.. This work is licensed under a
.. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

.. _strimzi-policy-label:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Policy Framework with Strimzi-Kafka communication

This page will explain how to set up a local Kubernetes cluster and minimal helm setup to run and deploy Policy Framework on a single host.
The rationale for this page is to spin up a development environment quickly and efficiently without the hassle of setting up the multi node cluster/Network file share that are required in a full deployment.

These instructions are for development purposes only. We are using the lightweight `microk8s <https://microk8s.io/>`_  as our Kubernetes environment.

Troubleshooting tips are included for possible issues while installation

General Setup

One VM running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (should also work on 18.04), with internet access to download charts/containers and the OOM repo
Root/sudo privileges
Sufficient RAM, depending on how many components you want to deploy
Around 20G of RAM allows for a few components, the minimal setup requires AAF, Policy, and Strimzi-Kafka

Overall procedure

Install/remove Microk8s with appropriate version
Install/remove Helm with appropriate version
Tweak Microk8s
Download OOM repo
Install the required Helm plugins
Install ChartMuseum as a local helm repo
Build all OOM charts and store them in the chart repo
Fine tune deployment based on your VM capacity and component needs
Deploy/Undeploy charts
Enable communication over Kafka
Run testsuites

Install/Upgrade Microk8s with appropriate version

Microk8s is a bundled lightweight version of kubernetes maintained by Canonical, it has the advantage of being well integrated with snap on Ubuntu, which makes it super easy to manage/upgrade/work with

More info on : https://microk8s.io/docs

There are 2 things to know about microk8s :

1) it is wrapped by snap, which is nice but you need to understand that it's not exactly the same as having a proper k8s installation (more info below on some specific commands)

2) it is not using docker as the container runtime, it's using containerd. it's not an issue, just be aware of that as you won't see containers using classic docker commands

If you have a previous version of microk8s, you first need to uninstall it (upgrade is possible but it is not recommended between major versions so I recommend to uninstall as it's fast and safe)

    .. code-block:: bash

        sudo snap remove microk8s

You need to select the appropriate version to install, to see all possible version do :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo snap info microk8s
       sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.19/stable

You may need to change your firewall configuration to allow pod to pod communication and pod to internet communication :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo ufw allow in on cni0 && sudo ufw allow out on cni0
       sudo ufw default allow routed
       sudo microk8s enable dns storage
       sudo microk8s enable dns

Install/remove Helm with appropriate version

Helm is the package manager for k8s, we require a specific version for each ONAP release, it's the best is to look at the OOM guides to see which one is required `<https://helm.sh>`_

For the Honolulu release we need Helm 3 - A significant improvement with Helm3 is that it does not require a specific pod running in the kubernetes cluster (no more Tiller pod)

As Helm is self contained, it's pretty straightforward to install/upgrade, we can also use snap to install the right version

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo snap install helm --classic --channel=3.5/stable

Note: You may encounter some log issues when installing helm with snap

Normally the helm logs are available in "~/.local/share/helm/plugins/deploy/cache/onap/logs", if you notice that the log files are all equal to 0, you can uninstall helm with snap and reinstall it manually

    .. code-block:: bash

       wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.5.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz

       tar xvfz helm-v3.5.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz

       sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

Tweak Microk8s
The tweaks below are not strictly necessary, but they help in making the setup more simple and flexible.

A) Increase the max number of pods & Add priviledged config
As ONAP may deploy a significant amount of pods, we need to inform kubelet to allow more than the basic configuration (as we plan an all in box setup), If you only plan to run a limited number of components, this is not needed

to change the max number of pods, we need to add a parameter to the startup line of kubelet.

1. Edit the file located at :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo nano /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet

add the following line at the end :


save the file and restart kubelet to apply the change :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo service snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet restart

2. Edit the file located at :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo nano /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kube-apiserver

add the following line at the end :


save the file and restart kubelet to apply the change :

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo service snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver restart

B) run a local copy of kubectl
Microk8s comes bundled with kubectl, you can interact with it by doing:

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo microk8s kubectl describe node

to make things simpler as we will most likely interact a lot with kubectl, let's install a local copy of kubectl so we can use it to interact with the kubernetes cluster in a more straightforward way

We need kubectl 1.19 to match the cluster we have installed, let's again use snap to quickly choose and install the one we need

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo snap install kubectl --classic --channel=1.19/stable

Now we need to provide our local kubectl client with a proper config file so that it can access the cluster, microk8s allows to retrieve the cluster config very easily

Simply create a .kube folder in your home directory and dump the config there

    .. code-block:: bash

       mkdir .kube
       cd .kube
       sudo microk8s.config > config
       chmod 700 config

the last line will avoid helm complaining about too open permissions

you should now have helm and kubectl ready to interact with each other, you can verify this by trying :

    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl version

this should output both the local client and server version

    .. code-block:: bash

       Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.7", GitCommit:"1dd5338295409edcfff11505e7bb246f0d325d15", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-01-13T13:23:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
       Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19+", GitVersion:"v1.19.7-34+02d22c9f4fb254", GitCommit:"02d22c9f4fb2545422b2b28e2152b1788fc27c2f", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-02-11T20:13:16Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Download OOM repo
The Policy kubernetes chart is located in the `OOM repository <https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/policy>`_.
This chart includes different policy components referred as <policy-component-name>.

Please refer to the `OOM documentation <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-oom/en/latest/oom_user_guide.html>`_ on how to install and deploy ONAP.
    .. code-block:: bash

       git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom"

Install the needed Helm plugins
Onap deployments are using the deploy and undeploy plugins for helm

to install them just run :

    .. code-block:: bash

       helm plugin install ./oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/undeploy/
       helm plugin install ./oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/deploy/

       cp -R ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.local/share/helm/plugins

this will copy the plugins into your home directory .helm folder and make them available as helm commands

Another plugin we need is the push plugin, with helm3 there is no longer an embedded repo to use.
    .. code-block:: bash

       helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push.git --version 0.10.0

Once all plugins are installed, you should see them as available helm commands when doing :

    .. code-block:: bash

       helm --help

Add the helm repo:
    .. code-block:: bash

       helm repo add strimzi https://strimzi.io/charts/

Install the operator:
    .. code-block:: bash

       helm install strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator --namespace strimzi-system --version 0.28.0 --set watchAnyNamespace=true --create-namespace

Install the chartmuseum repository
Download the chartmuseum script and run it as a background task

    .. code-block:: bash

       curl -LO https://s3.amazonaws.com/chartmuseum/release/latest/bin/linux/amd64/chartmuseum
       chmod +x ./chartmuseum
       mv ./chartmuseum /usr/local/bin
       /usr/local/bin/chartmuseum --port=8080   --storage="local"   --storage-local-rootdir="~/chartstorage" &

you should see the chartmuseum repo starting locally, you can press enter to return to your terminal

you can now inform helm that a local repo is available for use :

    .. code-block:: bash

       # helm repo add local http://localhost:8080

Tip: If there is an error as below while adding repo local, then remove the repo, update and readd.
Error: repository name (local) already exists, please specify a different name

    .. code-block:: bash

       # helm repo remove local

"local" has been removed from your repositories

    .. code-block:: bash

       # helm repo update

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

    .. code-block:: bash

       helm repo add local http://localhost:8080
       2022-09-24T11:43:29.777+0100    INFO    [1] Request served      {"path": "/index.yaml", "comment": "", "clientIP": "", "method": "GET", "statusCode": 200, "latency": "4.107325ms", "reqID": "bd5d6089-b921-4086-a88a-13bd608a4135"}
       "local" has been added to your repositories

Build all OOM charts and store them in the chart repo
You should be ready to build all helm charts, go into the oom/kubernetes folder and run a full make

Ensure you have "make" installed:

    .. code-block:: bash

       sudo apt install make

Then build OOM

    .. code-block:: bash

       cd ~/oom/kubernetes
       make all

You can speed up the make skipping the linting of the charts

    .. code-block:: bash

       $cd ./oom/kubernetes
       $make all -e SKIP_LINT=TRUE; make onap -e SKIP_LINT=TRUE

You'll notice quite a few messages popping into your terminal running the chartmuseum, showing that it accepts and store the generated charts, that's normal, if you want, just open another terminal to run the helm commands

Once the build completes, you should be ready to deploy ONAP

Fine tune deployment based on your VM capacity and component needs
    .. code-block:: bash

       $cd ./oom/kubernetes
       Edit onap/values.yaml, to include the components to deploy, for this usecase, we set below components to true
       aaf: enabled: true
       policy: enabled: true
       strimzi: enabled: true

Save the file and we are all set to DEPLOY

Installing or Upgrading Policy Components

The assumption is you have cloned the charts from the OOM repository into a local directory.

**Step 1** Go to the policy charts and edit properties in values.yaml files to make any changes to particular policy component if required.

.. code-block:: bash

  cd oom/kubernetes/policy/components/<policy-component-name>

**Step 2** Build the charts

.. code-block:: bash

  cd oom/kubernetes
  make SKIP_LINT=TRUE policy

.. note::
   SKIP_LINT is only to reduce the "make" time

**Step 3** Undeploying already deployed policy components

After undeploying policy components, keep monitoring the policy pods until they go away.

.. code-block:: bash

  helm del --purge <my-helm-release>-<policy-component-name>
  kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep <policy-component-name>

**Step 4** Make sure there is no orphan database persistent volume or claim.

First, find if there is an orphan database PV or PVC with the following commands:

.. code-block:: bash

  kubectl get pvc -n <namespace> | grep <policy-component-name>
  kubectl get pv -n <namespace> | grep <policy-component-name>

If there are any orphan resources, delete them with

.. code-block:: bash

    kubectl delete pvc <orphan-policy-pvc-name>
    kubectl delete pv <orphan-policy-pv-name>

**Step 5** Delete NFS persisted data for policy components

Connect to the machine where the file system is persisted and then execute the below command

.. code-block:: bash

  rm -fr /dockerdata-nfs/<my-helm-release>/<policy-component-name>

**Step 6** Re-Deploy policy pods

First you need to ensure that the onap namespace exists (it now must be created prior deployment)

    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl create namespace onap

After deploying policy, keep monitoring the policy pods until they come up.

.. code-block:: bash

  helm deploy dev local/onap -n onap --create-namespace --set global.masterPassword=test --debug -f ./onap/values.yaml --verbose --debug
  kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep <policy-component-name>

You should see all pods starting up and you should be able to see logs using kubectl, dive into containers etc...

Restarting a faulty component
Each policy component can be restarted independently by issuing the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

    kubectl delete pod <policy-component-pod-name> -n <namespace>

Some handy commands and tips below for troubleshooting:

    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl get po
       kubectl get pvc
       kubectl get pv
       kubectl get secrets
       kubectl get cm
       kubectl get svc
       kubectl logs dev-policy-api-7bb656d67f-qqmtk
       kubectl describe dev-policy-api-7bb656d67f-qqmtk
       kubectl exec -it <podname> ifconfig
       kubectl exec -it <podname> pwd
       kubectl exec -it <podname> sh

TIP: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/

TIP: If only policy pods are being brought down and brought-up
    .. code-block:: bash

       helm uninstall dev-policy
       make policy -e SKIP_LINT=TRUE
       helm install dev-policy local/policy -n onap --set global.masterPassword=test --debug

TIP: If there is an error to bringing up "dev-strimzi-entity-operator not found. Retry 60/60"
    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl -nkube-system get svc/kube-dns

Stop the microk8s cluster with "microk8s stop" command
Edit the kubelet configuration file /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet and add the following lines:


Start the microk8s cluster with "microk8s start" command
Check the status of microk8s cluster with "microk8s status" command

How to undeploy and start fresh
The easiest is to use kubectl, you can clean up the cluster in 3 commands :

    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl delete namespace onap
       kubectl delete pv --all
       helm undeploy dev
       helm undeploy onap
       kubectl delete pvc --all;kubectl delete pv --all;kubectl delete cm --all;kubectl delete deploy --all;kubectl delete secret --all;kubectl delete jobs --all;kubectl delete pod --all
       rm -rvI /dockerdata-nfs/dev/
       rm -rf ~/.cache/helm/repository/local-*
       rm -rf ~/.cache/helm/repository/policy-11.0.0.tgz
       rm -rf ~/.cache/helm/repository/onap-11.0.0.tgz
       rm -rf  /dockerdata-nfs/*
       helm repo update
       helm repo remove local

don't forget to create the namespace again before deploying again (helm won't complain if it is not there, but you'll end up with an empty cluster after it finishes)

Note : you could also reset the K8S cluster by using the microk8s feature : microk8s reset

Enable communication over Kafka
To build a custom Kafka Cluster, Set UseStrimziKafka in policy/value.yaml to false, Or do not have any Strimzi-Kafka policy configuration in oom/kubernetes/policy/

The following commands will create a simple custom kafka cluster, This strimzi cluster is not an ONAP based Strimzi Kafka Cluster. A custom kafka cluster is established with ready to use commands from https://strimzi.io/quickstarts/

    .. code-block:: yaml

       kubectl create namespace kafka

After that, we feed Strimzi with a simple Custom Resource, which will then give you a small persistent Apache Kafka Cluster with one node each for Apache Zookeeper and Apache Kafka:

# Apply the `Kafka` Cluster CR file

    .. code-block:: yaml

       kubectl apply -f https://strimzi.io/examples/latest/kafka/kafka-persistent-single.yaml -n kafka

We now need to wait while Kubernetes starts the required pods, services and so on:

    .. code-block:: yaml

       kubectl wait kafka/my-cluster --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n kafka

The above command might timeout if you’re downloading images over a slow connection. If that happens you can always run it again.

Once the cluster is running, you can run a simple producer to send messages to a Kafka topic (the topic will be automatically created):

    .. code-block:: yaml

       kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --image=quay.io/strimzi/kafka:0.31.1-kafka-3.2.3 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic

And to receive them in a different terminal you can run:

    .. code-block:: yaml

       kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --image=quay.io/strimzi/kafka:0.31.1-kafka-3.2.3 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning

NOTE: If targeting an ONAP based Strimzi Kafka cluster with security certs, Set UseStrimziKafka to true.
By doing this, A policy-kafka-user, policy-kafka-topics are created in Strimzi kafka.

In the case of a custom kafka cluster, topics have to be either manually created with the command below or programatically created with "allow.auto.create.topics = true" in Consumer config properties. Replace the topic below in the code block and create as many topics as needed for the component.

    .. code-block:: yaml

      cat << EOF | kubectl create -n kafka -f -
      apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
      kind: KafkaTopic
        name: policy-acruntime-participant
          strimzi.io/cluster: "my-cluster"
        partitions: 3
        replicas: 1

Policy application properties need to be modified for communication over Kafka.
Modify the configuration of Topic properties for the components that need to communicate over kafka

    .. code-block:: yaml

          topic: policy-acruntime-participant
            - dev-strimzi-kafka-bootstrap:9092
          topicCommInfrastructure: kafka
          fetchTimeout: 15000
          useHttps: true
            group-id: policy-group
            key.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
            value.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
            partition.assignment.strategy: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor
            enable.auto.commit: false
            auto.offset.reset: earliest
            security.protocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
            properties.sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
            properties.sasl.jaas.config: ${JAASLOGIN}

          topic: policy-acruntime-participant
            - dev-strimzi-kafka-bootstrap:9092
          topicCommInfrastructure: kafka
          useHttps: true
            key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
            value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
            acks: 1
            retry.backoff.ms: 150
            retries: 3
            security.protocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
            properties.sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
            properties.sasl.jaas.config: ${JAASLOGIN}

Note: security.protocol can simply be PLAINTEXT, if targetting a custom kafka cluster

    .. code-block:: yaml

          topic: policy-acruntime-participant
            - my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.mykafka.svc:9092
          topicCommInfrastructure: kafka
          fetchTimeout: 15000
          useHttps: true
            group-id: policy-group
            key.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
            value.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
            partition.assignment.strategy: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor
            enable.auto.commit: false
            auto.offset.reset: earliest
            security.protocol: PLAINTEXT

          topic: policy-acruntime-participant
            - my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.mykafka.svc:9092
          topicCommInfrastructure: kafka
          useHttps: true
            key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
            value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
            acks: 1
            retry.backoff.ms: 150
            retries: 3
            security.protocol: PLAINTEXT

Ensure strimzi and policy pods are running, and topics are created with the commands below

    .. code-block:: bash

       $ kubectl get kafka -n onap
       dev-strimzi   2                        2                     True    True

       $ kubectl get kafkatopics -n onap
       NAME                                                                                               CLUSTER       PARTITIONS   REPLICATION FACTOR   READY
       consumer-offsets---84e7a678d08f4bd226872e5cdd4eb527fadc1c6a                                        dev-strimzi   50           2                    True
       policy-acruntime-participant                                                                       dev-strimzi   10           2                    True
       policy-heartbeat                                                                                   dev-strimzi   10           2                    True
       policy-notification                                                                                dev-strimzi   10           2                    True
       policy-pdp-pap                                                                                     dev-strimzi   10           2                    True
       strimzi-store-topic---effb8e3e057afce1ecf67c3f5d8e4e3ff177fc55                                     dev-strimzi   1            2                    True
       strimzi-topic-operator-kstreams-topic-store-changelog---b75e702040b99be8a9263134de3507fc0cc4017b   dev-strimzi   1            2                    True

    .. code-block:: bash

       $kubectl get kafkatopics -n mykafka
       NAME                                                                                               CLUSTER      PARTITIONS   REPLICATION FACTOR   READY
       strimzi-store-topic---effb8e3e057afce1ecf67c3f5d8e4e3ff177fc55                                     my-cluster   1            1                    True
       strimzi-topic-operator-kstreams-topic-store-changelog---b75e702040b99be8a9263134de3507fc0cc4017b   my-cluster   1            1                    True
       consumer-offsets---84e7a678d08f4bd226872e5cdd4eb527fadc1c6a                                        my-cluster   50           1                    True
       policy-acruntime-participant                                                                       my-cluster   3            1                    True
       policy-pdp-pap                                                                                     my-cluster   3            1                    True
       policy-heartbeat                                                                                   my-cluster   3            1                    True
       policy-notification                                                                                my-cluster   3            1                    True

The following commands will execute a quick check to see if the Kafka producer and Kafka Consumer are working, with the given Bootstrap server and topic.

    .. code-block:: bash

       kubectl -n mykafka run kafka-producer -ti --image=quay.io/strimzi/kafka:0.31.1-kafka-3.2.3 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic policy-acruntime-participant

       kubectl -n mykafka run kafka-consumer -ti --image=quay.io/strimzi/kafka:0.31.1-kafka-3.2.3 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic policy-acruntime-participant

The following table lists some properties that can be specified as Helm chart

| Property                              | Description                                                                                             | Default Value                 |
| config.useStrimziKafka                | If targeting a custom kafka cluster, ie useStrimziKakfa: false                                          | true                          |
| bootstrap-servers                     | Kafka hostname and port                                                                                 | ``<kafka-bootstrap>:9092``    |
| consumer.client-id                    | Kafka consumer client id                                                                                |                               |
| security.protocol                     | Kafka security protocol.                                                                                | ``SASL_PLAINTEXT``            |
|                                       | Some possible values are:                                                                               |                               |
|                                       |                                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``PLAINTEXT``                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``SASL_PLAINTEXT``, for authentication                                                                |                               |
|                                       | * ``SASL_SSL``, for authentication and encryption                                                       |                               |
| sasl.mechanism                        | Kafka security SASL mechanism. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols.                      | Not defined                   |
|                                       | Some possible values are:                                                                               |                               |
|                                       |                                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``PLAIN``, for PLAINTEXT                                                                              |                               |
|                                       | * ``SCRAM-SHA-512``, for SSL                                                                            |                               |
| sasl.jaas.config                      | Kafka security SASL JAAS configuration. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols.             | Not defined                   |
|                                       | Some possible values are:                                                                               |                               |
|                                       |                                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``,  |                               |
|                                       |   for PLAINTEXT                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``,  |                               |
|                                       |   for SSL                                                                                               |                               |
| ssl.trust-store-type                  | Kafka security SASL SSL store type. Required for SASL_SSL protocol.                                     | Not defined                   |
|                                       | Some possible values are:                                                                               |                               |
|                                       |                                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``JKS``                                                                                               |                               |
| ssl.trust-store-location              | Kafka security SASL SSL store file location. Required for SASL_SSL protocol.                            | Not defined                   |
| ssl.trust-store-password              | Kafka security SASL SSL store password. Required for SASL_SSL protocol.                                 | Not defined                   |
| ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm | Kafka security SASL SSL broker hostname identification verification. Required for SASL_SSL protocol.    | Not defined                   |
|                                       | Possible value is:                                                                                      |                               |
|                                       |                                                                                                         |                               |
|                                       | * ``""``, empty string to disable                                                                       |                               |

Run testsuites
If you have deployed the robot pod or have a local robot installation, you can perform some tests using the scripts provided in the OOM repo

Browse to the test suite you have started and open the folder, click the report.html to see the robot test results.