angular.module("att.gridster", ["att.gridster.tpls", "att.gridster.utilities","att.gridster.gridster"]); angular.module("att.gridster.tpls", ["template/gridster/gridster.html"]); angular.module('att.gridster.utilities', []) .factory('$extendObj', [function () { var _extendDeep = function (dst) { angular.forEach(arguments, function (obj) { if (obj !== dst) { angular.forEach(obj, function (value, key) { if (dst[key] && dst[key].constructor && dst[key].constructor === Object) { _extendDeep(dst[key], value); } else { dst[key] = value; } }); } }); return dst; }; return { extendDeep: _extendDeep }; }]); angular.module('att.gridster.gridster', ['attGridsterLib', 'att.gridster.utilities']) .constant('attGridsterConfig', { columns: 3, maxRows: 3, margins: [10, 10], outerMargin: true, pushing: true, floating: false, swapping: true, draggable: { enabled: true } }) .directive('attGridster',['attGridsterConfig', '$extendObj', function (attGridsterConfig, $extendObj) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { attGridsterOptions : '=?', attGridsterItems : '=' }, templateUrl: 'template/gridster/gridster.html', replace: false, controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { }], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.attGridsterOptions)) { attGridsterConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(attGridsterConfig, scope.attGridsterOptions); } scope.attGridsterConfig = attGridsterConfig; } }; }]); angular.module("template/gridster/gridster.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("template/gridster/gridster.html", "
\n" + "
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\n" + " AT&T\n" + "
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\n" + " There are no AT&T BusinessDirect tools available. To contact us for help, click the chat icon, and then click Contact Us.\n" + "
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"); }]);