seq_fn_widget seq_ep_endpoint seq_ep_endpoints_basic_auth_account seq_ep_widget_catalog_parameter seq_ep_basic_auth_account seq_ep_user_notification seq_fn_user seq_ep_microservice seq_ep_microservice_parameter seq_fn_app seq_ep_usrappsrtprf seq_ep_usrmanappsrtprf seq_ep_usrwidgetsrtprf seq_fn_role app seq_fn_pers_user_app_sel seq_ep_pers_user_widget_sel seq_ep_user_role_request seq_ep_user_role_request_det 'Y' and (upper(d.wdg_name) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%')) or upper(d.wdg_desc) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%'))) ) union ( select distinct 'Widget' CATEGORY, d.wdg_name NAME, d.widget_id UUID, d.wdg_desc TARGET from ep_widget_catalog d where d.all_user_flag='Y' and (upper(d.wdg_name) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%')) or upper(d.wdg_desc) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%'))) ) union ( select distinct 'Widget' CATEGORY, d.wdg_name NAME, d.widget_id UUID, d.wdg_desc TARGET from fn_user a, fn_user_role b, ep_widget_catalog d where upper(a.org_user_id) = upper( :userId ) and a.user_id = b.user_id and b.role_id = 1 and (upper(d.wdg_name) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%')) or upper(d.wdg_desc) like upper(CONCAT('%', :searchQuery, '%'))) ) ) y ) t, (SELECT @rn /*'*/:=/*'*/ 0) t2 order by NAME ; ]]> = start_time) and a.is_for_all_roles = 'N' ) a, ( select a.user_id, c.role_id, c.app_id, d.APP_NAME from fn_user a, fn_user_role b, fn_role c, fn_app d where a.user_id = b.user_id and a.user_id = :user_id and b.role_id = c.role_id and c.app_id = d.app_id and d.enabled='Y' )b where ( a.role_id = b.role_id ) union select :user_id, notification_id, is_for_online_users, is_for_all_roles, msg_header, msg_description,msg_source,start_Time, end_time, priority, created_date, creator_ID,active_YN from ( select a.notification_ID,a.is_for_online_users,a.is_for_all_roles,a.active_YN, a.msg_header,a.msg_description,a.msg_source,a.start_time,a.end_time,a.priority,a.creator_ID,a.created_date, b.role_id,b.recv_user_id from ep_notification a, ep_role_notification b where a.notification_id = b.notification_id and (end_time is null || SYSDATE() <= end_time ) and (start_time is null || SYSDATE() >= start_time) and a.is_for_all_roles = 'N' ) a where ( a.recv_user_id=:user_id ) union ( select :user_id user_id, notification_id, is_for_online_users, is_for_all_roles, msg_header, msg_description, msg_source,start_Time, end_time, priority, created_date, creator_ID,active_YN from ep_notification a where a.notification_id and (end_time is null || SYSDATE() <= end_time ) and (start_time is null || SYSDATE() >= start_time) and a.is_for_all_roles = 'Y' ) ) a where active_YN = 'Y' and not exists ( select ID,User_ID,notification_ID,is_viewed,updated_time from ep_user_notification m where user_id = :user_id and m.notification_id = a.notification_id and is_viewed = 'Y' ) order by priority desc, created_date desc,start_Time desc ) t, (SELECT @rn /*'*/:=/*'*/ 0) t2 ; ]]> 1) b union select fn_role.app_id,fn_app.app_name, fn_role.role_id ,fn_role.role_name from fn_app, fn_role where fn_role.app_id = fn_app.app_id and fn_app.enabled='Y' order by app_name ]]> = DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL-31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is null and start_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) ) ) a, ( select a.user_id, c.role_id, c.app_id, d.APP_NAME from fn_user a, fn_user_role b, fn_role c, fn_app d where a.user_id = b.user_id and a.user_id = :user_id and b.role_id = c.role_id and c.app_id = d.app_id and d.enabled='Y' ) b where ( a.role_id = b.role_id ) UNION select :user_id, login_id,notification_id, is_for_online_users, is_for_all_roles, msg_header, msg_description,msg_source, start_Time, end_time, priority, created_date, creator_ID,active_YN from ( select a.notification_ID,a.is_for_online_users,a.is_for_all_roles,a.active_YN, a.msg_header,a.msg_description,a.msg_source,a.start_time,a.end_time,a.priority,a.creator_ID,a.created_date, b.role_id,CASE WHEN a.creator_ID IS NOT NULL THEN u.org_user_id ELSE NULL END AS login_id,b.recv_user_id from ep_notification a, ep_role_notification b,fn_user u where a.notification_id = b.notification_id and (u.user_id=a.creator_ID OR a.creator_ID IS NULL) and a.is_for_all_roles = 'N' and ( (start_time is null and end_time is null and a.created_date >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL-31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is null and start_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) ) ) a where ( a.recv_user_id=:user_id ) union ( select :user_id user_id, b.login_id,notification_id, is_for_online_users, is_for_all_roles, msg_header, msg_description,msg_source, start_Time, end_time, priority, a.created_date, creator_ID, a.active_YN from ep_notification a JOIN fn_user b on b.user_id=a.creator_ID where a.notification_id and a.is_for_all_roles = 'Y' and ( (start_time is null and end_time is null and a.created_date >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL-31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is null and start_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) or (start_time is not null and end_time is not null and end_time >= DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL -31 DAY)) ) ) ) a left outer join ( select m.notification_ID, m.is_viewed from ep_user_notification m where user_id = :user_id ) m on a.notification_id = m.notification_ID where active_YN = 'Y' order by start_Time desc,end_time desc ) t, (SELECT @rn /*'*/:=/*'*/ 0) t2 where startTime<=SYSDATE() ]]> from CommonWidget where category = :cat order by sortOrder, title = DATE_ADD(end_time,INTERVAL 3 MONTH) ]]> = DATE_ADD(end_time,INTERVAL 3 MONTH)) ]]> = DATE_ADD(end_time,INTERVAL 3 MONTH)) ]]>