.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 ********************************************************** Control Loop Simulation and Injection of Messages Overview ********************************************************** .. contents:: :depth: 2 This section will cover how to interact with the PDP-D using telemetry commands. This assumes that you have a PDP-D running to interact with. Take a look at the page "Methods to run PDP-D" if you do not have a PDP-D running for testing purposes. Telemetry ^^^^^^^^^ The username and password for the Telemetry commands are in *${POLICY_HOME}/config/engine.properties*. If you are using Eclipse, the credentials can be found in the file **install-drools/src/files/base.conf** within the "drools-pdp" repository. The environment variables $TELEMETRY_USER and $TELEMETRY_PASSWORD will also have the credentials if they have already been set. Recall you can use the command "docker exec -it drools bash" to get the PDP-D running with Docker. .. code-block:: bash docker exec -it drools bash Your terminal should now look similar to "policy@drools:/<path>". This indicates you are in the drools docker container. If you run "policy status" the controller should be running. .. image:: img/docker/policyStatus.png To enter the telemetry subshell, use the command "telemetry". .. code-block:: bash telemetry Use the "exit" command to exit the telemetry subshell. The terminal will now go back to the docker container. .. code-block:: bash exit .. image:: img/docker/credentials.png Injecting messages: ------------------- To inject messages, use the following command. The injected message will look as if it came in from the specified topic and will be processed accordingly. Use the command: .. code-block:: bash http --verify=no --default-scheme=https -a <userName>:<password> PUT :9696/policy/pdp/engine/topics/sources/<comm>/<topic>/events @<onsetFile> Content-Type:"text/plain" The equivalent "curl" version: .. code-block:: bash curl --insecure --silent --user <userName>:<password> -X PUT --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --data @<onsetFile> https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/topics/sources/<comm>/<topic>/events Note: you may have to replace "https" with "http" depending on how you are running the drools-pdp. The <comm> is a messaging communication infrastructure in an ONAP installation. Depending on how a topic has been defined in the configuration, the <comm> is either "dmaap", "ueb", or "noop". The default messaging communication infrastructure is "dmaap". The <topic> is a specific topic name used to send and/or receive information. There are two types of topics: 1. **source** topics (Example: dmaap.source.topics=APPC-LCM-WRITE or dmaap.source.topics=APPC-CL) 2. **sink** topics (Example: dmaap.sink.topics=APPC-LCM-READ or dmaap.sink.topics=APPC-CL) You can extract <comm> and <topic> from the following example: Example: dmaap.sink.topics=APPC-LCM-READ 1. <comm>=dmaap 2. <topic>=APPC-LCM-READ The onset is a json file that contains the data to inject as the onset. The data contained depends on the use case. This is an example for the vFirewall usecase: .. code-block:: json :caption: vFirewall_Sample_Onset { "closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a", "closedLoopAlarmStart": 1463679805324, "closedLoopEventClient": "microservice.stringmatcher", "closedLoopEventStatus": "ONSET", "requestID": "c7c6a4aa-bb61-4a15-b831-ba1472dd4a65", "target_type": "VNF", "target": "generic-vnf.vnf-name", "AAI": { "vserver.is-closed-loop-disabled": "false", "vserver.prov-status": "ACTIVE", "generic-vnf.vnf-name": "fw0002vm002fw002", "vserver.vserver-name": "OzVServer" }, "from": "DCAE", "version": "1.0.2" } Getting Information ------------------- To get the name(s) of the active controller(s), use: .. code-block:: bash curl --insecure --silent --user <username>:<password> -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers | python -m json.tool # Example output when running PDP-D with Docker: policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ echo $TELEMETRY_USER demo@people.osaaf.org policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ echo $TELEMETRY_PASSWORD demo123456! policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ curl --insecure --silent --user demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456! -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers | python -m json.tool [ "frankfurt", "usecases" ] To check the facts currently in working memory, use the following command. .. code-block:: bash curl --insecure --silent --user <username>:<password> -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/<controllerName>/drools/facts | python -m json.tool # Example output: policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ curl --insecure --silent --user demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456! -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/frankfurt/drools/facts/ | python -m json.tool { "frankfurt": 0 } policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ curl --insecure --silent --user demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456! -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/usecases/drools/facts/ | python -m json.tool { "usecases": 0 } To get additional information about the controller, use: .. code-block:: bash curl --insecure --silent --user <username>:<password> -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/<controllerName> | python -m json.tool # Example output: policy@drools:/opt/app/policy/config$ curl --insecure --silent --user demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456! -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/frankfurt/ | python -m json.tool { "alive": true, "name": "frankfurt", "topicSinks": [ { "effectiveTopic": "APPC-CL", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": true, "topic": "APPC-CL", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "APPC-LCM-READ", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": true, "topic": "APPC-LCM-READ", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "POLICY-CL-MGT", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": true, "topic": "POLICY-CL-MGT", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "SDNR-CL", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": true, "topic": "SDNR-CL", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "DCAE_CL_RSP", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": true, "topic": "DCAE_CL_RSP", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false } ], "drools": { "sessions": [ "frankfurt" ], "alive": true, "brained": true, "groupId": "org.onap.policy.drools-applications.controlloop.common", "recentSourceEvents": [], "version": "1.6.0", "modelClassLoaderHash": -1185895883, "baseDomainNames": [ "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools", "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational" ], "artifactId": "controller-frankfurt", "recentSinkEvents": [], "sessionCoordinates": [ "org.onap.policy.drools-applications.controlloop.common:controller-frankfurt:1.6.0:frankfurt" ], "locked": false }, "policyTypes": [ { "name": "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools", "version": "1.0.0" }, { "name": "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "locked": false, "topicSources": [ { "effectiveTopic": "DCAE_TOPIC", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": false, "topic": "DCAE_TOPIC", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "APPC-CL", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": false, "topic": "APPC-CL", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "APPC-LCM-WRITE", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": false, "topic": "APPC-LCM-WRITE", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false }, { "effectiveTopic": "SDNR-CL-RSP", "topicCommInfrastructure": "NOOP", "servers": [ "NOOP" ], "alive": false, "topic": "SDNR-CL-RSP", "recentEvents": [], "locked": false } ] } Within the telemetry subshell, it is easy to get information. Simply navigate to a specific directory using "cd". Use the "get" command to get information. This is a shorter alternatve to using the "curl" requests as shown above. To get information about the engine: .. image:: img/docker/getEngine.png To list the names of the active controllers: .. image:: img/docker/getControllers.png To get information about the specific "frankfurt" controller: .. image:: img/docker/getFrankfurt.png To get information about the PDP-D environment: .. image:: img/docker/getEnvironment.png To get a list of features that are currently enabled: .. image:: img/docker/getFeatures.png Simulators ^^^^^^^^^^ Currently, there are 4 supported simulators: A&AI, SO, vFC, and guard. When they are up, they are accessed via localhost on the following ports: 1. A&AI - localhost:6666 2. SO - localhost:6667 3. vFC - localhost:6668 4. guard - localhost:6669 They all respond with hard-coded values representing their various success messages except for with certain inputs. For the A&AI simulator, if the value being queried with a “GET” query is “getFail” the simulator returns an exception message, if the value being queried in a “GET” query is “disableClosedLoop” the simulator returns a response with the value of “is-closed-loop-disabled” set to true, and if the value being queried in a named query is “error” the response from the simulator is A&AI’s failure message. The other simulator that can return multiple responses is the guard simulator, and that returns a deny response if the closed loop control name passed in is “denyGuard”. Using the Simulators -------------------- To check the status of the simulators, run the command: "*policy status*". If the feature "controlloop-utils" is enabled, the simulators are being used, otherwise, they are not. **Turning on the simulators** - First, make sure the controller is off by running the command “*policy stop*”. - Then turn the feature on with the command “*features enable controlloop-utils*”. - Finally restart the controller by running “*policy start*”. - Run “*features status*” again and the *feature controlloop-utils* will be **enabled**. **Turning the simulators off** - First, make sure the controller is off by running the command “*policy stop*”. - Then turn the feature off with the command “*features disable controlloop-utils*”. - Finally restart the controller by running “*policy start*”. - Run “*features status*” again and the *feature controlloop-utils* will be **disabled**. **For Junits** For Junits, the package *org.onap.policy.simulators* is needed. In the Util class, there are six methods to start the six different simulators: *buildAaiSim()*, *buildSoSim()*, *buildVfcSim()*, *buildGuardSim()*, *buildSdnc()*, and *buildDmaap()*. Once the method is called, the simulator should be up and waiting to respond to requests. To bring down the simulators, call *HttpServletServer.factory.destroy()*. Sample Responses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A&AI -------- .. code-block:: bash :caption: vnf-GET-response { "vnf-id": vnfId, // vnfId will be the vnfId you query on. If you query on a vnfName, the id will be "error" if the name is "error", "5e49ca06-2972-4532-9ed4-6d071588d792" otherwise "vnf-name": vnfName, // vnfName will be the vnfName you query on. If you query on a vnfId, the name will be "USUCP0PCOIL0110UJRT01" "vnf-type": "RT", "service-id": "d7bb0a21-66f2-4e6d-87d9-9ef3ced63ae4", "equipment-role": "UCPE", "orchestration-status": "created", "management-option": "ATT", "ipv4-oam-address": "", "ipv4-loopback0-address": "", "nm-lan-v6-address": "2001:1890:e00e:fffe::1345", "management-v6-address": "2001:1890:e00e:fffd::36", "in-maint": false, "prov-status":"ACTIVE", "is-closed-loop-disabled": isDisabled, // isDisabled will be true if the vnf name/Id you query on is disableClosedLoop, false otherwise "resource-version": "1493389458092", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "service-instance", "related-link": "/aai/v11/business/customers/customer/1610_Func_Global_20160817084727/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/uCPE-VMS/service-instances/service-instance/USUCP0PCOIL0110UJZZ01", "relationship-data": [{ "relationship-key": "customer.global-customer-id", "relationship-value": "1610_Func_Global_20160817084727" }, { "relationship-key": "service-subscription.service-type", "relationship-value": "uCPE-VMS" }, { "relationship-key": "service-instance.service-instance-id", "relationship-value": "USUCP0PCOIL0110UJZZ01" }], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "service-instance.service-instance-name" }] }, { "related-to": "vserver", "related-link": "/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/att-aic/AAIAIC25/tenants/tenant/USUCP0PCOIL0110UJZZ01%3A%3AuCPE-VMS/vservers/vserver/3b2558f4-39d8-40e7-bfc7-30660fb52c45", "relationship-data": [{ "relationship-key": "cloud-region.cloud-owner", "relationship-value": "att-aic" }, { "relationship-key": "cloud-region.cloud-region-id", "relationship-value": "AAIAIC25" }, { "relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "USUCP0PCOIL0110UJZZ01::uCPE-VMS" }, { "relationship-key": "vserver.vserver-id", "relationship-value": "3b2558f4-39d8-40e7-bfc7-30660fb52c45" }], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "vserver.vserver-name", "property-value": "USUCP0PCOIL0110UJZZ01-vsrx" }] }] } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vnf-GET-fail // This is returned if you query on the value "getFail" { "requestError": { "serviceException": { "messageId": "SVC3001", "text": "Resource not found for %1 using id %2 (msg=%3) (ec=%4)", "variables": ["GET", "network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/getFail", "Node Not Found:No Node of type generic-vnf found at network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/getFail", "ERR.5.4.6114"] } } } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vserver-GET-response { "vserver": [{ "vserver-id": "d0668d4f-c25e-4a1b-87c4-83845c01efd8", "vserver-name": vserverName, // The value you query on "vserver-name2": "vjunos0", "vserver-selflink": "https://aai-ext1.test.att.com:8443/aai/v7/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/att-aic/AAIAIC25/tenants/tenant/USMSO1SX7NJ0103UJZZ01%3A%3AuCPE-VMS/vservers/vserver/d0668d4f-c25e-4a1b-87c4-83845c01efd8", "in-maint": false, "prov-status":"ACTIVE", "is-closed-loop-disabled": isDisabled, // True if the vserverName is "disableClosedLoop", false otherwise "resource-version": "1494001931513", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "generic-vnf", "related-link": "/aai/v11/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/e1a41e99-4ede-409a-8f9d-b5e12984203a", "relationship-data": [{ "relationship-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-id", "relationship-value": "e1a41e99-4ede-409a-8f9d-b5e12984203a" }], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-name", "property-value": "USMSO1SX7NJ0103UJSW01" }] }, { "related-to": "pserver", "related-link": "/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/pservers/pserver/USMSO1SX7NJ0103UJZZ01", "relationship-data": [{ "relationship-key": "pserver.hostname", "relationship-value": "USMSO1SX7NJ0103UJZZ01" }], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "pserver.pserver-name2" }] }] } }] } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vserver-GET-error // This is returned if you query on the value "getFail" { "requestError": { "serviceException": { "messageId": "SVC3001", "text": "Resource not found for %1 using id %2 (msg=%3) (ec=%4)", "variables": ["GET", "nodes/vservers", "Node Not Found:No Node of type generic-vnf found at nodes/vservers", "ERR.5.4.6114"] } } } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vnf-NamedQuery-response { "inventory-response-item": [ { "model-name": "service-instance", "generic-vnf": { "vnf-id": "vnfId", //vnfId will be the vnfId you query on "vnf-name": "ZRDM2MMEX39", "vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1", "service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb", "prov-status": "ACTIVE", "in-maint": false, "is-closed-loop-disabled": false, "resource-version": "1503082370097", "model-invariant-id": "82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4", "model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] }, "inventory-response-items": { "inventory-response-item": [ { "model-name": "service-instance", "service-instance": { "service-instance-id": "37b8cdb7-94eb-468f-a0c2-4e3c3546578e", "service-instance-name": "Changed Service Instance NAME", "resource-version": "1503082993532", "model-invariant-id": "82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4", "model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] }, "inventory-response-items": { "inventory-response-item": [ { "model-name": "pnf", "generic-vnf": { "vnf-id": "pnfVnfId", // pnfVnfId is UUID generated from ${pnfVnfName} "vnf-name": "pnfVnfName", // pnfVnfName is pnf-test-${vnfId} "vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1", "service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb", "in-maint": false, "is-closed-loop-disabled": false, "resource-version": "1504013830207", "model-invariant-id": "862b25a1-262a-4961-bdaa-cdc55d69785a", "model-version-id": "e9f1fa7d-c839-418a-9601-03dc0d2ad687" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] } }, { "model-name": "service-instance", "generic-vnf": { "vnf-id": "serviceInstanceVnfId", // serviceInstanceVnfId is UUID generated from ${serviceInstanceVnfName} "vnf-name": "serviceInstanceVnfName", // serviceInstanceVnfName is service-instance-test-${vnfId} "vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1", "service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb", "in-maint": false, "is-closed-loop-disabled": false, "resource-version": "1504014833841", "model-invariant-id": "Eace933104d443b496b8.nodes.heat.vpg", "model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] } } ] } } ] } } ] } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vserver-NamedQuery-response { "inventory-response-item": [ { "vserver": { "vserver-id": "6ed3642c-f7a1-4a7c-9290-3d51fe1531eb", "vserver-name": "zdfw1lb01lb02", "vserver-name2": "zdfw1lb01lb02", "prov-status": "ACTIVE", "vserver-selflink": "", "in-maint": false, "is-closed-loop-disabled": false, "resource-version": "1510606403522" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] }, "inventory-response-items": { "inventory-response-item": [ { "model-name": "vLoadBalancer", "generic-vnf": { "vnf-id": "db373a8d-f7be-4d02-8ac8-6ca4c305d144", "vnf-name": "Vfmodule_vLB1113", "vnf-type": "vLoadBalancer-1106/vLoadBalancer 0", "service-id": "66f157fc-4148-4880-95f5-e120677e98d1", "prov-status": "PREPROV", "in-maint": false, "is-closed-loop-disabled": false, "resource-version": "1510604011851", "model-invariant-id": "cee050ed-92a5-494f-ab04-234307a846dc", "model-version-id": "fd65becc-6b2c-4fe8-ace9-cc29db9a3da2" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "fd65becc-6b2c-4fe8-ace9-cc29db9a3da2" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "vLoadBalancer" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "resource" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "cee050ed-92a5-494f-ab04-234307a846dc" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1.0" } ] }, "inventory-response-items": { "inventory-response-item": [ { "model-name": "vLoadBalancer-1106", "service-instance": { "service-instance-id": "3b12f31f-8f2d-4f5c-b875-61ff1194b941", "service-instance-name": "vLoadBalancer-1113", "resource-version": "1510603936425", "model-invariant-id": "1321d60d-f7ff-4300-96c2-6bf0b3268b7a", "model-version-id": "732d4692-4b97-46f9-a996-0b3339e88c50" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "732d4692-4b97-46f9-a996-0b3339e88c50" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "vLoadBalancer-1106" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "service" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "1321d60d-f7ff-4300-96c2-6bf0b3268b7a" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1.0" } ] } }, { "model-name": "Vloadbalancer..base_vlb..module-0", "vf-module": { "vf-module-id": "e6b3e3eb-34e1-4c00-b8c1-2a4fbe479b12", "vf-module-name": "Vfmodule_vLB1113-1", "heat-stack-id": "Vfmodule_vLB1113-1/3dd6d900-772f-4fcc-a0cb-e250ab2bb4db", "orchestration-status": "active", "is-base-vf-module": true, "resource-version": "1510604612557", "model-invariant-id": "6d760188-9a24-451a-b05b-e08b86cb94f2", "model-version-id": "93facad9-55f2-4fe0-9574-814c2bc2d071" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "93facad9-55f2-4fe0-9574-814c2bc2d071" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "Vloadbalancer..base_vlb..module-0" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "resource" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "6d760188-9a24-451a-b05b-e08b86cb94f2" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1" } ] } }, { "model-name": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1", "vf-module": { "vf-module-id": "dummy_db373a8d-f7be-4d02-8ac8-6ca4c305d144", "vf-module-name": "dummy_db373a8d-f7be-4d02-8ac8-6ca4c305d144", "is-base-vf-module": false, "resource-version": "1510610079687", "model-invariant-id": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c", "model-version-id": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "resource" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1" } ] } }, { "model-name": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1", "vf-module": { "vf-module-id": "my_module_db373a8d-f7be-4d02-8ac8-6ca4c305d144", "vf-module-name": "my_module_1", "is-base-vf-module": false, "resource-version": "1510610079687", "model-invariant-id": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c", "model-version-id": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "resource" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1" } ] } }, { "model-name": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1", "vf-module": { "vf-module-id": "my_module_db373a8d-f7be-4d02-8ac8-6ca4c305d144", "vf-module-name": "my_module_2", "is-base-vf-module": false, "resource-version": "1510610079687", "model-invariant-id": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c", "model-version-id": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [ { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version-id", "property-value": "6b93d804-cfc8-4be3-92cc-9336d135859a" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-name", "property-value": "Vloadbalancer..dnsscaling..module-1" }, { "property-name": "model.model-type", "property-value": "resource" }, { "property-name": "model.model-invariant-id", "property-value": "356a1cff-71f2-4086-9980-a2927ce11c1c" }, { "property-name": "model-ver.model-version", "property-value": "1" } ] } } ] } }, { "tenant": { "tenant-id": "41d6d38489bd40b09ea8a6b6b852dcbd", "tenant-name": "Integration-SB-00", "resource-version": "1509587770200" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] }, "inventory-response-items": { "inventory-response-item": [ { "cloud-region": { "cloud-owner": "CloudOwner", "cloud-region-id": "RegionOne", "cloud-region-version": "v1", "resource-version": "1509587770092" }, "extra-properties": { "extra-property": [] } } ] } } ] } } ] } .. code-block:: bash :caption: NamedQuery-error // This is returned if you query the value "error" { "requestError": { "serviceException": { "messageId": "SVC3001", "text": "Resource not found for %1 using id %2 (msg=%3) (ec=%4)", "variables": ["POST Search", "getNamedQueryResponse", "Node Not Found:No Node of type generic-vnf found for properties", "ERR.5.4.6114"] } } } SO ------ .. code-block:: bash :caption: SO-response { "requestReferences": { "requestId":"3e074e0e-5468-48f2-9226-51039d30fe5d" // randomly generated UUID }, "request": { "requestId":"a8f58372-aab2-45b8-9d36-c7a42e701c29", // randomly generated UUID "requestStatus": { "percentProgress":0, "requestState":"COMPLETE", "wasRolledBack":false } } } } vFC ------- .. code-block:: bash :caption: vFC-POST-response { "jobId": "1" } .. code-block:: bash :caption: vFC-GET-response { "jobId": jobId, //The jod id that you query "responseDescriptor": { "progress": "40", "status": "finished", "statusDescription": "OMC VMs are decommissioned in VIM", "errorCode": null, "responseId": 101, "responseHistoryList": [{ "progress": "40", "status": "proccessing", "statusDescription": "OMC VMs are decommissioned in VIM", "errorCode": null, "responseId": "1" }, { "progress": "41", "status": "proccessing", "statusDescription": "OMC VMs are decommissioned in VIM", "errorCode": null, "responseId": "2" }] } } GUARD --------- .. code-block:: bash :caption: permit-response { "decision": "PERMIT", "details": "Decision Permit. OK!" } .. code-block:: bash :caption: deny-response // This is returned if the closed loop name is denyGuard { "decision": "DENY", "details": "Decision Deny. You asked for it" } End of Document