.. This work is licensed under a .. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _policy-api-smoke-testing-label: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Policy Drools PDP and Applications Smoke Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The policy-drools-pdp smoke testing can be executed against a kubernetes based ONAP installation, and/or a docker-compose set up similar to the one executed by CSIT tests. General Setup ************* ONAP OOM kubernetes ------------------- For installation instructions, please refer to the following documentation: `OOM Quick Start Guide <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-oom/en/latest/oom_quickstart_guide.html>`_ At a minimum policy needs the following components installed: - onap base charts - AAF for certificate generation - DMaaP message-router for communication among policy components. AAI, SO and other components can be simulated by installing the simulator charts: `Policy Simulator Helm Chart <https://git.onap.org/policy/docker/tree/helm/policy-models-simulator>`_ docker-compose based -------------------- A smaller testing environment can be put together by replicating the CSIT test environment: `Policy CSIT Test infrastructure <https://git.onap.org/policy/docker/tree/csit>`_ Testing procedures ****************** The smoke tests should be focused on verifying the proper workings of drools and dependent components. The following scenarios should be considered: - PDP-D registration with PAP. - PDP-D restarts and re-registration with PAP. - Proper workings of telemetry tool. - Exploration of correct PDP-D states with the telemetry tool. - Statistics and prometheus metrics. - Verify correct states of API, PAP, and controllers using the PDP-D healthchecks. - Verify distributed locking capability and proper use of the database. - Verify vCPE, vDNS, and vFirewall use cases and recorded metrics. The following testsuites contain everything necessary for the previous verifications: - `CSIT Robot framework <https://git.onap.org/policy/docker/tree/csit/drools-applications/tests/drools-applications-test.robot>`_ - `JMeter S3P <https://git.onap.org/policy/drools-applications/tree/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/s3p.jmx>`_