false); } return; } $timeout(function(){ if (nextSort.length > 0) { if (nextSort === 'd' || nextSort === 'D') { tempsort = nextSort ctrl.sortData(msg, true, true); nextSort = 'a'; $timeout(function(){ if(!angular.isUndefined(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton')) || elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton') !== null ){ angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton'))[0].focus(); } },100); } else { tempsort = nextSort ctrl.sortData(msg, false, true); nextSort = 'd'; $timeout(function(){ if(!angular.isUndefined(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton')) || elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton') !== null ){ angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton'))[0].focus(); } },100); } } else if (initialSort.length > 0) { if (initialSort === 'd' || initialSort === 'D') { tempsort = nextSort ctrl.sortData(msg, true, true); nextSort = 'a'; $timeout(function(){ if(!angular.isUndefined(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton')) || elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton') !== null ){ angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton'))[0].focus(); } },100); } else { tempsort = nextSort ctrl.sortData(msg, false, true); nextSort = 'd'; $timeout(function(){ if(!angular.isUndefined(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton')) || elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton') !== null ){ angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.sortButton'))[0].focus(); } },100); } } },10) }; scope.sortDropdown = function(msg) { if(tempsort==='') { tempsort='a' } if(tempsort === 'd' || tempsort === 'D' ) { ctrl.sortData(msg, true, false); } else { ctrl.sortData(msg, false, false); } }; } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Tabs, tables & accordions.att:tabs * * @description * * * @usage * {{tab.title}} * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.tabs', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bTabset', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, scope: { tabIdSelected: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTabset.html', controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.setTabIdSelected = function (tab) { $scope.tabIdSelected = tab.id; }; this.getTabIdSelected = function () { return $scope.tabIdSelected; }; }] }; }) .directive('b2bTab', ['keymap', function (keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, require: '^b2bTabset', scope: { tabItem: "=" }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTab.html', controller: [function(){}], link: function (scope, element, attr, b2bTabsetCtrl) { if (scope.tabItem && !scope.tabItem.disabled) { scope.tabItem.disabled = false; } scope.isTabActive = function () { return (scope.tabItem.id === b2bTabsetCtrl.getTabIdSelected()); }; scope.clickTab = function () { if (attr.disabled) { return; } b2bTabsetCtrl.setTabIdSelected(scope.tabItem); }; scope.nextKey = function () { var el = angular.element(element[0])[0]; var elementToFocus = null; while (el && el.nextElementSibling) { el = el.nextElementSibling; if (!el.querySelector('a').disabled) { elementToFocus = el.querySelector('a'); break; } } if (!elementToFocus) { var childTabs = element.parent().children(); for (var i = 0; i < childTabs.length; i++) { if (!childTabs[i].querySelector('a').disabled) { elementToFocus = childTabs[i].querySelector('a'); break; } } } if (elementToFocus) { elementToFocus.focus(); } }; scope.previousKey = function () { var el = angular.element(element[0])[0]; var elementToFocus = null; while (el && el.previousElementSibling) { el = el.previousElementSibling; if (!el.querySelector('a').disabled) { elementToFocus = el.querySelector('a'); break; } } if (!elementToFocus) { var childTabs = element.parent().children(); for (var i = childTabs.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (!childTabs[i].querySelector('a').disabled) { elementToFocus = childTabs[i].querySelector('a'); break; } } } if (elementToFocus) { elementToFocus.focus(); } }; angular.element(element[0].querySelector('a')).bind('keydown', function (evt) { if (!(evt.keyCode)) { evt.keyCode = evt.which; } switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: evt.preventDefault(); scope.nextKey(); break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: evt.preventDefault(); scope.previousKey(); break; default:; } }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Messages, modals & alerts.att:tagBadges * * @description * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.tagBadges', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bTagBadge',['$timeout',function($timeout){ return{ restrict: 'EA', link: function(scope,elem,attr,ctrl){ elem.addClass('b2b-tags'); if(angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.icon-primary-close')).length>0) { var item = angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.icon-primary-close')); item.bind('click',function(){ elem.css({'height':'0','width':'0','padding':'0','border':'0'}); elem.attr('tabindex','0'); elem[0].focus(); item.parent().remove(); elem[0].bind('blur',function(){ elem[0].remove(); }); }); } } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:textArea * * @description * * * @usage * * * @example
    HTML + AngularJS
    */ angular.module('b2b.att.textArea', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bResetTextarea', [ function () { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'b2bReset', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var resetButton = ctrl.getResetButton(); var computeScrollbarAndAddClass = function () { if (element.prop('scrollHeight') > element[0].clientHeight) { element.addClass('hasScrollbar'); } else { element.removeClass('hasScrollbar'); } }; computeScrollbarAndAddClass(); element.on('focus keyup', function(){ computeScrollbarAndAddClass(); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:timeInputField * * @description * * * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.timeInputField',['ngMessages', 'b2b.att.utilities']).directive('b2bTimeFormat',function(){ return{ restrict : 'A', require : '^ngModel', link : function(scope,elem,attr,ctrl){ elem.on('keyup',function(evt){ var modelValue = ctrl.$modelValue; var format = attr.b2bTimeFormat; modelValue = modelValue.split(':'); if(format == "12"){ if(!(modelValue[0] <= 12 && modelValue[0] > 0 ) || !(modelValue[1] <= 59)){ ctrl.$setValidity('inValidTime',false); }else{ ctrl.$setValidity('inValidTime',true); } }else if(format =="24"){ if(!(modelValue[0] <= 23) || !(modelValue[1] <= 59)){ ctrl.$setValidity('inValidTime',false); }else{ ctrl.$setValidity('inValidTime',true); } } scope.$apply(); }); } } }); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Forms.att:tooltipsForForms * * @description * * * @example */ angular.module('b2b.att.tooltipsForForms', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bTooltip', ['$document', '$window', '$isElement', function ($document, $window, $isElement) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var icon = elem[0].querySelector('a.tooltip-element'); var btnIcon = elem[0].querySelector('.btn.tooltip-element'); var tooltipText = elem[0].querySelector('.helpertext'); var tooltipWrapper = elem[0].querySelector('.tooltip-size-control'); if (elem.hasClass('tooltip-onfocus')) { var inputElm = angular.element(elem[0].querySelector("input")); var textAreaElm = angular.element(elem[0].querySelector("textarea")); } angular.element(icon).attr({'aria-expanded': false}); angular.element(btnIcon).attr({'aria-expanded': false}); var calcTooltip = function () { if (!elem.hasClass('tooltip active')) { if (elem.hasClass('tooltip-onfocus')) { angular.element(elem[0].querySelector("input")).triggerHandler('focusout'); } if (elem.hasClass('tooltip-onclick')) { return false; } angular.element(icon).removeClass('active'); angular.element(icon).attr({'aria-expanded': true}); angular.element(icon).attr({'aria-describedby': angular.element(tooltipText).attr('id')}); angular.element(tooltipText).attr({'aria-hidden': false}); elem.addClass('active'); var tooltipIconPos = angular.element(icon).prop('offsetLeft'), tooltipPosition = angular.element(tooltipText).prop('offsetWidth') / 2, tipOffset = (tooltipIconPos - 30) - tooltipPosition, maxRightPos = (($window.innerWidth - 72) - (tooltipPosition * 2)) - 14.5; if ($window.innerWidth >= '768') { if (tipOffset < 0) {// if icon on far left side of page tipOffset = 15; } else if (tooltipIconPos > maxRightPos) {// if icon is far right side of page tipOffset = maxRightPos; } else {// if tooltip in the middle somewhere tipOffset = tipOffset; } angular.element(tooltipWrapper).css({left: tipOffset + 'px'}); } } }; // TOOLTIP LINK ONCLICK AND FOCUS angular.element(icon).on('click mouseover mouseout focus blur', function (e) { if (e.type == 'mouseover') { calcTooltip(); } else if (e.type == 'mouseout' && elem.hasClass('active')) { if (!elem.hasClass('activeClick')) { angular.element(tooltipText).attr({ 'aria-hidden': true, 'tabindex': '-1' }); elem.removeClass('active'); } else if (elem.hasClass('activeClick') && navigator.userAgent.match(/iphone/i)) { elem.removeClass('active activeClick'); } } else { if (elem.hasClass('activeClick')) { angular.element(icon).attr({'aria-expanded': false}); angular.element(tooltipText).attr({'aria-hidden': true}); angular.element(icon).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); elem.removeClass('activeClick active'); e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.type == 'click') { elem.addClass('activeClick'); calcTooltip(); e.preventDefault(); } else { angular.element(icon).on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '32') { (elem.hasClass('active')) ? elem.removeClass('active') : elem.addClass('value'); angular.element(icon).triggerHandler('click'); e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode == '27') { (elem.hasClass('active')) ? elem.removeClass('active activeClick') : elem.addClass('value'); } }); e.preventDefault(); } } e.preventDefault(); }); // TOOLTIP BUTTON INSIDE A TEXT FIELD angular.element(btnIcon).on('click', function (e) { var $this = angular.element(this); if ($this.hasClass('active') && elem.hasClass('tooltip-onclick')) { elem.removeClass('active'); $this.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); $this.attr({'aria-expanded': 'false'}); $this.removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } else { elem.addClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); $this.attr({'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-describedby': angular.element(tooltipText).attr('id')}); angular.element(tooltipText).attr({'aria-live': 'polite'}); } }); angular.element(btnIcon).on('blur', function (e) { var $this = angular.element(this); if ($this.hasClass('active') && elem.hasClass('tooltip-onclick')) { elem.removeClass('active'); $this.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); $this.attr({'aria-expanded': 'false'}); $this.removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } }); angular.element(btnIcon).on('keydown', function (e) { var $this = angular.element(this); if (e.keyCode == '27') { var $this = angular.element(this); if ($this.hasClass('active') && elem.hasClass('tooltip-onclick')) { elem.removeClass('active'); $this.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); $this.attr({'aria-expanded': 'false'}); $this.removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } } }); // close all tooltips if clicking something else $document.bind('click', function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), elem, $document); if (!isElement) { elem.removeClass('active'); angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.tooltip-element')).removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.tooltip-element')).attr({'aria-expanded': 'false'}); angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.tooltip-element')).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); }; }); angular.element(inputElm).on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '27'){ elem.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'none'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); if (angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby') === undefined){ } else if ((spaceIndex = angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby').lastIndexOf(' ')) >= 0){ var describedByValue = angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby').slice(0, spaceIndex); angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby', describedByValue); } else { angular.element(this).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } } }); angular.element(textAreaElm).on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode == '27'){ elem.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'none'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); if (angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby') === undefined){ } else if ((spaceIndex = angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby').lastIndexOf(' ')) >= 0){ var describedByValue = angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby').slice(0, spaceIndex); angular.element(this).attr('aria-describedby', describedByValue); } else { angular.element(this).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } } }); // TOOLTIP TRIGGERED AUTOMATICALLY INSIDE A TEXT FIELD angular.element(inputElm).on('focus', function (e) { var allTooltip = $document[0].querySelectorAll('[class*="tooltip"]'); for (var i = 0; i < allTooltip.length; i++) { if (angular.element(allTooltip[i]).hasClass('active')) { angular.element(allTooltip[i]).triggerHandler('click'); } }; angular.element(this).attr({'aria-describedby': angular.element(tooltipText).attr('id')}); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'block'); angular.element(tooltipText).attr({'aria-live': 'polite'}); elem.addClass('active'); }); angular.element(inputElm).on('blur', function (e) { elem.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'none'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); angular.element(this).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); }); // TOOLTIP TRIGGERED AUTOMATICALLY INSIDE A TEXTAREA angular.element(textAreaElm).on('focus', function (e) { var allTooltip = $document[0].querySelectorAll('[class*="tooltip"]'); for (var i = 0; i < allTooltip.length; i++) { if (angular.element(allTooltip[i]).hasClass('active')) { angular.element(allTooltip[i]).triggerHandler('click'); } }; elem.addClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'block'); angular.element(tooltipText).attr({'aria-live': 'polite'}); angular.element(this).attr({'aria-describedby': angular.element(tooltipText).attr('id')}); }); angular.element(textAreaElm).on('blur', function (e) { elem.removeClass('active'); angular.element(tooltipText).css('display', 'none'); angular.element(tooltipText).removeAttr('aria-live'); angular.element(this).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:TreeNavigation * * * @scope * @param {String} setRole - This value needs to be "tree". This is required to incorporate CATO requirements. * @param {Boolean} groupIt - This value needs to be "false" for top-level tree rendered. * * @description * * * @usage *
    * *
    * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.treeNav', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bTreeNav', function () { return { restrict: "E", replace: true, scope: { collection: '=', groupIt: '=', setRole: '@' }, templateUrl: function (element, attrs) { if (attrs.groupIt === 'true') { return "b2bTemplate/treeNav/groupedTree.html"; } else { return "b2bTemplate/treeNav/ungroupedTree.html"; } }, link: function (scope) { if (!(scope.setRole === 'tree')) { scope.setRole = 'group'; } } } }) .directive('b2bMember', ['$compile', '$timeout', 'keymap', function ($compile, $timeout, keymap) { return { restrict: "E", replace: true, scope: { member: '=', groupIt: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/treeNav/treeMember.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.elemArr = []; var removeRootTabIndex = function (elem) { if (elem.parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree')) { elem.attr('tabindex', -1); return; } removeRootTabIndex(elem.parent()); }; scope.$watch('member.child', function(newVal, oldVal){ if(newVal !== oldVal){ scope.showChild(); }; }); scope.showChild = function () { if (!element.hasClass('grouped')) { if (angular.isArray(scope.member.child) && scope.member.child.length > 0 && (scope.member.divide === undefined || scope.member.child.length < scope.member.divide)) { scope.groupIt = false; element.addClass('grouped'); element.append(""); $compile(element.contents())(scope); if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active === true){ element.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; if(scope.member.selected && scope.member.selected === true){ element.attr('aria-selected', true); element.attr('tabindex', 0); removeRootTabIndex(element); }; if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active == undefined){ element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; } else if (scope.member.child && scope.member.divide && scope.member.child.length > scope.member.divide) { element.addClass('grouped'); scope.groupIt = true; // FILTER - GROUPBY - APPROACH var j = 0; var grpName = ''; if(scope.member.child[0].groupName !== undefined){ grpName = scope.member.child[0].groupName; } else{ var toSlice = scope.member.child[0].name.search(' '); grpName = scope.member.child[0].name.slice(0, toSlice); } for (i = 0; i < scope.member.child.length; i += scope.member.divide) { j = 0; for (j = j + i; j < (i + scope.member.divide); j++) { if (j === scope.member.child.length) { scope.member.child[j - 1].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (scope.member.child.length); break; if(scope.member.child[j-1].active && scope.member.child[j-1].active===true){ scope.member.child[j-1].activeGrp = true; }; } if (i + scope.member.divide > scope.member.child.length) { scope.member.child[j].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (scope.member.child.length); if(scope.member.child[j].active && scope.member.child[j].active===true){ scope.member.child[j].activeGrp = true; }; } else { scope.member.child[j].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (i + scope.member.divide); if(scope.member.child[j].active && scope.member.child[j].active===true){ scope.member.child[j].activeGrp = true; }; } } } if(scope.member.divide){ element.append(""); } else { element.append(""); } $compile(element.contents())(scope); if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active === true){ element.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; if(scope.member.selected && scope.member.selected === true){ element.attr('aria-selected', true); }; if( scope.member.active && scope.member.active == undefined){ element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; } } }; //Below condition opens node for opening on json load. if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active == true){ scope.showChild(); }; if(scope.member.active == undefined && !element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.child !== undefined){ element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); } else if(scope.member.child == undefined){ element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-circle'); }; element.bind('keydown', function (evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.ENTER: if (element.hasClass('bg') && scope.member.onSelect !== undefined) { scope.member.onSelect(scope.member); } evt.stopPropagation(); break; default: break; } }); //else getting true in every case .. so better use switch case .. that makes more sense you dumb. element.bind('click', function (evt) { scope.showChild(); var expandFunc = scope.member.onExpand; //onSelect if (element.hasClass('bg') && scope.member.onSelect !== undefined) { scope.member.onSelect(scope.member); } if (element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.onExpand !== undefined) { var eValue = scope.member.onExpand(scope.member); } if (!element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.onCollapse !== undefined) { scope.member.onCollapse(scope.member); } }); } } }]) .directive('b2bTreeLink', ['keymap', '$timeout', function (keymap, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { var rootE, parentE, upE, downE; var closeOthersUp = function (elem,isKeyPress,passiveClose) { //For accordion functionality on sibling nodes if (elem.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { activeToggle(elem,isKeyPress,passiveClose); return; } if (elem.hasClass('bg') && !isKeyPress) { elem.removeClass('bg'); if (elem.attr('aria-selected')) { elem.attr('aria-selected', 'false'); } } if (elem[0].previousElementSibling !== null) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling),isKeyPress); } }; var closeOthersDown = function (elem,isKeyPress,passiveClose) { //For accordion functionality on sibling nodes if (elem.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { activeToggle(elem,isKeyPress,passiveClose); return; } if (elem.hasClass('bg') && !isKeyPress) { elem.removeClass('bg'); if (elem.attr('aria-selected')) { elem.attr('aria-selected', 'false'); } } if (elem[0].nextElementSibling !== null) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling),isKeyPress); } }; var removeBackground = function(elem){ if(elem.hasClass('b2b-tree')){ angular.element(elem[0].getElementsByClassName('bg')).removeClass('bg'); return; }else{ removeBackground(elem.parent().parent()); } }; /** * These two functions used for setting heights on parent nodes as the child node closes * Retaining this code for future reference var addParentHeight = function(e, h) { var parentLi = e.parent().parent(); var parentUl = e.parent(); if(!parentLi.hasClass('b2b-tree')) { var addHeight = parentUl[0].offsetHeight + h; parentLi.find('ul').eq(0).css({ height: addHeight+'px' }) addParentHeight(parentLi, h); } }; var removeParentHeight = function(e, h) { var parentLi = e.parent().parent(); var parentUl = e.parent(); if(!parentLi.hasClass('b2b-tree')) { var addHeight = parentUl[0].offsetHeight - h; parentLi.find('ul').eq(0).css({ height: addHeight+'px' }) removeParentHeight(parentLi, h); } }; */ // isKeyPress - to notify that the function is called by Right Key press // passiveClose - prevents firing of oncollapse events during the action // of expand function(check the function definition) var activeToggle = function (elem,isKeyPress,passiveClose) { var element = elem.find('a').eq(0); if (element.hasClass('active')) { if(!isKeyPress){ elem.removeClass('bg'); } if (elem.attr('aria-selected') && !isKeyPress) { elem.attr('aria-selected', 'false'); } if (!element.find('i').eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')) { if(isKeyPress && scope.member){ if (scope.member.onCollapse !== undefined && !passiveClose) { scope.member.onCollapse(scope.member); } } element.removeClass('active'); elem.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); element.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-expanded'); element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); //For Animation: below commented code is used to manually set height of UL to zero //retaining code for future reference /* var totalHeight = elem.find('ul')[0].scrollHeight; removeParentHeight(elem, totalHeight); elem.find('ul').eq(0).css({ height: null });*/ } } else { if(!isKeyPress){ elem.addClass('bg'); elem.attr('aria-selected', 'true'); } if (!element.find('i').eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')) { if(isKeyPress){ if(typeof scope.showChild === 'function' ){ scope.showChild(); } if(scope.member){ if (scope.member.onExpand !== undefined) { scope.member.onExpand(scope.member); } } } element.addClass('active'); elem.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); element.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-expanded'); //For Animation: below commented code is used to manually set height of the ul generatedon the click of parent LI. //retaining code for future reference /* var totalHeight = elem.find('ul')[0].scrollHeight; addParentHeight(elem, totalHeight); elem.find('ul').eq(0).css({ height: totalHeight+'px' });*/ } } }; element.bind('click', function (evt) { //first we close others and then we open the clicked element if (element[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(element[0].previousElementSibling)); } if (element[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling)); } removeBackground(element); activeToggle(element); evt.stopPropagation(); }); //default root tree element tabindex set zero if (element.parent().parent().hasClass('b2b-tree') && (element.parent()[0].previousElementSibling === null)) { element.attr('tabindex', 0); } //check root via class var isRoot = function (elem) { if (elem.parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree')) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var findRoot = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem)) { rootE = elem; return; } findRoot(elem.parent()); }; var findPreActive = function (elem) { if (!(elem.hasClass("active"))) { return; } else { var childElems = angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling.children); lastE = angular.element(childElems[childElems.length - 1]); if (lastE.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { findPreActive(lastE.find('a').eq(0)); } upE = lastE; } }; var findUp = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem)) { upE = elem; return; } if (elem[0].previousElementSibling !== null && !angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling).hasClass('tree-hide')) { upE = angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling); if (upE.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { findPreActive(upE.find('a').eq(0)); } } else { upE = elem.parent().parent(); } }; var downElement = function (elem) { if (elem.next().hasClass('tree-hide')) { downElement(elem.next()); } else { downE = elem.next(); } } var isBottomElem = false; var downParent = function(liElem){ if(liElem.eq(0).parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree')){ isBottomElem = true; return; } if(liElem.next().length !== 0){ downE = liElem.next().eq(0); return; } else { downParent(liElem.parent().parent()); } } var findDown = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem.parent()) && !elem.hasClass('active')) { downE = elem.parent(); return; } if (elem.hasClass('active')) { downE = elem.next().find('li').eq(0); if (downE.hasClass('tree-hide')) { downElement(downE); } } else { downParent(elem.parent()); if(isBottomElem === true){ downE = elem.parent(); isBottomElem = false; } } }; var resetTabPosition = function(element){ findRoot(element); angular.element(rootE.parent().parent()[0].querySelector("li[tabindex='0']")).attr('tabindex','-1'); var elemToFocus = rootE.parent().parent()[0].querySelector(".bg")|| rootE; angular.element(elemToFocus).attr('tabindex','0'); }; // Function to control the expansion of nodes when the user tabs into the tree and // the slected node is not visible var expand = function(elemArr){ var elem= elemArr.pop(); var element = elem.find('a').eq(0); var selectedNode = elem.parent().parent()[0].querySelector(".bg"); if(selectedNode != null){ while(elem){ element = elem.find('a').eq(0); if(!element.hasClass('active') ){ if (elem[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling),true,true); } if (elem[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling),true,true); } if (!element.find('i').eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')) { if(typeof scope.showChild === 'function' ){ scope.showChild(); } element.addClass('active'); elem.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); element.find('i').eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); element.find('i').eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-expanded'); } } elem = elemArr.pop(); } }else{ return; } }; element.find('a').eq(0).bind('mouseenter', function (evt) { angular.forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.activeTooltip'), function(value, key) { angular.element(value).removeClass('activeTooltip') }); element.addClass('activeTooltip'); }); element.find('a').eq(0).bind('mouseleave', function (evt) { element.removeClass('activeTooltip'); }); element.bind('focus', function (evt) { angular.forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.activeTooltip'), function(value, key) { angular.element(value).removeClass('activeTooltip') }); element.addClass('activeTooltip'); }); element.bind('blur', function (evt) { element.removeClass('activeTooltip'); }); element.bind('keydown', function (evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.HOME: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findRoot(element); rootE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); rootE[0].focus(); break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if(element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')){ if (element[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(element[0].previousElementSibling),true); } if (element[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling),true); } activeToggle(element,true); return; } element.attr('tabindex', -1); parentE = element.parent().parent(); parentE.attr('tabindex', 0); parentE[0].focus(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findUp(element); upE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); upE[0].focus(); break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if(element.find('i').eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')){ break; } if (!element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { if (element[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(element[0].previousElementSibling),true); } if (element[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling),true); } activeToggle(element,true); } else { element.attr('tabindex', -1); findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: evt.preventDefault(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: var isSelectedElem = element.hasClass('bg'); var enterFunc = function(element){ if (isSelectedElem) { element.removeClass('bg'); if (element.attr('aria-selected')) { element.attr('aria-selected', 'false'); } } else { element.addClass('bg'); element.attr('aria-selected', 'true'); } }; if (element[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(element[0].previousElementSibling)); } if (element[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling)); } removeBackground(element); enterFunc(element); evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.TAB: $timeout(function(){ resetTabPosition(element); },0); evt.stopPropagation(); break; default: break; } }); element.bind('keyup',function(evt){ if(evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB){ var tempElem = element; var elemArr = []; while(!tempElem.hasClass('b2b-tree')){ elemArr.push(tempElem); tempElem = tempElem.parent().parent(); } elemArr.push(tempElem); expand(elemArr); } evt.stopPropagation(); }); } }; }]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name Navigation.att:Tree nodes with checkboxes * * @param {String} setRole - The value needs to be "tree". This is required to incorporate CATO requirements. * @param {boolean} groupIt - The value needs to be "false" for top-level tree rendered. * @param {Object} collection - The JSON object of tree to be rendered. * @description * * * @usage *
    * *
    * @example *
    * */ angular.module('b2b.att.treeNodeCheckbox', ['b2b.att.utilities']) .directive('b2bTreeNodeCheckbox', function () { return { restrict: "E", replace: true, scope: { collection: '=', groupIt: '=', setRole: '@' }, templateUrl: function (element, attrs) { if (attrs.groupIt === 'true') { return "b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/groupedTree.html"; } else { return "b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/ungroupedTree.html"; } }, link: function (scope) { if (!(scope.setRole === 'tree')) { scope.setRole = 'group'; } } } }) .directive('b2bTreeMember', ['$compile', '$timeout', 'keymap', function ($compile, $timeout, keymap) { return { restrict: "E", replace: true, scope: { member: '=', groupIt: '=' }, templateUrl: 'b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/treeMember.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.elemArr = []; var removeRootTabIndex = function (elem) { if (elem.parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree-checkbox')) { elem.attr('tabindex', -1); return; } removeRootTabIndex(elem.parent()); }; scope.$watch('member.child', function(newVal, oldVal){ if(newVal !== oldVal){ scope.showChild(); }; }); var checkedCount = 0; var nonCheckedCount = 0; var checkBoxesCount = 0; if(element.find('a').eq(0).find('input')){ if(scope.member.indeterminate){ element.find('a').eq(0).find('input').prop('indeterminate', true); element.attr('aria-checked',"mixed"); } element.attr('aria-checked',scope.member.isSelected); } element.find('a').eq(0).find('input').bind('change',function(){ scope.member.indeterminate = false; downwardModalUpdate(scope.member); downwardSelection(element); upwardSelection(element); element.attr('aria-checked',scope.member.isSelected); if (scope.member.onSelect !== undefined) { scope.member.onSelect(scope.member); } }); element.find('a').eq(0).find('input').bind('click',function(){ var elem = angular.element(this); if(scope.member.indeterminate){ scope.member.indeterminate = false; scope.member.isSelected = true; elem.prop('indeterminate', false); elem.prop('checked', true); elem.triggerHandler('change'); } }); var groupNode = false; var checkedTreeNode = false; var isCheckboxSelected = function(elem){ checkedTreeNode = false; checkedTreeNode = angular.element(angular.element(elem).find('a').eq(0))[0].querySelector('input.treeCheckBox').checked; } var findCheckbox = function(elem){ return angular.element(angular.element(elem).find('a').eq(0))[0].querySelector('input.treeCheckBox'); } var updateGrpNodeCheckboxes = function(elem, checked){ angular.element(angular.element(elem).find('a').eq(0))[0].querySelector('input.treeCheckBox').checked = checked; } var isGroupNode = function(elem){ groupNode = false; if(angular.element(angular.element(elem).find('a').eq(0))[0].querySelector('input.grpTreeCheckbox')){ groupNode = true; } } var downwardModalUpdate = function(curMember){ angular.forEach(curMember.child, function(childMember, key) { childMember.isSelected = curMember.isSelected; childMember.indeterminate = false; if(angular.isArray(childMember.child) && scope.member.child.length > 0){ downwardModalUpdate(childMember); } }); } var downwardSelection = function(elem){ if(findCheckbox(elem)){ isCheckboxSelected(elem) } if(angular.element(elem).find('ul').length > 0){ var childNodes = angular.element(elem).find('ul').eq(0).children('li'); for(var i=0; i 0 && (scope.member.divide === undefined || scope.member.child.length < scope.member.divide)) { scope.groupIt = false; element.addClass('grouped'); element.append(""); $compile(element.contents())(scope); if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active === true){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; if(scope.member.selected && scope.member.selected === true){ element.attr('tabindex', 0); removeRootTabIndex(element); }; if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active == undefined){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; } else if (scope.member.child && scope.member.divide && scope.member.child.length > scope.member.divide) { element.addClass('grouped'); scope.groupIt = true; var j = 0; var grpName = ''; if(scope.member.child[0].groupName !== undefined){ grpName = scope.member.child[0].groupName; } else{ var toSlice = scope.member.child[0].name.search(' '); grpName = scope.member.child[0].name.slice(0, toSlice); } for (i = 0; i < scope.member.child.length; i += scope.member.divide) { j = 0; for (j = j + i; j < (i + scope.member.divide); j++) { if (j === scope.member.child.length) { scope.member.child[j - 1].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (scope.member.child.length); break; if(scope.member.child[j-1].active && scope.member.child[j-1].active===true){ scope.member.child[j-1].activeGrp = true; }; } if (i + scope.member.divide > scope.member.child.length) { scope.member.child[j].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (scope.member.child.length); if(scope.member.child[j].active && scope.member.child[j].active===true){ scope.member.child[j].activeGrp = true; }; } else { scope.member.child[j].grpChild = grpName + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' - ' + (i + scope.member.divide); if(scope.member.child[j].active && scope.member.child[j].active===true){ scope.member.child[j].activeGrp = true; }; } } } if(scope.member.divide){ element.append(""); } else { element.append(""); } $compile(element.contents())(scope); if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active === true){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; if( scope.member.active && scope.member.active == undefined){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); }; } } $timeout(function () { if(!scope.member.indeterminate){ downwardSelection(element); } }); }; if(scope.member.active && scope.member.active == true){ scope.showChild(); }; if(scope.member.active == undefined && !element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.child !== undefined){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); } else if(scope.member.child == undefined){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-circle'); if(scope.$parent.$index === 0) { element.find('a').eq(0).append(''); }; }; angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).bind('click', function (evt) { scope.showChild(); var expandFunc = scope.member.onExpand; if (element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.onExpand !== undefined) { var eValue = scope.member.onExpand(scope.member); } if (!element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active') && scope.member.onCollapse !== undefined) { scope.member.onCollapse(scope.member); } }); angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('.treeNodeName')).eq(0).bind('click', function (evt) { }); } } }]) .directive('b2bTreeNodeLink', ['keymap', '$timeout', function (keymap, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { var rootE, parentE, upE, downE; var closeOthersUp = function (elem) { if (elem.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { activeToggle(elem); return; } if (elem.hasClass('bg')) { elem.removeClass('bg'); } if (elem[0].previousElementSibling !== null) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling)); } }; var closeOthersDown = function (elem) { if (elem.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { activeToggle(elem); return; } if (elem.hasClass('bg')) { elem.removeClass('bg'); } if (elem[0].nextElementSibling !== null) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling)); } }; var removeBackgroundUp = function (elem) { if (elem.hasClass('b2b-tree-checkbox')) { return; } else { elem.parent().parent().removeClass('bg'); removeBackgroundUp(elem.parent().parent()); } }; var removeBackgroundDown = function (elem) { angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.bg')).removeClass('bg'); }; var activeToggle = function (elem) { var element = elem.find('a').eq(0); if (element.hasClass('active')) { elem.removeClass('bg'); if (!angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')) { element.removeClass('active'); elem.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-expanded'); angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); } } else { elem.addClass('bg'); if (!angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')) { element.addClass('active'); elem.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).removeClass('icon-primary-collapsed'); angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).addClass('icon-primary-expanded'); } } }; angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).bind('click', function (evt) { if (element[0].previousElementSibling) { closeOthersUp(angular.element(element[0].previousElementSibling)); } if (element[0].nextElementSibling) { closeOthersDown(angular.element(element[0].nextElementSibling)); } activeToggle(element); removeBackgroundDown(element); removeBackgroundUp(element); evt.stopPropagation(); }); if (element.parent().parent().hasClass('b2b-tree-checkbox') && (element.parent()[0].previousElementSibling === null)) { element.attr('tabindex', 0); } var isRoot = function (elem) { if (elem.parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree-checkbox')) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var findRoot = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem)) { rootE = elem; return; } findRoot(elem.parent()); }; var findPreActive = function (elem) { if (!(elem.hasClass("active"))) { return; } else { var childElems = angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling.children); lastE = angular.element(childElems[childElems.length - 1]); if (lastE.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { findPreActive(lastE.find('a').eq(0)); } upE = lastE; } }; var findUp = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem)) { upE = elem; return; } if (elem[0].previousElementSibling !== null && !angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling).hasClass('tree-hide')) { upE = angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling); if (upE.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { findPreActive(upE.find('a').eq(0)); } } else { upE = elem.parent().parent(); } }; var downElement = function (elem) { if (elem.next().hasClass('tree-hide')) { downElement(elem.next()); } else { downE = elem.next(); } } var isBottomElem = false; var downParent = function(liElem){ if(liElem.eq(0).parent().parent().eq(0).hasClass('b2b-tree-checkbox')){ isBottomElem = true; return; } if(liElem.next().length !== 0){ downE = liElem.next().eq(0); return; } else { downParent(liElem.parent().parent()); } } var findDown = function (elem) { if (isRoot(elem.parent()) && !elem.hasClass('active')) { downE = elem.parent(); return; } if (elem.hasClass('active')) { downE = elem.next().find('li').eq(0); if (downE.hasClass('tree-hide')) { downElement(downE); } } else { downParent(elem.parent()); if(isBottomElem === true){ downE = elem.parent(); isBottomElem = false; } } }; element.bind('keydown', function (evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.HOME: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findRoot(element); rootE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); rootE[0].focus(); break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (!isRoot(element)) { if(element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')){ angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); return; } element.attr('tabindex', -1); parentE = element.parent().parent(); parentE.attr('tabindex', 0); parentE[0].focus(); } else { if (element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); } }; break; case keymap.KEY.UP: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findUp(element); upE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); upE[0].focus(); break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if(angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).hasClass('icon-primary-circle')){ break; } if (!element.find('a').eq(0).hasClass('active')) { angular.element(element[0].querySelectorAll('i.expandCollapseIcon')).eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); } else { element.attr('tabindex', -1); findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: evt.preventDefault(); element.attr('tabindex', -1); findDown(element.find('a').eq(0)); downE.eq(0).attr('tabindex', 0); downE[0].focus(); evt.stopPropagation(); break; case keymap.KEY.SPACE: case keymap.KEY.ENTER: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if(angular.isDefined(element.scope().member.isSelected)){ element.scope().member.isSelected = !element.scope().member.isSelected; element.scope().member.indeterminate = false; element.scope().$apply(); element.find('a').eq(0).find('input').prop('indeterminate', false); element.find('a').eq(0).find('input').triggerHandler('change'); } break; default: break; } }); } }; }]); angular.module('b2b.att.collapse', ['b2b.att.transition']) // The collapsible directive indicates a block of html that will expand and collapse .directive('b2bCollapse', ['$transition', function($transition) { // CSS transitions don't work with height: auto, so we have to manually change the height to a // specific value and then once the animation completes, we can reset the height to auto. // Unfortunately if you do this while the CSS transitions are specified (i.e. in the CSS class // "collapse") then you trigger a change to height 0 in between. // The fix is to remove the "collapse" CSS class while changing the height back to auto - phew! var props = { open: { marginTop: null, marginBottom: null, paddingTop: null, paddingBottom: null, display: 'block' }, closed: { marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, display: 'none' } }; var fixUpHeight = function(scope, element, height) { // We remove the collapse CSS class to prevent a transition when we change to height: auto element.removeClass('b2bCollapse'); element.css({height: height}); //adjusting for any margin or padding if (height === 0) { element.css(props.closed); } else { element.css(props.open); } // It appears that reading offsetWidth makes the browser realise that we have changed the // height already :-/ var x = element[0].offsetWidth; element.addClass('b2bCollapse'); }; return { link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var isCollapsed; var initialAnimSkip = true; scope.$watch(function() { return element[0].scrollHeight; }, function(value) { //The listener is called when scrollHeight changes //It actually does on 2 scenarios: // 1. Parent is set to display none // 2. angular bindings inside are resolved //When we have a change of scrollHeight we are setting again the correct height if the group is opened if (element[0].scrollHeight !== 0) { if (!isCollapsed) { if (initialAnimSkip) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); } else { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); element.css({overflow: 'visible'}); } } } }); scope.$watch(attrs.b2bCollapse, function(value) { if (value) { collapse(); } else { expand(); } }); var currentTransition; var doTransition = function(change) { if (currentTransition) { currentTransition.cancel(); } currentTransition = $transition(element, change); currentTransition.then( function() { currentTransition = undefined; }, function() { currentTransition = undefined; } ); return currentTransition; }; var expand = function() { scope.postTransition = true; if (initialAnimSkip) { initialAnimSkip = false; if (!isCollapsed) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } } else { //doTransition({ height : element[0].scrollHeight + 'px' }) doTransition(angular.extend({height: element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'}, props.open)) .then(function() { // This check ensures that we don't accidentally update the height if the user has closed // the group while the animation was still running if (!isCollapsed) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } }); } isCollapsed = false; }; var collapse = function() { isCollapsed = true; if (initialAnimSkip) { initialAnimSkip = false; fixUpHeight(scope, element, 0); } else { fixUpHeight(scope, element, element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); doTransition(angular.extend({height: 0}, props.closed)).then(function() { scope.postTransition = false; }); element.css({overflow: 'hidden'}); } }; } }; }]); angular.module('b2b.att.position', []) .factory('$position', ['$document', '$window', function ($document, $window) { function getStyle(el, cssprop) { if (el.currentStyle) { //IE return el.currentStyle[cssprop]; } else if ($window.getComputedStyle) { return $window.getComputedStyle(el)[cssprop]; } // finally try and get inline style return el.style[cssprop]; } /** * Checks if a given element is statically positioned * @param element - raw DOM element */ function isStaticPositioned(element) { return (getStyle(element, "position") || 'static') === 'static'; } /** * returns the closest, non-statically positioned parentOffset of a given element * @param element */ var parentOffsetEl = function (element) { var docDomEl = $document[0]; var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || docDomEl; while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== docDomEl && isStaticPositioned(offsetParent)) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent || docDomEl; }; return { /** * Provides read-only equivalent of jQuery's position function: * http://api.jquery.com/position/ */ position: function (element) { var elBCR = this.offset(element); var offsetParentBCR = { top: 0, left: 0 }; var offsetParentEl = parentOffsetEl(element[0]); if (offsetParentEl !== $document[0]) { offsetParentBCR = this.offset(angular.element(offsetParentEl)); offsetParentBCR.top += offsetParentEl.clientTop - offsetParentEl.scrollTop; offsetParentBCR.left += offsetParentEl.clientLeft - offsetParentEl.scrollLeft; } return { width: element.prop('offsetWidth'), height: element.prop('offsetHeight'), top: elBCR.top - offsetParentBCR.top, left: elBCR.left - offsetParentBCR.left }; }, /** * Provides read-only equivalent of jQuery's offset function: * http://api.jquery.com/offset/ */ offset: function (element) { var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return { width: element.prop('offsetWidth'), height: element.prop('offsetHeight'), top: boundingClientRect.top + ($window.pageYOffset || $document[0].body.scrollTop || $document[0].documentElement.scrollTop), left: boundingClientRect.left + ($window.pageXOffset || $document[0].body.scrollLeft || $document[0].documentElement.scrollLeft) }; }, /** * Provides functionality to check whether an element is in view port. */ isElementInViewport: function (element) { if (element) { var rect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= ($window.innerHeight || $document[0].documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= ($window.innerWidth || $document[0].documentElement.clientWidth) ); } else { return false; } } }; }]) .factory('$isElement', [function () { var isElement = function (currentElem, targetElem, alternateElem) { if (currentElem[0] === targetElem[0]) { return true; } else if (currentElem[0] === alternateElem[0]) { return false; } else { return isElement((currentElem.parent()[0] && currentElem.parent()) || targetElem, targetElem, alternateElem); } }; return isElement; }]) .directive('attPosition', ['$position', function ($position) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.$watchCollection(function () { return $position.position(elem); }, function (value) { scope[attr.attPosition] = value; }); } }; }]); angular.module('b2b.att.transition', []) .factory('$transition', ['$q', '$timeout', '$rootScope', function($q, $timeout, $rootScope) { var $transition = function(element, trigger, options) { options = options || {}; var deferred = $q.defer(); var endEventName = $transition[options.animation ? "animationEndEventName" : "transitionEndEventName"]; var transitionEndHandler = function() { $rootScope.$apply(function() { element.unbind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); deferred.resolve(element); }); }; if (endEventName) { element.bind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); } // Wrap in a timeout to allow the browser time to update the DOM before the transition is to occur $timeout(function() { if ( angular.isString(trigger) ) { element.addClass(trigger); } else if ( angular.isFunction(trigger) ) { trigger(element); } else if ( angular.isObject(trigger) ) { element.css(trigger); } //If browser does not support transitions, instantly resolve if ( !endEventName ) { deferred.resolve(element); } }, 100); // Add our custom cancel function to the promise that is returned // We can call this if we are about to run a new transition, which we know will prevent this transition from ending, // i.e. it will therefore never raise a transitionEnd event for that transition deferred.promise.cancel = function() { if ( endEventName ) { element.unbind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); } deferred.reject('Transition cancelled'); }; return deferred.promise; }; // Work out the name of the transitionEnd event var transElement = document.createElement('trans'); var transitionEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'transition': 'transitionend' }; var animationEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'MozTransition': 'animationend', 'OTransition': 'oAnimationEnd', 'transition': 'animationend' }; function findEndEventName(endEventNames) { for (var name in endEventNames){ if (transElement.style[name] !== undefined) { return endEventNames[name]; } } } $transition.transitionEndEventName = findEndEventName(transitionEndEventNames); $transition.animationEndEventName = findEndEventName(animationEndEventNames); return $transition; }]) .factory('$scrollTo', ['$window', function($window) { var $scrollTo = function(offsetLeft, offsetTop, duration) { TweenMax.to($window, duration || 1, {scrollTo: {y: offsetTop, x: offsetLeft}, ease: Power4.easeOut}); }; return $scrollTo; }]) .factory('animation', function(){ return TweenMax; }) .factory('$progressBar', function(){ //Provides a function to pass in code for closure purposes var loadingAnimationCreator = function(onUpdateCallback){ //Use closure to setup some resuable code var loadingAnimation = function(callback, duration){ TweenMax.to({}, duration, { onUpdateParams: ["{self}"], onUpdate: onUpdateCallback, onComplete: callback }); }; //Returns a function that takes a callback function and a duration for the animation return (function(){ return loadingAnimation; })(); }; return loadingAnimationCreator; }) .factory('$height', function(){ var heightAnimation = function(element,duration,height,alpha){ TweenMax.to(element, duration, {height:height, autoAlpha:alpha}, 0); }; return heightAnimation; }); angular.module('b2b.att.utilities', ['ngSanitize']) .constant('b2bUtilitiesConfig', { prev: '37', up: '38', next: '39', down: '40', type: 'list', columns: 1, enableSearch: false, searchTimer: 200, circularTraversal: false }) .constant('b2bWhenScrollEndsConstants', { 'threshold': 100, 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }) // All breakpoints ranges from >= min and < max .constant('b2bAwdBreakpoints', { breakpoints: { mobile: { min: 1, max: 768 }, tablet: { min: 768, max: 1025 }, desktop: { min: 1025, max: 1920 } } }) .filter('groupBy', function ($timeout) { //Custom GroupBy Filter for treeNav, returns key string and value.childarray as set of grouped elements return function (data, key) { if (!key) return data; var outputPropertyName = '__groupBy__' + key; if (!data[outputPropertyName]) { var result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!result[data[i][key]]) result[data[i][key]] = {}; if (!result[data[i][key]].childArray) { result[data[i][key]].childArray = []; } result[data[i][key]].childArray.push(data[i]); if (data[i].activeGrp && data[i].activeGrp == true) { result[data[i][key]].showGroup = true; } } Object.defineProperty(result, 'length', {enumerable: false,value: Object.keys(result).length}); Object.defineProperty(data, outputPropertyName, {enumerable: false,configurable: true,writable:false,value:result}); $timeout(function(){delete data[outputPropertyName];},0,false); } return data[outputPropertyName]; }; }) .filter('searchObjectPropertiesFilter', [function() { return function(items, searchText, attrs) { if(!searchText){ return items; } var filtered = []; searchText = searchText.toLowerCase(); angular.forEach(items, function(item) { angular.forEach(attrs, function(attr) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(attr) && (item[attr].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText) != -1)) { filtered.push(item); return; } }); }); return filtered; }; }]) .filter('unsafe',[ '$sce', function ($sce) { return function(val){ return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; }]) .filter('b2bHighlight', function () { function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) { return queryToEscape.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1'); } return function (matchItem, query, className) { return query && matchItem ? matchItem.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '$&') : matchItem; } }) /*License (MIT) Copyright © 2013 Matt Diamond https://github.com/cwilso/AudioRecorder/blob/master/js/recorderjs/recorder.js */ .factory('b2bRecorder', function() { var Recorder = function(source, cfg) { var WORKER_PATH = 'recorderWorker.js'; var config = cfg || {}; var bufferLen = config.bufferLen || 4096; this.context = source.context; if(!this.context.createScriptProcessor) { this.node = this.context.createJavacriptProcessor(bufferLen, 2, 2); } else { this.node = this.context.createScriptProcessor(bufferLen, 2, 2); } var workerCode = 'function init(a){sampleRate=a.sampleRate}function record(a){recBuffersL.push(a[0]),recBuffersR.push(a[1]),recLength+=a[0].length}function exportWAV(a){var b=mergeBuffers(recBuffersL,recLength),c=mergeBuffers(recBuffersR,recLength),d=interleave(b,c),e=encodeWAV(d),f=new Blob([e],{type:a});this.postMessage(f)}function exportMonoWAV(a){var b=mergeBuffers(recBuffersL,recLength),c=encodeWAV(b,!0),d=new Blob([c],{type:a});this.postMessage(d)}function getBuffers(){var a=[];a.push(mergeBuffers(recBuffersL,recLength)),a.push(mergeBuffers(recBuffersR,recLength)),this.postMessage(a)}function clear(){recLength=0,recBuffersL=[],recBuffersR=[]}function mergeBuffers(a,b){for(var c=new Float32Array(b),d=0,e=0;e= 112 && k <= 123; }, isVerticalMovement: function (k) { return ~[this.KEY.UP, this.KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k); }, isHorizontalMovement: function (k) { return ~[this.KEY.LEFT, this.KEY.RIGHT, this.KEY.BACKSPACE, this.KEY.DELETE].indexOf(k); }, isAllowedKey: function (k) { return (~[this.KEY.SPACE, this.KEY.ESC, this.KEY.ENTER].indexOf(k)) || this.isHorizontalMovement(k) || this.isVerticalMovement(k); }, isNumericKey: function (e) { var k = e.keyCode; if ((k >= 48 && k <= 57) || (k >= 96 && k <= 105)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isAlphaNumericKey: function (e) { var k = e.keyCode; if ((k >= 48 && k <= 57) || (k >= 96 && k <= 105) || (k >= 65 && k <= 90)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; }) .factory('$isElement', [function () { var isElement = function (currentElem, targetElem, alternateElem) { if (currentElem[0] === targetElem[0]) { return true; } else if (currentElem[0] === alternateElem[0]) { return false; } else { return isElement((currentElem.parent()[0] && currentElem.parent()) || targetElem, targetElem, alternateElem); } }; return isElement; }]) .factory('events', function () { var _stopPropagation = function (evt) { if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } }; var _preventDefault = function (evt) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } } return { stopPropagation: _stopPropagation, preventDefault: _preventDefault }; }) .factory('isHighContrast', function () { var _isHighContrast = function (idval) { var objDiv, objImage, strColor, strWidth, strReady; var strImageID = idval; // ID of image on the page // Create a test div objDiv = document.createElement('div'); //Set its color style to something unusual objDiv.style.color = 'rgb(31, 41, 59)'; // Attach to body so we can inspect it document.body.appendChild(objDiv); // Read computed color value strColor = document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(objDiv, null).color : objDiv.currentStyle.color; strColor = strColor.replace(/ /g, ''); // Delete the test DIV document.body.removeChild(objDiv); // Check if we get the color back that we set. If not, we're in // high contrast mode. if (strColor !== 'rgb(31,41,59)') { return true; } else { return false; } }; return _isHighContrast; }) .run(['isHighContrast', '$document', function (isHighContrast, $document) { var html = $document.find('html').eq(0); if (isHighContrast()) { html.addClass('ds2-no-colors'); } else { html.removeClass('ds2-no-colors'); } }]) .factory('$documentBind', ['$document', '$timeout', function ($document, $timeout) { var _click = function (flag, callbackFunc, scope) { scope.$watch(flag, function (val) { $timeout(function () { if (val) { $document.bind('click', callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind('click', callbackFunc); } }); }); }; var _touch = function (flag, callbackFunc, scope) { scope.$watch(flag, function (val) { $timeout(function () { if (val) { $document.bind('touchstart', callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind('touchstart', callbackFunc); } }); }); }; var _scroll = function (flag, callbackFunc, scope) { scope.$watch(flag, function (val) { $timeout(function () { if (val) { $document.bind('scroll', callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind('scroll', callbackFunc); } }); }); }; var _event = function (event, flag, callbackFunc, scope, timeoutFlag, timeoutValue) { if (timeoutFlag) { if (!(timeoutValue)) { timeoutValue = 0; } scope.$watch(flag, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { $timeout(function () { if (newVal) { $document.bind(event, callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind(event, callbackFunc); } }, timeoutValue); } }); } else { scope.$watch(flag, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if (newVal) { $document.bind(event, callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind(event, callbackFunc); } } }); } }; return { click: _click, touch: _touch, scroll: _scroll, event: _event }; }]) .directive('b2bOnlyNums', function (keymap) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { var maxChars = attrs.b2bOnlyNums ? attrs.b2bOnlyNums : 4; elm.on('keydown', function (event) { if ((event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57) || (event.which >= 96 && event.which <= 105)) { // check for maximum characters allowed if (elm.val().length < maxChars){ return true; } else { event.preventDefault(); return false; } } else if ([8, 9, 13, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(event.which) > -1) { // to allow backspace, tab, enter, escape, arrows return true; } else if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey) { // to allow alter, control, and shift keys return true; } else { // to stop others event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); var validateString = function (value) { if (angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null || value === '') { return ctrl.$modelValue; } return value; }; ctrl.$parsers.unshift(validateString); } } }) .directive('b2bKeyupClick', [ function () { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { var keyCode = []; attr.$observe('b2bKeyupClick', function (value) { if (value) { keyCode = value.split(','); } }); elem.bind('keydown keyup', function (ev) { var keyCodeCondition = function () { var flag = false; if (!(ev.keyCode)) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if ((ev.keyCode && keyCode.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1)) { flag = true; } return flag; }; if (ev.type === 'keydown' && keyCodeCondition()) { ev.preventDefault(); } else if (ev.type === 'keyup' && keyCodeCondition()) { elem[0].click(); } }); } }; }]) .factory('b2bDOMHelper', function() { var _isTabable = function(node) { var element = angular.element(node); var tagName = element[0].tagName.toUpperCase(); if (isHidden(element)) { return false; } if (element.attr('tabindex') !== undefined) { return (parseInt(element.attr('tabindex'), 10) >= 0); } if (tagName === 'A' || tagName === 'AREA' || tagName === 'BUTTON' || tagName === 'INPUT' || tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || tagName === 'SELECT') { if (tagName === 'A' || tagName === 'AREA') { // anchors/areas without href are not focusable return (element[0].href !== ''); } return !(element[0].disabled); } return false; }; function isValidChild(child) { return child.nodeType == 1 && child.nodeName != 'SCRIPT' && child.nodeName != 'STYLE'; } function isHidden(obj) { var elem = angular.element(obj); var elemStyle = undefined; if(obj instanceof HTMLElement){ elemStyle = window.getComputedStyle(obj); } else { elemStyle = window.getComputedStyle(obj[0]); } return elem.hasClass('ng-hide') || elem.css('display') === 'none' || elemStyle.display === 'none' || elemStyle.visibility === 'hidden' || elem.css('visibility') === 'hidden'; } function hasValidParent(obj) { return (isValidChild(obj) && obj.parentElement.nodeName !== 'BODY'); } function traverse(obj, fromTop) { var obj = obj || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if (isValidChild(obj) && _isTabable(obj)) { return obj; } // If object is hidden, skip it's children if (isValidChild(obj) && isHidden(obj)) { return undefined; } // If object is hidden, skip it's children if (angular.element(obj).hasClass('ng-hide')) { return undefined; } if (obj.hasChildNodes()) { var child; if (fromTop) { child = obj.firstChild; } else { child = obj.lastChild; } while(child) { var res = traverse(child, fromTop); if(res){ return res; } else{ if (fromTop) { child = child.nextSibling; } else { child = child.previousSibling; } } } } else{ return undefined; } } var _previousElement = function(el, isFocusable){ var elem = el; if (el.hasOwnProperty('length')) { elem = el[0]; } var parent = elem.parentElement; var previousElem = undefined; if(isFocusable) { if (hasValidParent(elem)) { var siblings = angular.element(parent).children(); if (siblings.length > 0) { // Good practice to splice out the elem from siblings if there, saving some time. // We allow for a quick check for jumping to parent first before removing. if (siblings[0] === elem) { // If we are looking at immidiate parent and elem is first child, we need to go higher var e = _previousElement(angular.element(elem).parent(), isFocusable); if (_isTabable(e)) { return e; } } else { // I need to filter myself and any nodes next to me from the siblings var indexOfElem = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(siblings, elem); siblings = Array.prototype.filter.call(siblings, function(item, itemIndex) { if (!angular.equals(elem, item) && itemIndex < indexOfElem) { return true; } }); } // We need to search backwards for (var i = 0; i <= siblings.length-1; i++) {//for (var i = siblings.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var ret = traverse(siblings[i], false); if (ret !== undefined) { return ret; } } var e = _previousElement(angular.element(elem).parent(), isFocusable); if (_isTabable(e)) { return e; } } } } else { var siblings = angular.element(parent).children(); if (siblings.length > 1) { // Since indexOf is on Array.prototype and parent.children is a NodeList, we have to use call() var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(siblings, elem); previousElem = siblings[index-1]; } } return previousElem; }; var _lastTabableElement = function(el) { /* This will return the first tabable element from the parent el */ var elem = el; if (el.hasOwnProperty('length')) { elem = el[0]; } return traverse(elem, false); }; var _firstTabableElement = function(el) { /* This will return the first tabable element from the parent el */ var elem = el; if (el.hasOwnProperty('length')) { elem = el[0]; } return traverse(elem, true); }; var _isInDOM = function(obj) { return document.documentElement.contains(obj); } return { firstTabableElement: _firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement: _lastTabableElement, previousElement: _previousElement, isInDOM: _isInDOM, isTabable: _isTabable, isHidden: isHidden }; }) .factory('windowOrientation', ['$window', function ($window) { var _isPotrait = function () { if ($window.innerHeight > $window.innerWidth) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var _isLandscape = function () { if ($window.innerHeight < $window.innerWidth) { return true; } else { return false; } }; return { isPotrait: _isPotrait, isLandscape: _isLandscape }; }]) .directive('b2bNextElement', function() { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrls) { var keys = attr.b2bNextElement.split(','); elem.bind('keydown', function (e) { var nextElement = elem.next(); if(e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40){ // if e.keyCode in keys if(nextElement.length) { e.preventDefault(); nextElement[0].focus(); } } }); } } }) .directive('b2bAccessibilityClick', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var keyCode = []; attr.$observe('b2bAccessibilityClick', function (value) { if (value) { keyCode = value.split(','); } }); elem.bind('keydown keypress', function (ev) { var keyCodeCondition = function () { var flag = false; if (!(ev.keyCode)) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if ((ev.keyCode && keyCode.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1)) { flag = true; } return flag; }; if (keyCode.length > 0 && keyCodeCondition()) { elem[0].click(); ev.preventDefault(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bReset', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { restrict: 'A', require: ['?ngModel', 'b2bReset'], controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { var resetButton = angular.element(''); this.getResetButton = function () { return resetButton; }; }], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var ctrl = ctrls[1]; var resetButton = ctrl.getResetButton(); resetButton.on('click', function () { element[0].value = ''; if (ngModelCtrl) { if (attrs.b2bReset) { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(attrs.b2bReset); } else { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(''); } element[0].value = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; ngModelCtrl.$render(); scope.$digest(); } element[0].focus(); element[0].select(); }); var addResetButton = function () { element.after(resetButton); element.unbind('focus input', addResetButton); }; element.bind('focus input', addResetButton); } }; }]) .directive('b2bPrevElement', ['b2bDOMHelper', 'keymap', function (b2bDOMHelper, keymap) { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, link: function (scope, elem, attr) { elem.bind('keydown', function (e) { if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38){ var prev = b2bDOMHelper.previousElement(elem, false); if(prev !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); prev.focus(); } } }); } } }]) /** * @param {integer} delay - Timeout before first and last focusable elements are found * @param {boolean} trigger - A variable on scope that will trigger refinding first/last focusable elements */ .directive('b2bTrapFocusInsideElement', ['$timeout', 'b2bDOMHelper', 'keymap', 'events', function ($timeout, b2bDOMHelper, keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, link: function (scope, elem, attr) { var delay = parseInt(attr.delay, 10) || 10; /* Before opening modal, find the focused element */ var firstTabableElement = undefined, lastTabableElement = undefined; function init() { $timeout(function () { firstTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(elem); lastTabableElement = b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(elem); angular.element(firstTabableElement).bind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); angular.element(lastTabableElement).bind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); }, delay, false); } if (attr.trigger !== undefined) { scope.$watch('trigger', function() { if (scope.trigger) { init(); } }); } var firstTabableElementKeyhandler = function(e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB && e.shiftKey) { if (attr.trapFocusInsideElement === 'true') { var temp = b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(elem); if (lastTabableElement !== temp) { // Unbind keydown handler on lastTabableElement angular.element(lastTabableElement).unbind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); lastTabableElement = temp; angular.element(lastTabableElement).bind('keydown', lastTabableElementKeyhandler); } } lastTabableElement.focus(); events.preventDefault(e); events.stopPropagation(e); } }; var lastTabableElementKeyhandler = function(e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB && !e.shiftKey) { if (attr.trapFocusInsideElement === 'true') { var temp = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(elem); if (firstTabableElement !== temp) { // Unbind keydown handler on firstTabableElement angular.element(firstTabableElement).unbind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); firstTabableElement = temp; angular.element(firstTabableElement).bind('keydown', firstTabableElementKeyhandler); } } firstTabableElement.focus(); events.preventDefault(e); events.stopPropagation(e); } }; init(); } }; }]) .factory('trapFocusInElement', ['$document', '$isElement', 'b2bDOMHelper', 'keymap', '$interval', function ($document, $isElement, b2bDOMHelper, keymap, $interval) { var elementStack = []; var stackHead = undefined; var stopInterval = undefined; var intervalRequired = false; var interval = 1000; var firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement; var trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.shiftKey === true && e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { lastTabableElement[0].focus(); e.preventDefault(e); e.stopPropagation(e); } }; var trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement = function (e) { if (!e.keyCode) { e.keyCode = e.which; } if (e.shiftKey === false && e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { firstTabableElement[0].focus(); e.preventDefault(e); e.stopPropagation(e); } }; var trapFocusInElement = function (flag, firstTabableElementParam, lastTabableElementParam) { var bodyElements = $document.find('body').children(); firstTabableElement = firstTabableElementParam ? firstTabableElementParam : angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(stackHead)); lastTabableElement = lastTabableElementParam ? lastTabableElementParam : angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(stackHead)); if (flag) { for (var i = 0; i < bodyElements.length; i++) { if (bodyElements[i] !== stackHead[0]) { bodyElements.eq(i).attr('aria-hidden', true); } } firstTabableElement.bind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement); lastTabableElement.bind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement); } else { for (var j = 0; j < bodyElements.length; j++) { if (bodyElements[j] !== stackHead[0]) { bodyElements.eq(j).removeAttr('aria-hidden'); } } firstTabableElement.unbind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInFirstElement); lastTabableElement.unbind('keydown', trapKeyboardFocusInLastElement); } if (intervalRequired && flag) { stopInterval = $interval(function () { var firstTabableElementTemp = angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(stackHead)); var lastTabableElementTemp = angular.element(b2bDOMHelper.lastTabableElement(stackHead)); if (firstTabableElementTemp[0] !== firstTabableElement[0] || lastTabableElementTemp[0] !== lastTabableElement[0]) { $interval.cancel(stopInterval); stopInterval = undefined; trapFocusInElement(false, firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement); trapFocusInElement(true, firstTabableElementTemp, lastTabableElementTemp); } }, interval); } else { if (stopInterval) { $interval.cancel(stopInterval); stopInterval = undefined; } } }; var toggleTrapFocusInElement = function (flag, element, intervalRequiredParam, intervalParam) { intervalRequired = intervalRequiredParam ? intervalRequiredParam : intervalRequired; interval = intervalParam ? intervalParam : interval; if (angular.isDefined(flag) && angular.isDefined(element)) { if (flag && angular.isUndefined(stackHead)) { stackHead = element; trapFocusInElement(flag); } else { if (flag) { trapFocusInElement(false); elementStack.push(stackHead); stackHead = element; trapFocusInElement(true); } else { if (angular.isDefined(stackHead) && (stackHead[0] === element[0])) { trapFocusInElement(false); stackHead = elementStack.pop(); if (angular.isDefined(stackHead)) { trapFocusInElement(true); } } } } } else { if (angular.isDefined(stackHead)) { trapFocusInElement(false, firstTabableElement, lastTabableElement); trapFocusInElement(true); } } }; return toggleTrapFocusInElement; }]) .factory('draggedElement', function(){ var draggedElement; return { setElement: function(data){ draggedElement = data; }, getElement: function(){ return draggedElement; } } }) .directive('draggable', ['draggedElement',function (draggedElement) { return function(scope, element) { element[0].draggable = true; element.bind('dragstart', function(e) { draggedElement.setElement(this.parentElement.parentElement); e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(this.parentElement.parentElement, 0, 0); this.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add('b2-drag-element'); return false; }); element.bind('dragend', function(e) { draggedElement.setElement(e); this.parentElement.parentElement.classList.remove('b2-drag-element'); return false; }); }; }]) .directive('droppable', ['draggedElement',function (draggedElement) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { rowData: '=' }, link: function(scope, element, attr) { if(attr.droppable === 'true') { element.bind('dragover', function(e) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; this.classList.add('b2b-drag-over') if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); // allows us to drop return false; }); element.bind('dragstart', function(e) { if(!e.target.parentElement.classList.contains('b2b-draggable')) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); element.bind('dragenter', function(e) { if(e.target.getAttribute('droppable') ==='true') { this.click(); } }); element.bind('dragleave', function(e) { this.classList.remove('b2b-drag-over'); return false; }); element.bind('drop', function(e) { var ele = draggedElement.getElement(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); this.classList.remove('b2b-drag-over'); if(ele && ele.hasAttribute('data-index')){ var element = scope.rowData[parseInt(ele.getAttribute('data-index'))]; if(element !== undefined) { scope.rowData.splice(parseInt(ele.getAttribute('data-index')), 1); scope.rowData.splice(parseInt(e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index')), 0 , element); } } scope.$apply(); return false; }); } } } }]) .directive('b2bSetNextFocusOn', ['b2bDOMHelper', '$timeout', function(b2bDOMHelper, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, link: function (scope, elem, attr) { elem.bind('click', function(){ var firstFocusableElement = undefined; var containerElem = undefined; var containerArray = []; var timeout = parseInt(attr.setNextFocusTimeout, 0) | 100; var index = parseInt(attr.b2bSetNextFocusIndex, 0) | 0; /* *Fix for IE7 and lower *polyfill src: https://github.com/HubSpot/pace/issues/102 */ if (!document.querySelectorAll) { document.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) { var style = document.createElement('style'), elements = [], element; document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(style); document._qsa = []; style.styleSheet.cssText = selectors + '{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}'; window.scrollBy(0, 0); style.parentNode.removeChild(style); while (document._qsa.length) { element = document._qsa.shift(); element.style.removeAttribute('x-qsa'); elements.push(element); } document._qsa = null; return elements; }; } if (attr.b2bSetNextFocusOn === '') { return; } else { containerArray = attr.b2bSetNextFocusOn.split(' '); } $timeout(function(){ var i = 0; do { // cycles thru containerArray until finds a match in DOM to set focus to containerElem = document.querySelectorAll(containerArray[i])[index]; i++; } while ( (!containerElem) && (i < containerArray.length) ); if(containerElem){ if (!angular.isDefined(firstFocusableElement)) { firstFocusableElement = b2bDOMHelper.firstTabableElement(containerElem); } firstFocusableElement.focus(); } }, timeout, false) }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bInputAllow', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var regexExpression = null; attr.$observe('b2bInputAllow', function (value) { if (value) { regexExpression = new RegExp(value); } }); var isValid = function(str) { if (regexExpression !== null) { return regexExpression.test(str); } return false; }; elem.bind('keypress', function($event) { var charcode = String.fromCharCode($event.which || $event.keyCode); if (!isValid(charcode)) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); } }); elem.bind('input', function (evt) { var inputString = ctrl.$viewValue; if (isValid(inputString)) { ctrl.$setViewValue(inputString); ctrl.$render(); scope.$apply(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bInputDeny', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var regexExpression = null; attr.$observe('b2bInputDeny', function (value) { if (value) { regexExpression = new RegExp(value, 'g'); } }); elem.bind('input', function () { var inputString = ctrl.$viewValue && ctrl.$viewValue.replace(regexExpression, ''); if (inputString !== ctrl.$viewValue) { ctrl.$setViewValue(inputString); ctrl.$render(); scope.$apply(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bDragonInput', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { elem.on('focus keyup', function(){ elem.triggerHandler('change'); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bKey', ['b2bUtilitiesConfig', '$timeout', 'keymap', function (b2bUtilitiesConfig, $timeout, keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function ($scope, $element,attr) { this.childElements = []; this.disableNodes = {}; this.enableSearch = attr.enableSearch !== undefined ? true : b2bUtilitiesConfig.enableSearch; this.circularTraversal = attr.circularTraversal !== undefined ? true : b2bUtilitiesConfig.circularTraversal; this.counter = -1; if (this.enableSearch) { this.searchKeys = []; } var searchString = ''; var selfCtrl = this; this.childElementsList = []; this.b2bKeyID = ""; if (angular.isDefined(attr.b2bKey)) { this.b2bKeyID = attr.b2bKey; } this.calculateChildElementsList = function () { return $element[0].querySelectorAll("[b2b-key-item='" + this.b2bKeyID + "']:not([disabled])"); }; this.resetChildElementsList = function () { return $timeout(function () { selfCtrl.childElementsList = selfCtrl.calculateChildElementsList(); }); }; this.resetChildElementsList(); $scope.$on('b2b-key-reset-child-elements-list', function () { selfCtrl.resetChildElementsList(); }); this.registerElement = function (childElement, searchKey) { this.childElements.push(childElement); if (this.enableSearch) { this.searchKeys.push(searchKey); } var count = this.childElements.length - 1; this.maxLength = count + 1; return count; }; this.toggleDisable = function (count, state) { this.disableNodes[count] = state; }; this.searchElement = function (searchExp) { var regex = new RegExp("\\b" + searchExp, "gi"); var position = this.searchKeys.regexIndexOf(regex, this.counter + 1, true); if (position > -1) { this.counter = position; this.moveFocus(this.counter); } }; this.startTimer = function (time) { if (searchString === '') { $timeout(function () { searchString = ''; }, time); } }; this.resetCounter = function (count) { this.counter = count; }; this.moveNext = function (count) { this.counter = (this.counter + count) < this.maxLength ? this.counter + count : (this.circularTraversal ? 0 : this.counter); if (this.disableNodes[this.counter]) { if ((this.counter + count) < this.maxLength) { this.moveNext(count); } } else { this.moveFocus(this.counter); } }; this.movePrev = function (count) { this.counter = (this.counter - count) > -1 ? this.counter - count : (this.circularTraversal ? this.maxLength-1 : this.counter); if (this.disableNodes[this.counter]) { if ((this.counter - count) > -1) { this.movePrev(count); } } else { this.moveFocus(this.counter); } }; this.moveFocus = function (index) { this.childElements[index][0].focus(); }; this.keyDownHandler = function (ev, count) { if (angular.isDefined(count) && !isNaN(count) && count !== this.counter) { this.resetCounter(count); } if (!ev.keyCode) { if (ev.which) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if (ev.charCode) { ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if (ev.keyCode) { if (this.prev && this.prev.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { this.movePrev(1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (this.next && this.next.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { this.moveNext(1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (this.up && this.up.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { if (this.type === 'table') { this.movePrev(this.columns); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } else if (this.down && this.down.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1) { if (this.type === 'table') { this.moveNext(this.columns); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } else if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.HOME) { var firstIndex = 0; while (this.disableNodes[firstIndex] !== false) { firstIndex++; }; var count = this.counter - firstIndex; this.movePrev(count); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode === keymap.KEY.END) { var lastIndex = this.childElements.length - 1; while (this.disableNodes[lastIndex] !== false) { lastIndex--; }; var count = lastIndex - this.counter; this.moveNext(count); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (ev.keyCode >= 48 && ev.keyCode <= 105) { if (this.enableSearch) { this.startTimer(b2bUtilitiesConfig.searchTimer); searchString = searchString + (keymap.MAP[ev.keyCode] || ''); this.searchElement(searchString); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } } }; }], link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { ctrl.prev = attr.prev ? attr.prev.split(',') : b2bUtilitiesConfig.prev.split(','); ctrl.next = attr.next ? attr.next.split(',') : b2bUtilitiesConfig.next.split(','); ctrl.type = attr.type ? attr.type : b2bUtilitiesConfig.type; if (ctrl.type === 'table') { ctrl.up = attr.up ? attr.up.split(',') : b2bUtilitiesConfig.up.split(','); ctrl.down = attr.down ? attr.down.split(',') : b2bUtilitiesConfig.down.split(','); ctrl.columns = attr.columns ? parseInt(attr.columns, 10) : b2bUtilitiesConfig.columns; } elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { ctrl.keyDownHandler(ev); }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bKeyItem', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var parentCtrl = (elem.parent() && elem.parent().controller('b2bKey')) || undefined; if (angular.isDefined(parentCtrl)) { var count = parentCtrl.registerElement(elem, attr.searchKey); elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { parentCtrl.keyDownHandler(ev, count); }); scope.$watch(attr.b2bKeyItem, function (value) { value = value === undefined ? true : value; parentCtrl.toggleDisable(count, !value); }); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { parentCtrl.toggleDisable(count, true); }); } } }; }]) .directive('b2bElementFocus', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.$watch(attr.b2bElementFocus, function (value) { if (value === true) { elem[0].focus(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('b2bAppendElement', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var parameters = attr.b2bAppendElement.split(':'); if (parameters.length === 1) { elem.append(scope.$eval(parameters[0])); } else if (parameters.length === 2) { if (parameters[1] === 'compile') { var element = angular.element('' + scope.$eval(parameters[0]) + ''); elem.append($compile(element)(scope)); } } } }; }]) .directive('b2bKeyItemRefreshInNgRepeat', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^^b2bKey', link: function (scope, elem, attr, parentCtrl) { if (angular.isDefined(parentCtrl)) { var attrToObserve = 'attrToObserve'; if (attr.b2bKeyItemRefreshInNgRepeat) { attrToObserve = 'b2bKeyItemRefreshInNgRepeat'; } attr.$observe(attrToObserve, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal && newVal !== oldVal) { parentCtrl.resetChildElementsList(); } }); } } }; }]) .constant('b2bMaskConfig', { maskDefinitions: { '9': /\d/, 'A': /[a-zA-Z]/, '*': /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ }, clearOnBlur: false, clearOnBlurPlaceholder: false, escChar: '\\', eventsToHandle: ['input', 'keyup', 'click', 'focus'], addDefaultPlaceholder: true, allowInvalidValue: true }) /** * @param {boolean} modelViewValue - If this is set to true, then the model value bound with ng-model will be the same as the $viewValue meaning it will contain any static mask characters present in the mask definition. This will not set the model value to a $viewValue that is considered invalid. * @param {String} maskPlaceholder - Allows customizing the mask placeholder when a user has focused the input element and while typing in their value * @param {String} maskPlaceholderChar - Allows customizing the mask placeholder character. The default mask placeholder is _. * @param {boolean} addDefaultPlaceholder - The default placeholder is constructed from the ui-mask definition so a mask of 999-9999 would have a default placeholder of ___-____; unless you have overridden the default placeholder character. */ .directive('b2bMask', ['b2bMaskConfig', function(b2bMaskConfig) { return { require: 'ngModel', restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var maskProcessed = false, eventsBound = false, maskCaretMap, maskPatterns, maskPlaceholder, maskComponents, // Minimum required length of the value to be considered valid minRequiredLength, value, valueMasked, isValid, // Vars for initializing/uninitializing originalPlaceholder = attrs.placeholder, originalMaxlength = attrs.maxlength, // Vars used exclusively in eventHandler() oldValue, oldValueUnmasked, oldCaretPosition, oldSelectionLength, // Used for communicating if a backspace operation should be allowed between // keydownHandler and eventHandler preventBackspace; var options = b2bMaskConfig; function isFocused (elem) { return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex); } var originalIsEmpty = ctrl.$isEmpty; ctrl.$isEmpty = function(value) { if (maskProcessed) { return originalIsEmpty(unmaskValue(value || '')); } else { return originalIsEmpty(value); } }; function initialize(maskAttr) { if (!angular.isDefined(maskAttr)) { return uninitialize(); } processRawMask(maskAttr); if (!maskProcessed) { return uninitialize(); } initializeElement(); bindEventListeners(); return true; } function initPlaceholder(placeholderAttr) { if ( ! placeholderAttr) { return; } maskPlaceholder = placeholderAttr; /* If the mask is processed, then we need to update the value but don't set the value if there is nothing entered into the element and there is a placeholder attribute on the element because that will only set the value as the blank maskPlaceholder and override the placeholder on the element */ if (maskProcessed && !(element.val().length === 0 && angular.isDefined(attrs.placeholder))) { element.val(maskValue(unmaskValue(element.val()))); } } function initPlaceholderChar() { return initialize(attrs.uiMask); } var modelViewValue = false; attrs.$observe('modelViewValue', function(val) { if (val === 'true') { modelViewValue = true; } }); attrs.$observe('allowInvalidValue', function(val) { linkOptions.allowInvalidValue = val === ''? true : !!val; formatter(ctrl.$modelValue); }); function formatter(fromModelValue) { if (!maskProcessed) { return fromModelValue; } value = unmaskValue(fromModelValue || ''); isValid = validateValue(value); ctrl.$setValidity('mask', isValid); if (!value.length) return undefined; if (isValid || linkOptions.allowInvalidValue) { return maskValue(value); } else { return undefined; } } function parser(fromViewValue) { if (!maskProcessed) { return fromViewValue; } value = unmaskValue(fromViewValue || ''); isValid = validateValue(value); /* We have to set viewValue manually as the reformatting of the input value performed by eventHandler() doesn't happen until after this parser is called, which causes what the user sees in the input to be out-of-sync with what the ctrl's $viewValue is set to. */ ctrl.$viewValue = value.length ? maskValue(value) : ''; ctrl.$setValidity('mask', isValid); if (isValid || linkOptions.allowInvalidValue) { return modelViewValue ? ctrl.$viewValue : value; } } var linkOptions = {}; // to do if (attrs.b2bMaskOptions) { linkOptions = scope.$eval('[' + attrs.b2bMaskOptions + ']'); if (angular.isObject(linkOptions[0])) { // we can't use angular.copy nor angular.extend, they lack the power to do a deep merge linkOptions = (function(original, current) { for (var i in original) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(original, i)) { if (current[i] === undefined) { current[i] = angular.copy(original[i]); } else { if (angular.isObject(current[i]) && !angular.isArray(current[i])) { current[i] = angular.extend({}, original[i], current[i]); } } } } return current; })(options, linkOptions[0]); } else { linkOptions = options; //gotta be a better way to do this.. } } else { linkOptions = options; } attrs.$observe('b2bMask', initialize); if (angular.isDefined(attrs.maskPlaceholder)) { attrs.$observe('maskPlaceholder', initPlaceholder); } else { attrs.$observe('placeholder', initPlaceholder); } if (angular.isDefined(attrs.maskPlaceholderChar)) { attrs.$observe('maskPlaceholderChar', initPlaceholderChar); } ctrl.$formatters.unshift(formatter); ctrl.$parsers.unshift(parser); function uninitialize() { maskProcessed = false; unbindEventListeners(); if (angular.isDefined(originalPlaceholder)) { element.attr('placeholder', originalPlaceholder); } else { element.removeAttr('placeholder'); } if (angular.isDefined(originalMaxlength)) { element.attr('maxlength', originalMaxlength); } else { element.removeAttr('maxlength'); } element.val(ctrl.$modelValue); ctrl.$viewValue = ctrl.$modelValue; return false; } function initializeElement() { value = oldValueUnmasked = unmaskValue(ctrl.$modelValue || ''); valueMasked = oldValue = maskValue(value); isValid = validateValue(value); if (attrs.maxlength) { // Double maxlength to allow pasting new val at end of mask element.attr('maxlength', maskCaretMap[maskCaretMap.length - 1] * 2); } if ( ! originalPlaceholder && linkOptions.addDefaultPlaceholder) { element.attr('placeholder', maskPlaceholder); } var viewValue = ctrl.$modelValue; var idx = ctrl.$formatters.length; while(idx--) { viewValue = ctrl.$formatters[idx](viewValue); } ctrl.$viewValue = viewValue || ''; ctrl.$render(); } function bindEventListeners() { if (eventsBound) { return; } element.bind('blur', blurHandler); element.bind('mousedown mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler); element.bind('keydown', keydownHandler); element.bind(linkOptions.eventsToHandle.join(' '), eventHandler); eventsBound = true; } function unbindEventListeners() { if (!eventsBound) { return; } element.unbind('blur', blurHandler); element.unbind('mousedown', mouseDownUpHandler); element.unbind('mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler); element.unbind('keydown', keydownHandler); element.unbind('input', eventHandler); element.unbind('keyup', eventHandler); element.unbind('click', eventHandler); element.unbind('focus', eventHandler); eventsBound = false; } function validateValue(value) { // Zero-length value validity is ngRequired's determination return value.length ? value.length >= minRequiredLength : true; } function unmaskValue(value) { var valueUnmasked = '', input = element[0], maskPatternsCopy = maskPatterns.slice(), selectionStart = oldCaretPosition, selectionEnd = selectionStart + getSelectionLength(input), valueOffset, valueDelta, tempValue = ''; // Preprocess by stripping mask components from value value = value.toString(); valueOffset = 0; valueDelta = value.length - maskPlaceholder.length; angular.forEach(maskComponents, function(component) { var position = component.position; //Only try and replace the component if the component position is not within the selected range //If component was in selected range then it was removed with the user input so no need to try and remove that component if (!(position >= selectionStart && position < selectionEnd)) { if (position >= selectionStart) { position += valueDelta; } if (value.substring(position, position + component.value.length) === component.value) { tempValue += value.slice(valueOffset, position);// + value.slice(position + component.value.length); valueOffset = position + component.value.length; } } }); value = tempValue + value.slice(valueOffset); angular.forEach(value.split(''), function(chr) { if (maskPatternsCopy.length && maskPatternsCopy[0].test(chr)) { valueUnmasked += chr; maskPatternsCopy.shift(); } }); return valueUnmasked; } function maskValue(unmaskedValue) { var valueMasked = '', maskCaretMapCopy = maskCaretMap.slice(); angular.forEach(maskPlaceholder.split(''), function(chr, i) { if (unmaskedValue.length && i === maskCaretMapCopy[0]) { valueMasked += unmaskedValue.charAt(0) || '_'; unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue.substr(1); maskCaretMapCopy.shift(); } else { valueMasked += chr; } }); return valueMasked; } function getPlaceholderChar(i) { var placeholder = angular.isDefined(attrs.uiMaskPlaceholder) ? attrs.uiMaskPlaceholder : attrs.placeholder, defaultPlaceholderChar; if (angular.isDefined(placeholder) && placeholder[i]) { return placeholder[i]; } else { defaultPlaceholderChar = angular.isDefined(attrs.uiMaskPlaceholderChar) && attrs.uiMaskPlaceholderChar ? attrs.uiMaskPlaceholderChar : '_'; return (defaultPlaceholderChar.toLowerCase() === 'space') ? ' ' : defaultPlaceholderChar[0]; } } /* Generate array of mask components that will be stripped from a masked value before processing to prevent mask components from being added to the unmasked value. E.g., a mask pattern of '+7 9999' won't have the 7 bleed into the unmasked value. */ function getMaskComponents() { var maskPlaceholderChars = maskPlaceholder.split(''), maskPlaceholderCopy, components; /* maskCaretMap can have bad values if the input has the ui-mask attribute implemented as an obversable property, e.g. the demo page */ if (maskCaretMap && !isNaN(maskCaretMap[0])) { /* Instead of trying to manipulate the RegEx based on the placeholder characters we can simply replace the placeholder characters based on the already built maskCaretMap to underscores and leave the original working RegEx to get the proper mask components */ angular.forEach(maskCaretMap, function(value) { maskPlaceholderChars[value] = '_'; }); } maskPlaceholderCopy = maskPlaceholderChars.join(''); components = maskPlaceholderCopy.replace(/[_]+/g, '_').split('_'); components = components.filter(function(s) { return s !== ''; }); /* need a string search offset in cases where the mask contains multiple identical components E.g., a mask of 99.99.99-999.99 */ var offset = 0; return components.map(function(c) { var componentPosition = maskPlaceholderCopy.indexOf(c, offset); offset = componentPosition + 1; return { value: c, position: componentPosition }; }); } function processRawMask(mask) { var characterCount = 0; maskCaretMap = []; maskPatterns = []; maskPlaceholder = ''; if (angular.isString(mask)) { minRequiredLength = 0; var isOptional = false, numberOfOptionalCharacters = 0, splitMask = mask.split(''); var inEscape = false; angular.forEach(splitMask, function(chr, i) { if (inEscape) { inEscape = false; maskPlaceholder += chr; characterCount++; } else if (linkOptions.escChar === chr) { inEscape = true; } else if (linkOptions.maskDefinitions[chr]) { maskCaretMap.push(characterCount); maskPlaceholder += getPlaceholderChar(i - numberOfOptionalCharacters); maskPatterns.push(linkOptions.maskDefinitions[chr]); characterCount++; if (!isOptional) { minRequiredLength++; } isOptional = false; } else if (chr === '?') { isOptional = true; numberOfOptionalCharacters++; } else { maskPlaceholder += chr; characterCount++; } }); } // Caret position immediately following last position is valid. maskCaretMap.push(maskCaretMap.slice().pop() + 1); maskComponents = getMaskComponents(); maskProcessed = maskCaretMap.length > 1 ? true : false; } var prevValue = element.val(); function blurHandler() { if (linkOptions.clearOnBlur || ((linkOptions.clearOnBlurPlaceholder) && (value.length === 0) && attrs.placeholder)) { oldCaretPosition = 0; oldSelectionLength = 0; if (!isValid || value.length === 0) { valueMasked = ''; element.val(''); scope.$apply(function() { //only $setViewValue when not $pristine to avoid changing $pristine state. if (!ctrl.$pristine) { ctrl.$setViewValue(''); } }); } } //Check for different value and trigger change. if (value !== prevValue) { var currentVal = element.val(); var isTemporarilyEmpty = value === '' && currentVal && angular.isDefined(attrs.uiMaskPlaceholderChar) && attrs.uiMaskPlaceholderChar === 'space'; if(isTemporarilyEmpty) { element.val(''); } triggerChangeEvent(element[0]); if(isTemporarilyEmpty) { element.val(currentVal); } } prevValue = value; } function triggerChangeEvent(element) { var change; if (angular.isFunction(window.Event) && !element.fireEvent) { // modern browsers and Edge try { change = new Event('change', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); } catch (ex) { //this is for certain mobile browsers that have the Event object //but don't support the Event constructor change = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); change.initEvent('change', false, true); } finally { element.dispatchEvent(change); } } else if ('createEvent' in document) { // older browsers change = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); change.initEvent('change', false, true); element.dispatchEvent(change); } else if (element.fireEvent) { // IE <= 11 element.fireEvent('onchange'); } } function mouseDownUpHandler(e) { if (e.type === 'mousedown') { element.bind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler); } else { element.unbind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler); } } element.bind('mousedown mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler); function mouseoutHandler() { oldSelectionLength = getSelectionLength(this); element.unbind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler); } function keydownHandler(e) { var isKeyBackspace = e.which === 8, caretPos = getCaretPosition(this) - 1 || 0, //value in keydown is pre change so bump caret position back to simulate post change isCtrlZ = e.which === 90 && e.ctrlKey; //ctrl+z pressed if (isKeyBackspace) { while(caretPos >= 0) { if (isValidCaretPosition(caretPos)) { //re-adjust the caret position. //Increment to account for the initial decrement to simulate post change caret position setCaretPosition(this, caretPos + 1); break; } caretPos--; } preventBackspace = caretPos === -1; } if (isCtrlZ) { // prevent IE bug - value should be returned to initial state element.val(''); e.preventDefault(); } } function eventHandler(e) { e = e || {}; // Allows more efficient minification var eventWhich = e.which, eventType = e.type; // Prevent shift and ctrl from mucking with old values if (eventWhich === 16 || eventWhich === 91) { return; } var val = element.val(), valOld = oldValue, valMasked, valAltered = false, valUnmasked = unmaskValue(val), valUnmaskedOld = oldValueUnmasked, caretPos = getCaretPosition(this) || 0, caretPosOld = oldCaretPosition || 0, caretPosDelta = caretPos - caretPosOld, caretPosMin = maskCaretMap[0], caretPosMax = maskCaretMap[valUnmasked.length] || maskCaretMap.slice().shift(), selectionLenOld = oldSelectionLength || 0, isSelected = getSelectionLength(this) > 0, wasSelected = selectionLenOld > 0, // Case: Typing a character to overwrite a selection isAddition = (val.length > valOld.length) || (selectionLenOld && val.length > valOld.length - selectionLenOld), // Case: Delete and backspace behave identically on a selection isDeletion = (val.length < valOld.length) || (selectionLenOld && val.length === valOld.length - selectionLenOld), isSelection = (eventWhich >= 37 && eventWhich <= 40) && e.shiftKey, // Arrow key codes isKeyLeftArrow = eventWhich === 37, // Necessary due to "input" event not providing a key code isKeyBackspace = eventWhich === 8 || (eventType !== 'keyup' && isDeletion && (caretPosDelta === -1)), isKeyDelete = eventWhich === 46 || (eventType !== 'keyup' && isDeletion && (caretPosDelta === 0) && !wasSelected), // Handles cases where caret is moved and placed in front of invalid maskCaretMap position. Logic below // ensures that, on click or leftward caret placement, caret is moved leftward until directly right of // non-mask character. Also applied to click since users are (arguably) more likely to backspace // a character when clicking within a filled input. caretBumpBack = (isKeyLeftArrow || isKeyBackspace || eventType === 'click') && caretPos > caretPosMin; oldSelectionLength = getSelectionLength(this); // These events don't require any action if (isSelection || (isSelected && (eventType === 'click' || eventType === 'keyup' || eventType === 'focus'))) { return; } if (isKeyBackspace && preventBackspace) { element.val(maskPlaceholder); // This shouldn't be needed but for some reason after aggressive backspacing the ctrl $viewValue is incorrect. // This keeps the $viewValue updated and correct. scope.$apply(function () { ctrl.$setViewValue(''); // $setViewValue should be run in angular context, otherwise the changes will be invisible to angular and user code. }); setCaretPosition(this, caretPosOld); return; } // User attempted to delete but raw value was unaffected--correct this grievous offense if ((eventType === 'input') && isDeletion && !wasSelected && valUnmasked === valUnmaskedOld) { while (isKeyBackspace && caretPos > caretPosMin && !isValidCaretPosition(caretPos)) { caretPos--; } while (isKeyDelete && caretPos < caretPosMax && maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos) === -1) { caretPos++; } var charIndex = maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos); // Strip out non-mask character that user would have deleted if mask hadn't been in the way. valUnmasked = valUnmasked.substring(0, charIndex) + valUnmasked.substring(charIndex + 1); // If value has not changed, don't want to call $setViewValue, may be caused by IE raising input event due to placeholder if (valUnmasked !== valUnmaskedOld) valAltered = true; } // Update values valMasked = maskValue(valUnmasked); oldValue = valMasked; oldValueUnmasked = valUnmasked; //additional check to fix the problem where the viewValue is out of sync with the value of the element. //better fix for commit 2a83b5fb8312e71d220a497545f999fc82503bd9 (I think) if (!valAltered && val.length > valMasked.length) valAltered = true; element.val(valMasked); //we need this check. What could happen if you don't have it is that you'll set the model value without the user //actually doing anything. Meaning, things like pristine and touched will be set. if (valAltered) { scope.$apply(function () { ctrl.$setViewValue(valMasked); // $setViewValue should be run in angular context, otherwise the changes will be invisible to angular and user code. }); } // Caret Repositioning // Ensure that typing always places caret ahead of typed character in cases where the first char of // the input is a mask char and the caret is placed at the 0 position. if (isAddition && (caretPos <= caretPosMin)) { caretPos = caretPosMin + 1; } if (caretBumpBack) { caretPos--; } // Make sure caret is within min and max position limits caretPos = caretPos > caretPosMax ? caretPosMax : caretPos < caretPosMin ? caretPosMin : caretPos; // Scoot the caret back or forth until it's in a non-mask position and within min/max position limits while (!isValidCaretPosition(caretPos) && caretPos > caretPosMin && caretPos < caretPosMax) { caretPos += caretBumpBack ? -1 : 1; } if ((caretBumpBack && caretPos < caretPosMax) || (isAddition && !isValidCaretPosition(caretPosOld))) { caretPos++; } oldCaretPosition = caretPos; setCaretPosition(this, caretPos); } function isValidCaretPosition(pos) { return maskCaretMap.indexOf(pos) > -1; } function getCaretPosition(input) { if (!input) return 0; if (input.selectionStart !== undefined) { return input.selectionStart; } else if (document.selection) { if (isFocused(element[0])) { // For IE input.focus(); var selection = document.selection.createRange(); selection.moveStart('character', input.value ? -input.value.length : 0); return selection.text.length; } } return 0; } function setCaretPosition(input, pos) { if (!input) return 0; if (input.offsetWidth === 0 || input.offsetHeight === 0) { return; // Input's hidden } if (input.setSelectionRange) { if (isFocused(element[0])) { input.focus(); input.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } } else if (input.createTextRange) { // For IE var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.select(); } } function getSelectionLength(input) { if (!input) return 0; if (input.selectionStart !== undefined) { return (input.selectionEnd - input.selectionStart); } if (window.getSelection) { return (window.getSelection().toString().length); } if (document.selection) { return (document.selection.createRange().text.length); } return 0; } } }; }]) .filter('b2bMultiSepartorHighlight', function($sce) { return function(text, searchText, searchSeperator) { var splitText = function(string) { if(angular.isDefined(searchSeperator)){ if (string.indexOf(searchSeperator) > -1) { return string.split(searchSeperator); } else { return string } }else{ return string; } } if (text) { var newText = splitText(text); var newPhrase = splitText(searchText); if (angular.isArray(newPhrase)) { for (var i = 0; i < newText.length; i++) { if (i <= 0) { text = newText[i].replace(new RegExp('(' + newPhrase[i] + ')', 'gi'), '$1'); } else { text = text + searchSeperator + ' ' + (newPhrase[i] ? newText[i].replace(new RegExp('(' + newPhrase[i] + ')', 'gi'), '$1') : newText[i]); } } } else { text = text.replace(new RegExp('(' + searchText + ')', 'gi'), '$1'); } } return $sce.trustAsHtml(text) } }) .factory('b2bUserAgent', [function() { var _isMobile = function() { if(/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){ return /Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }else{ return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } }; var _notMobile = function() { if(/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){ return !/Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }else{ return !/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } }; var _isIE = function() { return /msie|trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }; var _isFF = function() { return /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; var _isChrome = function() { return /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; var _isSafari = function() { return /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; return { isMobile: _isMobile, notMobile: _notMobile, isIE: _isIE, isFF: _isFF, isChrome: _isChrome, isSafari: _isSafari }; }]) .run(['$document', 'b2bUserAgent', function($document, b2bUserAgent) { var html = $document.find('html').eq(0); if (b2bUserAgent.isIE()) { html.addClass('isIE'); } else { html.removeClass('isIE'); } }]); (function () { String.prototype.toSnakeCase = function () { return this.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) { return "-" + $1.toLowerCase(); }); }; var concat = function (character, times) { character = character || ''; times = (!isNaN(times) && times) || 0; var finalChar = ''; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { finalChar += character; } return finalChar; }; // direction: true for left and false for right var pad = function (actualString, width, character, direction) { actualString = actualString || ''; width = (!isNaN(width) && width) || 0; character = character || ''; if (width > actualString.length) { if (direction) { return concat(character, (width - actualString.length)) + actualString; } else { return actualString + concat(character, (width - actualString.length)); } } return actualString; }; String.prototype.lPad = function (width, character) { return pad(this, width, character, true); }; String.prototype.rPad = function (width, character) { return pad(this, width, character, false); }; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (val) { for (var index = 0; index < this.length; index++) { if (this[index] === val) { return index; } } return -1; }; } if (!Array.prototype.regexIndexOf) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'regexIndexOf', { enumerable: false, value: function (regex, startIndex, loop) { startIndex = startIndex && startIndex > -1 ? startIndex : 0; for (var index = startIndex; index < this.length; index++) { if (this[index].toString().match(regex)) { return index; } } if (loop) { for (var index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) { if (this[index].toString().match(regex)) { return index; } } } return -1; } }) } })(); angular.module("b2bTemplate/audioPlayer/audioPlayer.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/audioPlayer/audioPlayer.html", "
    \n" + " \n" + "\n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + "\n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + " {{timeFormatter(audio.currentTime)}}\n" + " {{timeFormatter(audio.duration)}}\n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " 0 && audio.currentVolume <= 50\">\n" + " 50\">\n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + " Max\n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/audioRecorder/audioRecorder.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/audioRecorder/audioRecorder.html", "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + " {{config.whileRecordingMessage}}\n" + " {{timeFormatter(elapsedTime)}}\n" + "
    \n" + " {{config.startRecordingMessage}}\n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + "
    "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/backToTop/backToTop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/backToTop/backToTop.html", "\n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bAddBoard.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bAddBoard.html", "
    \n" + "
    Add board
    \n" + "
    "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoard.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoard.html", "
  • \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
  • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoardstrip.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/boardstrip/b2bBoardstrip.html", "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker-popup.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker-popup.html", "
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " 0\">\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      {{(dt.focusable && dt.date | date : 'EEEE, MMMM d yyyy') || ''}}{{(dt.focusable && dt.dueDate && '. Bill-due-date.. ') || ''}}{{(dt.focusable && dt.pastDue && legendMessage) || ''}}
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/calendar/datepicker.html", "
      \n" + " \n" + "
      "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/coachmark/coachmark.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/coachmark/coachmark.html", "
      \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      {{coachmarkIndex}} of {{(coachmarks.length-1)}}
      \n" + "
      \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + " {{currentCoachmark.linkLabel}}\n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
      \n" + "
      "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownDesktop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownDesktop.html", "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
      \n" + "
        \n" + "
          \n" + "
        • \n" + " \n" + "
        • \n" + "
        \n" + "
        \n" + "\n" + "
        "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownGroupDesktop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownGroupDesktop.html", "
      • {{groupHeader}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
        • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownListDesktop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/dropdowns/b2bDropdownListDesktop.html", "
        • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/fileUpload/fileUpload.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/fileUpload/fileUpload.html", ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/flyout/flyout.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/flyout/flyout.html", "\n" + " \n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/flyout/flyoutContent.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/flyout/flyoutContent.html", "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
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          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "\n" + "
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          \n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/horizontalTable/horizontalTable.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/horizontalTable/horizontalTable.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " Previous\n" + " Previous\n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " Showing {{countDisplayText}} {{getColumnSet()[0]+1}}-{{getColumnSet()[1]+1}} of {{numOfCols}} columns\n" + " \n" + "\n" + "
          \n" + " | \n" + "
          \n" + " Legend\n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + " Next\n" + " Next\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpicker.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpicker.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerPanel.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerPanel.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerValue.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/hourPicker/b2bHourpickerValue.html", "
          \n" + " {{hourpickerValue.days}}   {{hourpickerValue.startTime}} {{hourpickerValue.startMeridiem}} - {{hourpickerValue.endTime}} {{hourpickerValue.endMeridiem}}\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/leftNavigation/leftNavigation.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/leftNavigation/leftNavigation.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/listbox/listbox.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/listbox/listbox.html", "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-backdrop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/modalsAndAlerts/b2b-backdrop.html", "
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          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector-popup.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector-popup.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{title}} displaying\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " 0\">\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          {{dt.label | limitTo: 3}}
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelector.html", "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelectorLink.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/monthSelector/monthSelectorLink.html", "
          \n" + " \n" + "
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          \n" + "
          1\">\n" + " 10\" ng-class=\"currentPage <= 1 ? 'b2b-pager__item--prev-disabled': '' \">\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " 10 && currentPage > 6\" b2b-accessibility-click=\"13,32\" ng-click=\"selectPage(1, $event)\" aria-atomic=\"true\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n" + " 1 is selected\n" + " \n" + "\n" + " 10 && currentPage > 6\">...\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " {{page}} is selected\n" + " \n" + "\n" + " 10 && currentPage <= (totalPages - boundary)\">...\n" + "\n" + " 10 && currentPage <= (totalPages - boundary)\" b2b-accessibility-click=\"13,32\" ng-click=\"selectPage(totalPages, $event)\" aria-atomic=\"true\" aria-live=\"polite\">\n" + " {{totalPages}} is selected\n" + " \n" + "\n" + "\n" + " = totalPages ? -1 : 0 }}\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"b2b-pager__item--next\" b2b-accessibility-click=\"13,32\" title=\"Next Page\" ng-click=\"next($event)\" ng-if=\"totalPages > 10\" ng-class=\"currentPage >= totalPages ? 'b2b-pager__item--next-disabled' :'' \">\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          20\"> \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelector.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelector.html", "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelectorPane.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/paneSelector/paneSelectorPane.html", "
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          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          Create new user
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/profileCard/profileCard.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \"{{profile.name}}\"\n" + " {{initials}}\n" + "\n" + "


          \n" + "\n" + "

          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " {{profile.state}}Admin\n" + "

          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.userName.slice(0, 25)+'...'}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.userName}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.userName}}\n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.email.slice(0, 25)+'...'}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.email}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.email}}\n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.role.slice(0, 25)+'...'}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.role}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.role}}\n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.lastLogin.slice(0, 25)+'...'}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.lastLogin}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " {{profile.lastLogin}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/searchField/searchField.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/searchField/searchField.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " 0?inputModel:configObj.ghostText}}\" />\n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          =0\" ng-show=\"showListFlag\">\n" + "
            \n" + "
          • {{configObj.resultText}}
          • \n" + "
          • \n" + " {{item.title}} \n" + "
          • \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/seekBar/seekBar.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/seekBar/seekBar.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
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          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
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          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/statusTracker/statusTracker.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/statusTracker/statusTracker.html", "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "


          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " {{ removeCamelCase(status.state) }}\n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "  \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/stepTracker/stepTracker.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/stepTracker/stepTracker.html", "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
            \n" + "
          • \n" + "


            \n" + " \n" + " {{($index < currentIndex - 1)? 'Complete. '+stepsItem.text+' '+stepsItem.dataMobile:''}} \n" + " {{($index == currentIndex - 1)? 'In Progress. '+stepsItem.text+' '+stepsItem.dataMobile:''}} \n" + " {{($index > currentIndex - 1)? 'Incomplete. '+stepsItem.text+' '+stepsItem.dataMobile:''}}\n" + " \n" + "
          • \n" + "
          \n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/switches/switches-spanish.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/switches/switches-spanish.html", "
          \n" + " seleccione para hacer activo\n" + " \n" + " seleccione para hacer inactivo\n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/switches/switches.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/switches/switches.html", "
          \n" + " On\n" + " \n" + " Off\n" + "
          "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/tableMessages/tableMessage.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/tableMessages/tableMessage.html", "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          The information could not load at this time.
          \n" + "
          Please refresh the page\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "

          Please input values to\n" + "
          begin your search.

          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/tableScrollbar/tableScrollbar.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/tableScrollbar/tableScrollbar.html", "
          \n" + "
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          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
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        • \n" + " \n" + " Active tab\n" + "
        • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTabset.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/tabs/b2bTabset.html", "
            "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/treeNav/groupedTree.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/treeNav/groupedTree.html", ""); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/treeNav/treeMember.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/treeNav/treeMember.html", "
          • \n" + " {{member.name}}\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
            \n" + " {{member.descriptionText}}\n" + "
            \n" + "
            \n" + " \n" + "
            \n" + " {{member.tooltipContent}}\n" + "
            \n" + "
            \n" + "
            \n" + "
          • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/treeNav/ungroupedTree.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/treeNav/ungroupedTree.html", "
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          • \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " {{member.name}} \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          • "); }]); angular.module("b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/ungroupedTree.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("b2bTemplate/treeNodeCheckbox/ungroupedTree.html", "
            "); }]);