/*- * ================================================================================ * ECOMP Portal * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ================================================================================ */ /** * Created by nnaffar on 12/20/15. */ 'use strict'; (function () { class MenuDetailsModalCtrl { constructor($scope, $log, functionalMenuService, errorMessageByCode, ECOMP_URL_REGEX,$rootScope,confirmBoxService) { let newMenuModel = { name: null, menuId: null, parentMenuId: null, url: null }; let getAvailableRoles = (appid) => { this.isSaving = true; if (appid != null) { $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableRoles: About to call getManagedRolesMenu"); functionalMenuService.getManagedRolesMenu(appid).then(rolesObj => { $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableRoles: Roles returned = " + JSON.stringify(rolesObj)) this.availableRoles = rolesObj; this.preSelectedRoles = {roles:[]}; if(($scope.ngDialogData.source==='edit') && this.isMidLevelMenuItem()){ // in Edit flow , for Midlevel menu item no need to preSelect. this.preSelectedRoles = {roles:[]}; }else if(!angular.isUndefined(this.menuItem.menuDetails) && $scope.ngDialogData.source==='edit' && this.isLeafMenuItem() && this.menuItem.menuDetails.appid!=appid) { // in Edit flow , for LeafMenuItem, if appid changed then no need to preSelect. this.preSelectedRoles = {roles:[]}; }else{ if((!angular.isUndefined(this.menuItem.menuDetails)) && (!angular.isUndefined(this.menuItem.menuDetails.roles))){ $log.debug('menuDetails.roles: ' + this.menuItem.menuDetails.roles); for(var i=0; i { $log.error("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableRoles: error: " + err); }); } else { $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableRoles: appid was null"); } }; let getAvailableApps = () => { functionalMenuService.getAvailableApplications().then(apps => { $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableApps: Apps returned = " + JSON.stringify(apps)) this.availableApps = apps; // Keep track of whether or not the selected app is disabled if (angular.isDefined(this.selectedApp) && angular.isDefined(this.selectedApp.index)) { for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { if (apps[i].index === this.selectedApp.index) { $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableApps: found app with index: " + this.selectedApp.index); $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableApps: setting isDisabled to: " + !apps[i].enabled); this.selectedApp.isDisabled = !apps[i].enabled; break; } } $log.debug("didn't find index: " + this.selectedApp.index); } })['catch'](function (err) { confirmBoxService.showInformation('There was a problem retrieving the Applications. ' + 'Please try again later. Error Status: '+ err.status).then(isConfirmed => {}); $log.error("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableApps: getAvailableApps error: " + err); }).finally(()=>{ this.isSaving = false; }); }; let init = () => { $log.info('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::init'); this.saveOrContinueBtnText = "Save"; this.isSaving = false; this.displayRoles = $scope.ngDialogData.source==='view' ? true : false; this.formEditable = $scope.ngDialogData.source==='view' ? false : true; this.selectedRole = []; this.availableRoles = []; this.menuItem = _.clone($scope.ngDialogData.menuItem); $log.info('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::getAvailableApps: Within init, about to check menuDetails for defined'); if(!angular.isUndefined(this.menuItem.menuDetails) && ($scope.ngDialogData.source==='view' || ($scope.ngDialogData.source==='edit') && this.isLeafMenuItem() )){ $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::init: menuItem: "); $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::init: ',this.menuItem); this.menuItem.menu.url = this.menuItem.menuDetails.url; this.selectedApp={}; this.selectedApp.index = this.menuItem.menuDetails.appid; getAvailableRoles(this.selectedApp.index); } if($scope.ngDialogData.source==='view' || $scope.ngDialogData.source==='edit'){ this.menutitle = this.menuItem.menu.name; this.menuLocation = this.isParentMenuItem() ? this.menuItem.menu.name : this.menuItem.menu.parent.name; }else{ this.menutitle = ''; this.menuLocation = this.menuItem.menu.name; } // Temporarily passing 0 as dummy for getAvailableRoles incase of this.selectedApp is not there i.e., in Add flow // getAvailableRoles(angular.isUndefined(this.selectedApp) ? 0: this.selectedApp.index ); getAvailableApps(); $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::init: Menu details: " + JSON.stringify(this.menuItem.menuDetails)); }; this.ECOMP_URL_REGEX = ECOMP_URL_REGEX; //This part handles conflict errors (409) this.conflictMessages = {}; this.scrollApi = {}; let handleConflictErrors = err => { if(!err.data){ return; } if(!err.data.length){ //support objects err.data = [err.data] } $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::handleConflictErrors: err.data = ' + JSON.stringify(err.data)); _.forEach(err.data, item => { _.forEach(item.fields, field => { //set conflict message this.conflictMessages[field.name] = errorMessageByCode[item.errorCode]; //set field as invalid $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::handleConflictErrors: fieldName = ' + field.name); $scope.functionalMenuForm[field.name].$setValidity('conflict', false); //set watch once to clear error after user correction watchOnce[field.name](); }); }); this.scrollApi.scrollTop(); }; let resetConflict = fieldName => { delete this.conflictMessages[fieldName]; $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::resetConflict: $setValidity(true) = ' + fieldName); if($scope.functionalMenuForm[fieldName]){ $scope.functionalMenuForm[fieldName].$setValidity('conflict', true); } }; let watchOnce = { text: () => { let unregisterName = $scope.$watch('functionalMenuDetails.menutitle', (newVal, oldVal) => { // $log.debug('title:: newVal, oldVal = ' + newVal.toLowerCase() + " | " + oldVal.toLowerCase()); if(newVal.toLowerCase() !== oldVal.toLowerCase()){ resetConflict('text'); unregisterName(); } }); }, url: () => { let unregisterUrl = $scope.$watch('functionalMenuDetails.menuItem.menu.url', (newVal, oldVal) => { if(newVal.toLowerCase() !== oldVal.toLowerCase()){ resetConflict('url'); unregisterUrl(); } }); } }; //*************************** this.isLeafMenuItem = () => { return this.menuItem.menu.children.length>0 ? false : true; }; this.isMidLevelMenuItem = () => { return this.menuItem.menu.parentMenuId!=null && this.menuItem.menu.children.length>0 ? true : false; }; this.isParentMenuItem = () => { return this.menuItem.menu.parentMenuId!=null ? false : true; }; this.updateSelectedApp = (appItem) => { if (!appItem) { return; } $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::updateSelectedApp: drop down app item = ' + JSON.stringify(appItem.index)); $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::updateSelectedApp: appItem in updateSelectedApp: "); $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::updateSelectedApp: ',appItem); this.selectedApp.isDisabled = ! appItem.enabled; $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::updateSelectedApp: isDisabled: "+this.selectedApp.isDisabled); getAvailableRoles(appItem.index); }; this.continue = () => { this.displayRoles = true; this.formEditable = false; }; this.saveChanges = () => { //todo : form validation was commented as dialog message is kept for error validations /*if($scope.functionalMenuForm.$invalid){ return; }*/ if(!!this.menuItem.menu.url && (angular.isUndefined(this.selectedApp) || !this.selectedApp.index>0)) { confirmBoxService.showInformation('Please select the appropriate app, or remove the url').then(isConfirmed => {}); return; }else if(!this.menuItem.menu.url && !angular.isUndefined(this.selectedApp) && this.selectedApp.index>0){ confirmBoxService.showInformation('Please enter url, or select "No Application"').then(isConfirmed => {}); return; }else if(!this.menutitle){ confirmBoxService.showInformation('Please enter the Menu title').then(isConfirmed => {}); return; } this.isSaving = true; var activeMenuItem = {}; if ($scope.ngDialogData.source === 'edit') { // Edit Menu Item $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: Will be saving an edit menu item'); activeMenuItem = { menuId:this.menuItem.menu.menuId, column:this.menuItem.menu.column, text:this.menutitle, parentMenuId:this.menuItem.menu.parentMenuId, url:this.menuItem.menu.url, appid: angular.isUndefined(this.selectedApp) ? null:this.selectedApp.index, roles:this.selectedRole }; // If we have removed the url and appid, we must remove the roles if (!activeMenuItem.appid && !activeMenuItem.url) { activeMenuItem.roles = null; } functionalMenuService.saveEditedMenuItem(activeMenuItem) .then(() => { $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: Menu Item saved'); $scope.closeThisDialog(true); }).catch(err => { if(err.status === 409){//Conflict handleConflictErrors(err); } else { confirmBoxService.showInformation('There was a problem saving your change. ' + 'Please try again later. Error Status: '+ err.status).then(isConfirmed => {}); } $log.error('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: error - ',err); }).finally(()=>{ this.isSaving = false; }); $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: Edit Menu output will be: " + JSON.stringify(activeMenuItem)); } else { // New Menu Item $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: Will be saving a New menu item'); var newMenuItem = { menuId:null, // this is a new menu item column:this.menuItem.menu.column, text:this.menutitle, // We are creating this new menu item under the menu item that was clicked on. parentMenuId:this.menuItem.menu.menuId, url:this.menuItem.menu.url, appid: angular.isUndefined(this.selectedApp) ? null:this.selectedApp.index, roles:this.selectedRole }; $log.debug("MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: New Menu output will be: " + JSON.stringify(newMenuItem)); functionalMenuService.saveMenuItem(newMenuItem) .then(() => { $log.debug('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges: Menu Item saved'); $scope.closeThisDialog(true); }).catch(err => { if(err.status === 409){//Conflict handleConflictErrors(err); } else { confirmBoxService.showInformation('There was a problem saving your menu. ' + 'Please try again later. Error Status: '+ err.status).then(isConfirmed => {}); } $log.error('MenuDetailsModalCtrl::saveChanges error: ', err); }).finally(()=>{ this.isSaving = false; }); } }; init(); $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', e => { //Disable navigation when modal is opened e.preventDefault(); }); } } MenuDetailsModalCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$log', 'functionalMenuService', 'errorMessageByCode', 'ECOMP_URL_REGEX','$rootScope','confirmBoxService']; angular.module('ecompApp').controller('MenuDetailsModalCtrl', MenuDetailsModalCtrl); angular.module('ecompApp').directive('dropdownMultiselect', ['functionalMenuService',function(){ return { restrict: 'E', scope: { model: '=', options: '=', populated_roles: '=preSelected', dropdownTitle: '@', source: '=' }, template: "
" + "" + "" + "" + "
", controller: function ($scope) { $scope.selectedItems = {}; $scope.checkAll = false; $scope.$on('availableRolesReady', function() { init(); }); function init() { console.log('dropdownMultiselect init'); $scope.dropdownTitle = $scope.source ==='view' ? 'View Roles' : 'Select Roles'; console.log('$scope.populated_roles = ' + $scope.populated_roles); } $scope.$watch('populated_roles', function(){ if ($scope.populated_roles && $scope.populated_roles.length>0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.populated_roles.length; i++) { $scope.model.push($scope.populated_roles[i].roleId); $scope.selectedItems[$scope.populated_roles[i].roleId] = true; } if ($scope.populated_roles.length === $scope.options.length) { $scope.checkAll = true; } }else{ deselectAll(); } }); $scope.openDropDown = function () { }; $scope.checkAllClicked = function () { if ($scope.checkAll) { selectAll(); } else { deselectAll(); } }; function selectAll() { $scope.model = []; $scope.selectedItems = {}; angular.forEach($scope.options, function (option) { $scope.model.push(option.roleId); }); angular.forEach($scope.model, function (id) { $scope.selectedItems[id] = true; }); console.log($scope.model); }; function deselectAll() { $scope.model = []; $scope.selectedItems = {}; console.log($scope.model); }; $scope.setSelectedItem = function (id) { var filteredArray = []; if ($scope.selectedItems[id] === true) { $scope.model.push(id); } else { filteredArray = $scope.model.filter(function (value) { return value != id; }); $scope.model = filteredArray; $scope.checkAll = false; } console.log(filteredArray); return false; }; $scope.setDisable = function(source){ return source ==='view' ? true : false; } } } }]); })();