Google Charts
Now that we've established our database connection and can request and retrieve data from our tables, we can focus on our web application.
First, we'll need to grab the Angular-ized Google Charts. Do this:
cd sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/myapp/myfirstpage
.. note:: The "min" in the file name indicates that any and all unnecessary spaces, newlines, etc. have been removed from the file to "min"imize the size.
Now, add a reference to Google Charts in your :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/myapp/myfirstpage/myfirstpage.html` file:
Now, make sure we tell our app that we'll need to use this dependency by adding a reference to it in :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/myapp/myfirstpage/app.js`:
.. code-block:: javascript
var appDS2=angular.module("abs", ['ngRoute', 'ngMessages','modalServices', 'ngCookies', 'b2b.att','gridster','ui.bootstrap','ui.bootstrap.modal','googlechart']);
Configuring our chart
Change the initialization of the :code:`$scope.state` variable by using the following inside the init function in your :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/myapp/myfirstpage/controller.js` file:
.. code-block:: javascript
$scope.state = {
// Holds a message string for testing
message: "Hello from myFirstPageController",
// Holds the desired direction of the chart
direction: "download",
chart: {
type: "LineChart",
data: {
cols: [{id: "dt", label: "Date", type: "date"},
{id: "c1", label: "Bandwidth", type: "number"},
{type: "string", role: "tooltip"}],
rows:[] // These change for every chart
options: {
title: "",
hAxis: {title: "Date", format: "MM/dd/yyyy"},
vAxis: {title: "Bandwidth (Mbps)", minValue: 0},
colors: ['blue'],
defaultColors: ['blue'],
legend: {position: "top", maxLines: 2},
isStacked: false,
pointSize: 2
The configuration options are self-explanatory. Experiment with them to get a better idea of what's possible.
Populating our chart
Add the following function to your :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/myapp/myfirstpage/controller.js` file:
.. code-block:: javascript
$scope.getChartData = function(direction) {
dataService.getChartData(encodeURI(direction)).then(function(rv) {
var arr = JSON.parse(angular.toJson(rv));
// Clear out our rows
$ = [];
for (var i=0; i
Recompile, install, and try it out.
.. _Google Charts: