tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0 topology_template: policies: - Test.policy: type: onap.policies.base.middle.Test type_version: 1.0.0 version: 1.0.0 metadata: policy-id: Test.policy policy-version: 1 properties: baseNoMatch: Do not match the base baseMatch: base Match middleNoMatch: Do not match the middle middleMatch: middle Match nonmatchableString: I am NON matchable matchableString: I should be matched nonmatchableInteger: 0 matchableInteger: 1000 nonmatchableFloat: 0.0 matchableFloat: 1.1 nonmatchableBoolean: false matchableBoolean: true nonmatchableTimestamp: 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z matchableTimestamp: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z nonmatchableListInteger: {0, 1, 2} matchableListString: - match A - match B matchableMapString: test1: matchableMap1 test2: matchableMap2 nonmatchableMapString: risk: potential risk of matching matchableDataType: zeroStringMatchable: zero Match zeroBooleanMatchable: true zeroFloatMatchable: 9.9 zeroIntegerMatchable: 1000 zeroTimestampMatchable: 2020-01-01T23:59:59Z oneString: One is NOT matchable oneStringMatchable: One should be matched propertyTwoListOfDatatype: - twoString: Two is NOT matchable twoStringMatchable: Two should be matched twoIntegerMatchable: 55 propertyThreeDatatype: myThree: threeStringMatchable: Three should match threeIntegerMatchable: 66