-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This script upgrades the OpenSource ECOMP SDK App database from version 1610.2 to 1707. -- change size on 3 name columns from fn_user for the Opensource version -- -- changed DS1 icon names to DS2 icon names -- removed unnecessary fn_menu entries, updated fn_menu actions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ecomp_sdk; update fn_menu set image_src = 'icon-building-home' where menu_id = 2 and label = 'Home'; update fn_menu set image_src = 'icon-documents-book' where menu_id = 5000 and label = 'Sample Pages'; update fn_menu set image_src = 'icon-misc-piechart' where menu_id = 8 and label = 'Reports'; update fn_menu set image_src = 'icon-people-oneperson' where menu_id = 9 and label = 'Profile'; update fn_menu set image_src = 'icon-content-star' where menu_id = 10 and label = 'Admin'; update fn_menu set action = 'samplePage#/collaborate_list' where menu_id = 121 and label = 'Collaboration'; update fn_menu set action = 'samplePage#/notebook' where menu_id = 150038 and label = 'Notebook'; update fn_menu set action = 'admin#/admin' where menu_id = 101 and label = 'Roles'; update fn_menu set action ='report#/report_wizard' where menu_id = 87 and label = 'Create Reports'; delete from fn_menu where menu_id = 13 and label = 'Application Logout'; delete from fn_menu where menu_id = 92 and label = 'Import User'; delete from fn_menu where menu_id = 103 and label = 'Broadcast Messages'; INSERT INTO fn_menu (MENU_ID, LABEL, PARENT_ID, SORT_ORDER, ACTION, FUNCTION_CD, ACTIVE_YN, SERVLET, QUERY_STRING, EXTERNAL_URL, TARGET, MENU_SET_CD, SEPARATOR_YN, IMAGE_SRC) VALUES (89, 'Import', 8, 140, 'report#/report_import', 'menu_reports', 'Y', null, null, null, null, 'APP', 'N', null); INSERT INTO fn_menu (MENU_ID, LABEL, PARENT_ID, SORT_ORDER, ACTION, FUNCTION_CD, ACTIVE_YN, SERVLET, QUERY_STRING, EXTERNAL_URL, TARGET, MENU_SET_CD, SEPARATOR_YN, IMAGE_SRC) VALUES (150022, 'Menus', 10, 60, 'admin#/admin_menu_edit', 'menu_admin', 'Y', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'APP', 'N', NULL); alter table fn_user CHANGE COLUMN FIRST_NAME FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN MIDDLE_NAME MIDDLE_NAME VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN LAST_NAME LAST_NAME VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL; commit;