# ECOMP SDK Web Application for Open Source

## Overview

This is a Maven project with the ECOMP SDK web application for public release,
containing files specific to requirements of the open-source version.  This 
project uses the Maven war plugin to copy in ("overlay") the contents of the 
ECOMP SDK web application overlay files distribution at package time.

Use Apache Maven to build, package and deploy this webapp to a web container
like Apache Tomcat.  Eclipse users must install the M2E-WTP connector, see 

## Release Notes

Version 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- PORTAL-706 Add Common (Angular) Features to SDK

Version 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- PORTAL-543 Fix fortify scan security vulnerability issues
- PORTAL-273 Raise JUnit test coverage of Portal/SDK repos to 50% Including JavaScript
- PORTAL-544 Fix for Raptor issues
- PORTAL-545 Copied report is not saved due to report id -1
- PORTAL-581 Fix for edited copy report name save issue
- PORTAL-582 Handled SQL injection for user Login Id, Added JUNIT test case for RaptorAdapter.java, Added AT&Tlicense and fixed compilation issue.
- PORTAL-583 Added portal/SDK 2_6 Scripts to fix Raptor UI issues
Version 2.5.0
- PORTAL-356 Bootstrapping hybrid applications (Angular and AngularJS)

Version 2.3.0
- PORTAL-281 Portal SDK AAF jar throws null pointer exception

Version 2.2.0
- PORTAL 136 Junits for SDK
- PORTAL 87 hibernate mapping in epsdk-overlay forces use of analytics dependency jar
- PORTAL 155 Review security issues: portal
- PORTAL-202 Remove files that have GPL or other license issues

Version 2.1.0
- PORTAL 161 Refer epsdk-app-common
- PORTAL 160 Refer epsdk-app-common
- PORTAL 159 Refer epsdk-app-common

Version 1.4.0
- PORTAL-19 Rename Java package base to org.onap
- PORTAL-42 Use OParent as parent POM
- PORTAL-72 Address Sonar Scan code issues
- PORTAL-79 remove unwanted SDK left menu under Report-sample dashboard
- PORTAL-90 Use approved ONAP license text
- PORTAL-86 Remove application specific usages from tests and other files (rework)
- PORTAL-104 Replaced the sql connector to maria db
- PORTAL-127 Remove GreenSock license code from b2b library
- PORTAL-118 Missing Error page in Portal-SDK app when there is an exception happen in the backend.
- PORTAL-19 Replaced openecomp keyword to onap 

* Put new entries here *

Version 1.3.0, 28 August 2017
- PORTAL-17 removing eye.js and utils.js
- PORTAL-19 Renaming the Group Id in the POM file to org.onap.portal.sdk
- PORTAL-34 Restore required properties in fusion.properties file
- PORTAL-64 Single sign-on from Portal fails for some applications
- PORTAL-21 Added scripts to remove foreign keys of function code in fn_menu
  and fn_restriced_url tables.

Version 1.1.0
- PORTAL-6 Updates to License and Trademark in the PORTAL Source Code
- PORTAL-7 Improvements added as part of the rebasing process
- PORTAL 13 ecompsdk db connection intermittent issue seen for VID app 
- PORTAL 15 Fix Charting and Search Capabilities of EcompSDK Analytics
- PORTAL 23 Updating the SDK version from Snapshot to Release 1.1.0
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release