Setting up a database connection ================================ Most applications will need access to a database. In this tutorial, we'll connect to a database in order to pull data for displaying in a Google chart. Injecting data -------------- First, let's generate some fake data to display. Create an sql file and populate it with the following: .. code-block:: sql use ecomp_sdk; create table MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED ( data_date DATE, speedmbps INT, direction varchar(10) ); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-01', 40, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-02', 18, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-03', 25, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-04', 48, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-05', 49, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-06', 46, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-07', 35, 'download'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-01', 10, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-02', 15, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-03', 14, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-04', 9, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-05', 12, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-06', 13, 'upload'); insert into MOCK_DATA_AVG_SPEED (data_date, speedmbps, direction) values ('2017-08-07', 15, 'upload'); Now, run it. Something like this: :: mysql -p<passwd> -u<user> < mock_data.sql .. _connectionjava: Setting up a connection in Java ------------------------------- We'll need a place to store some data sources. In this case, we only need one, but your application might have more. Add the following member variable to your :code:`` class: .. code-block:: java private HashMap<String,DataSource> m_dataSources; Don't forget to import the HashMap object: .. code-block:: java import java.util.HashMap; Now, we'll add a new private function, :code:`_getDataSources`: .. code-block:: java private HashMap<String,DataSource> _getDataSources() throws Exception { HashMap<String,DataSource> dataSources = new HashMap<String,DataSource>(); ComboPooledDataSource ds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); try { ds.setDriverClass(SystemProperties.getProperty("db.driver")); ds.setJdbcUrl(SystemProperties.getProperty("db.connectionURL")); ds.setUser(SystemProperties.getProperty("db.userName")); ds.setPassword(SystemProperties.getProperty("db.password")); ds.setMinPoolSize(Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.getProperty(SystemProperties.DB_MIN_POOL_SIZE))); ds.setMaxPoolSize(Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.getProperty(SystemProperties.DB_MAX_POOL_SIZE))); ds.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.getProperty(SystemProperties.IDLE_CONNECTION_TEST_PERIOD))); dataSources.put("myappdb", ds); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return dataSources; } Notice that because we're piggy-backing our data to the ecomp_sdk database, we're borrowing a few properties as well. You can also add your own properties to :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/` and use them. This allows you to create any number of connections and connection methods in your app. E.g.: .. code-block:: java ds.setDriverClass(SystemProperties.getProperty("db.some_other_driver")); Now, we need to add some code to our constructor so that the connection is set up when the controller is instantiated: .. code-block:: java public MyAppController() { super(); try { this.m_dataSources = _getDataSources(); } catch (Exception e) { // Probably a good idea to do something here ;-) } }