.. This work is licensed under a .. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _policy-distribution-smoke-testing-label: Policy Distribution Smoke Test ################################ The policy-distribution smoke testing is executed against a custom ONAP docker installation as defined in the "policy/docker/csit/docker-compose-distribution-smoke.yml" This test verifies the execution of the REST api's exposed by the component to make sure the CSAR Decoding and Forwarding works as expected. General Setup ***************** In policy/docker/csit/ .. code-block:: bash ./start-grafana.sh distribution This script will compose the ONAP components used during the smoke tests are: - Policy API to perform CRUD of policies. - Policy DB to store the policies, and DB Migrator to start the db. - DMAAP Simulator for the communication between components. - Policy PAP to perform runtime administration (deploy/undeploy/status/statistics/etc). - Policy Apex-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP. - Policy Drools-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP. - Policy Xacml-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP. - Policy Distribution to test the Decoding and Farwarding functions. Use this script to easly bring down the containers : .. code-block:: bash ./stop-grafana.sh Testing procedure ********************** The test set is focused on the following use cases: - Wait until Distribution starts and reach the built-in REST endpoints for fetching healthcheck & statistics. - Execute some of the REST api's exposed by policy-pap component. Starting Policy Distribution ------------------------------------ Check the docker logs to see when Distribution service is up and running. Get the ips of distribution and pap services: .. code:: :number-lines: ./get-instance-ip.sh policy-distribution ./get-instance-ip.sh policy-pap Health check status & statistical data of running distribution system. .. code-block:: bash curl -u 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' --basic http://{POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_IP}:6969/healthcheck curl -u 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' --basic http://{POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_IP}:6969/statistics Expected result for healthcheck .. code-block:: json {"name":"Policy SSD","url":"policy-distribution","healthy":true,"code":200,"message":"alive"} Expected result for statistics .. code-block:: json {"code":200,"totalDistributionCount":0,"distributionSuccessCount":0,"distributionFailureCount":0,"totalDownloadCount":0,"downloadSuccessCount":0,"downloadFailureCount":0} Trigger Policy Distribution Core ------------------------------------------ In order to test policy-distribution, we need to trigger the decoding copying a .csar in the mapped volume, defined in the docker-compose-distribution-smoke.yml as : .. code-block:: yaml volumes: - ./distribution/config/temp/:/opt/app/policy/distribution/etc/temp/ So now copy the "sample_csar_with_apex_policy.csar" from ./distribution/config/csar/ to ./distribution/config/temp/ If the commissioning is successful we should see from the logs this message .. image:: images/message-commissioning-participant.png So if we check the distribution statistics again .. code-block:: bash {"code":200,"totalDistributionCount":1,"distributionSuccessCount":1,"distributionFailureCount":0,"totalDownloadCount":1,"downloadSuccessCount":1,"downloadFailureCount":0} Execute policy-pap testing ------------------------------------ .. note:: The user for pap is different. Check the details of policies deployed .. code-block:: bash curl -k --user 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' http://{POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969/policy/pap/v1/policies/status Expected SUCCESS result .. code-block:: json [{"pdpGroup":"defaultGroup","pdpType":"apex","pdpId":"apex-91fa25a1-0456-42fa-9556-6a4d2bd613fc","policy":{"name":"operational.apex.sampledomain","version":"1.0.0"},"policyType":{"name":"onap.policies.native.Apex","version":"1.0.0"},"deploy":true,"state":"SUCCESS"},{"pdpGroup":"defaultGroup","pdpType":"xacml","pdpId":"xacml-83e19452-0854-41dd-9f17-8b0a68f11813","policy":{"name":"SDNC_Policy.ONAP_NF_NAMING_TIMESTAMP","version":"1.0.0"},"policyType":{"name":"onap.policies.Naming","version":"1.0.0"},"deploy":true,"state":"SUCCESS"}] Check number of policies deployed .. code-block:: bash curl -k --user 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' http://{POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969/policy/pap/v1/policies/deployed Expected success-count result .. code-block:: json [{"policy-type":"onap.policies.native.Apex","policy-type-version":"1.0.0","policy-id":"operational.apex.sampledomain","policy-version":"1.0.0","success-count":1,"failure-count":0,"incomplete-count":0},{"policy-type":"onap.policies.Naming","policy-type-version":"1.0.0","policy-id":"SDNC_Policy.ONAP_NF_NAMING_TIMESTAMP","policy-version":"1.0.0","success-count":1,"failure-count":0,"incomplete-count":0}] Or download & execute the steps in postman collection for verifying policy-pap component. The steps needs to be performed sequentially one after another. And no input is required from user. `Policy Framework Administration API `_ Make sure to execute the delete steps in order to clean the setup after testing.