# Preferences This microservice manages the user specific config for the `portal-ui` frontend application. It is a Spring Boot application that is build upon a MongoDB and Webflux. ## Build ```sh ./gradlew build ``` ## Run ```sh ./gradlew bootRun ``` ## Test ```sh ./gradlew test # run all tests ./gradlew test --tests GetTileIntegrationTest # run all tests in file ./gradlew test --tests GetTileIntegrationTest.thatTileCanBeRetrieved # run individual test in file ./gradlew test --tests GetTileIntegrationTest.thatTileCanBeRetrieved --debug # run individual test in file with debug enabled ``` ## Development You can run the service locally for evaluation or development purposes using the provided `docker-compose.yml` file in the development folder. This will launch a Keycloak, a Postgres and a Mongo db in the background. **Prerequisites:** Running local docker daemon and a docker cli To start the service execute the `run.sh` in the development folder: ```sh development/run.sh ``` Example request against the preferences service can be run in your preferred IDE with the `request.http` file from the development folder. You can access the Keycloak UI via browser. URL: http://localhost:8080 **username:** admin **password:** password To stop the preferences service, Keycloak and the databases run: ```sh development/stop.sh ```