/*- * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * ONAP Portal * =================================================================== * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * * Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed * under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); * you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ (function ($) { if (!$.fn.tree) { throw "Error jqTree is not loaded."; } $.fn.jqTreeContextMenu = function (menuElement, callbacks) { // // TODO: // * Make sure the useContextMenu option is set in jqTree, either complain or set it automatically // * Make menu fade in/out // var self = this; var $el = this; // The jQuery object of the menu div. var $menuEl = menuElement; // This hash holds all menu items that should be disabled for a specific node. var nodeToDisabledMenuItems = {}; // Hide the menu div. $menuEl.hide(); // Disable system context menu from beeing displayed. $el.bind("contextmenu", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // Handle the contextmenu event sent from jqTree when user clicks right mouse button. $el.bind('tree.contextmenu', function (event) { var x = event.click_event.pageX; var y = event.click_event.pageY; var yPadding = 5; var xPadding = 5; var menuHeight = $menuEl.height(); var menuWidth = $menuEl.width(); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if (menuHeight + y + yPadding > windowHeight) { // Make sure the whole menu is rendered within the viewport. y = y - menuHeight; } if (menuWidth + x + xPadding > windowWidth) { // Make sure the whole menu is rendered within the viewport. x = x - menuWidth; } // Handle disabling and enabling of menu items on specific nodes. if (Object.keys(nodeToDisabledMenuItems).length > 0) { if (event.node.name in nodeToDisabledMenuItems) { var nodeName = event.node.name; var items = nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName]; if (items.length === 0) { $menuEl.find('li').addClass('disabled'); $menuEl.find('li > a').unbind('click'); } else { $menuEl.find('li > a').each(function () { $(this).closest('li').removeClass('disabled'); var hrefValue = $(this).attr('href'); var value = hrefValue.slice(hrefValue.indexOf("#") + 1, hrefValue.length) if ($.inArray(value, items) > -1) { $(this).closest('li').addClass('disabled'); $(this).unbind('click'); } }); } } else { $menuEl.find('li.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); } } // Must call show before we set the offset (offset can not be set on display: none elements). $menuEl.show(); $menuEl.offset({ left: x, top: y }); var dismissContextMenu = function () { $(document).unbind('click.jqtreecontextmenu'); $el.unbind('tree.click.jqtreecontextmenu'); $menuEl.hide(); } // Make it possible to dismiss context menu by clicking somewhere in the document. $(document).bind('click.jqtreecontextmenu', function () { dismissContextMenu(); }); // Dismiss context menu if another node in the tree is clicked. $el.bind('tree.click.jqtreecontextmenu', function (e) { dismissContextMenu(); }); // Make selection follow the node that was right clicked on. var selectedNode = $el.tree('getSelectedNode'); if (selectedNode !== event.node) { $el.tree('selectNode', event.node); } // Handle click on menu items, if it's not disabled. var menuItems = $menuEl.find('li:not(.disabled) a'); if (menuItems.length !== 0) { menuItems.unbind('click'); menuItems.click(function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); dismissContextMenu(); var hrefAnchor = e.currentTarget.attributes.href.nodeValue; var funcKey = hrefAnchor.slice(hrefAnchor.indexOf("#") + 1, hrefAnchor.length) var callbackFn = callbacks[funcKey]; if (callbackFn) { callbackFn(event.node); } return false; }); } }); this.disable = function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { // Called as: api.disable() $menuEl.find('li:not(.disabled)').addClass('disabled'); $menuEl.find('li a').unbind('click'); nodeToDisabledMenuItems = {}; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { // Called as: api.disable(['edit','remove']) var items = arguments[0]; if (typeof items !== 'object') { return; } $menuEl.find('li > a').each(function () { var hrefValue = $(this).attr('href'); var value = hrefValue.slice(hrefValue.indexOf("#") + 1, hrefValue.length) if ($.inArray(value, items) > -1) { $(this).closest('li').addClass('disabled'); $(this).unbind('click'); } }); nodeToDisabledMenuItems = {}; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { // Called as: api.disable(nodeName, ['edit','remove']) var nodeName = arguments[0]; var items = arguments[1]; nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName] = items; } }; this.enable = function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { // Called as: api.enable() $menuEl.find('li.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); nodeToDisabledMenuItems = {}; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { // Called as: api.enable(['edit','remove']) var items = arguments[0]; if (typeof items !== 'object') { return; } $menuEl.find('li > a').each(function () { var hrefValue = $(this).attr('href'); var value = hrefValue.slice(hrefValue.indexOf("#") + 1, hrefValue.length) if ($.inArray(value, items) > -1) { $(this).closest('li').removeClass('disabled'); } }); nodeToDisabledMenuItems = {}; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { // Called as: api.enable(nodeName, ['edit','remove']) var nodeName = arguments[0]; var items = arguments[1]; if (items.length === 0) { delete nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName]; } else { var disabledItems = nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName]; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var idx = disabledItems.indexOf(items[i]); if (idx > -1) { disabledItems.splice(idx, 1); } } if (disabledItems.length === 0) { delete nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName]; } else { nodeToDisabledMenuItems[nodeName] = disabledItems; } } if (Object.keys(nodeToDisabledMenuItems).length === 0) { $menuEl.find('li.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); } } }; return this; }; } (jQuery));