### # ================================================================================ # eCOMP Portal # ================================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================ ### ##C## Mention the name of the framework. At present RAPTOR supports FUSION system=fusion ##C## Determines the priority for the debug message. debug_level=5 ##C## Determines the number of records can be downloaded in excel when you select "download all" option. download_limit=65000 csv_download_limit=10 ##C## Determines the number of records to be displayed in a single page. default_page_size=50 ##C## Determines the list size in the form field. form_fields_list_size=99000 ##C## Determines the scheduler interval #scheduler_interval=0 => disabled scheduler_interval=0 ##C## System Name system_name=RAPTOR ##C## This is used for Bread crumbs. base_title=ANALYSIS ##C## whether to allow SQL-based report definition (security risk); super users are always allowed to create SQL-based reports allow_sql_based_reports=no ##C## Determines whether to include disclaimer page at the bottom of each screen show_disclaimer=yes disclaimer_positioned_top_in_csvexcel=yes ##C## Determines whether to display the form page as a separate page before running the report display_form_before_run=yes ##C## Determines whether to include the form page on the report data page include_form_with_data=yes ##C## Determines whether to cache chart data in the session => faster re-display if the data volume does not get too large cache_chart_data=yes ##C## Determines whether to cache report data for the currently displayed page in the session => faster re-display ##C## if the data volume does not get too large cache_cur_page_data=yes ##C## Determines Chart width default_chart_width=700 ##C## Determines Chart height default_chart_height=420 ##C## Determines whether to permit report deletion only by report owner or by everyone with "write" access delete_only_by_owner=yes ##C## Determines whether to log each report execution and update time and user ID enable_report_log=yes ##C## Determines whether to cache user roles info in memory (saves many DB reads, but does not account for roles ##C## assigned after the cache was loaded) cache_user_roles=yes ##C## Determines whether to convert month formats (e.g. MM/YYYY) to the last day of the month (true) or ##C## first day (false) - like 12/2003 is converted to either 12/31/2003 or 12/01/2003 month_format_use_last_day=no ##C## Determines whether to print the report title in the download files print_title_in_download=yes ##C## Determines whether to show report description when the report is run and in the quick links show_descr_at_runtime=no ##C## Determines whether to skip labels on the Line chart axis when they overlap #DEPRECATED skip_chart_labels_to_fit=no ##C## Determines whether to show chart types that are purpose and/or data specific show_nonstandard_charts=yes ##C## Determines whether to allow the user to change the chart type at runtime allow_runtime_chart_sel=yes ##C## Determines whether to display the report title as chart title as well display_chart_title=yes ##C## Determines whether to merge/blank multi-level row headings in cross-tab report merge_crosstab_row_headings=yes ##C## Determines whether to display chart when displaying the report at first or just a "Show Chart" button display_chart_by_default=yes ##C## Determines whether to print the form field values in the download files print_params_in_download=yes ##C## Determines the limitation to the characters in chart label. skip_chart_labels_limit=30 ##C## Determines whether to users with read-only rights for a report can copy it can_copy_on_read_only=yes ##C## Determines the no of decimals to be displayed in Totals column #max_decimals_on_totals=-1 => don't truncate, display all decimal digits max_decimals_on_totals=2 ##C## Determines which JFreeChart to use. jfree_version=latest #jfree_version=0.9.11 # Added this restriction so that heavily used system which contain # more than 1000 users can enable this feature not to display whole # users in the drop down menu display_all_users=yes ##Sheet name sheet_name=raptor #shell_script_name=/home/sundar/test.sh #download_query_folder=/titan/PROJECT3/RAPTOR/raptor/dwnld/query/ ## this directory is mentioned if the flat file is downloaded using shell script shell_script_dir=/titan/PROJECT3/RAPTOR/raptor/dwnld/ flat_file_lower_limit=1 flat_file_upper_limit=200000 ## whatever request mentioned here would be parsed in sql and request parameter would be filled request_get_params=c_master,isEmbedded print_footer_in_download=yes ## footer mentioned here appears in downloaded excel footer_first_line=Raptor footer_second_line=Use Pursuant to Company Instructions ## to run report in popup window report_in_popup_window=yes ## to run each report in new popup window if the above is selected popup_in_new_window=yes ## "Yes" allows the request param to be passed to the drill down report pass_request_param_in_drilldown=yes ## Show PDF download icon show_pdf_download=yes # Show Folder Tree show_folder_tree=no #Show folder tree only for Admin Users show_folder_tree_only_to_admin_users=no #folder tree should be minimized folder_tree_minimized=yes ## whatever session mentioned here would be parsed in sql and session parameter would be filled session_params=login_id display_formfield_info=yes customize_formfield_info=yes #schedule limit for end users schedule_limit=10 # customized query if you need any restrictions for schedule and security tab for fusion #schedule_custom_query_for_users=getAllUsersByCustomer #schedule_custom_query_for_roles=getAllRolesByCustomer # customized query if you need any restrictions for schedule and security tab for prisms example #schedule_custom_query_for_users=SELECT au.user_id, au.first_name||' '||au.last_name user_name FROM app_user au order by 2 schedule_custom_query_for_users=SELECT au.user_id id, au.first_name||' '||au.last_name name FROM app_user au where user_id = 1 order by 2 #schedule_custom_query_for_roles=SELECT ar.role_id, ar.descr role_name FROM app_role ar order by 2 schedule_date_pattern=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a ## This is used to display in right format in chart timestamp axis as we give in the sql #chart_yearly_format=yyyy #chart_monthly_format=MMM-yyyy #chart_daily_format=MM-dd-yyyy chart_hourly_format=MM/dd HH #chart_minute_format=HH:mm chart_minute_format=MM-dd-yyyy-HH:mm #chart_second_format=HH:mm:ss chart_second_format=MM-dd-yyyy #chart_millisecond_format=HH:mm:ss.S schedule_help_text=This form is used to schedule a specific Reporting Platform report to be delivered to one or more email addresses associated with your Company's Business Direct user logins. Note that report output delivered via email does not include the capability to drill down/back up to additional data levels. So, select the appropriate data level report for the scheduled report. View the status of scheduled report requests in the My Schedules menu item. use_loginid_in_schedYN=Y session_params_for_scheduling=login_id session_date_formfield_auto_incr=yes display_session_param_pdfexcel=login_id;Login Id session_params_for_displaying_in_scheduling=login_id;Login Id application_server=tomcat #gmap properties gmap_key=ABQIAAAAToJSSetKBMjBJx8MiRw4ghQiU0SbbKnm8C5eu25cpyLwgkLzyRShrQTbgZtqnKAqZU9JwcSq1bKwiA PROJECT-FOLDER=/Users/sundar/git/st_quantum/quantum/target/quantum-1.0 # MARKET-SHAPEFILE-FOLDER=resources/files # output folder for files generated on server side OUTPUT-FOLDER=resources/temp # tile size in pixel TILE-SIZE=256 #check if map is disabled or not map_allowed=Y max_drilldown_level=2 admin_role_equiv_to_super_role=N show_loading_during_formfield_chain=Y show_print_icon=N globally_nowrap=N calendar_output_date_format=MM/dd/yyyy memory_threshold_percentage=99 print_params_in_csv_download=yes notitle_in_dashboard=yes generate_store_sched_reports=yes show_excel_2007_download=yes print_excel_in_landscape=yes show_animated_chart_option=yes show_animated_chart_only=no adjust_content_based_on_height=yes custom_submit_button_text=Run Button customize_formfield_layout=yes db_type=postgresql