#!/bin/bash # Starts docker containers for ONAP Portal in test environment # For development use only; this does NOT pull from git nor build. # be verbose set -x # Get variables from docker-compose environment file source .env # Define local subdirectory with host-specific property files # The leading "./" is required for docker-compose export PROPS_DIR=./properties_vm-ep-dev11 if [ ! -d $PROPS_DIR ] ; then echo "Failed to find directory $PROPS_DIR" exit 1 fi echo "Using properties directory $PROPS_DIR" # Constants as of Oct 2017, Amsterdam release NEXUS_REPO=nexus3.onap.org:10001 CLI_IMG_VERSION=1.1-STAGING-latest CDR_IMG_VERSION=latest ZK_IMG_VERSION=3.4 # Pull and tag the CLI image, which is provided elsewhere. # Authenticate like this; the username and password are NOT stored here. docker login -u username -p password $NEXUS_REPO docker pull $NEXUS_REPO/$CLI_IMG_NAME:${CLI_IMG_VERSION} docker tag $NEXUS_REPO/$CLI_IMG_NAME:${CLI_IMG_VERSION} $CLI_IMG_NAME:$PORTAL_TAG # Pull and tag the Music Cassandra image. docker pull $NEXUS_REPO/$CDR_IMG_NAME:${CDR_IMG_VERSION} docker tag $NEXUS_REPO/$CDR_IMG_NAME:${CDR_IMG_VERSION} $CDR_IMG_NAME:$PORTAL_TAG # Pull and tag the ZK image. docker pull library/$ZK_IMG_NAME:${ZK_IMG_VERSION} docker tag library/$ZK_IMG_NAME:${ZK_IMG_VERSION} $ZK_IMG_NAME:$PORTAL_TAG # Create local logs directory # The leading "./" is required for docker-compose export LOGS_DIR=./logs mkdir -p $LOGS_DIR # Make inter-app communication work in dev3 export EXTRA_HOST_IP="" export EXTRA_HOST_NAME="portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org" # (re)start containers docker-compose down docker-compose up -d