.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. _gui-server-label: The Policy Framework GUI Server ############################### The **gui-server** microservice serves the GUI code to the browser for Policy Framework UI. In addition, it acts as a single point of reference for the REST interfaces provided by **policy-api**, **policy-pap**, and **acm-runtime**. It can also be used as a HTTPS gatewy for REST references into a Policy Framework deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. .. contents:: :depth: 2 The **gui-server** is a regular microservice, and it is packaged, delivered and configured as a docker image. It is a Spring application and therefore uses a normal Spring-style *applciation.yaml* approach to configuration. Definitive example configurations are available in the codebase: - `application_http.yaml <https://github.com/onap/policy-gui/blob/master/gui-server/src/test/resources/application_http.yaml>`_ showing how to configure gui-server for HTTP access - `application_https.yaml <https://github.com/onap/policy-gui/blob/master/gui-server/src/test/resources/application_https.yaml>`_ showing how to configure gui-server for HTTPS access The configuration parameters are explained in the sections below Server Configuration -------------------- Configuration for HTTP access to gui-server:: server: port: 2443 ssl: enabled: false Start gui-server on port 2443 and disable SSL. Configuration for HTTPS access to gui-server:: server: port: 2443 ssl: enabled: true enabled-protocols: TLSv1.2 client-auth: want key-store: file:./src/test/resources/helloworld-keystore.jks key-store-password: changeit trust-store: file:./src/test/resources/helloworld-truststore.jks trust-store-password: changeit Start gui-server on port 2443 and enable SSL with the parameters specified above Note that other standard Spring **server** configuraiton parameters as documented `on the Spring website <https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html>`_ are supported. Runtime Adaptation Configuration -------------------------------- You can configure the adaptation for **policy-api**, **policy-pap**, and **runtime-acm**. In other words, you can map the URL that the GUI produced or that you want to use in a REST tool such as *postman* or *curl* in the **runtime-ui** part of the aaplication.yaml file:: runtime-ui: policy-api: mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/policy-api/restservices/" url: http://localhost:30440 disable-ssl-validation: true disable-ssl-hostname-check: true policy-pap: mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/policy-pap/restservices/" url: http://localhost:30442 disable-ssl-validation: true disable-ssl-hostname-check: true acm: mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/acm/restservices/" url: http://localhost:30258 disable-ssl-validation: true disable-ssl-hostname-check: true The parameters under the **policy-api**, **policy-pap**, and **acm** sections are identical. mapping-path and url ++++++++++++++++++++ The **mapping-path** is the root part of the path that will be replaced by the **url**, the **url** replaces the **mapping-path**. Therefore, using the configuration above for policy-api, the following mapping occurs:: http://localhost:2443/runtime-ui/policy-api/restservices/policy/api/v1/healthcheck maps to http://localhost:30440/policy/api/v1/healthcheck and:: https://localhost:2443/runtime-ui/acm/restservices/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission maps to http://localhost:30258/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission disable-ssl-validation and disable-ssl-hostname-check +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The **disable-ssl-validation** **disable-ssl-hostname-check** are boolean values. If the target server (policy-api, policy-pap, or runtime-acm) is using http, these values should be set to **false**. If the target server is using HTTPS, set the values as **true** so that the **gui-server** transfers and forwards certificates to target servers. Spring Boot Acuator Monitoring ------------------------------ The **gui-server** supports regular `Spring Boot Actuator monitoring <https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.4.0.M2/reference/html/production-ready-monitoring.html>`_ and monitoring over `prometheus <https://prometheus.io/>`_. The following section of the *application.yaml** file is an example of how to enable monitoring:: management: endpoints: web: base-path: / exposure: include: health,metrics,prometheus path-mapping.metrics: plain-metrics path-mapping.prometheus: metrics The configuration above enables the following URLs:: # Health Check http://localhost:2443/health # Plain Metrics http://localhost:2443/plain-metrics # Prometheus Metrics http://localhost:2443/metrics