/* * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * ONAP Portal SDK * =================================================================== * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * * Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed * under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); * you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * */ /* =========================================================================================== * This class is part of RAPTOR (Rapid Application Programming Tool for OLAP Reporting) * Raptor : This tool is used to generate different kinds of reports with lot of utilities * =========================================================================================== * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ReportHandler.java - This class is used to generate reports in Excel using POI and also to * create ReportRuntime and ReportDefinition object using report id. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Changes * ------- * 18-Aug-2009 : Version 8.5.1 (Sundar); * 14-Jul-2009 : Version 8.4 (Sundar); * 08-Jun-2009 : Version 8.3 (Sundar); * */ package org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.model; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker; import com.lowagie.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import java.awt.Font; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.io.Writer; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDateUtil; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFooter; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFHeader; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.BorderStyle; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CreationHelper; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FillPatternType; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Footer; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Header; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.HorizontalAlignment; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors; import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress; import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDataFormat; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbookType; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.controller.ErrorHandler; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.error.RaptorException; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.error.ReportSQLException; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.model.base.IdNameValue; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.model.definition.ReportDefinition; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.model.runtime.ReportRuntime; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.AppUtils; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.ConnectionUtils; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.ExecuteQuery; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.Globals; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.AppConstants; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.DataSet; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.ExcelColorDef; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.HtmlStripper; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.Log; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.util.Utils; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.ColumnHeader; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.ColumnHeaderRow; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.DataRow; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.DataValue; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.HtmlFormatter; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.ReportData; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.RowHeader; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.view.RowHeaderCol; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.DataColumnType; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.DataSourceType; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.FormatList; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.FormatType; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.Reports; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.SemaphoreList; import org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.xmlobj.SemaphoreType; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.logging.logic.EELFLoggerDelegate; import org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI; public class ReportHandler extends org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.RaptorObject { private static final EELFLoggerDelegate logger = EELFLoggerDelegate.getLogger(ReportHandler.class); public ReportHandler() {} private String sheetName = ""; private static final String XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private static final int FONT_SIZE = 10; private static final int FONT_HEADER_TITLE_SIZE = 12; private static final int FONT_HEADER_DESCR_SIZE = 9; private static final int FONT_FOOTER_SIZE = 9; private static final String DEFAULT = "default"; private static final String YELLOW = "yellow"; private static final String GREEN = "green"; private static final String RED = "red"; private static final String RUNTIME_PARAMETERS = "Run-time Parameters"; private static final String FONT_TAHOMA = "Tahoma"; FillPatternType fillPattern = null; private HashMap loadStyles(ReportRuntime rr, XSSFWorkbook wb) { XSSFCellStyle styleDefault = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont fontDefault = wb.createFont(); fontDefault.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontDefault.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDefault.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); styleDefault.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDefault.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDefault.setFont(fontDefault); XSSFCellStyle styleRed = wb.createCellStyle(); styleRed.cloneStyleFrom(styleDefault); styleRed.setFillForegroundColor((short) HSSFColor.RED.index); styleRed.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); XSSFFont fontRed = wb.createFont(); fontRed.setColor((short) HSSFColor.WHITE.index); fontRed.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontRed.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); styleRed.setFont(fontRed); XSSFCellStyle styleYellow = wb.createCellStyle(); styleYellow.cloneStyleFrom(styleDefault); styleYellow.setFillForegroundColor((short) HSSFColor.YELLOW.index); styleYellow.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); XSSFFont fontYellow = wb.createFont(); fontYellow.setColor((short) HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontYellow.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontYellow.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); styleYellow.setFont(fontYellow); XSSFCellStyle styleGreen = wb.createCellStyle(); styleGreen.cloneStyleFrom(styleDefault); styleGreen.setFillForegroundColor((short) HSSFColor.GREEN.index); styleGreen.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); XSSFFont fontGreen = wb.createFont(); fontGreen.setColor((short) HSSFColor.WHITE.index); fontGreen.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontGreen.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); styleGreen.setFont(fontGreen); ArrayList semColumnList = new ArrayList(); List dsList = rr.getDataSourceList().getDataSource(); for (Iterator iter = dsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DataSourceType element = (DataSourceType) iter.next(); List dcList = element.getDataColumnList().getDataColumn(); for (Iterator iterator = dcList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DataColumnType element1 = (DataColumnType) iterator.next(); semColumnList.add(element1.getSemaphoreId()); } } SemaphoreList semList = rr.getSemaphoreList(); HashMap hashMapStyles = new HashMap(); HashMap hashMapFonts = new HashMap(); hashMapFonts.put(DEFAULT, fontDefault); hashMapFonts.put(RED, fontRed); hashMapFonts.put(YELLOW, fontYellow); hashMapFonts.put(GREEN, fontGreen); hashMapStyles.put(DEFAULT, styleDefault); hashMapStyles.put(RED, styleRed); hashMapStyles.put(YELLOW, styleYellow); hashMapStyles.put(GREEN, styleGreen); XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = null; if (semList == null || semList.getSemaphore() == null) { return hashMapStyles; } else { for (Iterator iter = semList.getSemaphore().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SemaphoreType sem = (SemaphoreType) iter.next(); if (!semColumnList.contains(sem.getSemaphoreId())) continue; FormatList fList = sem.getFormatList(); List formatList = fList.getFormat(); for (Iterator fIter = formatList.iterator(); fIter.hasNext();) { FormatType fmt = (FormatType) fIter.next(); if (fmt != null) { cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont cellFont = wb.createFont(); if (nvl(fmt.getBgColor()).length() > 0) { cellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(ExcelColorDef.getExcelColor(fmt .getBgColor())); cellStyle.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); } if (nvl(fmt.getFontColor()).length() > 0) { cellFont.setColor(ExcelColorDef.getExcelColor(fmt.getFontColor())); } else cellFont.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); if (fmt.isBold()) cellFont.setBold(true); if (fmt.isItalic()) cellFont.setItalic(true); if (fmt.isUnderline()) cellFont.setUnderline(HSSFFont.U_SINGLE); if (nvl(fmt.getFontFace()).length() > 0) cellFont.setFontName(fmt.getFontFace()); else cellFont.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); if (nvl(fmt.getFontSize()).length() > 0) { try { // cellFont.setFontHeight((short) (Integer.parseInt(fmt.getFontSize()) / 0.05)); cellFont.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { cellFont.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05));// 10 } } else cellFont.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); cellStyle.setFont(cellFont); cellStyle.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); cellStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); cellStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); cellStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); cellStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); hashMapStyles.put(fmt.getFormatId(), cellStyle); } else { hashMapStyles.put(DEFAULT, styleDefault); } } } } return hashMapStyles; } private void paintExcelParams(final XSSFWorkbook wb, int rowNum, final int col, final List paramsList, final String customizedParamInfo, final XSSFSheet sheet, final String reportTitle, final String reportDescr) throws IOException { int cellNum = 0; XSSFRow row = null; short s1 = 0; short s2 = (short) 1; XSSFCellStyle styleName = wb.createCellStyle(); styleName.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleName.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleName.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setDataFormat((short) 0); XSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); font.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); font.setBold(true); styleName.setFont(font); XSSFFont fontDefault = wb.createFont(); fontDefault.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontDefault.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDefault.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDefault.setItalic(true); XSSFCellStyle styleValue = wb.createCellStyle(); styleValue.setDataFormat((short) 0); styleValue.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleValue.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); // styleValue.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.YELLOW.index); styleValue.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleValue.setFont(fontDefault); XSSFCell cell = null; XSSFCellStyle styleDescription = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDescription.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); XSSFFont fontDescr = wb.createFont(); fontDescr.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); // 14 fontDescr.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDescr.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontDescr.setBold(true); styleDescription.setFont(font); XSSFCell cellDescr = null; int paramSeq = 0; Header header = sheet.getHeader(); StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder(); if (!Globals.customizeFormFieldInfo() || customizedParamInfo.length() <= 0) { for (Iterator iter = paramsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IdNameValue value = (IdNameValue) iter.next(); if (nvl(value.getId()).trim().length() > 0 && (!nvl(value.getId()).trim().equals("BLANK"))) { paramSeq += 1; if (paramSeq <= 1) { row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cell = row.createCell((short) 0); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, s1, s2)); cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); cellDescr.setCellValue(RUNTIME_PARAMETERS); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleDescription); strBuf.append(reportTitle + "\n"); } row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.getId()); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.getName().replaceAll("~", ",")); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); } } // for } else { strBuf.append(reportTitle + "\n"); Document document = new Document(); document.open(); HTMLWorker worker = new HTMLWorker(document); StyleSheet style = new StyleSheet(); style.loadTagStyle("body", "leading", "16,0"); ArrayList p = HTMLWorker.parseToList(new StringReader(customizedParamInfo), style); String name = ""; String token = ""; String value = ""; String s = ""; PdfPTable pdfTable = null; for (int k = 0; k < p.size(); ++k) { if (p.get(k) instanceof Paragraph) s = ((Paragraph) p.get(k)).toString(); else { pdfTable = ((PdfPTable) p.get(k)); } s = s.replaceAll(",", "|"); s = s.replaceAll("~", ","); if (s.indexOf(":") != -1) { row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cell = row.createCell((short) 0); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, s1, s2)); cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); cellDescr.setCellValue(RUNTIME_PARAMETERS); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleDescription); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s.trim(), "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); token = token.trim(); if (!(token.trim().equals("|") || token.trim().equals("]]") || token.trim().equals("]") || token.trim().equals("["))) { if (token.endsWith(":")) { name = token; name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); if (name.startsWith("[")) name = name.substring(1); value = st.nextToken(); if (nvl(value).endsWith("]")) value = nvl(value).substring(0, nvl(value).length() - 1); } if (name != null && name.trim().length() > 0) { row = sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(name.trim()); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.trim()); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); } if (name != null && (sheet.getColumnWidth((short) 0) < (short) name.trim().length())) { sheet.setColumnWidth((short) 0, (short) name.trim().length()); } if (sheet.getColumnWidth((short) 1) < (short) value.trim().length()) { sheet.setColumnWidth((short) 1, (short) value.trim().length()); } name = ""; value = ""; } try { SimpleDateFormat oracleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy kk:mm:ss"); Date sysdate = oracleDateFormat.parse(ReportLoader.getSystemDateTime()); SimpleDateFormat dtimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(Globals.getScheduleDatePattern()); row = sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue("Report Date/Time"); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(dtimestamp.format(sysdate) + " " + Globals.getTimeZone()); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Excetion in paintExcelParams", ex); } } } } // if Iterator iterCheck = paramsList.iterator(); if (iterCheck.hasNext()) { rowNum += 2; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); } header.setCenter(HSSFHeader.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) 9) + " " + strBuf.toString()); Footer footer = sheet.getFooter(); footer.setLeft(HSSFFooter.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFFooter.fontSize((short) 9) + "Page " + HSSFFooter.page() + " of " + HSSFFooter.numPages()); footer.setCenter( HSSFFooter.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFFooter.fontSize((short) 9) + Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + "\n" + Globals.getFooterSecondLine()); } } private int paintExcelData(final XSSFWorkbook wb, int rowNum, final ReportData rd, final Map styles, final ReportRuntime rr, final XSSFSheet sheet, final String sql_whole, final HttpServletRequest request) throws RaptorException { int mb = 1024 * 1024; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int returnValue = 0; XSSFCellStyle styleDefault = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleNumber = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleDecimalNumber = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyNumber = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyDecimalNumber = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleDate = wb.createCellStyle(); HtmlStripper strip = new HtmlStripper(); XSSFCellStyle styleDataHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDataHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleDataHeader.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleDataHeader.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDataHeader.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDataHeader.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDataHeader.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDataHeader.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); XSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); font.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); font.setBold(true); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleDataHeader.setFont(font); boolean firstPass = true; ArrayList cellWidth = new ArrayList(); java.util.HashMap dataTypeMap = new java.util.HashMap(); int cellNum = 0; rowNum += 0; ColumnHeaderRow chr = null; String title = ""; int columnRows = rr.getVisibleColumnCount() - 1; HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String drilldown_index = (String) session.getAttribute("drilldown_index"); int index = 0; try { index = Integer.parseInt(drilldown_index); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { index = 0; } String header = (String) session.getAttribute("TITLE_" + index); String subtitle = (String) session.getAttribute("SUBTITLE_" + index); if (nvl(header).length() > 0) { header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = strip.stripHtml(nvl(header).trim()); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = strip.stripHtml(nvl(subtitle).trim()); XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(header); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, (short) cellNum, (short) (columnRows))); rowNum += 1; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(subtitle); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, (short) cellNum, (short) (columnRows))); rowNum += 1; } for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); if (nvl(sql_whole).length() <= 0 || (!rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR))) { if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB)) rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(0); else rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); for (; rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) { title = rhc.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(title); if (cellWidth.size() > 0 && cellWidth.size() > cellNum) { if (((Integer) cellWidth.get(cellNum)).intValue() < rhc .getColumnTitle().length()) cellWidth.set(cellNum, new Integer(title.length())); } else cellWidth.add(cellNum, new Integer(title.length())); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDataHeader); } } // for } firstPass = false; for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; int colSpan = ch.getColSpan() - 1; title = ch.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(title); if (colSpan > 0) { for (int k = 1; k <= colSpan; k++) { row.createCell((short) cellNum + k); } sheet.addMergedRegion( new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, (short) cellNum, (short) (cellNum + colSpan))); } row.getCell((short) (cellNum)).setCellStyle(styleDataHeader); for (int k = 1; k <= colSpan; k++) { row.getCell((short) (cellNum + k)).setCellStyle(styleDataHeader); } if (colSpan > 0) cellNum += colSpan; } } rowNum += 1; } XSSFCellStyle styleCell = null; XSSFCellStyle styleTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleDefaultTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleDecimalNumberTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyNumberTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont fontDefault = wb.createFont(); XSSFFont fontBold = wb.createFont(); fontDefault.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontDefault.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDefault.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontBold.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontBold.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontBold.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontBold.setBold(true); styleDefault.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDefault.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDefault.setFont(fontDefault); styleDefault.setWrapText(true); styleNumber.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleNumber.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleNumber.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleNumber.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleNumber.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleNumber.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleNumber.setFont(fontDefault); try { styleNumber.setDataFormat((short) 0x26);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Excetion in setDataFormat", e); } styleDecimalNumber.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDecimalNumber.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumber.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumber.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumber.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumber.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDecimalNumber.setFont(fontDefault); styleDecimalNumber.setDataFormat((short) 0x27);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setFont(fontBold); styleDecimalNumberTotal.setDataFormat((short) 0x27);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setFont(fontDefault); styleCurrencyDecimalNumber.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setFont(fontBold); styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); styleCurrencyNumber.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleCurrencyNumber.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumber.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumber.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumber.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumber.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleCurrencyNumber.setFont(fontDefault); styleCurrencyNumber.setDataFormat((short) 6);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setFont(fontBold); styleCurrencyNumberTotal.setDataFormat((short) 6);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")); styleDate.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDate.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDate.setFont(fontDefault); styleDate.setDataFormat((short) 0xe);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy")); styleTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleTotal.setDataFormat((short) 0x28);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); styleTotal.setFont(fontBold); styleCurrencyTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleCurrencyTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleCurrencyTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleCurrencyTotal.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); styleCurrencyTotal.setFont(fontBold); styleDefaultTotal.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDefaultTotal.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefaultTotal.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefaultTotal.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefaultTotal.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefaultTotal.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDefaultTotal.setDataFormat((short) 0x28); styleDefaultTotal.setFont(fontBold); firstPass = true; XSSFRow row = null; XSSFCell cell = null; SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); SimpleDateFormat MONYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMMMMDDYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM dd, yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDDASHFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MONTHYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM, yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm z"); SimpleDateFormat MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null; CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); if (nvl(sql_whole).length() > 0 && rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR)) { try (Connection conn = ConnectionUtils.getConnection(rr.getDbInfo()); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql_whole)) { System.out.println("************* Map Whole SQL *************"); System.out.println(sql_whole); System.out.println("*****************************************"); rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); HashMap colHash = new HashMap(); DataRow dr = null; int j = 0; int rowCount = 0; while (rs.next()) { rowCount++; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; colHash = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { colHash.put(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(), strip.stripHtml(rs.getString(i))); } rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); j = 0; firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext(); j++) { styleCell = null; DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); HtmlFormatter htmlFormat = dv.getCellFormatter(); if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dr.getFormatId(), DEFAULT)); if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dv.getFormatId(), DEFAULT)); String value = nvl((String) colHash.get(dv.getColId().toUpperCase())); boolean bold = false; if (dv.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); String dataType = (String) (dataTypeMap.get(dv.getColId())); if (dataType != null && dataType.equals("NUMBER")) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { cell.setCellValue(zInt); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = dv.getDisplayValue().trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDollar); } } else { double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(value); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x28);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDouble); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(value); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 6);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempIntDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempInt); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x26);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleNumber); cell.setCellValue(temp); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempStr); } } } } } } else if ((dataType != null && dataType.equals("DATE")) || (dv.getDisplayName() != null && dv.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColId() != null && dv.getColId().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date"))) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0xe);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDate); Date date = null; int flag = 0; date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = timestampFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-m-d h:mm:ss")); // yyyy-MM-dd // HH:mm:ss flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm/d/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONTHYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDDASHFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-m-d")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date != null) { cell.setCellValue(HSSFDateUtil.getExcelDate(date)); try { String str = cell.getStringCellValue(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "IllegalStateException occured", ex); cell.setCellValue(value); } } else { cell.setCellValue(value); } } else if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { cell.setCellValue(zInt); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDollar); } } else { String tempDoubleStr = value.trim(); tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); if ((tempDoubleStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(tempDoubleStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x28);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDouble); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleStr); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 6);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempIntDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempInt); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x26);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleNumber); cell.setCellValue(temp); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempStr); } } } else { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); } } } } else { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(value)); } if (cellWidth.size() > cellNum) { if (((Integer) cellWidth.get(cellNum)).intValue() < dv .getDisplayValue().length()) cellWidth.set((cellNum), (value.length() <= Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel()) ? new Integer(value.length()) : new Integer(Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel())); } else cellWidth.add((cellNum), (value.length() <= Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel()) ? new Integer(value.length()) : new Integer(Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel())); if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) { continue; } if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && bold == false && styles != null) { } } } rowNum += 1; } int cw = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cellWidth.size(); i++) { cw = ((Integer) cellWidth.get(i)).intValue() + 12; sheet.setColumnWidth((short) (i), (short) ((cw * 8) / ((double) 1 / 20))); } if (rd.reportDataTotalRow != null) { row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.getNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getRowHeader(0); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle())); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); rd.reportDataTotalRow.resetNext(); DataRow drTotal = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); drTotal.resetNext(); drTotal.getNext(); for (; drTotal.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); DataValue dv = drTotal.getNext(); String value = dv.getDisplayValue(); cell.setCellValue(value); boolean bold = false; if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } } } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "SQLException occured ", ex); throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (ReportSQLException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "ReportSQLException occured ", ex); throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Exception occured ", ex); if (!(ex.getCause() instanceof java.net.SocketException)) throw new RaptorException(ex); } } else { if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR)) { int rowCount = 0; for (rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); rd.reportDataRows.hasNext();) { DataRow dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); rowCount++; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR) && rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(0); if (rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { } } else { rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(0); } for (; rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) rhc.resetNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getNext(); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle())); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefault); if (cellWidth.size() > 0) { if (((Integer) cellWidth.get(cellNum)).intValue() < rh.getRowTitle() .length()) cellWidth.set(cellNum, new Integer(rh.getRowTitle().length())); } else cellWidth.add(cellNum, new Integer(rh.getRowTitle().length())); } // for firstPass = false; int j = 0; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext(); j++) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); styleCell = null; boolean bold = false; String value = nvl(dv.getDisplayValue()); value = strip.stripHtml(value); HtmlFormatter htmlFormat = dv.getCellFormatter(); if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dr.getFormatId(), DEFAULT)); if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dv.getFormatId(), DEFAULT)); if (dv.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); String dataType = (String) (dataTypeMap.get(dv.getColId())); if (dataType != null && dataType.equals("NUMBER")) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { cell.setCellValue(zInt); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDollar); } } else { double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(value); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x28);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDouble); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(value); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 6);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempIntDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempInt); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x26);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleNumber); cell.setCellValue(temp); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempStr); } } } } } } else if ((dataType != null && dataType.equals("DATE")) || (dv.getDisplayName() != null && dv.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColId() != null && dv.getColId().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date"))) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0xe); // HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDate); Date date = null; int flag = 0; date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = timestampFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-m-d h:mm:ss")); // yyyy-MM-dd // HH:mm:ss flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm/d/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONTHYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("mmm/yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDDASHFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-m-d")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/m/d h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("d-mmm-yyyy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm:ss")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat( createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm")); flag = 1; } if (date != null) { cell.setCellValue(HSSFDateUtil.getExcelDate(date)); try { String str = cell.getStringCellValue(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "IllegalStateException occured", ex); cell.setCellValue(value); } } else { cell.setCellValue(value); } } else if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { cell.setCellValue(zInt); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 8);// HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDollar); } } else { String tempDoubleStr = value.trim(); tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); if ((tempDoubleStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(tempDoubleStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x28); // for decimal cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDecimalNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempDouble); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempDoubleStr); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 6); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyNumber); cell.setCellValue(tempIntDollar); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempInt); } } else { // styleDefault.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("#,##0.00")); String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setDataFormat((short) 0x26); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleNumber); cell.setCellValue(temp); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(tempStr); } } } else { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); } } } } else { if (styleCell != null) { styleCell.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(styleCell); } else cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); cell.setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(value)); } if (cellWidth.size() > cellNum) { if (((Integer) cellWidth.get(cellNum)).intValue() < dv .getDisplayValue().length()) cellWidth.set((cellNum), (value.length() <= Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel()) ? new Integer(value.length()) : new Integer(Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel())); } else cellWidth.add((cellNum), (value.length() <= Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel()) ? new Integer(value.length()) : new Integer(Globals.getMaxCellWidthInExcel())); if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) { continue; } if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && bold == false && styles != null) { } } } // for rowNum += 1; int cw = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cellWidth.size(); i++) { cw = ((Integer) cellWidth.get(i)).intValue() + 12; sheet.setColumnWidth((short) (i), (short) ((cw * 8) / ((double) 1 / 20))); } } // for // To Display Total Values for Linear report if (rd.reportDataTotalRow != null) { row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.getNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getRowHeader(0); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle())); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); rd.reportDataTotalRow.resetNext(); DataRow drTotal = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); drTotal.resetNext(); drTotal.getNext(); for (; drTotal.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); DataValue dv = drTotal.getNext(); String value = dv.getDisplayValue(); cell.setCellValue(value); boolean bold = false; if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } } } } else if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB)) { // Linear int rowCount = 0; List l = rd.getReportDataList(); boolean first = true; for (int dataRow = 0; dataRow < l.size(); dataRow++) { DataRow dr = (DataRow) l.get(dataRow); row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; first = true; Vector rowNames = dr.getRowValues(); for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext(); rowCount++) { if (first) { if (rowNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < rowNames.size(); i++) { DataValue dv = rowNames.get(i); cellNum += 1; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(dv.getDisplayValue())); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefault); } } } first = false; DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) { String value = dv.getDisplayValue(); if (value.indexOf("|#") != -1) value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf("|")); if (dr.isRowFormat() || nvl(dv.getFormatId()).length() > 0) { cellNum += 1; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(dv.getDisplayValue())); if (nvl(dv.getFormatId()).length() > 0) row.getCell((short) cellNum) .setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dv.getFormatId(), DEFAULT))); else row.setRowStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(dr.getFormatId(), DEFAULT))); } else { cellNum += 1; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(value)); row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefault); } // end value = dv.getDisplayValue(); if (value.indexOf("|#") != -1) { String color = value.substring(value.indexOf("|") + 1); if (color.equals("#FF0000")) row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(RED)); else if (color.equals("#008000")) row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(GREEN)); else if (color.equals("#FFFF00")) row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(YELLOW)); else { row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(DEFAULT)); } } } } rowNum += 1; int cw = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cellWidth.size(); i++) { cw = ((Integer) cellWidth.get(i)).intValue() + 12; sheet.setColumnWidth((short) (i), (short) ((cw * 8) / ((double) 1 / 20))); } } // for } } String footer = (String) session.getAttribute("FOOTER_" + index); if (nvl(footer).length() > 0) { footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = strip.stripHtml(nvl(footer).trim()); row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(footer); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, (short) cellNum, (short) (columnRows))); rowNum += 1; } if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer() && !Globals.disclaimerPositionedTopInCSVExcel()) { rowNum += 1; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; String disclaimer = Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + " " + Globals.getFooterSecondLine(); row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(disclaimer); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, (short) cellNum, (short) (columnRows))); rowNum += 1; } logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Used Memory:" + (runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb)); return returnValue; } private void paintExcelHeader(XSSFWorkbook wb, int rowNum, int col, String reportTitle, String reportDescr, XSSFSheet sheet) { short shrt_one = 0, shrt_two = (short) (col - 1); rowNum += 1; if(shrt_two != 0) sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, shrt_one, shrt_two)); XSSFRow row = null; HSSFRow row1 = null; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); // Header Style XSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); XSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_HEADER_TITLE_SIZE / 0.05)); // 14 font.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleHeader.setFont(font); XSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 0); cell.setCellValue(reportTitle); cell.setCellStyle(styleHeader); Header header = sheet.getHeader(); header.setCenter(HSSFHeader.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) 9) + " " + reportTitle); if (Globals.getShowDescrAtRuntime() && nvl(reportDescr).length() > 0) { rowNum += 1; if(shrt_two != 0) sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, shrt_one, shrt_two)); XSSFCellStyle styleDescription = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDescription.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); XSSFFont fontDescr = wb.createFont(); fontDescr.setFontHeight((short) FONT_HEADER_DESCR_SIZE); fontDescr.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDescr.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleDescription.setFont(fontDescr); XSSFCell cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); cellDescr.setCellValue(reportDescr); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (Globals.disclaimerPositionedTopInCSVExcel()) { rowNum += 1; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); if(shrt_two != 0) sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, shrt_one, shrt_two)); XSSFCellStyle styleDescription = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDescription.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); XSSFFont fontDescr = wb.createFont(); fontDescr.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); // 14 fontDescr.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDescr.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontDescr.setBold(true); styleDescription.setFont(fontDescr); XSSFCell cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); String disclaimer = Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + " " + Globals.getFooterSecondLine(); cellDescr.setCellValue(disclaimer); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleDescription); } rowNum += 1; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); } private void paintExcelFooter(XSSFWorkbook wb, int rowNum, int col, XSSFSheet sheet) { logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("excel footer")); Footer footer = sheet.getFooter(); footer.setLeft(HSSFFooter.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFFooter.fontSize((short) FONT_FOOTER_SIZE) + "Page " + HSSFFooter.page() + " of " + HSSFFooter.numPages()); footer.setCenter(HSSFFooter.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFFooter.fontSize((short) FONT_FOOTER_SIZE) + Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + "\n" + Globals.getFooterSecondLine()); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Done")); } public String saveAsExcelFile(HttpServletRequest request, ReportData rd, ArrayList reportParamNameValues, String reportTitle, String reportDescr) { return saveAsExcelFile(request, rd, reportParamNameValues, reportTitle, reportDescr, 2); // 2 denotes // ReportRuntime object // should be taken from // session. } public String saveAsExcelFile(HttpServletRequest request, ReportData rd, ArrayList reportParamNameValues, String reportTitle, String reportDescr, int requestFlag) { setSheetName(Globals.getSheetName()); try (XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook()) { ReportRuntime rr; if (requestFlag == 2) rr = (ReportRuntime) request.getSession().getAttribute( AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME); else rr = (ReportRuntime) request.getAttribute( AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME); HashMap styles = new HashMap(); String xlsFName = ""; if (rr != null) { styles = loadStyles(rr, wb); xlsFName = AppUtils.generateUniqueFileName(request, rr.getReportName(), AppConstants.FT_XLS); } logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Xls File name " + AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + xlsFName)); try (FileOutputStream xlsOut = new FileOutputStream(FilenameUtils.normalize(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + xlsFName))) { int col = 0; if (!rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext()) col = rd.getTotalColumnCount(); else col = rd.getTotalColumnCount(); int rowNum = 0; XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(getSheetName()); if (Globals.getPrintTitleInDownload() && reportTitle != null) { paintExcelHeader(wb, rowNum, col, reportTitle, reportDescr, sheet); rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); } else rowNum = 0; if (Globals.getPrintParamsInDownload() && rr != null && rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1) != null) { paintExcelParams(wb, rowNum, col, rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1), rr.getFormFieldComments(request), sheet, reportTitle, reportDescr); } // if rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, "", request); if (Globals.getPrintFooterInDownload()) { rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); rowNum += 2; paintExcelFooter(wb, rowNum, col, sheet); } // response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel"); // response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=download_all_" // + user_id + ".xls"); wb.write(xlsOut); xlsOut.flush(); } return xlsFName; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Excetion in saveAsExcelFile", e); (new ErrorHandler()).processError(request, "Exception saving data to EXCEL file: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } // saveAsExcelFile public void createExcelFileContent(final Writer out, ReportData rd, final ReportRuntime rr, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final String user_id, final int type) throws IOException, RaptorException { // Adding utility for downloading Dashboard reports. Map styles = new HashMap(); final HttpSession session = request.getSession(); XSSFWorkbook wb = null; int returnValue = 0; final boolean isDashboard = (session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REP_ID) != null) && (((String) session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REP_ID)).equals(rr.getReportID())); if (isDashboard) { final String formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmm").format(new Date()); final String xlsFName = "./Dashboard.xlsx"; try { FileInputStream xlsIn = null; final Map reportRuntimeMap = (TreeMap) request.getSession() .getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REPORTRUNTIME_MAP); final Map reportDataMap = (TreeMap) request.getSession() .getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REPORTDATA_MAP); if (reportRuntimeMap != null) { final Set setReportRuntime = reportRuntimeMap.entrySet(); final Set setReportDataMap = reportDataMap.entrySet(); final Iterator iter2 = setReportDataMap.iterator(); int count = 0; for (Iterator iter = setReportRuntime.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { count++; try { xlsIn = new FileInputStream(xlsFName); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "File not found in the specified path.", e); } if (xlsIn != null) { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(xlsIn); } else { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); } final Map.Entry entryData = (Entry) iter2.next(); final Map.Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next(); final ReportRuntime rrDashRep = (ReportRuntime) entry.getValue(); final ReportData rdDashRep = (ReportData) entryData.getValue(); int col = 0; final String reportTitle = (nvl(rrDashRep.getReportTitle()).length() > 0 ? rrDashRep .getReportTitle() : rrDashRep.getReportName()); final String reportDescr = rrDashRep.getReportDescr(); if (rdDashRep != null) { if (!rdDashRep.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext()) { col = rdDashRep.getTotalColumnCount(); } else { col = rdDashRep.getTotalColumnCount(); } }else { continue; } if (col == 0) { col = 10; } int rowNum = 0; final String formattedReportName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rrDashRep.getReportName()); XSSFSheet sheet = null; try { sheet = wb.createSheet(formattedReportName); sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); styles = loadStyles(rrDashRep, wb); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn("IllegalArgumentException occured", ex); try (final FileOutputStream xlsOut = new FileOutputStream(xlsFName)) { wb.write(xlsOut); xlsOut.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to open FileOutputStream", e); } continue; } if (Globals.getPrintTitleInDownload() && reportTitle != null) { paintExcelHeader(wb, rowNum, col, reportTitle, reportDescr, sheet); rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); } else { rowNum = 0; } // getting ReportRuntime object from session if (Globals.getPrintParamsInDownload() && rrDashRep.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1) != null) { if (count > 1 && Globals.showParamsInAllDashboardReports()) { paintExcelParams(wb, rowNum, col, rrDashRep.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1), rrDashRep.getFormFieldComments(request), sheet, reportTitle, reportDescr); } else if (count == 1) { paintExcelParams(wb, rowNum, col, rrDashRep.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1), rrDashRep.getFormFieldComments(request), sheet, reportTitle, reportDescr); } } // if rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); final String sql_whole = rrDashRep.getWholeSQL(); returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rdDashRep, styles, rrDashRep, sheet, sql_whole, request); if (returnValue == 0) { if (Globals.getPrintFooterInDownload()) { rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); rowNum += 2; paintExcelFooter(wb, rowNum, col, sheet); } try (final FileOutputStream xlsOut = new FileOutputStream(xlsFName)) { wb.write(xlsOut); // TODO Remove comment xlsOut.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to open FileOutputStream", e); } wb = null; } } response.reset(); response.setContentType("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + "dashboard" + formattedDate + user_id + ".xlsx"); xlsIn = new FileInputStream(xlsFName); int readBytes = 0; final byte[] bOut = new byte[4096]; try (final BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(xlsIn); final ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();) { // read from the file; write to the ServletOutputStream while ((readBytes = buf.read(bOut, 0, 4096)) > 0) { buf.available(); sos.write(bOut, 0, readBytes); } } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to open BufferedInputStream", e); } } } catch (final IOException ex) { logger.warn("Failed to open Stream", ex); throw ex; } final File f = new File(xlsFName); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } } else { wb = new XSSFWorkbook (); setSheetName(Globals.getSheetName()); if (rr != null) { styles = loadStyles(rr, wb); } final String reportTitle = (nvl(rr.getReportTitle()).length() > 0 ? rr.getReportTitle() : rr.getReportName()); final String reportDescr = rr.getReportDescr(); final int col = getColumnCountForDownloadFile(rr, rd); int rowNum = 0; final XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(getSheetName()); sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); if (Globals.getPrintTitleInDownload() && reportTitle != null) { paintExcelHeader(wb, rowNum, col, reportTitle, reportDescr, sheet); rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); } else { rowNum = 0; } if (Globals.getPrintParamsInDownload() && rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1) != null) { List paramsList = rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1); if (paramsList.size() <= 0) { paramsList = (ArrayList) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_FORMFIELD_DOWNLOAD_INFO); } paintExcelParams(wb, rowNum, col, paramsList, rr.getFormFieldComments(request), sheet, reportTitle, reportDescr); } // if rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); final String formattedReportName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rr.getReportName()); final String formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmm").format(new Date()); response.reset(); response.setContentType("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + formattedReportName + formattedDate + user_id + ".xlsx"); if (type == 3 && rr.getSemaphoreList() == null && !(rr.getReportType() .equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB))) { // type = 3 is whole String sql_whole = ""; sql_whole = (String) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.RI_REPORT_SQL_WHOLE); if (sql_whole == null) { if (!rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) { sql_whole = rr.getWholeSQL(); } else { sql_whole = rr.getReportSQL(); } } if(rr.isSinglePageDownload()) sql_whole = rr.getCachedSQL(); returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, sql_whole, request); rr.setSinglePageDownload(false); } else if (type == 2) { returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, "", request); } else { int downloadLimit = (rr.getMaxRowsInExcelDownload() > 0) ? rr.getMaxRowsInExcelDownload() : Globals.getDownloadLimit(); String action = request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_ACTION); if (!(rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB)) && !action.endsWith("session")) { rd = rr.loadReportData(-1, AppUtils.getUserID(request), downloadLimit, request, false /* download */); } if (rr.getSemaphoreList() != null) { if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB)) { returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, "", request); } else { rd = rr.loadReportData(-1, AppUtils.getUserID(request), downloadLimit, request, true); returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, "", request); } } else { String sql_whole = ""; sql_whole = (String) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.RI_REPORT_SQL_WHOLE); if (sql_whole == null) { if (!rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) { sql_whole = rr.getWholeSQL(); } else { sql_whole = rr.getReportSQL(); } } returnValue = paintExcelData(wb, rowNum, rd, styles, rr, sheet, sql_whole, request); } } if (returnValue == 0) { if (Globals.getPrintFooterInDownload()) { rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); rowNum += 2; paintExcelFooter(wb, rowNum, col, sheet); } // Alternatively: wb.setPrintArea( 0, // sheet index 0, // start column col, // end column 0, // start row rowNum // end row ); // TODO Remove comment try (final ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();) { wb.write(sos); sos.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to get OutputStream", e); } wb = null; } } } public void createFlatFileContent(Writer out, ReportData rd, ReportRuntime rr, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String user_id) throws IOException, Exception { ReportHandler rephandler = new ReportHandler(); String reportID = rr.getReportID(); rr = rephandler.loadReportRuntime(request, reportID); String query = rr.getWholeSQL(); String dbInfo = rr.getDbInfo(); DataSet ds = ConnectionUtils.getDataSet(query, dbInfo); // Writing Column names to the file List l = rr.getAllColumns(); StringBuffer allColumnsBuffer = new StringBuffer(); DataColumnType dct = null; for (Iterator iter = l.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { dct = (DataColumnType) iter.next(); allColumnsBuffer.append(dct.getDisplayName()); if (iter.hasNext()) allColumnsBuffer.append("|"); } rd = rr.loadReportData(-1, user_id, -1, request, true); ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream(); boolean firstPass = true; for (rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); rd.reportDataRows.hasNext();) { DataRow dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) rhc.resetNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getNext(); sos.print(rh.getRowTitle()); if (rhc.hasNext()) sos.print("|"); } // for firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext();) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); sos.print(dv.getDisplayValue()); if (dr.hasNext()) sos.print("|"); } // for sos.println(); } // for sos.close(); } // createFlatFileContent public void createExcel2007FileContent(Writer out, ReportData rd, ReportRuntime rr, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String user_id, int type) throws Exception { // to check performance int mb = 1024 * 1024; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("STARTING.EXCELX DOWNLOAD....")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Used Memory:" + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### END #####")); // Adding utility for downloading Dashboard reports. Map styles = new HashMap(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); XSSFWorkbook wb = null; String formattedReportName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rr.getReportName()); String formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmm").format(new Date()); // Sheet name to be filled is taken from property. How would this be called if it is Dashboard? // commented out since application will create and leave it blank. boolean isDashboard = false; if ((session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REP_ID) != null) && (((String) session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REP_ID)).equals(rr.getReportID()))) { isDashboard = true; } ArrayList sheetArrayList = new ArrayList(); Map reportRuntimeMap = null; Map reportDataMap = null; ArrayList reportIDList = new ArrayList(); if (isDashboard) { reportRuntimeMap = (TreeMap) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REPORTRUNTIME_MAP); reportDataMap = (TreeMap) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_DASHBOARD_REPORTDATA_MAP); if (reportRuntimeMap != null) { Set setReportRuntime = reportRuntimeMap.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = setReportRuntime.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next(); ReportRuntime rrDashRep = (ReportRuntime) entry.getValue(); reportIDList.add(rrDashRep.getReportID()); } } } int col = 0; String reportTitle = (nvl(rr.getReportTitle()).length() > 0 ? rr.getReportTitle() : rr.getReportName()); String reportDescr = rr.getReportDescr(); int rowNum = 0; XSSFSheet sheet = null; // save the template String filename = ""; String extension = ""; String sheetRef = null; File templateFile = null; if (isDashboard) { if (reportRuntimeMap != null) { FileInputStream readTemplate = null; // Load customized styles int count = 0; // If template supplied by Application String templateFilename = rr.getTemplateFile(); extension = templateFilename.substring(templateFilename.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); filename = formattedReportName + formattedDate + user_id; Set setReportRuntimeWB = reportRuntimeMap.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = setReportRuntimeWB.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { count++; Map.Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next(); ReportRuntime rrDashRep = (ReportRuntime) entry.getValue(); try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))) { if (count == 1) { if (nvl(rr.getTemplateFile()).length() > 0) { readTemplate = new FileInputStream( org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.AppUtils.getExcelTemplatePath() + rr.getTemplateFile()); wb = new XSSFWorkbook(readTemplate); } else { // copy the os file to new file and open new file in below line wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); } } else { readTemplate = new FileInputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); wb = new XSSFWorkbook(readTemplate); } String reportSheetName = ""; if (rrDashRep != null) { styles = loadXSSFStyles(rrDashRep, wb, styles); reportSheetName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rrDashRep.getReportName()); } if (nvl(reportSheetName).length() > 28) reportSheetName = reportSheetName.substring(0, 28); sheet = wb.createSheet(count + "-" + reportSheetName); if (!Globals.printExcelInLandscapeMode()) sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(false); else sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); wb.write(os); os.flush(); if (nvl(rr.getTemplateFile()).length() > 0) { readTemplate.close(); } try (FileInputStream inF = new FileInputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))) { copyStream(inF, outStream); outStream.flush(); } } } FileInputStream xlsIn = null; POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = null; FileOutputStream xlsOut = null; formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmm").format(new Date()); String xlsFName = "dashboard" + formattedDate + user_id + ".xls"; Set setReportRuntime = reportRuntimeMap.entrySet(); Set setReportDataMap = reportDataMap.entrySet(); Iterator iter2 = setReportDataMap.iterator(); count = 0; for (Iterator iter = setReportRuntime.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { count++; Map.Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next(); Map.Entry entryData = (Entry) iter2.next(); ReportRuntime rrDashRep = (ReportRuntime) entry.getValue(); ReportData rdDashRep = (ReportData) entryData.getValue(); String reportSheetName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rrDashRep.getReportName()); if (nvl(reportSheetName).length() > 28) reportSheetName = reportSheetName.substring(0, 28); sheet = wb.getSheet(count + "-" + reportSheetName); sheetRef = sheet.getPackagePart().getPartName().getName(); // Step 2. Generate XML file. File tmp = File.createTempFile("sheet", ".xml"); try (FileOutputStream fileOutTemp = new FileOutputStream(tmp); Writer fw = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutTemp, XML_ENCODING)) { String sql_whole = rrDashRep.getWholeSQL(); SpreadsheetWriter sw = new SpreadsheetWriter(fw); sw.beginSheet(); generate(wb, sw, styles, rdDashRep, sql_whole, rrDashRep, request, sheet); sw.endSheet(); fw.flush(); fileOutTemp.flush(); } // Step 3. Substitute the template entry with the generated data try (FileOutputStream outF = new FileOutputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))) { templateFile = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); substitute(templateFile, tmp, sheetRef.substring(1), outF); outF.flush(); } try (FileInputStream inF = new FileInputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))) { copyStream(inF, outStream); outStream.flush(); } } } } else { // If template supplied by Application if (nvl(rr.getTemplateFile()).length() > 0) { String templateFilename = rr.getTemplateFile(); extension = templateFilename.substring(templateFilename.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); filename = formattedReportName + formattedDate + user_id; // filename = templateFilename.substring(0, // templateFilename.lastIndexOf("."))+"_"+formattedDate+user_id; } else { filename = formattedReportName + formattedDate + user_id; } if (nvl(rr.getTemplateFile()).length() <= 0) { try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "template" + formattedDate + user_id + ".xlsx")) { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); // Load customized styles if (rr != null) styles = loadXSSFStyles(rr, wb, styles); // create data sheet if (isDashboard) { } else { } String reportSheetName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rr.getReportName()); if (nvl(reportSheetName).length() > 28) reportSheetName = reportSheetName.substring(0, 28); sheet = wb.createSheet(reportSheetName); // customized mode if (!Globals.printExcelInLandscapeMode()) sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(false); else sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); // get data sheet name sheetRef = sheet.getPackagePart().getPartName().getName(); wb.write(os); os.flush(); // wb = null; } } else { try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); FileInputStream readTemplate = new FileInputStream(org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.AppUtils.getExcelTemplatePath() + rr.getTemplateFile());) { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(readTemplate); if (rr != null) styles = loadXSSFStyles(rr, wb, styles); sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); if (!Globals.printExcelInLandscapeMode()) sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(false); else sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); // sheet = wb.getSheet(getSheetName()); sheetRef = sheet.getPackagePart().getPartName().getName(); wb.write(os); os.flush(); // wb = null; } } // Step 2. Generate XML file. File tmp = File.createTempFile("sheet", ".xml"); try (FileOutputStream fileOutTemp = new FileOutputStream(tmp); Writer fw = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutTemp, XML_ENCODING)) { String sql_whole = ""; sql_whole = (String) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.RI_REPORT_SQL_WHOLE); if (sql_whole == null) { if (!rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) sql_whole = rr.getWholeSQL(); else sql_whole = rr.getReportSQL(); } SpreadsheetWriter sw = new SpreadsheetWriter(fw); sw.beginSheet(); if ((rd.getDataRowCount() >= rr.getReportDataSize()) && !rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) { sql_whole = ""; } generate(wb, sw, styles, rd, sql_whole, rr, request, sheet); sw.endSheet(); fw.flush(); fileOutTemp.flush(); } // Step 3. Substitute the template entry with the generated data try (FileOutputStream outF = new FileOutputStream(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))) { if (nvl(rr.getTemplateFile()).length() > 0) { templateFile = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "T." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); } else { templateFile = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "template" + formattedDate + user_id + ".xlsx"); } substitute(templateFile, tmp, sheetRef.substring(1), outF); outF.flush(); } } // get servlet output stream response.reset(); try (BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx"))); ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream()) { String mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; if (extension.equals("xlsm")) mime_type = "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12"; response.setContentType(mime_type); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename + "." + nvls(extension, "xlsx")); int readBytes = 0; // read from the file; write to the ServletOutputStream while ((readBytes = buf.read()) != -1) sos.write(readBytes); sos.flush(); } logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("ENDING..DOWNLOADING XLSX...")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Used Memory:" + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### END #####")); } /** * * @param zipfile the template file * @param tmpfile the XML file with the sheet data * @param entry the name of the sheet entry to substitute, e.g. xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml * @param out the stream to write the result to */ private static void substitute(File zipfile, File tmpfile, String entry, OutputStream out) throws IOException { try (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipfile); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(out)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration en = (Enumeration) zip.entries(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry ze = en.nextElement(); if (!ze.getName().equals(entry)) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(ze.getName())); try (InputStream is = zip.getInputStream(ze)) { copyStream(is, zos); } } } zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entry)); try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(tmpfile)) { copyStream(is, zos); } zos.flush(); } } private static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] chunk = new byte[1024]; int count; while ((count = in.read(chunk)) >= 0) { out.write(chunk, 0, count); } } public void createCSVFileContent(final Writer out, final ReportData rd, final ReportRuntime rr, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws RaptorException { final String formattedReportName = new HtmlStripper().stripSpecialCharacters(rr.getReportName()); final String formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmm").format(new Date()); final String fName = formattedReportName + formattedDate + AppUtils.getUserID(request); final boolean raw = AppUtils.getRequestFlag(request, "raw"); String sql_whole = (String) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.RI_REPORT_SQL_WHOLE); final String csvFName = fName + ".csv"; final String zipFName = fName + ".zip"; final String fileName = AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "" + csvFName; final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); final int mb = 1024 * 1024; try (final PrintWriter csvOut = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), "UTF-8")), false);) { final HtmlStripper strip = new HtmlStripper(); ColumnHeaderRow chr = null; if (!raw) { final String reportTitle = (nvl(rr.getReportTitle()).length() > 0 ? rr.getReportTitle() : rr.getReportName()); csvOut.println(); csvOut.print("\"" + reportTitle + "\","); csvOut.println(); if (Globals.disclaimerPositionedTopInCSVExcel()) { if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer()) { csvOut.println(); csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterSecondLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); csvOut.println(); } } } if (Globals.getPrintParamsInCSVDownload() && !raw) { List paramsList = rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1); if (paramsList.size() <= 0) { paramsList = (ArrayList) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_FORMFIELD_DOWNLOAD_INFO); } int paramSeq = 0; for (final Iterator iter = paramsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final IdNameValue value = (IdNameValue) iter.next(); if (nvl(value.getId()).trim().length() > 0 && (!"BLANK".equals(nvl(value.getId()).trim()))) { paramSeq += 1; if (paramSeq <= 1) { csvOut.print("\"" + RUNTIME_PARAMETERS + "\""); csvOut.println(); } csvOut.print("\"" + value.getId() + ":" + "\","); final String valueName = ESAPI.encoder().canonicalize(nvl(value.getName())); if (valueName.indexOf("~") != -1 && valueName.startsWith("(")) { csvOut.print("\"'" + valueName.replaceAll("~", ",") + "'\","); } else { if (valueName.startsWith("(") && valueName.endsWith(")")) { csvOut.print( "\"" + valueName.replaceAll("~", ",").substring(1, valueName.length() - 1) + "\","); } else { csvOut.print("\"" + valueName.replaceAll("~", ",") + "\","); } } csvOut.println(); } } // for csvOut.println(); csvOut.println(); } System.out.println("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####"); System.out.println("Used Memory:" + (runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb); System.out.println("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb); System.out.println("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb); System.out.println("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb); sql_whole = (String) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.RI_REPORT_SQL_WHOLE); if (sql_whole == null) { if (!AppConstants.RT_HIVE.equals(rr.getReportType())) { sql_whole = rr.getWholeSQL(); } else { sql_whole = rr.getReportSQL(); } } if (nvl(sql_whole).length() > 0) { try (final Connection conn = ConnectionUtils.getConnection(rr.getDbInfo()); final Statement st = conn.createStatement(); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql_whole)) { System.out.println("************* Map Whole SQL *************"); System.out.println(sql_whole); System.out.println("*****************************************"); final ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); String title = ""; if (rd != null) { for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); title = ch.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); if (ch.isVisible() && nvl(title).length() > 0) { csvOut.print("\"" + title + "\","); for (int i = 1; i < ch.getColSpan(); i++) { csvOut.print(","); } } } // for csvOut.println(); } // for int rowCount = 0; while (rs.next()) { rowCount++; final Map colHash = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { colHash.put(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(), rs.getString(i)); } for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { final ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); title = ch.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); if (ch.isVisible() && nvl(title).length() > 0) { csvOut.print( "\"" + strip .stripCSVHtml( nvl((String) colHash.get(ch.getColId().toUpperCase()))) + "\","); } } csvOut.println(); } if (rd.reportDataTotalRow != null) { for (rd.reportDataTotalRow.resetNext(); rd.reportDataTotalRow.hasNext();) { final DataRow dr = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); csvOut.print("\"" + "Total" + "\","); dr.resetNext(); dr.getNext(); for (; dr.hasNext();) { final DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) { csvOut.print("\"" + strip.stripCSVHtml(dv.getDisplayValue()) + "\","); } } // for csvOut.println(); } } if (rowCount == 0) { csvOut.print("\"No Data Found \""); } } else { csvOut.print("\"No Data Found \""); } } catch (final SQLException ex) { throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (final ReportSQLException ex) { throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new RaptorException(ex); } if (!raw) { if (!Globals.disclaimerPositionedTopInCSVExcel()) { if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer()) { csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterSecondLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); } } } } else { boolean firstPass = true; if (rd != null) { if (rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { csvOut.print("\"" + "#" + "\","); } for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) { csvOut.print("\"" + rhc.getColumnTitle() + "\""); } csvOut.print(","); } // for firstPass = false; for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { csvOut.print("\"" + ch.getColumnTitle() + "\","); for (int i = 1; i < ch.getColSpan(); i++) { csvOut.print(","); } } } // for csvOut.println(); } // for firstPass = true; int rowCount = 0; for (rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); rd.reportDataRows.hasNext();) { if (rd.reportDataTotalRow != null) { rowCount++; csvOut.print("\"" + rowCount + "\","); } final DataRow dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { final RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) { rhc.resetNext(); } final RowHeader rh = rhc.getNext(); csvOut.print("\"" + strip.stripCSVHtml(rh.getRowTitle()) + "\","); } // for firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext();) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) { csvOut.print("\"" + strip.stripCSVHtml(dv.getDisplayValue()) + "\","); } } // for csvOut.println(); } // for if (rd.reportDataTotalRow != null) { for (rd.reportDataTotalRow.resetNext(); rd.reportDataTotalRow.hasNext();) { DataRow dr = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); csvOut.print("\"" + "Total" + "\","); firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext();) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) { csvOut.print("\"" + strip.stripCSVHtml(dv.getDisplayValue()) + "\","); } } // for csvOut.println(); } } if (!raw) { if (!Globals.disclaimerPositionedTopInCSVExcel()) { if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer()) { csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterFirstLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); csvOut.print("\"" + Globals.getFooterSecondLine() + "\","); csvOut.println(); } } } } else { csvOut.print("\"No Data Found \""); } } csvOut.flush(); } catch (final FileNotFoundException fex) { logger.warn("Failed to open/read/write file", fex); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException fex1) { logger.warn("Failed to open/read/write file", fex1); } if (!raw) { try (final ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "" + zipFName)); final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName)) { int size = 0; final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; final ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(csvFName); zos.putNextEntry(entry); // read data to the end of the source file and write it to the zip // output stream. while ((size = fis.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) { zos.write(buffer, 0, size); } zos.closeEntry(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to open/read/write file", e); } } response.reset(); final File file; if (!raw) { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fName + ".zip"); file = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "" + fName + ".zip"); } else { response.setContentType("application/csv"); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fName + ".csv"); file = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + "" + fName + ".csv"); } try (final ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream(); final FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(file); final BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn);) { final byte[] bOut = new byte[4096]; // read from the file; write to the ServletOutputStream int readBytes = 0; while ((readBytes = buf.read(bOut, 0, 4096)) > 0) { buf.available(); sos.write(bOut, 0, readBytes); } } catch (final IOException ex) { logger.warn("Failed to open/read/write file", ex); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to open/read/write file", e); } final File f = new File(AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + fName); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } System.out.println("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####"); System.out.println("Used Memory:" + (runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb)); } // createCSVFileContent public String saveXMLFile(HttpServletRequest request, String reportName, String reportXML) { try { String xmlFName = AppUtils.generateUniqueFileName(request, reportName, AppConstants.FT_XML); try (PrintWriter xmlOut = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File( AppUtils.getTempFolderPath() + xmlFName))))) { xmlOut.println(reportXML); } return java.net.URLEncoder.encode(java.net.URLDecoder.decode(xmlFName)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Exception in saveXMLFile", e); (new ErrorHandler()).processError(request, "Exception saving XML source to file system: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } // saveXMLFile public ReportRuntime loadReportRuntime(HttpServletRequest request, String reportID) throws RaptorException { return loadReportRuntime(request, reportID, true); } // loadReportRuntime public ReportRuntime loadReportRuntime(HttpServletRequest request, String reportID, boolean prepareForExecution) throws RaptorException { return loadReportRuntime(request, reportID, true, 2); // where 2 is adding to session } public ReportRuntime loadReportRuntime(HttpServletRequest request, String reportID, boolean prepareForExecution, int requestFlag) throws RaptorException { boolean refresh = nvl(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_REFRESH)).toUpperCase().startsWith("Y"); boolean rDisplayContent = AppUtils.getRequestFlag(request, AppConstants.RI_DISPLAY_CONTENT) || AppUtils.getRequestFlag(request, "noFormFields"); ReportRuntime rr = (ReportRuntime) request.getSession().getAttribute( AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME); boolean inSchedule = AppUtils.getRequestFlag(request, AppConstants.SCHEDULE_ACTION); if (rr != null) { if (requestFlag == 7) { // DASH String reportXML = ReportLoader.loadCustomReportXML(reportID); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("[DEBUG MESSAGE FROM RAPTOR] Report [" + reportID + "]: XML loaded")); rr = ReportRuntime.unmarshal(reportXML, reportID, request); rr.setParamValues(request, false, refresh); rr.setDisplayFlags(true, true); // show content even at the first time return rr; } else { logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("[DEBUG MESSAGE FROM RAPTOR] Load Report Runtime " + reportID + " " + rr.getReportID() + " " + request.getParameter("refresh"))); if (reportID.equals(rr.getReportID()) && (request.getParameter("refresh") == null || !request.getParameter("refresh").equals("Y"))) { if (prepareForExecution) { boolean resetParams = AppUtils.getRequestFlag(request, AppConstants.RI_RESET_PARAMS); rr.setParamValues(request, resetParams, refresh); if (resetParams) rr.resetVisualSettings(); rr.setDisplayFlags(nvl(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_SOURCE_PAGE)) .length() == 0, rDisplayContent || rr.isDisplayOptionHideForm()); } // if return rr; } // if } } /* * Cannot convert the definition => XML file not saved for preview also, commented code not * maintained up to date ReportDefinition rdef = (ReportDefinition) * request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_DEFINITION); if(rdef!=null) * if(reportID.equals(rdef.getReportID())) { // The report definition is in the session => create * report runtime from it rr = new ReportRuntime(rdef, request); if(prepareForExecution) { * request.getSession().setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME, rr); * rr.setDisplayFlags(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_SOURCE_PAGE)==null); } // if return rr; } * // if */ String reportXML = ReportLoader.loadCustomReportXML(reportID); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("[DEBUG MESSAGE FROM RAPTOR] Report [" + reportID + "]: XML loaded")); rr = ReportRuntime.unmarshal(reportXML, reportID, request); if (prepareForExecution) { String userID; int flag = 0; if (request.getAttribute("schedule_email_userId") != null) { userID = (String) request.getAttribute("schedule_email_userId"); flag = 1; } else userID = AppUtils.getUserID(request); String dashboardId = AppUtils.getRequestValue(request, AppConstants.RI_DASHBOARD_ID); if (!rr.isDashboardType() && !(isReportAddedAsDashboard(request, dashboardId, rr.getReportID()))) { if (AppUtils.getRequestNvlValue(request, "pdfAttachmentKey").length() <= 0) if (flag == 1) rr.checkUserReadAccess(request, userID); else rr.checkUserReadAccess(request); } // TODO ON Demand if (rDisplayContent) { rr.setParamValues(request, false, true); request.getSession().setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME, rr); } if (inSchedule) { rr.setParamValues(request, false, false); } if (requestFlag == 7) { // DASH rr.setDisplayFlags(true, true); } else { rr.setDisplayFlags(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_SOURCE_PAGE) == null, rDisplayContent || rr.isDisplayOptionHideForm()); } if (requestFlag == 2 && !rDisplayContent) { // System.out.println("In Request Flag "); request.getSession().setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME, rr); rr.setParamValues(request, false, false); } else if (requestFlag == 1) { rr.setParamValues(request, false, refresh); request.setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME, rr); } } // if return rr; } // loadReportRuntime private boolean isReportAddedAsDashboard(HttpServletRequest request, String dashboardId, String reportId) throws RaptorException { if (nvl(dashboardId).length() <= 0) return false; String reportXML = ReportLoader.loadCustomReportXML(dashboardId); ReportDefinition rdef = createReportDefinition(request, dashboardId, reportXML); List l = rdef.getDashBoardReports().getReportsList(); for (Iterator iterator = l.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Reports reports = (Reports) iterator.next(); if (reports.getReportId().equals(reportId)) return true; } return false; } public ReportDefinition createReportDefinition(HttpServletRequest request, String reportID, String reportXML) throws RaptorException { ReportDefinition rdef = ReportDefinition.unmarshal(reportXML, reportID, request); rdef.generateWizardSequence(request); return rdef; } // createReportDefinition public ReportDefinition loadReportDefinition(HttpServletRequest request, String reportID) throws RaptorException { boolean isReportIDBlank = (reportID.length() == 0 || reportID.equals("-1")); String actionKey = nvl(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_ACTION), ""); String wizardActionKey = nvl(request.getParameter(AppConstants.RI_WIZARD_ACTION), ""); ReportDefinition rdef = (ReportDefinition) request.getSession().getAttribute( AppConstants.SI_REPORT_DEFINITION); if (nvl(actionKey).equals("report.edit")) rdef = null; if (rdef != null) if (isReportIDBlank || reportID.equals(rdef.getReportID())) { return rdef; } ReportRuntime rr = (ReportRuntime) request.getSession().getAttribute( AppConstants.SI_REPORT_RUNTIME); if (rr != null) if (isReportIDBlank || reportID.equals(rr.getReportID())) { rdef = new ReportDefinition(rr, request); String userID = AppUtils.getUserID(request); rdef.generateWizardSequence(request); request.getSession().setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_DEFINITION, rdef); return rdef; } // if if (isReportIDBlank) rdef = ReportDefinition.createBlank(request); else { String reportXML = ReportLoader.loadCustomReportXML(reportID); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("[DEBUG MESSAGE FROM RAPTOR] Report [" + reportID + "]: XML loaded")); rdef = createReportDefinition(request, reportID, reportXML); } // else request.getSession().setAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_DEFINITION, rdef); return rdef; } // loadReportDefinition public void setSheetName(String sheet_name) { sheetName = sheet_name; } public String getSheetName() { return sheetName; } /** * Writes spreadsheet data in a Writer. (YK: in future it may evolve in a full-featured API for * streaming data in Excel) */ public static class SpreadsheetWriter { private final Writer _out; private int _rownum; public SpreadsheetWriter(Writer out) { _out = out; } public void beginSheet() throws IOException { _out.write("" + ""); _out.write("\n"); } public void endSheet() throws IOException { _out.write(""); _out.write(""); } /** * Insert a new row * * @param rownum 0-based row number */ public void insertRow(int rownum) throws IOException { _out.write("\n"); this._rownum = rownum; } /** * Insert row end marker */ public void endRow() throws IOException { _out.write("\n"); } public void createCell(int columnIndex, String value, int styleIndex) throws IOException { String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString(); _out.write(""); _out.write("" + value + ""); _out.write(""); } public void createCell(int columnIndex, String value) throws IOException { createCell(columnIndex, value, -1); } public void createCell(int columnIndex, double value, int styleIndex) throws IOException { String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString(); _out.write(""); _out.write("" + value + ""); _out.write(""); } public void createCell(int columnIndex, double value) throws IOException { createCell(columnIndex, value, -1); } public void createCell(int columnIndex, Calendar value, int styleIndex) throws IOException { createCell(columnIndex, DateUtil.getExcelDate(value, false), styleIndex); } } public int getColumnCountForDownloadFile(ReportRuntime rr, ReportData rd) { int columnCount = 0; for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { ColumnHeaderRow chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { columnCount++; } } } if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_CROSSTAB)) { for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (rhc.isVisible()) { columnCount++; } } } return columnCount; } private Map loadXSSFStyles(ReportRuntime rr, XSSFWorkbook wb, Map loadedStyles) { XSSFCellStyle styleDefault = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont fontDefault = wb.createFont(); XSSFDataFormat xssffmt = wb.createDataFormat(); fontDefault.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontDefault.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDefault.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); styleDefault.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDefault.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDefault.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); // styleDefault.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.YELLOW.index); styleDefault.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDefault.setFont(fontDefault); ArrayList semColumnList = new ArrayList(); List dsList = rr.getDataSourceList().getDataSource(); for (Iterator iter = dsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DataSourceType element = (DataSourceType) iter.next(); List dcList = element.getDataColumnList().getDataColumn(); for (Iterator iterator = dcList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DataColumnType element1 = (DataColumnType) iterator.next(); semColumnList.add(element1.getSemaphoreId()); } } SemaphoreList semList = rr.getSemaphoreList(); Map hashMapStyles = new HashMap<>();; Map hashMapFonts = new HashMap<>(); hashMapFonts.put(DEFAULT, fontDefault); hashMapStyles.put(DEFAULT, styleDefault); XSSFCellStyle styleLeftDefault = wb.createCellStyle(); styleLeftDefault.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); styleLeftDefault.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleLeftDefault.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleLeftDefault.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleLeftDefault.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleLeftDefault.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleLeftDefault.setFont(fontDefault); hashMapStyles.put("defaultLeft", styleLeftDefault); XSSFCellStyle styleDate = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDate.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); styleDate.setDataFormat(xssffmt.getFormat("d-mmm-yy")); styleDate.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleDate.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleDate.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleDate.setFont(fontDefault); hashMapStyles.put("date", styleDate); XSSFCellStyle rowHeaderStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont headerFont = wb.createFont(); headerFont.setBold(true); rowHeaderStyle.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT.getIndex()); rowHeaderStyle.setFillPattern(fillPattern.SOLID_FOREGROUND); rowHeaderStyle.setFont(headerFont); rowHeaderStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); rowHeaderStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); rowHeaderStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); rowHeaderStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); hashMapStyles.put("header", rowHeaderStyle); XSSFCellStyle boldStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); boldStyle.setFont(headerFont); boldStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); boldStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); boldStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); boldStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); boldStyle.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); hashMapStyles.put("title", boldStyle); XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = null; if (semList == null || semList.getSemaphore() == null) { hashMapStyles.put(DEFAULT, styleDefault); } loadedStyles.putAll(hashMapStyles); return loadedStyles; } private void generate(XSSFWorkbook wb, SpreadsheetWriter sw, Map styles, ReportData rd, String sql_whole, ReportRuntime rr, HttpServletRequest request, XSSFSheet sheet) throws Exception { HtmlStripper strip = new HtmlStripper(); XSSFCellStyle styleCell = null; XSSFCellStyle styleRowCell = null; XSSFCellStyle styleDefaultCell = null; styleDefaultCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(DEFAULT); // to check performance int mb = 1024 * 1024; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int rowNum = 0; int cellNum = 0; ColumnHeaderRow chr = null; java.util.HashMap dataTypeMap = new java.util.HashMap(); boolean firstPass = true; int columnRows = rr.getVisibleColumnCount(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String drilldown_index = (String) session.getAttribute("drilldown_index"); int index = 0; try { index = Integer.parseInt(drilldown_index); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { index = 0; } String header = (String) session.getAttribute("TITLE_" + index); String subtitle = (String) session.getAttribute("SUBTITLE_" + index); if (nvl(header).length() > 0) { header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = Utils.replaceInString(header, "
", " "); header = strip.stripHtml(nvl(header).trim()); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = Utils.replaceInString(subtitle, "
", " "); subtitle = strip.stripHtml(nvl(subtitle).trim()); sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(header)); for (int i = 1; i <= columnRows; i++) { sw.createCell(cellNum + i, ""); } sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum + 1, rowNum + 1, cellNum + 1, columnRows)); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum + 1, rowNum + 1, cellNum + 1, columnRows)); sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(subtitle)); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; } cellNum = 0; String title = ""; for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); if (nvl(sql_whole).length() <= 0 || (!rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR))) { for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); title = rhc.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(title), styles.get("header").getIndex()); } // for } firstPass = false; for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; int colSpan = ch.getColSpan() - 1; title = ch.getColumnTitle(); title = Utils.replaceInString(title, "_nl_", " \n"); sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(title), styles.get("header").getIndex()); if (colSpan > 0) { for (int k = 1; k <= colSpan; k++) { sw.createCell(cellNum + k, "", styles.get("header").getIndex()); } } if (colSpan > 0) cellNum += colSpan; } } // for rowNum += 1; } // for sw.endRow(); // All the possible combinations of date format CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); HashMap dateFormatMap = new HashMap<>(); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); SimpleDateFormat MONYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMMMMDDYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM dd, yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDDASHFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MONTHYYYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM, yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat DDMONYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYHHMMFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm z"); SimpleDateFormat MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); short dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); dateFormatMap.put("YYYYMMDD", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MMM yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MONYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MMYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MMMMM dd, yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MMMMMDDYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); dateFormatMap.put("YYYYMMDDDASH", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("timestamp", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MONTHYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MMMMM, yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYYYHHMM", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); dateFormatMap.put("YYYYMMDDHHMM", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("DDMONYYYYHHMMSS", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"); dateFormatMap.put("DDMONYYYYHHMM", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm"); dateFormatMap.put("DDMONYYHHMM", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); dateFormatMap.put("DDMONYYYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yy"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYY", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYHHMM", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYHHMMSS", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm z"); dateFormatMap.put("MMDDYYYYHHMMZ", new Short(dateFormat)); dateFormat = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("MMMMM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); dateFormatMap.put("MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS", new Short(dateFormat)); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null; if (nvl(sql_whole).length() > 0 && (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR) || rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE))) { try (Connection conn = ConnectionUtils.getConnection(rr.getDbInfo()); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql_whole)) { logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("************* Map Whole SQL *************")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, (sql_whole)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("*****************************************")); rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); HashMap colHash = new HashMap(); DataRow dr = null; int j = 0; int rowCount = 0; while (rs.next()) { rowCount++; if (rowCount % 10000 == 0) { // to check performance logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Performance check for " + rowCount + " starting**************")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####")); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Used Memory:" + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb)); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, ("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb)); System.out.println(rowCount + "TH ROW****##### END #####"); // } sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; colHash = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { colHash.put(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(), strip.stripHtml(rs.getString(i))); } rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); styleRowCell = null; if (dr.isRowFormat() && styles != null) styleRowCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/* dr.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)); j = 0; firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext(); j++) { styleCell = null; DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); HtmlFormatter htmlFormat = dv.getCellFormatter(); if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)); String value = nvl((String) colHash.get(dv.getColId().toUpperCase())); boolean bold = false; if (dv.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; String dataType = (String) (dataTypeMap.get(dv.getColId())); if (dataType != null && dataType.equals("NUMBER")) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = dv.getDisplayValue().trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(value); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } } else { // styleDefault.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("#,##0.00")); String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } } } } } } else if ((dataType != null && dataType.equals("DATE")) || (dv.getDisplayName() != null && dv.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColId() != null && dv.getColId().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date"))) { XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = null; if (styleRowCell != null) { cellStyle = styleRowCell; } else if (styleCell != null) { cellStyle = styleCell; } else { cellStyle = styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", "date")); } Date date = null; int flag = 0; date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("YYYYMMDD")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = timestampFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("timestamp")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MONYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMMMMDDYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONTHYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MONTHYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDDASHFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("YYYYMMDDDASH")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("YYYYMMDDHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("DDMONYYYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("DDMONYYYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("DDMONYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("DDMONYYYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYY")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMM")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMDDYYYYHHMMZ")); flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { cellStyle.setDataFormat(dateFormatMap.get("MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS")); flag = 1; } if (date != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); sw.createCell(cellNum, cal, cellStyle.getIndex()); } else { sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), cellStyle.getIndex()); } } else if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { String tempDoubleStr = value.trim(); tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); if ((tempDoubleStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(tempDoubleStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)) .getIndex()); } } } else { sw.createCell(cellNum, "", styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } } else { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styleCell.getIndex()); else { if (nvl(value).startsWith(" ")) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", "defaultLeft")).getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { } else { } } else { } bold = true; } if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) { continue; } if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && bold == false && styles != null) { } } } rowNum += 1; sw.endRow(); } if (rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { rowCount++; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); cellNum += 1; RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.getNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getRowHeader(0); if (dr.isRowFormat() && styles != null) styleRowCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/* dr.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle()), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle()), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); rd.reportDataTotalRow.resetNext(); DataRow drTotal = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); if (drTotal != null) { drTotal.resetNext(); drTotal.getNext(); for (; drTotal.hasNext();) { DataValue dv = drTotal.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; styleCell = null; String value = dv.getDisplayValue(); sw.createCell(cellNum, value, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } rowNum += 1; sw.endRow(); } /* * // To Display Total Values for Linear report if(rd.reportDataTotalRow!=null) { row = * sheet.createRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); //for * (rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.resetNext(); rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { cellNum += 1; * RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols.getNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getRowHeader(0); * row.createCell((short) cellNum).setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(rh.getRowTitle())); * row.getCell((short) cellNum).setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); //} * * DataRow drTotal = rd.reportDataTotalRow.getNext(); //cellNum = -1; for (drTotal.resetNext(); * drTotal.hasNext();j++) { cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); DataValue dv = * drTotal.getNext(); String value = dv.getDisplayValue(); cell.setCellValue(value); boolean bold = * false; if (dv.isBold()) { if((dv.getDisplayTotal()!=null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) * || (dv.getColName()!=null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999")!=-1)){ if (value!=null && * (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$") )) { * cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { * cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } } } */ } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (ReportSQLException ex) { throw new RaptorException(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex.getCause() instanceof java.net.SocketException)) throw new RaptorException(ex); } String footer = (String) session.getAttribute("FOOTER_" + index); if (nvl(footer).length() > 0) { footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = strip.stripHtml(nvl(footer).trim()); rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, footer.replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; } if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer()) { rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.Globals.getFooterFirstLine().replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.Globals.getFooterSecondLine().replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); } } else { int rowCount = 0; DataRow dr = null; for (rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); rd.reportDataRows.hasNext();) { rowCount++; dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = -1; if (rr.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_LINEAR) && rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(0); if (rd.reportTotalRowHeaderCols != null) { } } firstPass = false; int j = 0; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext(); j++) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); styleCell = null; boolean bold = false; String value = nvl(dv.getDisplayValue()); value = strip.stripHtml(value); HtmlFormatter htmlFormat = dv.getCellFormatter(); if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/* dr.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)); if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && styles != null) styleCell = (XSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)); if (dv.isVisible()) { cellNum += 1; String dataType = (String) (dataTypeMap.get(dv.getColId())); if (dataType != null && dataType.equals("NUMBER")) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(value); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempInt, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } } } } else if ((dataType != null && dataType.equals("DATE")) || (dv.getDisplayName() != null && dv.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColId() != null && dv.getColId().toLowerCase().endsWith("date")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().toLowerCase().endsWith("date"))) { Date date = null; int flag = 0; date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = timestampFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MONTHYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDDASHFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = YYYYMMDDHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = DDMONYYYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYHHMMSSFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMDDYYYYHHMMZFormat.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date == null) date = MMMMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); if (date != null && flag == 0) { flag = 1; } if (date != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, cal, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, cal, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, cal, styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId() */"", "date")).getIndex()); } else { /* cell.getCellStyle().setDataFormat((short)0); */ if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(value), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", "date")).getIndex()); } } else if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { int zInt = 0; if (value.equals("null")) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, zInt, styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); } else { if ((value.indexOf(".")) != -1) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempDollar = value.trim(); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempDollar.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDollar = tempDollar.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDoubleDollar = 0.0; try { tempDoubleDollar = Double.parseDouble(tempDollar); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDoubleDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDollar), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { String tempDoubleStr = value.trim(); tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); if ((tempDoubleStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempDoubleStr = tempDoubleStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } double tempDouble = 0.0; try { tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(tempDoubleStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempDouble, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempDoubleStr), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } else { if (!(value.equals(""))) { if ((value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { String tempInt = value.trim(); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(" ", "").substring(0); tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll("\\$", "").substring(0); if ((tempInt.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempInt = tempInt.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long tempIntDollar = 0L; try { tempIntDollar = Long.parseLong(tempInt); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, tempIntDollar, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempInt), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } else { String tempStr = value.trim(); if ((tempStr.indexOf(",")) != -1) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll(",", ""); } Long temp = 0L; try { temp = Long.parseLong(tempStr); if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, temp, styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, Utils.excelEncode(tempStr), styles .get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } else { sw.createCell(cellNum, "", styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } } } } else { if (styleRowCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styleRowCell.getIndex()); else if (styleCell != null) sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styleCell.getIndex()); else sw.createCell(cellNum, strip.stripHtml(Utils.excelEncode(value)), styles.get(nvl(/* dv.getFormatId(), */"", DEFAULT)).getIndex()); } // if (!(value.equals(""))){ // int temp = Integer.parseInt(value.trim()); // cell.setCellValue(temp); // }else{ // cell.setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(value)); // } // HSSFCellStyle styleFormat = null; // HSSFCellStyle numberStyle = null; // HSSFFont formatFont = null; // short fgcolor = 0; // short fillpattern = 0; // System.out.println("1IF "+ (dv.isBold()) + " "+ value + " " + dv.getDisplayTotal() + " " + // dv.getColName() ); if (dv.isBold()) { if ((dv.getDisplayTotal() != null && dv.getDisplayTotal().equals("SUM(")) || (dv.getColName() != null && dv.getColName().indexOf("999") != -1)) { if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("$")) || (value.trim().startsWith("-$"))) { // cell.setCellStyle(styleCurrencyTotal); } else { // cell.setCellStyle(styleTotal); } } else { // cell.setCellStyle(styleDefaultTotal); } bold = true; } if ((dr.isRowFormat() && !dv.isCellFormat()) && styles != null) { continue; } if (htmlFormat != null && dv.getFormatId() != null && bold == false && styles != null) { // cell.setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) styles.get(nvl(/*dv.getFormatId()*/"",DEFAULT))); } // else if (bold == false) // cell.setCellStyle(styleDefault); } // if (dv.isVisible) } // for /* * for (int tmp=0; tmp 0) { footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = Utils.replaceInString(footer, "
", " "); footer = strip.stripHtml(nvl(footer).trim()); rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, footer.replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; } if (Globals.getShowDisclaimer()) { rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.Globals.getFooterFirstLine().replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); rowNum += 1; sw.insertRow(rowNum); cellNum = 0; sw.createCell(cellNum, org.onap.portalsdk.analytics.system.Globals.getFooterSecondLine().replaceAll("&", "&"), styleDefaultCell.getIndex()); sw.endRow(); } } // end data from rd } } private void paintXSSFExcelParams(HSSFWorkbook wb, int rowNum, int col, ArrayList paramsList, String customizedParamInfo, XSSFSheet sheet, String reportTitle, String reportDescr) throws IOException { int cellNum = 0; XSSFRow row = null; short s1 = 0, s2 = (short) 1; HtmlStripper strip = new HtmlStripper(); // Name Style HSSFCellStyle styleName = wb.createCellStyle(); styleName.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleName.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleName.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleName.setDataFormat((short) 0); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); font.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); font.setBold(font.getBold()); styleName.setFont(font); // Data Style // Create some fonts. HSSFFont fontDefault = wb.createFont(); // Initialize the styles & fonts. // The default will be plain . fontDefault.setColor((short) HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); fontDefault.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDefault.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDefault.setItalic(true); // Style default will be normal with no background HSSFCellStyle styleValue = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFCellStyle styleCurrencyDecimalNumberTotal = wb.createCellStyle(); styleValue.setDataFormat((short) 0); styleValue.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); styleValue.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); styleValue.setFillPattern(fillPattern.NO_FILL); styleValue.setFont(fontDefault); XSSFCell cell = null; HSSFCellStyle styleDescription = wb.createCellStyle(); styleDescription.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); HSSFFont fontDescr = wb.createFont(); fontDescr.setFontHeight((short) (FONT_HEADER_DESCR_SIZE / 0.05)); fontDescr.setFontName(FONT_TAHOMA); fontDescr.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontDescr.setBold(true); styleDescription.setFont(font); XSSFCell cellDescr = null; int paramSeq = 0; Header header = sheet.getHeader(); StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (!Globals.customizeFormFieldInfo() || customizedParamInfo.length() <= 0) { for (Iterator iter = paramsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IdNameValue value = (IdNameValue) iter.next(); // System.out.println("\"" + value.getId() + " = " + value.getName() + "\""); if (nvl(value.getId()).trim().length() > 0 && (!nvl(value.getId()).trim().equals("BLANK"))) { paramSeq += 1; if (paramSeq <= 1) { row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cell = row.createCell((short) 0); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, s1, s2)); cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); cellDescr.setCellValue(RUNTIME_PARAMETERS); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleDescription); strBuf.append(reportTitle + "\n"); } row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.getId()); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.getName().replaceAll("~", ",")); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); } } // for } else { strBuf.append(reportTitle + "\n"); Document document = new Document(); document.open(); HTMLWorker worker = new HTMLWorker(document); StyleSheet style = new StyleSheet(); style.loadTagStyle("body", "leading", "16,0"); ArrayList p = HTMLWorker.parseToList(new StringReader(customizedParamInfo), style); String name = ""; String token = ""; String value = ""; String s = ""; PdfPTable pdfTable = null; for (int k = 0; k < p.size(); ++k) { if (p.get(k) instanceof Paragraph) s = ((Paragraph) p.get(k)).toString(); else { /* if ((p.get(k) instanceof PdfPTable)) */ pdfTable = ((PdfPTable) p.get(k)); } // todo: Logic for parsing pdfTable should be added after upgrading to iText 5.0.0 s = s.replaceAll(",", "|"); s = s.replaceAll("~", ","); if (s.indexOf(":") != -1) { // System.out.println("|"+s+"|"); row = sheet.createRow(++rowNum); cell = row.createCell((short) 0); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, s1, s2)); cellDescr = row.createCell((short) 0); cellDescr.setCellValue(RUNTIME_PARAMETERS); cellDescr.setCellStyle(styleDescription); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s.trim(), "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); token = token.trim(); if (!(token.trim().equals("|") || token.trim().equals("]]") || token.trim().equals("]") || token.trim().equals("["))) { if (token.endsWith(":")) { name = token; name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); if (name.startsWith("[")) name = name.substring(1); value = st.nextToken(); if (nvl(value).endsWith("]")) value = nvl(value).substring(0, nvl(value).length() - 1); } /* * else if(name != null && name.length() > 0) { value = st.nextToken(); * if(value.endsWith("]]"))value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1); } */ if (name != null && name.trim().length() > 0) { row = sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(name.trim()); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.trim()); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); // strBuf.append(name.trim()+": "+ value.trim()+"\n"); } /* * if(token.endsWith(":") && (value!=null && value.trim().length()<=0) && (name!=null && * name.trim().length()>0 && name.endsWith(":"))) { name = name.substring(0, * name.indexOf(":")+1); //value = token.substring(token.indexOf(":")+1); row = * sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); * cell.setCellValue(name.trim()); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = * row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(value.trim()); * cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); * * //strBuf.append(name.trim()+": "+ value.trim()+"\n"); value = ""; name = ""; } */ } int cw = 0; cw = name.trim().length() + 12; // if(i!=cellWidth.size()-1) if (sheet.getColumnWidth((short) 0) < (short) name.trim().length()) sheet.setColumnWidth((short) 0, (short) name.trim().length()); if (sheet.getColumnWidth((short) 1) < (short) value.trim().length()) sheet.setColumnWidth((short) 1, (short) value.trim().length()); name = ""; value = ""; } try { SimpleDateFormat oracleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy kk:mm:ss"); Date sysdate = oracleDateFormat.parse(ReportLoader.getSystemDateTime()); SimpleDateFormat dtimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(Globals.getScheduleDatePattern()); row = sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue("Report Date/Time"); cell.setCellStyle(styleName); cellNum += 1; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); cell.setCellValue(dtimestamp.format(sysdate) + " " + Globals.getTimeZone()); cell.setCellStyle(styleValue); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Excetion occured", ex); } } } /* * Iterator iter1 = paramsList.iterator(); s1 = 0; s2 = (short)10; if(iter1.hasNext()) { row = * sheet.createRow((short) ++rowNum); cellNum = 0; cell = row.createCell((short) cellNum); * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, s1, s2)); * cell.setCellValue(strip.stripHtml(customizedParamInfo)); } */ } // if Iterator iterCheck = paramsList.iterator(); if (iterCheck.hasNext()) { rowNum += 2; row = sheet.createRow(rowNum); } header.setCenter(HSSFHeader.font(FONT_TAHOMA, "") + HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) FONT_HEADER_TITLE_SIZE) + strBuf.toString()); } // Trying different --> public void createHTMLFileContent(Writer out, ReportData rd, ReportRuntime rr, String sql_whole, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws RaptorException, IOException { PrintWriter csvOut = response.getWriter(); HtmlStripper strip = new HtmlStripper(); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null; ColumnHeaderRow chr = null; int mb = 1024 * 1024; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); csvOut.println("\n" + "" + rr.getReportName() + "\n" + "\n"); System.out.println("HTML-Excel Generation Triggered: " + new java.util.Date()); csvOut.print(""); if (Globals.getPrintParamsInCSVDownload()) { ArrayList paramsList = rr.getParamNameValuePairsforPDFExcel(request, 1); int paramSeq = 0; for (Iterator iter = paramsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IdNameValue value = (IdNameValue) iter.next(); if (nvl(value.getId()).trim().length() > 0 && (!nvl(value.getId()).trim().equals("BLANK"))) { paramSeq += 1; if (paramSeq <= 1) { csvOut.println(""); } csvOut.println(""); csvOut.println(""); csvOut.println(""); } } // for csvOut.println(""); csvOut.println(""); System.out.println("HTML-Excel: Header Rendering complete " + new java.util.Date()); } int rowCount = 0; if (nvl(sql_whole).length() > 0) { try { conn = ConnectionUtils.getConnection(rr.getDbInfo()); st = conn.createStatement(); Log.write("[SQL] " + sql_whole, 4); int downloadLimit = Globals.getDownloadLimit(); Callable callable = new ExecuteQuery(st, sql_whole, downloadLimit); ExecutorService executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5); System.out.println("Time Started" + new java.util.Date()); Future future = executor.submit(callable); try { rs = future.get(900, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "TimeoutException occured", ex); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "Cancelling Query"); st.cancel(); logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "Query Cancelled"); throw new Exception("user requested"); } rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); HashMap colHash = new HashMap(); if (rd != null) { for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); csvOut.println(""); if (chr != null) { for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { csvOut.print(""); } } // for } csvOut.println(""); } // for while (rs.next()) { csvOut.println(""); /* * if(runtime.freeMemory()/mb <= ((runtime.maxMemory()/mb)*Globals.getMemoryThreshold()/100) ) { * csvOut.print(Globals.getUserDefinedMessageForMemoryLimitReached() + " " + rowCount * +"records out of " + rr.getReportDataSize() + " were downloaded to CSV."); break; } */ rowCount++; colHash = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { colHash.put(rsmd.getColumnName(i), rs.getString(i)); } if (chr != null) { for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { csvOut.println(""); } } } csvOut.println(""); } System.out.println("Downloaded Rows in HTML-Excel " + rowCount + " : " + new java.util.Date()); if (rowCount == 0) { csvOut.print(""); } else { } } else { csvOut.println(""); } csvOut.println("
" + value.getId() + "" + value.getName().replaceAll("~", ",") + "
" + ch.getColumnTitle() + "
" + strip.stripCSVHtml( nvl((String) colHash.get(ch.getLinkColId().toUpperCase()))) + "
No Data Found
No Data Found
\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Exception occured", ex); throw new RaptorException(ex); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); if (st != null) st.close(); if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "SQLException occured", ex); } } // csvOut.flush(); } else { boolean firstPass = true; int numberOfColumns = 0; if (rd != null) { for (rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.resetNext(); rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.hasNext();) { chr = rd.reportColumnHeaderRows.getNext(); csvOut.println(""); for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) { numberOfColumns++; csvOut.print("" + rhc.getColumnTitle() + ""); } // csvOut.print(","); } // for for (chr.resetNext(); chr.hasNext();) { ColumnHeader ch = chr.getNext(); if (ch.isVisible()) { if (firstPass) numberOfColumns++; csvOut.print("" + ch.getColumnTitle() + ""); // for (int i = 1; i < ch.getColSpan(); i++) // csvOut.print(","); } } // for firstPass = false; csvOut.println(""); } // for firstPass = true; for (rd.reportDataRows.resetNext(); rd.reportDataRows.hasNext();) { DataRow dr = rd.reportDataRows.getNext(); csvOut.println(""); for (rd.reportRowHeaderCols.resetNext(1); rd.reportRowHeaderCols.hasNext();) { RowHeaderCol rhc = rd.reportRowHeaderCols.getNext(); if (firstPass) rhc.resetNext(); RowHeader rh = rhc.getNext(); csvOut.print("" + strip.stripCSVHtml(rh.getRowTitle()) + ""); } // for firstPass = false; for (dr.resetNext(); dr.hasNext();) { DataValue dv = dr.getNext(); if (dv.isVisible()) csvOut.print( "" + strip.stripCSVHtml(dv.getDisplayValue()) + ""); } // for csvOut.println(""); } // for // csvOut.flush(); } else { csvOut.println("No Data Found"); } } csvOut.println("\n"); System.out.println("HTML-Excel Generation: Data Rendering complete " + new java.util.Date()); System.out.println("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####"); System.out.println("Used Memory:" + (runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb); System.out.println("Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb); System.out.println("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb); System.out.println("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb); } // createCSVFileContent /** * Checking if every row and cell in merging region exists, and create those which are not * * @param sheet in which check is performed * @param region to check * @param cellStyle cell style to apply for whole region */ private void cleanBeforeMergeOnValidCells(XSSFSheet sheet, CellRangeAddress region, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle) { for (int rowNum = region.getFirstRow(); rowNum <= region.getLastRow(); rowNum++) { XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowNum); if (row == null) { sheet.createRow(rowNum); } if (row != null) { for (int colNum = region.getFirstColumn(); colNum <= region.getLastColumn(); colNum++) { XSSFCell currentCell = row.getCell(colNum); if (currentCell == null) { currentCell = row.createCell(colNum); } currentCell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); } } } } } // ReportHandler