# Environment settings # used by docker-compose AND by other shell scripts # The name ".env" is required by docker-compose # Dockerfile names. To skip building one or more docker images, # change dockerfile name to "skip" PORTAL_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.portal SDK_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.sdk DB_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.mariadb WMS_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.wms # These are FE only and BE only docker images. Change to Dockerfile.fe and Dockerfile.be to enable. FE_DOCKERFILE=skip BE_DOCKERFILE=skip # Relative directories and filenames for builds SDK_APP_DIR=sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os SDK_WAR_DIR=sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/target SDK_WAR_FILE=epsdk-app-os.war BE_WAR_DIR=ecomp-portal-BE-os/target BE_WAR_FILE=portal-be-os.war FE_DIR=portal-FE-os/dist/public WIDGET_MS_JAR_DIR=ecomp-portal-widget-ms/widget-ms/target WIDGET_MS_JAR_FILE=widget-ms.jar # Following are ALSO used in demo/boot/portal_vm_init.sh EP_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-app SDK_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-sdk FE_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-fe BE_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-be DB_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-db WMS_IMG_NAME=onap/portal-wms CDR_IMG_NAME=onap/music/cassandra_music ZK_IMG_NAME=zookeeper # Deployed with portal; built elsewhere CLI_IMG_NAME=onap/cli # This is the first portion of the Docker image tag # that is published to the ONAP registry. PORTAL_VERSION=2.6.0 # This is used during builds and in docker-compose; # it is never published to the ONAP registry. PORTAL_TAG=elalto # Name of directory in apps container (NOT host) WEBAPPS_DIR=/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/webapps TOMCAT_DIR=/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37 # Certs TOMCAT_KEY=keystoreONAP.keystore TOMCAT_TRUST=truststoreONAPall.jks CERT_PWD=changeit # Required settings with default values. # Export shell environment variables on ALL hosts. SERVER_XML_DIR=. LOGS_DIR=./logs PROPS_DIR=./properties_simpledemo # Optional settings with no defaults. EXTRA_HOST_IP="" EXTRA_HOST_NAME="" # Export shell environment variables on hosts with no DNS; # a line is added to docker container's /etc/hosts. # For example: #EXTRA_HOST_IP="-i" #EXTRA_HOST_NAME="-n portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org" #Portal Context PORTALCONTEXT=ONAPPORTAL FECONTEXT=ONAPPORTAL SDKCONTEXT=ONAPPORTALSDK #Nexus repository for os_docker_base/push/release scripts NEXUS_REPO=nexus3.onap.org:10003