From 8b8165ee9320cc026ad66e79b1f59f40a0084f8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Christopher Lott (cl778h)" Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 13:59:54 -0400 Subject: Remove images; repair A&AI credentials. Remove licensed image files from ONAP distrib Correct AAI user/role API username and password; add AAI thumbnail image file in application onboarding DML script. Issue: PORTAL-58, PORTAL-63 Change-Id: I5f61b01e822e563a7cb5c1b635313dca9397c4ae Signed-off-by: Christopher Lott (cl778h) --- .../static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js | 3909 -------------------- 1 file changed, 3909 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 ecomp-portal-BE-common/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js (limited to 'ecomp-portal-BE-common/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js') diff --git a/ecomp-portal-BE-common/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js b/ecomp-portal-BE-common/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js deleted file mode 100644 index 41d1bf6c..00000000 --- a/ecomp-portal-BE-common/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/ebz/angular_js/ui-charts-tpls.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3909 +0,0 @@ -/*Sandbox version 0.0.41a*/ -angular.module("att.charts", ["att.charts.tpls", "att.charts.utilities","att.charts.areachartD3","att.charts.barchartD3","att.charts.coschartD3","att.charts.coschartwithbarD3","att.charts.cosdeletionD3","att.charts.cosmultichartD3","att.charts.donutD3","att.charts.donutFusion","att.charts.horseshoeD3","att.charts.radialguageD3","att.charts.stackedBarchart","att.charts.stackedareachart"]); -angular.module("att.charts.tpls", ["template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html","template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html","template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html","template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html","template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html","template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html","template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html","template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html","template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html","template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html"]); -angular.module('att.charts.utilities', []) - .factory('$extendObj', [function () { - var _extendDeep = function (dst) { - angular.forEach(arguments, function (obj) { - if (obj !== dst) { - angular.forEach(obj, function (value, key) { - if (dst[key] && dst[key].constructor && dst[key].constructor === Object) { - _extendDeep(dst[key], value); - } else { - dst[key] = value; - } - }); - } - }); - return dst; - }; - return { - extendDeep: _extendDeep - - }; - }]); - -angular.module('att.charts.areachartD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("areaChartConfig", - { - "chartcolor": { - "areaChartColor": ["#bff1ec", "#bbf0eb", "#00c7b2"], - "lineChartColor": ["#444444", "#444444"], - "overageColor": ["#b8509e"] - }, - "gridLineColor": "#808080", - "lineCurveType": 'cardinal', - "yAxisMaxTicks": 4, - "chartHeight": "200", - "dataType": "GB", - "lineStroke": 3, - "opacityOnHover": "0.5", - "circleRadius": 3.5, - "yearLabelPos": [5, -5], - "tooltipTopMargin": 105, - "tooltipLeftMargin": 28, - "amountKDivision": 1000, - "amountKText": "K", - "amountMDivision": 1000000, - "amountMText": "M" - }) - .directive('attAreaChart', ['areaChartConfig', '$extendObj', '$timeout', function (areaChartConfig, $extendObj, $timeout) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - chartColor: "=", - legendLabel: "=", - refreshChart: "=", - chartConfig: "=" - }, - templateUrl: "template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html", - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - areaChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(areaChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig); - } - $scope.dataType = areaChartConfig.dataType; - $scope.chartID = $; - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.overageFlag = false; - scope.underageFlag = false; - var startColor, stopColor, lineColor, xAxisticks, dataObj, margin = {top: 30, right: 15, bottom: 30, left: 40}, - width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10), - height = areaChartConfig.chartHeight, - parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse, - tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"), - labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y"); - var legendColors = []; - legendColors = (scope.chartColor) ? scope.chartColor : areaChartConfig.chartcolor; - startColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[0]; - stopColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[1]; - lineColor = legendColors.lineChartColor[0]; - scope.areaLegendColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[2]; - scope.lineLegendColor = legendColors.lineChartColor[1]; - scope.overageLegend = legendColors.overageColor[0]; - var oldIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 8.0') !== -1; - scope.addLegendColor = function (id) { - var bgColor = null; - switch (id) { - case 0: - bgColor = {"background-color": scope.areaLegendColor, "border-radius": "100%"}; - break; - case 1: - bgColor = {"background-color": scope.lineLegendColor}; - break; - case 2: - bgColor = {"background-color": scope.overageLegend, "border-radius": "100%"}; - break; - } - return bgColor; - }; - - attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) { - if (val === 'true') { - scope.showLegend = true; - } - else { - scope.showLegend = false; - } - }); - - scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) { - if (value === false) { - return; - } - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - areaChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(areaChartConfig, scope.chartConfig); - } -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - d3.selectAll("div#areaChartContainer" + " > div").remove(); - xAxisticks = scope.chartData.length; - dataObj = scope.chartData; - var yearLabel = '', monthArr = {}, isSingleMonth, singleMonthName; - - // On selecting same month in From and To dropdowns, User should be getting graph - if (dataObj.length === 1) { - isSingleMonth = true; - var tmp1 = "01-" + dataObj[0].month; - var tmp = parseDate(tmp1); - singleMonthName = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1]; - tmp.setMonth(tmp.getMonth() + 1); - var nextMonth = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1] + "-" + tmp.getFullYear(); - dataObj.push({month: nextMonth, usage: dataObj[0].usage, available: dataObj[0].available, usageDataType: dataObj[0].usageDataType, availableDataType: dataObj[0].availableDataType}); - } - - dataObj.forEach(function (d) { - var tmp = "01-" + d.month; - d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp); - d.usage = +d.usage; - d.available = +d.available; - monthArr[labelFormat(d.numericMonth)] = labelFormat(d.numericMonth); - }); - - for (var key in monthArr) { - var label = monthArr[key]; - if (!yearLabel) { - yearLabel = label; - } - else { - if (!isSingleMonth) { - yearLabel = yearLabel + "-" + label; - } - } - } - - //X-Axis Range - var xRange = d3.time.scale() - .range([0, width]); - - //Y-Axis Range - var yRange = d3.scale.linear() - .range([height, 0]); - - //X-Axis Domain - xRange.domain(d3.extent(dataObj, function (d) { - return d.numericMonth; - })); - - //Y-Axis Domain - var yDomainData = [], yAxisData = []; - for (var b = 0; b < dataObj.length; b++) { - var usageVal = Math.round(parseInt(dataObj[b].usage, 10) / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks); - var availableVal = Math.round(parseInt(dataObj[b].available, 10) / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks); - var val; - if (usageVal > availableVal) { - val = usageVal; - } - else { - val = availableVal; - } - var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1); - yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc}); - } - - //Y-Axis Domain - yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) { - return (d.yAxisVal); - })]); - - var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) { - return d.yAxisVal; - }); - - yTick = yTick / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; - for (var x = 0; x <= areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; x++) { - yAxisData.push(yTick * x); - } - var formatData = function (d) { - if (d >= areaChartConfig.amountMDivision) { - return d / areaChartConfig.amountMDivision + areaChartConfig.amountMText; - } else if (d >= areaChartConfig.amountKDivision) { - return d / areaChartConfig.amountKDivision + areaChartConfig.amountKText; - } else { - return d; - } - }; - var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months); - var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatData); - - //Draw Line - var line = d3.svg.line() - .x(function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }) - .y(function (d) { - return yRange(d.available); - }).interpolate(areaChartConfig.lineCurveType); - - //Draw Area - var area = d3.svg.area() - .x(function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }) - .y0(height) - .y1(function (d) { - return yRange(d.usage); - }).interpolate(areaChartConfig.lineCurveType); - - //Plot Chart - var drawChart ="#areaChartContainer") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .data(dataObj) - .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) - .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10)) - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")"); - - //Apply gradients - if (!oldIE) { - var svgDefs = drawChart.append("defs") - .append("linearGradient") - .attr("id", "areaGradient") - .attr('x1', '0%').attr('y1', '0%') - .attr('x2', '0%').attr('y2', '100%'); - - //Fill gradient - svgDefs.append('stop') - .attr('stop-color', startColor) - .attr("offset", "0%") - .attr("stop-opacity", "1"); - svgDefs.append('stop') - .attr('stop-color', stopColor) - .attr("offset", "100%") - .attr("stop-opacity", "1"); - } - - //Draw X Axis - drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "x axis") - .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") - .call(xAxis).selectAll("text") - .attr("dy", "1.2em"); - - - if (isSingleMonth) { - drawChart.selectAll('.x.axis').selectAll('.tick').selectAll('text')[1][0].textContent = singleMonthName; - } - - //Plot Area - var areaPath = drawChart.append("path") - .datum(dataObj) - .attr("class", "area") - .attr("d", area).style("fill", "url(#areaGradient)").append("title").text(function () { - return scope.legendLabel[0].series; - }); - - var newDataObj = dataObj; - if (isSingleMonth) { - newDataObj = dataObj.slice(0, 1); - } - - //Draw Data Points for Area Chart - var circle = drawChart.selectAll(".dot") - .data(newDataObj) - .enter().append("circle") - .attr("class", "dot") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .style("fill", function (d) { - if (d.usage > d.available) { - return scope.overageLegend; - } - else { - return scope.areaLegendColor; - } - }) - .attr("r", areaChartConfig.circleRadius) - .attr("cx", function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }) - .attr("cy", function (d) { - return yRange(d.usage); - }).on("mouseover", function (d) { - var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx")); - show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); - var offsetY = Math.round("cy")); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover); - mouseOver(d, offsetX - 3, offsetY - 3); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1"); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - circle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - return(addTitle(d)); - }); - - //Draw Line Chart - drawChart.append("path") - .attr("class", "line") - .style("stroke", lineColor) - //.style("stroke-dasharray", (areaChartConfig.lineStroke, areaChartConfig.lineStroke)) - .attr("d", line(dataObj)).append("title").text(function () { - return scope.legendLabel[1].series; - }); - - //Draw data points for Line Chart - if (!oldIE) { - var squaredot = drawChart.selectAll(".square-dot") - .data(newDataObj).enter().append("rect") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .style("fill", scope.lineLegendColor) - .attr("class", "square-dot") - .attr("x", function (d) { - var tmp = xRange(d.numericMonth); - tmp = tmp - 2.5; - return tmp; - }) - .attr("y", function (d) { - var tmp = yRange(d.available); - tmp = tmp - 2.5; - return tmp; - }) - .attr("width", "5px") - .attr("height", "5px") - .on("mouseover", function (d) { - var offsetX = Math.ceil("x")); - show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x"); - var offsetY = Math.round("y")); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x"); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1"); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - squaredot.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - return(addTitle(d)); - }); - } - else { -"fill", startColor); - var squareDot = drawChart.selectAll(".square-dot") - .data(newDataObj).enter().append("circle") - .attr("class", "square-dot") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .style("fill", scope.areaLegendColor) - .attr("r", areaChartConfig.circleRadius) - .attr("cx", function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }) - .attr("cy", function (d) { - return yRange(d.available); - }).on("mouseover", function (d) { - var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx")); - var offsetY = Math.round("cy")); - show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); -'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1"); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - squareDot.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - return(addTitle(d)); - }); - } - - //Draw Y Axis - var yAxisNodes = drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", "yAxisId") - .call(yAxis); - - yAxisNodes.selectAll("text") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("yAxisText" + i); - }); - - //Append Year Label - yAxisNodes.append("text") - .attr("transform", "rotate(0)") - .attr("y", areaChartConfig.yearLabelPos[1]) - .attr("x", areaChartConfig.yearLabelPos[0]).attr("class", "yearLabel") - .text(yearLabel); - //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis -"#yAxisText0").remove(); - - // Draw the x Grid lines - drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid") - .attr("id", "xGrid") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .call(make_x_axis() - .tickSize(-height, 0) - .tickFormat("")); - - // function for the x grid lines - function make_x_axis() { - return d3.svg.axis() - .scale(xRange) - .orient("top") - .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months); - } - - //"#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", areaChartConfig.gridLineColor); -"#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "none"); -"#xGrid").selectAll("line") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("xAxisLine" + i); - }); - - //Add title for NVDA screen reader - function addTitle(d) { - return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "Used" + d.usage + d.usageDataType + "Available" + d.available + d.availableDataType); - } - - //Show Gridline on Mouse Hover - function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) { - try { - for (var i = 0; i < xAxisticks; i++) { - var circle = drawChart.selectAll(shape); - if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", areaChartConfig.gridLineColor); - } - } - } catch (e) { - } - } - - //Hide Gridline on Mouse Hover - function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) { - try { - for (var i = 0; i < xAxisticks; i++) { - var circle = drawChart.selectAll(shape); - if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent"); - } - } - } catch (e) { - } - } - - //Mouse Hover - function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) { - scope.underageFlag = false; - scope.overageFlag = false; - if (d.usage > d.available) { - scope.overageFlag = true; - } - if (d.usage < d.available) { - scope.underageFlag = true; - } - scope.dataPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' '), "dataUsed": d.usage, "dataAvailable": d.available, "overage": d.overage, "usageDataType": d.usageDataType, "availableDataType": d.availableDataType, "underage": d.underage}; - scope.$apply(); - $timeout(function () { - offsetY = offsetY - areaChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin; - var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2); - var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth; - if (isSingleMonth) { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + areaChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2); - } else { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + areaChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin; - } - scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"}; - scope.tooltipFlag = true; - },0); - } - scope.refreshChart = false; - }); - } - }; - }]) - .filter('filterInput', function () { - return function (input) { - return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase(); - }; - }); -angular.module('att.charts.barchartD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - - .constant("BarChartD3Config", - { - "barChartColor": "#0081C2", - "gridLineColor": "#808080", - "yaxisGridLineColor": "#000000", - "margin": { - top : 40, - right: 20, - bottom: 30, - left: 40 - }, - "attributes": { - "userName": "name", - "phoneNumber": "phoneNumber", - "charges": "charges" - }, - "yAxisMaxTicks": 4, - "chartHeight": 160, - "amountFormat" : "$0,000", - "amountKDivision" : 1000, - "amountKText" : "K", - "amountMDivision" : 1000000, - "amountMText" : "M", - "xAxistickSize":0, - "tooltipTopMargin":69, - "tooltipLeftMargin":59, - "xAxisTextTopMargin":15, - "xAxisTextLeftMargin":7, - "barChartSize":25, - "barHoverOpacity":0.2 - }) - - .directive('attBarChart', ['BarChartD3Config','$extendObj', function(BarChartD3Config,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - chartConfig: '=', - refreshChart: "=" - }, - templateUrl: "template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html", - replace: true, - link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { - - scope.$watch('refreshChart', function() { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - BarChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(BarChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig); - } - - var width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10), - chartColor = BarChartD3Config.barChartColor, - height = BarChartD3Config.chartHeight, - userName = BarChartD3Config.attributes.userName, - charges = BarChartD3Config.attributes.charges, - phoneNumber = BarChartD3Config.attributes.phoneNumber, - formatCharges = d3.format(BarChartD3Config.amountFormat), - isSingleDataObj = false, padding = 20; - var barChartData, yDomainData = [],yAxisData = []; - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - var compare = function compare(a, b) { - if (parseInt(a[charges], 10) > parseInt(b[charges], 10)) { - return -1; - } - if (parseInt(a[charges], 10) < parseInt(b[charges], 10)) { - return 1; - } - return 0; - }; - - -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - d3.selectAll("div#barChartContainer" + " > div").remove(); - - barChartData = scope.chartData.sort(compare); - barChartData = barChartData.slice(0,BarChartD3Config.barChartSize); - if (barChartData.length === 1) { - isSingleDataObj = true; - } - var x = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeBands([0, width]); - - var y = d3.scale.linear() - .range([height, 0]); - - x.domain(, i) { - return i + 1; - })); - - for(var b=0; b < barChartData.length; b++){ - var val = Math.round(parseInt(barChartData[b].charges, 10)/BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks); - var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1); - yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal':Calc}); - } - - //Y-Axis Domain - y.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function(d) { - return (d.yAxisVal); - })]); - - var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function(d) {return d.yAxisVal;}); - - yTick = yTick/BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks; - for(var z = 0; z <= BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks; z++){ - yAxisData.push(yTick * z); - } - var formatMoney = function(d) { - if (d >= BarChartD3Config.amountMDivision) { - return "$" + d / BarChartD3Config.amountMDivision + BarChartD3Config.amountMText; - } else if (d >= BarChartD3Config.amountKDivision) { - return "$" + d / BarChartD3Config.amountKDivision + BarChartD3Config.amountKText; - } else { - return "$" + d; - } - }; - - var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() - .scale(x) - .orient("bottom") - .tickSize(BarChartD3Config.xAxistickSize); - - var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatMoney); - - var svg ="#barChartContainer") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", width + BarChartD3Config.margin.left + BarChartD3Config.margin.right) - .attr("height", height + + BarChartD3Config.margin.bottom) - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + BarChartD3Config.margin.left + "," + + ")"); - - svg.append("g") - .attr("class", "x axis") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((x(2) - x(1)) / 2 - BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextTopMargin) + "," + (height + BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextLeftMargin) + ")") - .call(xAxis); - - var formatPhNumber = function(phoneNum) { - if (phoneNum.indexOf("-") === -1) { - return phoneNum.substr(0, 3) + '-' + phoneNum.substr(3, 3) + '-' + phoneNum.substr(6); - } else { - return phoneNum; - } - }; - - var rectBarGroup = svg.append("g") - .attr("class", "group").attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("barGroup" + i); - }).attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleDataObj === true? ((width / 2) + 11):10) + ",0)"); - - var rectBars = rectBarGroup.selectAll(".bar") - .data(barChartData) - .enter().append("rect") - .attr("style", "fill:" + chartColor) - .attr("class", "bar") - .attr("x", function(d, i) { - return Math.round(x(i + 1)); - }) - .attr("width", 10) - .attr("y", function(d) { - return y(d[charges]); - }) - .attr("height", function(d) { - return (height - y(d[charges])); - }) - .on("mouseover", function(d) { - var offsetX = Math.round("x")); - show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX); - var offsetY = Math.round("y")); -".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "transparent"); - svg.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity",BarChartD3Config.barHoverOpacity); -"fill-opacity","1"); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }) - .on("mouseout", function() { - var offsetX = Math.round("x")); - hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; -".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.gridLineColor); - svg.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity","1"); - scope.$apply(); - }); - rectBars.append('desc').append('title').text(function(d){ return (d[userName] + "-- Wireless Number" + formatPhNumber(d[phoneNumber]) + "Charges-" + d[charges]);}); - - var yAxisNodes = svg.append("g") - .attr("class", "y axis") - .call(yAxis); - - yAxisNodes.selectAll("text") - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return ("yAxisText" + i); - }); - - yAxisNodes.selectAll("line") - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return ("yAxisLine" + i); - }); - - //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis -"#yAxisText0").remove(); -"#yAxisLine0").remove(); -"path").remove(); - - // Draw the y Grid lines - svg.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid") - .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)") - .call(make_y_axis() - .tickSize(-width + x(2) - x(1), 0, 0) - .tickFormat("")); -".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.gridLineColor); - // function for the y grid lines - function make_y_axis() { - return d3.svg.axis() - .scale(y) - .orient("left") - .ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks).tickValues(yAxisData); - } - // Draw the x Grid lines - svg.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "xGrid") - .call(make_x_axis() - .tickSize(-height , 0) - .tickFormat("")).selectAll("line").attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((x(2) - x(1)) / 2 - BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextTopMargin) + ",0)") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("xAxisLine" + i); - }); - - - // function for the x grid lines - function make_x_axis() { - return d3.svg.axis() - .scale(x) - .orient("top") - .ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks) - ; - } -"#xGrid").selectAll("line") - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return ("xAxisLine" + i); - }); - - function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX){ - for (var i = 0; i < barChartData.length; i++) { - if(Math.round(x(i+1))===offsetX){ -"#xAxisLine"+i).style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.yaxisGridLineColor); - } - } - } - - function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX){ - for (var i = 0; i < barChartData.length; i++) { - if(Math.round(x(i+1))===offsetX){ -"#xAxisLine"+i).style("stroke", "transparent"); - } - } - } - function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) { - offsetY = offsetY - BarChartD3Config.tooltipTopMargin; - if (isSingleDataObj) { - offsetX = offsetX - BarChartD3Config.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2); - } else { - offsetX = offsetX - BarChartD3Config.tooltipLeftMargin; - } - scope.tooltipFlag = true; - scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"}; - scope.dataPoint = {"name": d[userName], "phoneNumber": formatPhNumber(d[phoneNumber]), "charges": formatCharges(d[charges])}; - scope.$apply(); - } - scope.refreshChart = false; - }); - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.coschartD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("CosChartD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "paletteColors": ["#097cb5", "#FEFFF7"] //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor, - - }, - "defaultcenterlabel": "COS 1", - "defaultcentercategory": "Real Time", - "zoomLevel": "25", - "doughnutratio": 20, - "legendreqd": "false", - "animduration": "300", - "legendposition": "top", - "centerTextValueDy": "0", - "centerTextValueDx": "0", - "centerTextPercentDx": "20", - "centerTextPercentDy": "-10", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "centerTextLabelDx": "0", - "arcOverMargin": 5 - }) - .directive('attCosd3Chart', ['CosChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartConfig: '=', - initVal: '=' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - CosChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - var legendColor = []; - legendColor = CosChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors; - $scope.addLegendColor = function () { - return {"color": legendColor[0]}; - }; - $scope.chartID = $; - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) { - $scope.legendRequired = CosChartD3Config.legendreqd; - } else { - $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired; - } - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) { - $scope.legendPosition = CosChartD3Config.legendposition; - } else { - $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition; - } - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs) { - // var radius = Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2, - var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(CosChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors), - zoom = parseInt(CosChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),data, - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2; - scope.LegendLabel = CosChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel; - scope.LegendCategory = CosChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory; - scope.$watch('initVal', function (value) { - if(!angular.isDefined(scope.initVal)){ - return; - } -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - var cosval = parseInt(scope.initVal.value, 10); - scope.cosval = cosval + "%"; - if(cosval>100){ - data = [ - {"name": "cos1", "value": 100}, - {"name": "rest", "value": 0} - ]; - }else{ - data = [ - {"name": "cos1", "value": cosval}, - {"name": "rest", "value": 100 - (parseInt(cosval, 10))} - ]; - } - var sliderpercent = parseInt(cosval, 10); - if (angular.isDefined(sliderpercent)) { - sliderpercent = 0; - } - element[0].querySelector('.cosd3Container').setAttribute('id',; - // build chart - var svg =".cosd3Container#" + - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", "100%") - .attr("height", "100%") - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")"); - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - // set hovered radius - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + CosChartD3Config.arcOverMargin); - - // add center text element - var centerTextValue = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy) - .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterValue"); - var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text") - .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDx) - .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDy) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterPercent"); - var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy) - .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterLabel"); - centerTextValue.text(cosval); - centerTextPercent.text("%"); - centerTextLabel.text(CosChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + CosChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")"); - - var pie = d3.layout.pie() - .sort(null) - .startAngle(3.2 * Math.PI) - .endAngle(5.2 * Math.PI) - .value(function (d) { - return d.value; - }); - - // set chart attributes and bind hover events - var g = svg.selectAll(".arc") - .data(pie(data)) - .enter() - .append("g") - .attr("class", "arc") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cosarc-" + i; - }) - .style("cursor", "pointer"); - - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function (d) { - return color(; - }) - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cospath-" + i; - }) - .on("mouseover", function (d) { - - .duration(CosChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - }) - .on("mouseout", function (d) { - - .duration(CosChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - }) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(0) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - - // animate function - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function (t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - if(cosval>0 && cosval<100){ -".cosd3Container path#cospath-1").style('stroke', 'black'); - } - - - - }); - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.coschartwithbarD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) -.constant("CosChartWithBarD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "paletteColors": ["#0574ac", "#44c8f5", "#4ca90c", "#da0081", "#ff9900", "#81017e"], //["#097cb5", "#FEFFF7"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor, - "zeroColor": "#ffffff", - "borderColor": "#666666" - }, - "zoomLevel": "25", - "doughnutratio": 20, - "barreqd": "true", - "barHeight": 50, - "barWidth": 150, - "barCornerRadius": 9, - //"barTextValueDy": "250", - //"barTextValueDx": "0", - //"barTextPercentDx": "20", - //"barTextPercentDy": "-250", - //"barTextLabelDy": "60", - //"barTextLabelDx": "-80", - //"defaultbarlabel": "CoS 2V/CoS 2/CoS 3/CoS 4/CoS 5", - "animduration": "300", - "centerText": { - 'defaultCenterLabel': 'COS 1', - 'defaultCenterCategory': 'Real Time', - 'textValueDy': '0', - 'textValueDx': '0', - 'textPercentDx': '20', - 'textPercentDy': '-10', - 'textLabelDx': '0', - 'textLabelDy': '20', - 'color': '#666666', - 'size': '36px', - 'font': 'omnes_att_light' - }, - "centerTextValueDy": "0", - "centerTextValueDx": "0", - "centerTextPercentDx": "20", - "centerTextPercentDy": "-10", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "centerTextLabelDx": "0", - "arcOverMargin": 5 - }) -.directive('attCosBarD3Chart', ['CosChartWithBarD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosChartWithBarD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartConfig: '=', - chartData: '=', - totalCos: '=', - remainingCos: '=', - mouseOver: '=?' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - CosChartWithBarD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosChartWithBarD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - - $scope.chartID = $; - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.barRequired)) { - $scope.barRequired = CosChartWithBarD3Config.barreqd; - } else { - $scope.barRequired = $attrs.barRequired; - } - - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs) { - /* - x: x-coordinate - y: y-coordinate - w: width - h: height - r: corner radius - tl: top_left rounded? - tr: top_right rounded? - bl: bottom_left rounded? - br: bottom_right rounded? - */ - function rounded_rect(x, y, w, h, r, tl, tr, bl, br) { - var retval; - retval = "M" + (x + r) + "," + y; - retval += "h" + (w - 2*r); - if (tr) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + r; } - else { retval += "h" + r; retval += "v" + r; } - retval += "v" + (h - 2*r); - if (br) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + r; } - else { retval += "v" + r; retval += "h" + -r; } - retval += "h" + (2*r - w); - if (bl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + -r; } - else { retval += "h" + -r; retval += "v" + -r; } - retval += "v" + (2*r - h); - if (tl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + -r; } - else { retval += "v" + -r; retval += "h" + r; } - retval += "z"; - return retval; - } - - var radScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 2 * Math.PI]); - - - var zoom = parseInt(CosChartWithBarD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),data, - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2; - - - scope.$watchCollection('chartData', function (value) { - var j = 0; // index for for-loops - - if(!angular.isDefined(scope.chartData) || scope.chartData.length < 1){ - return; - } - -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - - // SnickrBar -"svg#" + scope.snickrbarId).remove(); - d3.selectAll("svg#" + scope.snickrbarId + " > *").remove(); - - var cosval = scope.chartData[0]; - var remainingCosVal = 0, restCosVal = 0; - - for(j = 1; j < scope.chartData.length; j++) - { - remainingCosVal += parseInt(scope.chartData[j], 10); //parseInt allows strings to be passed in - } - restCosVal = 100 - cosval - remainingCosVal; - scope.totalCos = cosval + remainingCosVal; - scope.remainingCos = remainingCosVal; - - var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData); - if (angular.isDefined(restCosVal)) { - data.push(restCosVal); - } - - element[0].querySelector('.cosd3Container').setAttribute('id',; - // build chart - var svg =".cosd3Container#" + - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", "100%") - .attr("height", "100%") - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")"); - - scope.snickrbarId = + 'snickrbar'; - var snickrbar =".snickrBar") - .attr('style', 'margin-left:' + Math.floor(CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth/3) + ';') - .style({'background-color': CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor, 'width': CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth + 'px', 'border': '1px solid #777', 'border-radius': '10px'}) - .append("svg") - .attr("id", scope.snickrbarId) - .attr("width", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth + "px") - .attr("height", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight + "px") - .append("g"); - - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosChartWithBarD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - - // set hovered radius - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosChartWithBarD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + CosChartWithBarD3Config.arcOverMargin); - - // add center text element - var centerTextValue = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textValueDy) - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textValueDx) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterValue"); - var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text") - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textPercentDx) - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textPercentDy) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterPercent"); - var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textLabelDy) - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textLabelDx) - .attr("class", "coschartcenterLabel"); - centerTextValue.text(cosval); - centerTextPercent.text("%"); - centerTextLabel.text(CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.defaultCenterLabel + "(" + CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.defaultCenterCategory + ")"); - - var scale = function(d) { - if (d <= 0) { - return 0; - } else { - var r = (d * CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth) / 100; - if (isNaN(r)) { r = 0; } - else if (!isFinite(r)) { r = CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth; } - - return r; - } - }; - - // Only executed when totalCos is 0 - if (cosval <= 0) { - arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * Math.PI); //just radians - svg.append("path") - .attr("d", arc) - .attr("fill", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor) - .style("stroke", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.borderColor) - .style("stroke-width", 1); - } else { - - // JVM: This code is temp for just snicker's bar release - var temp = 100-data[0]; - var newData = []; - newData.push({'value':data[0]}); - newData.push({'value':temp}); - - /*for(j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { - var obj = angular.extend({}, data[j]); - obj.value = data[j]; - newData.push(obj); - }*/ - - - //====================================================== - - - var pie = d3.layout.pie() - .sort(null) - .value(function (d,index) { - var r = d.value; - if (d.value <= 0) { r = 0; } - return r; - }); - - // set chart attributes and bind hover events - var g = svg.selectAll(".arc") - .data(pie(newData)) - .enter() - .append("g") - .attr("class", "arc") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cosarc-" + i; - }) - .style("cursor", "pointer"); - - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function (d, i) { - if (i === CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors.length || i === newData.length-1 || === 0) { - return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor; - } - - return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[i]; - }) - .style("stroke", "white") - .style("stroke-width", function(d,index) { if (cosval >= 100) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }) - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cospath-" + i; - }) - .on("mouseover", function (d, index) { - if (index < newData.length-1) { - - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - } - }) - .on("mouseout", function (d, index) { - if (index < newData.length-1) { - - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - } - }) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(0) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - } // end of else - - if (!CosChartWithBarD3Config.barreqd) { return; } - var snickrData = []; - var d = scope.chartData.slice(1, scope.chartData.length); - for (j = 0; j < d.length; j++) { - if (d[j] !== 0) { - var obj = {}; - = d[j]; - obj.color = CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[j+1]; - snickrData.push(obj); - } - } - - var prevWidth = 0; - var nextX = function(d, i) { - if (i === 0) { - prevWidth = scale(d); - return 0; - } else { - var p = prevWidth; - prevWidth += scale(d); - return p; - } - }; - - var rect = snickrbar.selectAll("path") - .data(snickrData) - .enter() - .append("path") - .style("fill", function(d, i) { - if (i >= CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors.length || === 0) { - return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor; - } - - return d.color; - }) - .attr("d", function(d, index) { - if (index === 0) { - // Left rounded rectangle - return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barCornerRadius, true, false, true, false); - } else if (index === snickrData.length-1 && remainingCosVal >= 100) { - // Right rounded rectangle - return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barCornerRadius, false, true, false, true); - } else { - console.log('normal rect at ' + index); - return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, 0, false, false, false, false); - } - }); - - if (remainingCosVal === 0) { - snickrbar.attr("fill", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor); - } - - // add bar text element - /*var snickerText ='.snickrBar svg') - .append("g") - .style("fill", "black"); - - var barTextValue = snickerText.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextValueDy) - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextValueDx) - .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterValue"); - var barTextPercent = snickerText.append("text") - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextPercentDx) - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerTextPercentDy) - .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterPercent"); - var barTextLabel = snickerText.append("text") - .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextLabelDy) - .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextLabelDx) - .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterLabel"); - barTextValue.text(cosval); - barTextPercent.text("%"); - barTextLabel.text(CosChartWithBarD3Config.defaultbarlabel);*/ - - - - // animate function - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function (t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - - scope.$watch('mouseOver', function(val) { - if (!angular.isDefined(scope.mouseOver)) { return; } - var id = scope.mouseOver.split('-')[1]; - if (scope.mouseOver.split('-')[0] === 'true') { - if (id === '0') { -"#cospath-" + id).transition() - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - } else { - for (var i = 0; i < newData.length-1; i++) { -"#cospath-" + (i+1)).transition() - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - } - } - } else { - if (id === '0') { -"#cospath-" + id).transition() - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - } else { - for (j = 0; j < newData.length-1; j++) { -"#cospath-" + (j+1)).transition() - .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - } - } - } - }); - - }); - - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.cosdeletionD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("CosdeletionD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "MaxBandwidthReached": "#d3d3d3", - "ZeroBandwidthSelected": "#FEFFF7", - "RemainingBandwidthColor": "#ffffff", - "RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor": "#d3d3d3", - "RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth": 1.5, - "UsedBandwidthColor": "#0574AC", - "UsedBandwidthStrokeColor":"#efefef", //white - "UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth":"1" - }, - "defaultcenterlabel": "Kbps", - "zoomLevel": "10", - "doughnutratio": 21, - "animduration": "300", - "guageStartAngle":4, - "guageEndAngle":8.56, - "legendreqd": "false", - "initduration": "1000", - "legendposition": "top", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "centerTextValueDy": "0", - "centerTextValueDx": "-30", - "centerTextLabelDx": "-10", - "maxbandwidthTextDx": "25", - "maxbandwidthTextDy": "70", - "arcOverMargin": 5 - }) - .directive('attCosdeletiond3Chart', ['CosdeletionD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function(CosdeletionD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - maxValue: '=', - chartData: '=', - chartConfig: '=', - resetChart: '=', - removeArcs: '=' - }, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - CosdeletionD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosdeletionD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - - }], - link: function(scope, element, attrs) { - var zoom = parseInt(CosdeletionD3Config.zoomLevel, 0), - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2,arcPath; - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosdeletionD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosdeletionD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + CosdeletionD3Config.arcOverMargin); - - // Browser onresize event - window.onresize = function() { - scope.$apply(); - }; - scope.$watch('resetChart', function(newValue, oldValue) { - if(scope.resetChart === true){ - scope.resetChart = false; - return; - } - return scope.render(newValue, oldValue); - }); - scope.render = function(newValue, oldValue) { -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - if (!scope.chartData) - { - return; - } - var data=angular.copy(scope.chartData); - data=data.reverse(); - var totalBandwidth=0,totalUsed=0,remainingBandwidth=0,dynamicColorRange=[],noCheckBoxSelected=true,selectedBandwidth=0,selectedElem=[]; - if (angular.isDefined(scope.maxValue)) { - totalBandwidth = parseInt(scope.maxValue, 0); - } - for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { - totalUsed = (totalUsed + parseInt(data[j].value, 0)); - if(angular.equals(data[j].status, true)){ - noCheckBoxSelected=false; - selectedBandwidth=selectedBandwidth+data[j].value; - - data[j].value=0; - dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.MaxBandwidthReached); - - }else{ - selectedElem.push({index: data[j].id, value: data[j].value}); - dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor); - } - } - if(scope.removeArcs){ - while(data.length > 0) { - data.pop(); - } - dynamicColorRange=[]; - data.push({name: "totalUsed", value: totalUsed-selectedBandwidth,id:"totalUsed"}); - dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor); - scope.removeArcs=false; - } - if(totalUsed>0 && totalUsed 0) { - if(angular.isDefined(newValue) && angular.isDefined(oldValue)){ - for (var k = 0; k < selectedElem.length; k++) { - var index =selectedElem[k].index; -"path#cosdeletionpath-" + index).style('stroke', CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth); - } - } -"#" + + " path#cosdeletionpath-remaining").style('stroke', CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth); - } - }; - - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function(t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.cosmultichartD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("CosMultiChartD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "paletteColors": ["#44c6f7", "#4ba90b", "#d70e80", "#ff9900", "#81017e", "#cccccc"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor, - "zeroTicketColor": ["#d3d3d3"] - }, - "defaultcenterlabel": "CoS", - "defaultcentercategory": "2V/2/3/4/5", - "zoomLevel": "25", - "doughnutratio": 20, - "animduration": "300", - "legendreqd": "false", - "initduration": "1000", - "legendposition": "top", - "centerTextValueDy": "0", - "centerTextValueDx": "0", - "centerTextPercentDx": "22", - "centerTextPercentDy": "-8", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "centerTextLabelDx": "0", - "arcOverMargin": 5 - }) - .directive('attCosmultid3Chart', ['CosMultiChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosMultiChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - chartConfig: '=' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - CosMultiChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosMultiChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - - $scope.addLegendColor = function (id, item) { - return {"color": CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[id]}; - }; - - $scope.chartID = $; - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) { - $scope.legendRequired = CosMultiChartD3Config.legendreqd; - } else { - $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired; - } - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) { - $scope.legendPosition = CosMultiChartD3Config.legendposition; - } else { - $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition; - } - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs) { - var zoom = parseInt(CosMultiChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0), - pi = Math.PI, - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2; - - function renderChart() { - var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors); -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - var totalCosVal = 0, remainingCosVal; - for (var j = 0; j < scope.chartData.length; j++) { - var chartObj = scope.chartData[j]; - totalCosVal = (totalCosVal + parseInt(chartObj.value, 10)); - } - remainingCosVal = 100 - parseInt(totalCosVal, 10); - var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData); - if (angular.isDefined(remainingCosVal)) { - data.push({name: "rest", value: remainingCosVal}); - } - element[0].querySelector('.cosmultid3Container').setAttribute('id',; - // build chart - var svg =".cosmultid3Container#" + - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", "100%") - .attr("height", "100%") - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")"); - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosMultiChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - // set hovered radius - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - CosMultiChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + CosMultiChartD3Config.arcOverMargin); - // add center text element - var centerTextValue = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy) - .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx) - .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterValue"); - var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text") - .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDx) - .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDy) - .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterPercent"); - var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy) - .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx) - .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterLabel"); - centerTextValue.text(totalCosVal); - centerTextPercent.text("%"); - centerTextLabel.text(CosMultiChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel +" " + CosMultiChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory); - - if (totalCosVal <= 0) { - arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * pi); //just radians - svg.append("path") - .attr("d", arc) - .attr("fill", CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor); - } else { - var pie = d3.layout.pie() - .sort(null) - .startAngle(3.2 * Math.PI) - .endAngle(5.2 * Math.PI) - .value(function (d) { - return d.value; - }); - - var g = svg.selectAll(".arc") - .data(pie(data)) - .enter() - .append("g") - .attr("class", "arc") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cosmultiarc-" + i; - }) - .style("cursor", "pointer"); - - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function (d) { - return color(; - }) - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return "cosmultipath-" + i; - }) - .style("stroke", "white") - .style("stroke-width", 1) - .on("mouseover", function (d) { - - .duration(CosMultiChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - }) - .on("mouseout", function (d) { - - .duration(CosMultiChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - }) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(0) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - - - } - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function (t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - } - - scope.$watch('chartConfig', function(value) { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - CosMultiChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosMultiChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig); - } - - renderChart(); - }, true); - - scope.$watch('chartData', function (value) { - renderChart(); - }); - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.donutD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("DonutChartD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "paletteColors": ["#676767", "#96B1D0", "#0B2477", "#FF9900", "#81017D", "#B6BF00", "#DA0081", "#00C7B2"], //default color options for rendering chart - "zeroTicketColor": ["#d3d3d3"], - "centerTicketCountHoverColor":["#0574AC"] - }, - "zoomlevel": "25", - "defaultcenterlabel": "Total", - "donutratio": "1.5", - "initduration": "1000", - "animduration": "300", - "legendreqd": "false", - "legendposition": "right", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "clipMargin": "400", - "arcOverMargin":10 - }) - .directive('attDonutd3Chart', ['DonutChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (DonutChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - chartColor: '=', - chartConfig: '=', - refreshChart: '=', - onclickcallback: '&', - legendclickcallback: '&', - centerclickcallback: '&' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - DonutChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(DonutChartD3Config,$scope.chartConfig); - } - var legendColors = []; - legendColors = ($scope.chartColor) ? $scope.chartColor : DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors; - $scope.addLegendColor = function (id, item) { - if (item.value > 0) { - return {"color": legendColors[id]}; - } else { - return {"color": DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor}; - } - }; - $scope.chartID = $; - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) { - $scope.legendRequired = DonutChartD3Config.legendreqd; - } else { - $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired; - } - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) { - $scope.legendPosition = DonutChartD3Config.legendposition; - } else { - $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition; - } - $scope.addStyle = function (elem) { - if ($scope.legendRequired && angular.isDefined($scope.legendPosition)) { - if ($attrs.legendPosition === "right") { - return "floatLeft"; - } else { - if (elem === 'chartLegend') - { - return "floatLeft"; - } - else - { - return "floatRight"; - } - } - } else { - return "floatLeft"; - } - }; - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs) { - scope.$watch('refreshChart', function () { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.refreshChart)) { - if (scope.refreshChart !== true) - { - return; - } else { - for (var j = 0; j < scope.chartData.length; j++) { - var chartObj =scope.chartData[j]; - var className = ( /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).removeClass("active"); - } - - } - - } - - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - DonutChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(DonutChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig); - } -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - var selectedPath = "", - lastSelected, - pi = Math.PI; - var zoom = parseInt(DonutChartD3Config.zoomlevel, 0), - coloroptions = (scope.chartColor) ? scope.chartColor : DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors, - defaultcenterlabel = DonutChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel, - totalcount = 0, - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - // set height and width plus margin so zoomed area is not clipped - /* width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 0) - (margin.left + margin.right), - height = parseInt(attrs.chartHeight, 0) - ( + margin.bottom), - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2,*/ - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2, - color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(coloroptions); - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) { - for (var i in scope.chartData) { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData[i].value)) { - totalcount = (totalcount + parseInt(scope.chartData[i].value, 10)); - } - } - } - - var data=[]; - for (var z = 0; z < scope.chartData.length; z++) { - var chartElem =scope.chartData[z]; - if(chartElem.value <= 0){ - data.push({index: z, value: chartElem.value}); - } - } - var chartStyle =".chartContainer#" + - .attr("style"); - var chart =".chartContainer#" + - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;width:" + attrs.chartWidth + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", '100%') - .attr("height", '100%') - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")"); - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius / DonutChartD3Config.donutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - // add center text element - var centerTextValue = chart.append("text") - .attr("class", "donutcenterValue") - .attr("id", + "count") - .on("click", function (d) { - var value ="g > text#" + + "count").text(); - var label ="g > text#" + + "category").text(); - if (angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)) { - scope.centerclickcallback({count: value, category: label}); - } - }); - var centerTextLabel = chart.append("text") - .attr("y", DonutChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy) - .attr("class", "donutcenterLabel") - .attr("id", + "category"); - - centerTextValue.text(totalcount); - centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel); - if (totalcount <= 0) { - arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * pi); //just radians - chart.append("path") - .attr("d", arc) - .attr("fill", DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor); - } else { - // set hovered radius - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius / DonutChartD3Config.donutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + DonutChartD3Config.arcOverMargin); - var pie = d3.layout.pie() - .sort(null) - .startAngle(1.1 * Math.PI) - .endAngle(3.1 * Math.PI) - .value(function (d) { - return d.value; - }); - var g = chart.selectAll(".arc") - .data(pie(scope.chartData)) - .enter() - .append("g") - .attr("class", "arc") - .style("cursor", "pointer"); - // set fill color and animate tween - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function (d) { - return color(; - }) - .attr("path-id",function (d, i) { - return "b-" + i; - }) - .style("stroke", "white") - .style("stroke-width", 1) - .on("mouseover", function (d) { - - .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - - centerTextValue.text(; - centerTextLabel.text(; - var className = /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).addClass("active"); - }) - .on("mouseout", function (d) { - if (!this.getAttribute("clicked")) { - - .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - if (selectedPath.length === 0) { - centerTextValue.text(totalcount); - centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel); - } else { - centerTextValue.text(selectedPath.datum().data.value); - centerTextLabel.text(selectedPath.datum(); - } - var className = /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).removeClass("active"); - } else if (angular.isDefined(lastSelected) && lastSelected!=="") { - lastSelected.transition() - .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arc); - if (angular.isDefined(lastSelected)) { - var prevclassName = lastSelected.datum() /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + prevclassName + "]")).removeClass("active"); - } - } - }) - .on("click", function (d, i) { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)) { - scope.onclickcallback({name:, value:}); - } - if (!this.getAttribute("clicked")) { - this.setAttribute("clicked", "clicked"); - if (selectedPath !== "") { - lastSelected = selectedPath; - selectedPath[0][0].removeAttribute("clicked"); - } - selectedPath =; - } else { - if (this.getAttribute("path-id") === selectedPath.attr("path-id")) { - selectedPath[0][0].removeAttribute("clicked"); - selectedPath = ""; - } - } - - }) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(DonutChartD3Config.initduration) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - // animate function - scope.legendMouseOver = function (item, id, e) { - selectedId="b-"+id; - if (item.value > 0) { - scope.LegendClass = ""; - this.LegendClass = "active"; - centerTextValue.text(item.value); - centerTextLabel.text(; - d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) { - if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==selectedId){ - - .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); - } - }); - -"#TicketGraphcount").style('fill',DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.centerTicketCountHoverColor); - } - }; - scope.legendMouseLeave = function (item, id, e) { - selectedId="b-"+id; - hoveredLegendItem=this; - if (item.value > 0) { - if (selectedPath.length === 0) { - centerTextValue.text(totalcount); - centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel); - } else { - centerTextValue.text(selectedPath.datum().data.value); - centerTextLabel.text(selectedPath.datum(); - } - d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) { - if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==selectedId){ - if(this.getAttribute("clicked")===null){ - hoveredLegendItem.LegendClass = ""; -"d", arc); - } - } - }); -"#TicketGraphcount").style('fill', "#000"); - - } - }; - } - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 1.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 1.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function (t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - $timeout(function () { - var h = element.find("ul")[0].clientHeight, - fHeight = (parseInt(height, 10) - h), - className = scope.addStyle('chartContainer'); - fHeight = (fHeight < 0) ? 0 : fHeight; - angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.chartContainer')).addClass(className); - angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".chartLegend")).css({ - "margin-top": (fHeight / 2) + "px" - }); - }, 200); - for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) { - var index =data[k].index; - var zeroValIndex="b-"+index; - if(data[k].value <= 0){ - removeStrokelines(zeroValIndex); - } - - } - - function removeStrokelines(zeroValIndex){ - d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) { - if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==zeroValIndex){ -'stroke', "").style("stroke-width", ""); - } - }); - } - scope.refreshChart = false; - }); - - } - }; - }]) - .filter('filterData', function () { - return function (input) { - return input.replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase(); - }; - }); -angular.module('att.charts.donutFusion', []) - .constant("DonutChartFusionConfig", - { - "chart": { - "caption": "Tickets", - "startingAngle": 0, - "theme": "fist", - "captionPadding": "0", - "paletteColors": "#FF0066,#00CCFF,#00CC66,#6699FF,#000099,#660066,#FF6600,#4D4D4D", //default color options for rendering chart - "enableSmartLabels": "0", - "enableMultiSlicing": "1", - "donutRadius": "65", - "pieRadius": "110", - "showLabels": "0", - "showValues": "0", - "showBorder": "0", - "showpercentintooltip": "0", - "bgcolor": "#FFFFFF", - "defaultCenterLabel": "Total", - "showshadow": 0, - "centerLabel": "$value $label", - "plotHoverEffect": 1, - "plotBorderHoverDashGap": "50", - "enableRotation": "0", - "baseFont": "Arial", - "baseFontColor": "#666666", - "use3DLighting": "0", - "numbersuffix": "", - "defaultAnimation": "0", - "showValuesOnHover": 0 - } - }) - .directive('attDonutfusionChart', ['DonutChartFusionConfig', '$timeout', function (DonutChartFusionConfig, $timeout) { - 'use strict'; - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - onclickcallback: '&' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller, transclude) { - var totalItems = 0; - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) { - for (var i in scope.chartData) { - if(angular.isDefined(scope.chartData[i].value)){ - totalItems = (totalItems + parseInt(scope.chartData[i].value, 10)); - } - } - } - = scope.chartData; - var donutChartDataSource = DonutChartFusionConfig; - var defaultCenterLabelText; - defaultCenterLabelText = totalItems + ' ' + DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel; - donutChartDataSource.chart.defaultCenterLabel = defaultCenterLabelText; - - var initChart = function () { - FusionCharts.ready(function () { - var donutChart = new FusionCharts({ - type: 'doughnut2d', - renderAt: "donutFusionChart", - //width: '100%', - width: attrs.chartWidth, - height: attrs.chartHeight, - dataFormat: 'json', - dataSource: donutChartDataSource, - events: { - //dataPlotRollOver event is raised whenever you hover over a data plot (column, anchor of line or area, pie etc.) - "dataPlotRollOver": function (evtObj, argumentsObject) { - var selectedLabelArr = argumentsObject.toolText.split(","); - var className = selectedLabelArr[0].replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "_fusion" + "]")).addClass("active"); - }, - "dataPlotRollOut": function (evtObj, argObj) { - var selectedLabelArr = argObj.toolText.split(","); - var className = selectedLabelArr[0].replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase(); - angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "_fusion" + "]")).removeClass("active"); - }, - "dataPlotClick": function (evtObj, argObj) { - if(angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)){ - scope.onclickcallback({evtObj:evtObj, argObj:argObj}); - } - } - } - }); - donutChart.render(); - DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel = DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel; - }); - }; - initChart(); - $timeout(function () { - var w = element.find("ul")[0].clientHeight, - fWidth = (parseInt(attrs.chartHeight, 10) - w); - element.find("ul").css("margin-top", (fWidth / 2) + "px"); - - }, 200); - }, - controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { - var legendColors = []; - legendColors = DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.paletteColors.split(","); - $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) { - return {"color": legendColors[id]}; - }; - $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired; - - $scope.addStyle = function (elem) { - if ($scope.legendRequired && angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) { - if ($attrs.legendPosition === "right") { - if (elem === 'chartLegend') - { - return {"float": "left"}; - } - else - { - return {"float": "left"}; - } - } else { - if (elem === 'chartLegend') - { - return {"float": "left"}; - } - else - { - return {"float": "right"}; - } - } - } else { - return {"float": "left"}; - } - }; - } - }; - }]) - .filter('filterData', function () { - return function (input) { - return input.replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase(); - }; - }); -angular.module('att.charts.horseshoeD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("HorseShoeChartD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "paletteColors": ["#1072b8", "#FEFFF7"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor, - "paletteBorderColors": ["#1072b8", "#000"] - }, - "defaultcenterlabel": "COS 1", - "defaultcentercategory": "Real Time", - "animduration": 500, - "legendreqd": "false", - "legendposition": "top", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20" - }) - .directive('attHorseshoed3Chart', ['HorseShoeChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (HorseShoeChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartConfig: '=', - initVal: '=', - horseShoeId: '@' - }, - templateUrl: 'template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html', - transclude: true, - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs',function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - HorseShoeChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(HorseShoeChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - var legendColor = []; - legendColor = HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors; - $scope.addLegendColor = function () { - return {"color": legendColor[0]}; - }; - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) { - $scope.legendRequired = HorseShoeChartD3Config.legendreqd; - } else { - $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired; - } - if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) { - $scope.legendPosition = HorseShoeChartD3Config.legendposition; - } else { - $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition; - } - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs) { - var radius = Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2; - scope.LegendLabel = HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel; - scope.LegendCategory = HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory; - var duration = HorseShoeChartD3Config.animduration, - guageVal = parseInt(scope.initVal.value, 10); - scope.guageVal = guageVal + "%"; - var dataset = { - lower: calcPercent(0), - upper: calcPercent(guageVal) - }, - pie = d3.layout.pie().sort(null), - format = d3.format(".0%"); - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - 20) - .outerRadius(radius) - .startAngle(function (d) { - return d.startAngle + 2.6 * Math.PI / 2; - }) - .endAngle(function (d) { - return d.endAngle + 2.6 * Math.PI / 2; - }); - - element[0].querySelector('.horseshoed3Container').setAttribute('id', scope.horseShoeId); - - var svg =".horseshoed3Container#" + scope.horseShoeId) - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", scope.horseShoeId) - .attr("width", "100%") - .attr("height", "100%") - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) + ' ' + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2 + "," + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2 + ")"); - var path = svg.selectAll("path") - .data(pie(dataset.lower)) - .enter().append("path") - .attr("class", function (d, i) { - return "color" + i; - }) - .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[1]) - .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[1]) - .attr("d", arc) - .each(function (d) { - this._current = d; - }); // store the initial values - // add center text element - var centerTextValue = svg.append("text") - .attr("class", "horseshoecenterValue"); - var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", HorseShoeChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy) - .attr("class", "horseshoecenterLabel"); - if (typeof (guageVal) === "string") { - centerTextValue.text(guageVal); - centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")"); - } - else { - var progress = 0; - var timeout = setTimeout(function () { - clearTimeout(timeout); - path =; // update the data - path.transition().duration(duration).attrTween("d", function (a, index) { - angular.element(this) - .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[index]) - .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[index]); - - var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a); - var i2 = d3.interpolate(progress, guageVal); - this._current = i(0); - return function (t) { - centerTextValue.text(format(i2(t) / 100)); - centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")"); - return arc(i(t)); - }; - }); // redraw the arcs - - }, 200); - } - scope.$watch('initVal', function (value) { - scope.guageVal = value.value + "%"; -; - path.transition().duration(duration).attrTween("d", function (a, index) { - angular.element(this) - .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[index]) - .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[index]); - - var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a); - var i2 = d3.interpolate(progress, value.value); - this._current = i(0); - return function (t) { - centerTextValue.text(format(i2(t) / 100)); - centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")"); - return arc(i(t)); - }; - }); // redraw the arcs - - }); - function calcPercent(guageVal) { - return [guageVal, 100 - guageVal]; - } - - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.radialguageD3', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("RadialGuageChartD3Config", - { - "chartcolor": { - "MaxBandwidthReached": ["#efefef"], - "ZeroBandwidthSelected": ["#FEFFF7"], - "RemainingBandwidthColor": ["#FEFFF7"], - "RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor": ["#000000"], - "UsedBandwidthColor": ["#1072b8"], - "MouseOverArcFillColor": ["#0091d9"], - "RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth":1, - "UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth":1, - "UsedBandwidthStrokeColor":["#efefef"] - }, - "defaultcenterlabel": "Kbps", - "maxAllowedUnitsLabel": "Kbps", - "zoomLevel": "25", - "doughnutratio": 20, - "animduration": "300", - "guageStartAngle":4, - "guageEndAngle":8.56, - "legendreqd": "false", - "legendposition": "top", - "centerTextLabelDy": "20", - "centerTextValueDy": "0", - "centerTextValueDx": "0", - "centerTextLabelDx": "0", - "maxbandwidthTextDx": "65", - "maxbandwidthTextDy": "100", - "arcOverMargin": 5 - }) - .directive('attRadialguaged3Chart', ['RadialGuageChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function(RadialGuageChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - maxValue: '=', - chartData: '=', - chartConfig: '=', - resetChart: '=', - mouseOver: '=?' - }, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - RadialGuageChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(RadialGuageChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig); - } - - }], - link: function(scope, element, attrs) { - var zoom = parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0), - margin = {// optionally set margins - top: zoom, - right: zoom, - bottom: zoom, - left: zoom - }, - width = attrs.chartWidth, - height = attrs.chartHeight, - radius = Math.min( - width - (margin.left + margin.right), - height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2; - // set radius - var arc = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - RadialGuageChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius); - // set hovered radius - var arcOver = d3.svg.arc() - .innerRadius(radius - RadialGuageChartD3Config.doughnutratio) - .outerRadius(radius + RadialGuageChartD3Config.arcOverMargin); - // Browser onresize event - window.onresize = function() { - scope.$apply(); - }; - - scope.$watch('mouseOver', function(val) { - if (!angular.isDefined(scope.mouseOver)) { return; } - var id = parseInt(scope.mouseOver.split('-')[1], 10); - if (scope.mouseOver.split('-')[0] === 'true') { -'path#radialguagepath-' + (id)).transition() - .duration(parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration,10)) - .attr('d', arcOver); - - } else { -'path#radialguagepath-' + (id)).transition() - .duration(parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration,10)) - .attr('d', arc); - } - }); - - scope.$watch('resetChart', function() { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.resetChart)) { - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) { - scope.render(scope.chartData, scope.chartData); - } - scope.resetChart = false; - } - }); - scope.$watch('chartData', function(newValue, oldValue) { - return scope.render(newValue, oldValue); - }, true); - scope.render = function(newValue, oldValue) { -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - if (!scope.chartData) - { - return; - } - var color, selectedSlider, totalBandwidth = 0, totalUsed = 0, remainingBandwidth = 0; - if (angular.isDefined(scope.maxValue)) { - totalBandwidth = parseInt(scope.maxValue, 0); - } - angular.forEach(newValue, function(val, key) { - totalUsed = (totalUsed + parseInt(val.value, 10)); - if (newValue[key].value !== oldValue[key].value) { - selectedSlider = key; - } - }); - var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData); - if (totalUsed < totalBandwidth) { - remainingBandwidth = totalBandwidth - parseInt(totalUsed, 0); - data.push({name: "remaining", value: remainingBandwidth}); - } - element[0].setAttribute('id',; - var svg =[0]) - .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .attr("width", "100%") - .attr("height", "100%") - .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height)) - .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin') - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")"); - - var centerTextValue = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy) - .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx) - .attr("class", "radialguagecenterValue"); - var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy) - .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx) - .attr("class", "radialguagecenterLabel"); - var maxbandwidthText = svg.append("text") - .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDy) - .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDx) - .attr("class", "radialmaxbandwidthText"); - if (totalUsed > totalBandwidth) { - totalUsed = totalBandwidth; - data = [ - { - name: "totalUsed", - value: "100" - } - ]; - color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.MaxBandwidthReached); - } else if (totalUsed <= 0) { - data = [ - { - name: "totalUnUsed", - value: "100" - } - ]; - color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.ZeroBandwidthSelected); - - } else { - var Colorpalette = []; - if (newValue === oldValue) { - data = [ - { - name: "totalUsed", - value: totalUsed - } - ]; - if (remainingBandwidth > 0) { - data.push({name: "remaining", value: remainingBandwidth}); - } - } - for (var j = 0; j < data.length - 1; j++) { - Colorpalette[j] = RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor; - } - if (remainingBandwidth > 0) { - Colorpalette.push(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthColor); - } - color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(Colorpalette); - } - - centerTextValue.text(totalUsed); - centerTextLabel.text(RadialGuageChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel); - maxbandwidthText.text(totalBandwidth + " " + RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxAllowedUnitsLabel); - var pie = d3.layout.pie() - .sort(null) - .startAngle(RadialGuageChartD3Config.guageStartAngle) - .endAngle(RadialGuageChartD3Config.guageEndAngle) - .value(function(d) { - return d.value; - }); - - var g = svg.selectAll(".arc") - .data(pie(data)) - .enter() - .append("g") - .attr("class", "arc") - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return "radialguagearc-" + i; - }) - .style("cursor", "pointer"); - - if (newValue === oldValue) { - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function(d) { - return color(; - }) - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return "radialguagepath-" + i; - }) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(0) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - } else { - g.append("path") - .style("fill", function(d) { - return color(; - }) - .attr("id", function(d, i) { - return "radialguagepath-" + i; - }) - .style("stroke", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthColor) - .style("stroke-width", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth) - .transition() - .ease("exp") - .duration(0) - .attrTween("d", tweenPie); - } - if (totalUsed === totalBandwidth || remainingBandwidth > 0) { - var count = data.length - 1; -"#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + count).style('stroke', RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth); - } - if (angular.isDefined(selectedSlider) && remainingBandwidth > 0) { - -"#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + selectedSlider).transition() - .duration(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration) - .attr("d", arcOver); -"#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + selectedSlider).style('fill', RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.MouseOverArcFillColor); - } - function tweenPie(b) { - var i = d3.interpolate({ - startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI, - endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI - }, b); - return function(t) { - return arc(i(t)); - }; - } - - }; - - - } - }; - }]); -angular.module('att.charts.stackedBarchart', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("stackBarChartConfig", - { - "chartcolor": ["#B2B2B2", "#00CC00"], - "gridLineColor": "#CCCCCC", - "yAxisMaxTicks": 4, - "chartHeight": "200", - "chartOpacity": 0.3, - "amountKDivision": 1000, - "amountKText": "K", - "amountMDivision": 1000000, - "amountMText": "M", - "yearLabelPos": {"x": 10, "y": 15}, - "tooltipTopMargin": 110, - "tooltipLeftMargin": 54, - "margin": { - top: 20, - right: 80, - bottom: 30, - left: 52 - } - }) - .directive('stackedBarChart', ['stackBarChartConfig', '$extendObj', '$timeout', function (stackBarChartConfig, $extendObj, $timeout) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - legendRequired: "=", - refreshChart: "=", - chartConfig: "=" - }, - templateUrl: "template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html", - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - stackBarChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackBarChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig); - } - $scope.chartID = $; - $scope.legendColors = stackBarChartConfig.chartcolor; - $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) { - var bgColor = null; - bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id]}; - return bgColor; - }; - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - var dataObj, idx = 0, xAxisTicks, margin = stackBarChartConfig.margin, - width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10), - height = parseInt(stackBarChartConfig.chartHeight, 10), - padding = 20, - parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse, - tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"), - labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y"); - attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) { - if (val === 'true') { - scope.showLegend = true; - } - else { - scope.showLegend = false; - } - }); - scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) { - if (value === false) { - return; - } - - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - stackBarChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackBarChartConfig, scope.chartConfig); - } - -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - d3.selectAll("div#stackBarChartContainer" + " > div").remove(); - if (scope.chartData[0].values.length === 0) { - scope.refreshChart = false; - return; - } - - var xMonth = [], yDomainData = [], yAxisData = [], yValue = [], tempData = [], tooltipData = {}, yearArr = {}, isSingleMonth = false; - - //X-Axis Range - var xRange = d3.time.scale().range([padding, width - padding * 2]); - - //Y-Axis Range - var yRange = d3.scale.linear().range([height - padding, padding]); - - dataObj = scope.chartData; - - dataObj.forEach(function (data) { - var obj = data.values; - xAxisTicks = obj.length; - if (obj.length == 1) { - isSingleMonth = true; - } - obj.forEach(function (d) { - var tmp = "01-" + d.month; - d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp); - yValue.push({'value': +d.value}); - d.value = +d.value; - xMonth.push({'numericMonth': d.numericMonth}); - }); - }); - - //ToolTip Data - for (var z = 0; z < dataObj.length; z++) { - var tempSeries = dataObj[z].series; - for (var j = 0; j < dataObj[z].values.length; j++) { - var months = dataObj[z].values[j].month; - var tempVal = dataObj[z].values[j].value; - var percent = dataObj[z].values[j].percent; - tempData.push({"month": months, "series": tempSeries, "value": tempVal, "percent": percent}); - } - } - - for (var k = 0; k < tempData.length; k++) { - var seriesName = tempData[k].series; - var seriesVal = tempData[k].value; - var seriesPer = tempData[k].percent; - var tempObj = tooltipData[tempData[k].month]; - if (!(tempObj)) { - tempObj = []; - tooltipData[tempData[k].month] = tempObj; - tooltipData[tempData[k].month]['seriesPer'] = seriesPer; - } - tempObj.push({seriesName: seriesName, seriesVal: seriesVal}); - } - - //X-Axis Domain - xRange.domain(d3.extent(xMonth, function (d) { - return d.numericMonth; - })); - - for (var b = 0; b < tempData.length; b++) { - var val = Math.round(parseInt(tempData[b].value, 10) / stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks); - var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1); - yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc}); - } - - //Y-Axis Domain - yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) { - return (d.yAxisVal); - })]); - - var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) { - return d.yAxisVal; - }); - - yTick = yTick / stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; - for (var x = 0; x <= stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; x++) { - yAxisData.push(yTick * x); - } - - var formatMoney = function (d) { - if (d >= stackBarChartConfig.amountMDivision) { - return d / stackBarChartConfig.amountMDivision + stackBarChartConfig.amountMText; - } else if (d >= stackBarChartConfig.amountKDivision) { - return d / stackBarChartConfig.amountKDivision + stackBarChartConfig.amountKText; - } else { - return d; - } - }; - var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months); - var xAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("top").ticks(d3.time.months).tickFormat('').tickSize(-height + 2 * padding, 0); - - var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatMoney); - var yAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickSize(-width, 0, 0); - - - //Calculate values for Stack - var stack = d3.layout.stack() - .values(function (d) { - return d.values; - }) - .x(function (d) { - return d.numericMonth; - }) - .y(function (d) { - return d.value; - }); - - //Plot Chart - var drawBarChart ="#stackBarChartContainer") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .data(dataObj) - .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) - .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10)) - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")"); - - //Draw X Axis - drawBarChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "x axis") - .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (height - padding) + ")") - .call(xAxis); - - if (isSingleMonth) { -".x").select(".tick").attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * (width / 2 + 20) + ",0)"); - } - - //Draw Y Grid Lines - var yGrid = drawBarChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "stackBarYGrid") - .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)") - .call(yAxisGrid); - yGrid.selectAll("line").style("stroke", stackBarChartConfig.gridLineColor); - yGrid.selectAll("text").remove(); - - //Plot Bars for multiple Stacks - var barGroup = drawBarChart.selectAll(".group") - .data(stack(dataObj)) - .enter().append("g") - .attr("class", "group").attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("stackBar" + i); - }) - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)"); - - barGroup.append("title").text(function (d) { - return d.series; - }); - - var bars = barGroup.selectAll("rect") - .data(function (d) { - return d.values; - }) - .enter().append("rect") - .attr("class", "bar") - .attr("x", function (d) { - return (xRange(d.numericMonth) - 10); - }) - .attr("y", function (d) { - return yRange(d.value); - }) - .attr("width", "20") - .attr("height", function (d) { - return ((height - yRange(d.value)) - padding); - }).on("mouseover", function (d) { - var offsetX ="x"); - var offsetY ="y"); - show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, "x"); - drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity", stackBarChartConfig.chartOpacity); -"fill-opacity", "1"); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "x"); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity", "1"); - scope.$apply(); - }); - - bars.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month]; - return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d)); - }); - - //Fill color in Bars - for (var a = 0; a < dataObj.length; a++) { - var rectBars ='#stackBar' + a).selectAll('rect'); - rectBars.attr('fill', scope.legendColors[a]).attr("fill-opacity", "1"); - } - - // Draw the x Grid lines - var xGrid = drawBarChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "stackBarXGrid") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .call(xAxisGrid); - - xGrid.selectAll("line").attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((xRange(2) - xRange(1)) / 2) + "," + padding + ")") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("xGridLine" + i); - }); - - //Draw dual Y axis on change of Year - var yAxisObj = dataObj[0].values, yAxisIdx = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < yAxisObj.length; i++) { - var tmpObj = []; - - tmpObj.push({"year": labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth), "transform": xRange(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)}); - if (!yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)]) { - yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)] = tmpObj; - } - } - for (var key in yearArr) { - var obj = yearArr[key]; - var yAxisNodes = drawBarChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", yAxisId(yAxisIdx)) - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (obj[0].transform - padding) + ",0)") - .call(yAxis); - - yAxisNodes.selectAll("text").attr('class', 'ticktext'); - - //Append Year Label - yAxisNodes.append("text") - .attr("transform", "rotate(0)") - .attr("y", stackBarChartConfig.yearLabelPos.y) - .attr("x", stackBarChartConfig.yearLabelPos.x) - .text(obj[0].year).attr("class", "yearLabel"); - yAxisIdx++; - } - - function yAxisId(yAxisIdx) { - return ("yAxis" + yAxisIdx); - } - - //function to select first element - d3.selection.prototype.first = function () { - return[0][0]); - }; - - //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis - var tickLabels ="#yAxis0").selectAll('.ticktext'); - //tickLabels.first().remove(); -"#yAxis1").selectAll('.ticktext').remove(); - - //Add title for NVDA screen reader - function addTitle(nvdaObj, d) { - var temp = ""; - for (var y = 0; y < nvdaObj.length; y++) { - temp = temp + nvdaObj[y].seriesName + nvdaObj[y].seriesVal; - } - return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "--" + temp + "Retainibility Percentage" + nvdaObj.seriesPer); - } - - //MouseOver Event - function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) { - for (var key in tooltipData) { - if (key == d.month) { - scope.stackDataPoint = tooltipData[key]; - break; - } - } - scope.monthPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' ')}; - scope.$apply(); - $timeout(function () { - offsetY = offsetY - stackBarChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin; - var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2); - var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth; - if (isSingleMonth) { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + stackBarChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2); - } else { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + stackBarChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin; - } - scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"}; - scope.tooltipFlag = true; - }, 0); - } - - //Show Grid Line on Over - function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, attr) { - var dataLength; - dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length; - for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { - var bar = drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar"); - if (bar[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xGridLine" + i).style("stroke", stackBarChartConfig.gridLineColor); - } - } - } - - //Hide Grid Line - function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, attr) { - var dataLength; - dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length; - for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { - var bar = drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar"); - if (bar[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xGridLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent"); - } - } - } - scope.refreshChart = false; - }); - } - }; - }]) - .filter('filterInput', function () { - return function (input) { - return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase(); - }; - }); -angular.module('att.charts.stackedareachart', ['att.charts.utilities']) - .constant("stackChartConfig", - { - "chartcolor": ["#9966FF", "#E68A2E", "#4DDB4D"], - "gridLineColor": "#808080", - "lineCurveType": 'linear', - "yAxisMaxTicks": 4, - "chartHeight": "200", - "shapes": ['circle', 'rect', 'triangle'], - "shapeSize": [3, 5, 6], - "chartOpacity": 0.6, - "yearLabelPos": {"x": 8, "y": -5}, - "tooltipTopMargin": 100, - "tooltipLeftMargin": 42, - "yAxisUnitRange": 500000, - "margin": { - top: 30, - right: 80, - bottom: 30, - left: 52 - } - }) - .directive('stackedAreaChart', ['stackChartConfig','$extendObj','$timeout', function (stackChartConfig,$extendObj,$timeout) { - return { - restrict: 'A', - scope: { - chartData: '=', - legendRequired: "=", - refreshChart: "=", - chartConfig: "=" - }, - templateUrl: "template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html", - replace: true, - controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) { - var extendDeep = function extendDeep(dst) { - angular.forEach(arguments, function(obj) { - if (obj !== dst) { - angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) { - if (dst[key] && dst[key].constructor && dst[key].constructor === Object) { - extendDeep(dst[key], value); - } else { - dst[key] = value; - } - }); - } - }); - return dst; - }; - if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) { - stackChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig); - } - $scope.chartID = $; - $scope.legendColors = stackChartConfig.chartcolor; - $scope.legendTooltipColors = angular.copy(stackChartConfig.chartcolor).reverse(); - $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) { - var bgColor = null; - switch (id) { - case 0: - bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id], "border-radius": "100%"}; - break; - case 1: - bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id]}; - break; - case 2: - bgColor = {"width": "0", "height": "0", "border-left": "8px solid transparent", "border-right": "8px solid transparent", "border-bottom-style": "solid", "border-bottom-width": "8px", "border-bottom-color": $scope.legendColors[id]}; - break; - } - return bgColor; - }; - $scope.addToolTipLegendColor = function (id) { - var bgColor = null; - switch (id) { - case 2: - bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id], "border-radius": "100%"}; - break; - case 1: - bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id]}; - break; - case 0: - bgColor = {"width": "0", "height": "0", "border-left": "6px solid transparent", "border-right": "6px solid transparent", "border-bottom-style": "solid", "border-bottom-width": "12px", "border-bottom-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id]}; - break; - } - return bgColor; - }; - }], - link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - var dataObj, idx = 0, xAxisTicks, margin = stackChartConfig.margin, - width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10), - height = stackChartConfig.chartHeight, - parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse, - tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"), - labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y"); - attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) { - if (val === 'true') { - scope.showLegend = true; - } - else { - scope.showLegend = false; - } - }); - scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) { - if (value === false) { - return; - } - if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) { - stackChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackChartConfig, scope.chartConfig); - } -"svg#" +; - d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove(); - d3.selectAll("div#stackChartContainer" + " > div").remove(); - if (scope.chartData[0].values.length === 0) { - scope.refreshChart = false; - return; - } - - var xMonth = [], yValue = [], tempData = [], tooltipData = {}, yearArr = {}, yearLabel = '', isSingleMonth = false, singleMonthName, currencyFormat = 'K'; - - //X-Axis Range - var xRange = d3.time.scale() - .range([0, width]); - - //Y-Axis Range - var yRange = d3.scale.linear() - .range([height, 0]); - - dataObj = scope.chartData; - - // On selecting same month in From and To dropdowns, User should be getting graph - if (dataObj[0].values.length === 1) { - isSingleMonth = true; - dataObj.forEach(function (data) { - var tmp1 = "01-" + data.values[0].month; - var tmp = parseDate(tmp1); - singleMonthName = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1]; - tmp.setMonth(tmp.getMonth() + 1); - var nextMonth = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1] + "-" + tmp.getFullYear(); - data.values.push({month: nextMonth, value: data.values[0].value}); - }); - } - - dataObj.forEach(function (data) { - var obj = data.values; - xAxisTicks = obj.length; - obj.forEach(function (d) { - var tmp = "01-" + d.month; - d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp); - yValue.push({'value': +d.value}); - d.value = +d.value; - xMonth.push({'numericMonth': d.numericMonth}); - if (d.value > stackChartConfig.yAxisUnitRange) { - currencyFormat = 'M'; - } - }); - }); - - //ToolTip Data - for (var z = 0; z < dataObj.length; z++) { - var tempSeries = dataObj[z].series; - for (var j = 0; j < dataObj[z].values.length; j++) { - var months = dataObj[z].values[j].month; - var tempVal = dataObj[z].values[j].value; - tempData.push({"month": months, "series": tempSeries, "value": tempVal}); - } - } - for (var k = 0; k < tempData.length; k++) { - var seriesName = tempData[k].series; - var seriesVal = tempData[k].value; - var tempObj = tooltipData[tempData[k].month]; - if (!(tempObj)) { - tempObj = []; - tooltipData[tempData[k].month] = tempObj; - } - tempObj.push({seriesName: seriesName, seriesVal: seriesVal}); - } - for (var d in tooltipData) { - var tooltipObj = tooltipData[d]; - var temp = 0, monthTotalVal = 0; - for (var y = 0; y < tooltipObj.length; y++) { - temp = parseFloat(tooltipObj[y].seriesVal); - monthTotalVal = monthTotalVal + temp; - tooltipObj['total'] = monthTotalVal; - } - } - var yDomainData = [],yAxisData = [],yTicksData = []; - for (var month in tooltipData) { - yDomainData.push({"total": tooltipData[month].total}); - } - - //Format yAxis Labels - var formatCurrency = function (d) { - if (currencyFormat === 'M') { - return "$" + d / 1000000 + "M"; - } else { - return "$" + d / 1000 + "K"; - } - }; - - //X-Axis Domain - xRange.domain(d3.extent(xMonth, function (d) { - return d.numericMonth; - })); - - for (var b = 0; b < yDomainData.length; b++) { - var val = Math.round(parseInt(yDomainData[b].total, 10) / stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks); - var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1); - yAxisData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc}); - } - - //Y-Axis Domain - yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yAxisData, function (d) { - return (d.yAxisVal); - })]); - - var yTick = d3.max(yAxisData, function (d) { - return d.yAxisVal; - }); - - yTick = yTick / stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; - for (var c = 0; c <= stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; c++) { - yTicksData.push(yTick * c); - } - - var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months); - var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yTicksData).ticks(stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatCurrency); - var yAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yTicksData).ticks(stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickSize(-width, 0, 0); - - //Calculate values for Stack - var stack = d3.layout.stack() - .values(function (d) { - return d.values; - }) - .x(function (d) { - return d.numericMonth; - }) - .y(function (d) { - return d.value; - }); - - //Draw Area - var area = d3.svg.area() - .x(function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }) - .y0(function (d) { - return yRange(d.y0); - }) - .y1(function (d) { - return yRange(d.y0 + d.y); - }).interpolate(stackChartConfig.lineCurveType); - - //Plot Chart - var drawChart ="#stackChartContainer") - .append("svg") - .attr("id", - .data(dataObj) - .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) - .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10)) - .append("g") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")"); - - //Draw X Axis - drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "x axis") - .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") - .call(xAxis); - - //Plot Area for multiple Stacks - drawChart.selectAll(".layer") - .data(stack(dataObj)) - .enter().append("path") - .attr("class", "layer") - .attr("d", function (d) { - return area(d.values); - }).style("fill", function (d, i) { - return scope.legendColors[i]; - }).style("opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity).style("stroke", "#ddd").append("title") - .text(function (d) { - return d.series; - }); - - //Draw dual Y axis on change of Year - var yAxisObj = dataObj[0].values, yAxisIdx = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < yAxisObj.length; i++) { - var tmpObj = []; - tmpObj.push({"year": labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth), "transform": xRange(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)}); - if (!yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)]) { - yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)] = tmpObj; - } - } - for (var key in yearArr) { - var obj = yearArr[key]; - var yAxisNodes = drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", yAxisId(yAxisIdx)) - .attr("transform", "translate(" + obj[0].transform + ",0)") - .call(yAxis); - - yAxisNodes.selectAll("text").attr('class', 'ticktext'); - //Append Year Label - yAxisNodes.append("text") - .attr("transform", "rotate(0)") - .attr("y", stackChartConfig.yearLabelPos.y) - .attr("x", stackChartConfig.yearLabelPos.x) - .text(obj[0].year).attr("class", "yearLabel"); - yAxisIdx++; - } - - //Remove next year Y axis in case of single Month selection - if (isSingleMonth) { -"#yAxisId1").remove(); - } - - function yAxisId(yAxisIdx) { - return ("yAxisId" + yAxisIdx); - } - - //function to select first element - d3.selection.prototype.first = function () { - return[0][0]); - }; - - //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis - var tickLabels ="#yAxisId0").selectAll('.ticktext'); - tickLabels.first().remove(); -"#yAxisId1").selectAll('.ticktext').remove(); - - if (isSingleMonth) { - drawChart.selectAll('.x.axis').selectAll('.tick').selectAll('text')[1][0].textContent = singleMonthName; - } - - //Append Data Points - for (var x = 0; x < dataObj.length; x++) { - drawChart.append('g').attr('id', "pathId" + x).attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)"); - if (idx >= stackChartConfig.shapes.length) { - idx = 0; - } - var shape = stackChartConfig.shapes[idx], shapeToAppend; - if (shape == 'rect' || shape == 'triangle') { - shapeToAppend = 'polygon'; - } - else { - shapeToAppend = 'circle'; - } - - var newDataObj; - if (isSingleMonth) { - newDataObj = dataObj[x].values.slice(0, 1); - } else { - newDataObj = dataObj[x].values; - } - - var dataPoints ='#pathId' + x).selectAll(shapeToAppend) - .data(newDataObj) - .enter() - .append(shapeToAppend) - .attr('class', shape); - drawShapes(shape, dataPoints); - idx++; - } - - //Fill color in dataPoints - for (var a = 0; a <= dataObj.length; a++) { - var Dots = drawChart.selectAll('.' + stackChartConfig.shapes[a]); - Dots.attr('fill', scope.legendColors[a]); - } - - //function to draw multiple shapes for Data Points - function drawShapes(shape, dataPoints) { - switch (shape) { - case 'circle': - var circle = dataPoints.attr("cx", function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }).attr("cy", function (d) { - return yRange(d.y + d.y0); - }).attr("r", stackChartConfig.shapeSize[0]).on("mouseover", function (d) { - show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); - var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx")); - var offsetY = Math.round("cy")); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx"); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - circle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month]; - return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d)); - }); - break; - case 'rect': - var rect = dataPoints.attr("points", function (d) { - var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10); - x = x + (stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1] / 2); - var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10); - y = y - (stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1] / 2); - var x1 = parseInt((x - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1]), 10); - var y1 = y; - var x2 = x1; - var y2 = parseInt((y1 + stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1]), 10); - var x3 = x; - var y3 = y2; - var tmp = x2 + "," + y2 + " " + x3 + "," + y3 + " " + x + "," + y + " " + x1 + "," + y1; - return tmp; - }).attr('x', function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }).attr('y', function (d) { - return yRange(d.y + d.y0); - }).on("mouseover", function (d) { - show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x"); - var offsetX = Math.ceil("x")); - var offsetY = Math.round("y")); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x"); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - rect.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month]; - return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d)); - }); - break; - case 'triangle': - var triangle = dataPoints.attr("points", function (d) { - var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10); - var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10); - var x1 = parseInt((x - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10); - var y1 = parseInt((y - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10); - var x2 = parseInt((x + stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10); - var y2 = y1; - var tmp = x1 + "," + y1 + " " + x + "," + y + " " + x2 + "," + y2; - return tmp; - }).attr("transform", function (d) { - var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10); - var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10); - y = y - 2; - var tmp = "rotate(180," + x + "," + y + ")"; - return tmp; - }).attr('x', function (d) { - return xRange(d.numericMonth); - }).attr('y', function (d) { - return yRange(d.y + d.y0); - }).on("mouseover", function (d) { - show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "triangle", "x"); - var offsetX = Math.ceil("x")); - var offsetY = Math.round("y")); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity); - mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY); - }).on("mouseout", function () { - hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "triangle", "x"); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1); - d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1); - scope.tooltipFlag = false; - scope.$apply(); - }); - triangle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) { - var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month]; - return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d)); - }); - break; - } - } - - //Draw Grid Lines - drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid") - .attr("id", "yStackGrid") - .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)") - .call(yAxisGrid) - .selectAll("text").remove(); - - // Draw the x Grid lines - drawChart.append("g") - .attr("class", "grid") - .attr("id", "xGrid") - .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)") - .call(make_x_axis() - .tickSize(-height, 0) - .tickFormat("")); - - // function for the x grid lines - function make_x_axis() { - return d3.svg.axis() - .scale(xRange) - .orient("top") - .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months); - } - -"#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "none"); -"#xGrid").selectAll("line") - .attr("id", function (d, i) { - return ("xAxisLine" + i); - }); - //Add title for NVDA screen reader - function addTitle(nvdaObj, d) { - var temp = ""; - for (var y = 0; y < nvdaObj.length; y++) { - temp = temp + nvdaObj[y].seriesName + nvdaObj[y].seriesVal; - } - return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "--" + temp + "Total Charges" +; - } - - //Show Grid Lines on Mouse Hover - function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) { - try { - var dataLength; - if (isSingleMonth) { - dataLength = 1; - } else { - dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length; - } - - for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { - var circle = drawChart.selectAll("." + shape); - if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", stackChartConfig.gridLineColor); - } - } - } catch (e) { - } - } - - //Hide grid Lines - function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) { - try { - var dataLength; - if (isSingleMonth) { - dataLength = 1; - } else { - dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length; - } - - for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { - var circle = drawChart.selectAll("." + shape); - if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) { -"#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent"); - } - } - } catch (e) { - } - } - - //MouseOver Event - function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) { - for (var key in tooltipData) { - if (key == d.month) { - var data = angular.copy(tooltipData); - scope.stackDataPoint = data[key].reverse(); - break; - } - } - var tmp = 0, monthTotalVal = 0; - for (var b = 0; b < scope.stackDataPoint.length; b++) { - tmp = parseFloat(scope.stackDataPoint[b].seriesVal); - monthTotalVal = monthTotalVal + tmp; - } - = monthTotalVal; - = monthTotalVal; - - scope.monthPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' ')}; - scope.$apply(); - $timeout(function(){ - offsetY = offsetY - stackChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin; - var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2); - var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth; - if (isSingleMonth) { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth/2) + stackChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2); - } else { - offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth/2) + stackChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin; - } - scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"}; - scope.tooltipFlag = true; - },0); - - - - - } - //fix for removing upper text if it is below to year label -// try { -// var lastTickPostion = drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('.tick')[0].length - 1; -// var lastGridPos ="#yStackGrid").selectAll('.tick')[0].length - 1; -// var val = drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('.tick')[0][lastTickPostion].attributes.transform.value.split(',')[1].split(')')[0]; -// if (val < 20) { -// drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('text')[0][lastTickPostion - 1].remove(); -//"#yStackGrid").selectAll('.tick')[0][lastGridPos].remove(); -// } -// } catch (e) { -// } - scope.refreshChart = false; - }); - } - }; - }]) - .filter('filterInput', function () { - return function (input) { - return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase(); - }; - }); -angular.module("template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html", - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - " {{label.series}}\n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - " {{dataPoint.xData}}\n" + - "

\n" + - " Available\n" + - " {{dataPoint.dataAvailable}} {{dataPoint.usageDataType}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " Used\n" + - " {{dataPoint.dataUsed}} {{dataPoint.availableDataType}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " Overage \n" + - " {{dataPoint.overage}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " Buffer \n" + - " {{dataPoint.underage}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - " \n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - " \n" + - " {{}}\n" + - " Wireless number{{dataPoint.phoneNumber}}\n" + - " Charges{{dataPoint.charges}}\n" + - " \n" + - " \n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{LegendLabel}} {{LegendCategory}} ({{cosval}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{LegendLabel}} {{LegendCategory}} ({{cosval}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{}} {{item.category}} ({{item.value}}%)\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{}} {{item.category}} ({{item.value}}%)\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{}} ({{item.value}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • 0\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\">\n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{}} ({{item.value}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html", - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{LegendLabel}} {{LegendCategory}} ({{guageVal}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
    \n" + - " {{LegendLabel}} {{LegendCategory}} ({{guageVal}})\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html", - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - " {{label.series}}\n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - " {{monthPoint.xData}}\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " {{label.seriesName}}\n" + - " {{label.seriesVal| number:0}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " Retainability percentage\n" + - " {{stackDataPoint.seriesPer}}\n" + - "\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - " \n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); - -angular.module("template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { - $templateCache.put("template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html", - "
\n" + - "
    \n" + - "
  • \n" + - " {{label.series}}\n" + - "
  • \n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - " {{monthPoint.xData}}\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " {{label.seriesName}}\n" + - " {{label.seriesVal| currency}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - "
\n" + - "

\n" + - " Total charges\n" + - " {{| currency}}\n" + - "

\n" + - "
\n" + - " \n" + - "
\n" + - "
"); -}]); -- cgit 1.2.3-korg