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Portal Platform Release Notes

Version: 2.3.0
:Release Date: 2018-11-30

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We worked on SDK upgrade to integrate with AAF. We completed Architecture review for Portal and use case UI to support multi-language.

**New Features**
        * Platform Maturity Guidelines - Integrating with OOM
        * SDK upgrade to integrate with AAF
            * Use of Semantic Versioning - V3 is the supported version
            * Integration with AAF via REST; Supports both SDK and Framework Applications
        * 65% JUnit Test Coverage
        * Addressing security issues
        * Internationalization language support - design related
        * Reporting feature enhancement in portal/sdk - design and partial code changes
        * Platform Enhancements - Improved logging, docker separation, and SDK Simplification
        * Angular 5 upgraded with sample POC in SDK to build rich UI
**Bug Fixes**
        * Improved exception handling in reporting feature and also in login feature while getting a lock from Zookeeper.
        * Improved documentation to get access to Portal through port 8989.
        * Fixed Sonar reported critical issues.
        * Improved OOM deployment 30235 external port mapping for portal-sdk.

**Known Issues**
        * Mismatch while displaying active online user in Portal.
        * UI misaligned on updating widgets in Portal.
        * On Logout redirect landing page needs to be corrected.
        * Functional Menu change requires manual refresh.

**Security Notes**

PORTAL code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities have been addressed, items that remain open have been assessed for risk and determined to be false positive. The PORTAL open Critical security vulnerabilities and their risk assessment have been documented as part of the `project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35522356>`_.

Quick Links:
     - `PORTAL project page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+Platform+Project>`_

     - `Passing Badge information for PORTAL <https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/1441>`_

     - `Project Vulnerability Review Table for PORTAL <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35522356>`_

**Upgrade Notes**
        * For https Apps onboarded to portal, a certificate has to be downloaded in the browser when first trying to access the landing page of the App.
        * For onboarded Apps using http (since Portal is using https) the browser asks the user to click to Proceed to the unsafe URL.
**Deprecation Notes**

        * Below are the docker images released as part of Portal Platform project:
        * onap/portal-app:2.3.1
        * onap/portal-db:2.3.1
        * onap/portal-sdk:2.3.1
        * onap/portal-wms:2.3.1
        * portal/sdk java artifacts - (Release branch: “release-2.4.0”)  

Version: 2.2.0

:Release Date: 2018-06-07

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We worked on hardening the ONAP Portal platform by improving code quality and addressing security issues.

**New Features**
        * Platform Maturity Guidelines
        * Integrating with MUSIC, OOM, and AAF
        * 50% JUnit Test Coverage
        * Addressing security issues
        * Bootstrapping of VID roles and tighter integration with AAF
        * Role Centralization capability for framework based partners - design related
        * Platform Enhancements - Improved logging, Security Hardening, and SDK Simplification

**Bug Fixes**
        * Issues with roles fixed in this release.
        * Now able to deselect widget on Widget catalog page
        * Replaced the word ECOMP to ONAP
        * Terminated menu access by App Admin User that are supposed to be available to Portal Admin only
        * Upgraded software packages to resolve security issues

**Known Issues**
        * Need to upgrade to new encrypt/decrypt algorithm in coordination with Partnering apps
        * Logging needs improvement
        * Not able to delete portal admin user
        * Add support to connect with AAF Runtime
        * Portal's SDK UI documentation in ONAP wiki needs samples
        * The Portal/SDK fn_user table has encrypted passwords that need to change to using a hash algorithm
        * UI cleanup needed: on adding entries to News Widget and display on Application Onboarding page

**Security Issues**
        * https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27689089

**Security Notes**

PORTAL code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities have been addressed, items that remain open have been assessed for risk and determined to be false positive. The PORTAL open Critical security vulnerabilities and their risk assessment have been documented as part of the `project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27689089>`_.

Quick Links:
     - `PORTAL project page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+Platform+Project>`_

     - `Passing Badge information for PORTAL <https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/1441>`_

     - `Project Vulnerability Review Table for PORTAL <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27689089>`_

**Upgrade Notes**
        * Upgrades to Portal platform can be performed using Heat based installation scripts available under demo repository.

**Deprecation Notes**
        * The encryption algorithm used in Portal is now changed from AES to AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING.

        * Below are the docker images released as part of Portal Platform project:
        * onap/portal-db:v2.2.0
        * onap/portal-apps:v2.2.0
        * onap/portal-wms:v2.2.0
        * onap//music/music-cassandra:v3.0
        * zookeeper:v3.4.0
        * portal/sdk - (Release branch: "release-2.2.0")

Version: 1.3.0

:Release Date: 2017-11-16

The ONAP Portal is a platform that provides the ability to integrate different ONAP applications into a centralized Portal Core. The platform seed code is improved with below listed enhancements in this release. This is technically the first release of ONAP Portal Platform, previous release was the seed code contribution. As such, the defects fixed in this release were raised during the course of the release and while its integration testing. Anything not closed is captured below under Known Issues. If you want to review the defects fixed in the Amsterdam release, refer to Jira (jira.onap.org).

**New Features**
        * Digital Experience Control/UI upgrade.
        * Portal Notification Enhancement and act on it w/o copy/paste, e.g. hyperlink to target function with context transfer.
        * Prepared onboarding App process where the partner is ready for centralized user authentication via AAF.
        * Source code of Portal Platform and its SDK is released under the following repositories on gerrit.onap.org
        * portal - (Release branch: "release-1.3.0")
        * portal/sdk - (Release branch: "release-1.3.2")

**Bug Fixes**
        * Onboarding script updated due to user/role integration/synchronization issues with Partner Applications.
        * Fixed search and remove bugs in Widget Onboarding.
        * Fixed issues in the Application Onboarding.
        * Fixed issues in the Microservice Onboarding.
        * Fixed deployment scripts and streamlined the reference variables.

**Known Issues**
        * `PORTAL-140 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/PORTAL-140>`_ - Portal role synch error with partner apps.

**Security Issues**
        * The issue "`PORTAL-137 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/PORTAL-137>`_ -Enhance Authentication" is fixed in Portal and in its SDK. The Portal team recommend partnering apps like Policy, VID, AAI, and SDC to upgrade to SDK's 1.3.2 or latest version to address the login vulnerability.

**Upgrade Notes**
        * This is an initial release.

**Deprecation Notes**
        * This is an initial release.

        * Below are the docker images released as part of Portal Platform project:
        * onap/portal-db:v1.3.0
        * onap/portal-apps:v1.3.0
        * onap/portal-wms:v1.3.0

End of Release Notes