{ "info": { "_postman_id": "20eb42db-f0a7-4b65-8ccd-c3a5f56cb526", "name": "Policy Application Tutorial", "description": "Collection of Postman API calls to support the Policy Enforcement Tutorial", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json" }, "item": [ { "name": "Api Healthcheck", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/healthcheck", "host": [ "{{POLICY-API-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "api", "v1", "healthcheck" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Create Authorization Policy Type", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/yaml" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/yaml" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\npolicy_types:\n onap.policies.Authorization:\n derived_from: tosca.policies.Root\n version: 1.0.0\n description: Example tutorial policy type for doing user authorization\n properties:\n user:\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique user name\n permissions:\n type: list\n required: true\n description: A list of resource permissions\n entry_schema:\n type: onap.datatypes.Tutorial\ndata_types:\n onap.datatypes.Tutorial:\n derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n version: 1.0.0\n properties:\n entity:\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The resource\n permission:\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The permission level\n constraints:\n - valid_values: [read, write, delete]\n", "options": { "raw": { "language": "text" } } }, "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes", "host": [ "{{POLICY-API-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "api", "v1", "policytypes" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Create policies", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/yaml" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/yaml" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\ntopology_template:\n policies:\n -\n onap.policy.tutorial.demo:\n type: onap.policies.Authorization\n type_version: 1.0.0\n version: 1.0.0\n metadata:\n policy-id: onap.policy.tutorial.demo\n policy-version: 1\n properties:\n user: demo\n permissions:\n -\n entity: foo\n permission: read\n -\n entity: foo\n permission: write\n -\n onap.policy.tutorial.audit:\n type: onap.policies.Authorization\n version: 1.0.0\n type_version: 1.0.0\n metadata:\n policy-id: onap.policy.tutorial.bar\n policy-version: 1\n properties:\n user: audit\n permissions:\n -\n entity: foo\n permission: read\n", "options": { "raw": { "language": "text" } } }, "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.Authorization/versions/1.0.0/policies", "host": [ "{{POLICY-API-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "api", "v1", "policytypes", "onap.policies.Authorization", "versions", "1.0.0", "policies" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "PAP Healthcheck", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/healthcheck", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "healthcheck" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "PAP Get PDPs", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "PdpGroup State Change PASSIVE", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "PUT", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json", "type": "text" }, { "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json", "type": "text" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup?state=PASSIVE", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps", "groups", "defaultGroup" ], "query": [ { "key": "state", "value": "PASSIVE" } ] }, "description": "This is an API to change the current state of a PdpGroup (example - \"defaultGroup\") resulting in changing state of all the PDP instances registered with the PdpGroup. As of now, the allowed states are ACTIVE and PASSIVE." }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Delete PdpGroup", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps", "groups", "defaultGroup" ] }, "description": "This is an API to delete a specific PdpGroup (example - \"SampleGroup\") currently available in Policy DB, resulting in removing all the PDP instances registered with the group." }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Create/Update PdpGroup", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\n \"groups\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"defaultGroup\",\n \"pdpGroupState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpSubgroups\": [\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"xacml\",\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.Authorization\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": []\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/batch", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps", "groups", "batch" ] }, "description": "This is a generic API to create/update PdpGroups in Policy DB. However, the supportedPolicyTypes field of PdpSubGroup cannot be changed once created." }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Simple Deploy Policy - onap.policy.tutorial.demo", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"policies\" : [\r\n {\r\n \"policy-id\": \"onap.policy.tutorial.demo\",\r\n \"policy-version\": \"1.0.0\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policy-id\": \"onap.policy.tutorial.audit\",\r\n \"policy-version\": \"1.0.0\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps", "policies" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Dmaap Simulator - Policy Update Notification", "protocolProfileBehavior": { "disableBodyPruning": true }, "request": { "auth": { "type": "noauth" }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "{{DMAAP-URL}}/events/POLICY-NOTIFICATION/group/id?timeout=5000", "host": [ "{{DMAAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "events", "POLICY-NOTIFICATION", "group", "id" ], "query": [ { "key": "timeout", "value": "5000" } ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Xacml Healthcheck", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}/policy/pdpx/v1/healthcheck", "host": [ "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pdpx", "v1", "healthcheck" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Xacml Statistics", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}/policy/pdpx/v1/statistics", "host": [ "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pdpx", "v1", "statistics" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Xacml Decision - Authorization policy-type", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" }, { "key": "Accept", "type": "text", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\n \"ONAPName\": \"TutorialPEP\",\n \"ONAPComponent\": \"TutorialPEPComponent\",\n \"ONAPInstance\": \"TutorialPEPInstance\",\n \"requestId\": \"unique-request-id-tutorial\",\n \"action\": \"authorize\",\n \"resource\": {\n \"user\": \"audit\",\n \"entity\": \"foo\",\n \"permission\" : \"read\"\n }\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}/policy/pdpx/v1/decision", "host": [ "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pdpx", "v1", "decision" ] } }, "response": [ ] }, { "name": "Simple Undeploy Policy", "request": { "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "zb!XztG34", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "healthcheck", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json", "type": "text" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json", "type": "text" } ], "url": { "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/onap.policy.tutorial.demo", "host": [ "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}" ], "path": [ "policy", "pap", "v1", "pdps", "policies", "onap.policy.tutorial.demo" ] } }, "response": [ ] } ], "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": [ { "key": "password", "value": "", "type": "string" }, { "key": "username", "value": "", "type": "string" } ] }, "protocolProfileBehavior": { } }