.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution .. 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Policy DB Migrator Smoke Tests ############################## Prerequisites ************* Check number of files in each release .. code:: :number-lines: ls 0800/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 96 ls 0900/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 13 ls 1000/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 9 ls 0800/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 96 ls 0900/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 13 ls 1000/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 9 Upgrade scripts =============== .. code:: :number-lines: /opt/app/policy/bin/prepare_upgrade.sh policyadmin /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade # upgrade to Jakarta version (latest) /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -t 0900 # upgrade to Istanbul /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -t 0800 # upgrade to Honolulu .. note:: You can also run db-migrator upgrade with the -t and -f options Downgrade scripts ================= .. code:: :number-lines: /opt/app/policy/bin/prepare_downgrade.sh policyadmin /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -t 0900 # downgrade to Istanbul /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -t 0800 # downgrade to Honolulu /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -t 0 # delete all tables Db migrator initialization script ================================= Update /oom/kubernetes/policy/resources/config/db_migrator_policy_init.sh with the appropriate upgrade/downgrade calls. The policy version you are deploying should either be an upgrade or downgrade from the current db migrator schema version. Every time you modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh you will have to undeploy, make and redeploy before updates are applied. 1. Fresh Install **************** .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 118 * - Tables in policyadmin - 70 * - Records Added - 118 * - schema_version - 1000 2. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) ******************************* Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts" tagged as Honolulu Make/Redeploy to run downgrade. .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 13 * - Tables in policyadmin - 73 * - Records Added - 13 * - schema_version - 0800 3. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) ***************************** Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts". Make/Redeploy to run upgrade. .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 13 * - Tables in policyadmin - 75 * - Records Added - 13 * - schema_version - 0900 4. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) without any information in the migration schema ***************************************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0800. (This may require running a downgrade before starting the test) Drop db-migrator tables in migration schema: .. code:: :number-lines: DROP TABLE schema_versions; DROP TABLE policyadmin_schema_changelog; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts". Make/Redeploy to run upgrade. .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 13 * - Tables in policyadmin - 75 * - Records Added - 13 * - schema_version - 0900 5. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) after failed downgrade **************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0900. Rename pdpstatistics table in policyadmin schema: .. code:: RENAME TABLE pdpstatistics TO backup_pdpstatistics; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run downgrade This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0) Rename backup_pdpstatistic table in policyadmin schema: .. code:: RENAME TABLE backup_pdpstatistics TO pdpstatistics; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - Remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run upgrade .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 11 * - Tables in policyadmin - 75 * - Records Added - 11 * - schema_version - 0900 6. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) after failed downgrade ****************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0900. Add timeStamp column to papdpstatistics_enginestats: .. code:: ALTER TABLE jpapdpstatistics_enginestats ADD COLUMN timeStamp datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL AFTER UPTIME; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run downgrade This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0) Remove timeStamp column from jpapdpstatistics_enginestats: .. code:: ALTER TABLE jpapdpstatistics_enginestats DROP COLUMN timeStamp; The config job will retry 5 times. If you make your fix before this limit is reached you won't need to redeploy. Redeploy to run downgrade .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 14 * - Tables in policyadmin - 73 * - Records Added - 14 * - schema_version - 0800 7. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) after failed upgrade **************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0800. Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts" Update pdpstatistics: .. code:: ALTER TABLE pdpstatistics ADD COLUMN POLICYUNDEPLOYCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL AFTER POLICYEXECUTEDSUCCESSCOUNT; Make/Redeploy to run upgrade This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0) Once the retry count has been reached, update pdpstatistics: .. code:: ALTER TABLE pdpstatistics DROP COLUMN POLICYUNDEPLOYCOUNT; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - Remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run downgrade .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 7 * - Tables in policyadmin - 73 * - Records Added - 7 * - schema_version - 0800 8. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) after failed upgrade ************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0800. Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts" Update PDP table: .. code:: ALTER TABLE pdp ADD COLUMN LASTUPDATE datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER HEALTHY; Make/Redeploy to run upgrade This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0) Update PDP table: .. code:: ALTER TABLE pdp DROP COLUMN LASTUPDATE; The config job will retry 5 times. If you make your fix before this limit is reached you won't need to redeploy. Redeploy to run upgrade .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 14 * - Tables in policyadmin - 75 * - Records Added - 14 * - schema_version - 0900 9. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) with data in pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats ******************************************************************************************* Ensure you are on release 0900. Check pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats are populated with data. .. code:: :number-lines: SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics; SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run downgrade Check the tables to ensure the number records is the same. .. code:: :number-lines: SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics; SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats; Check pdpstatistics to ensure the primary key has changed: .. code:: SELECT column_name, constraint_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_name='pdpstatistics'; Check jpapdpstatistics_enginestats to ensure id column has been dropped and timestamp column added. .. code:: SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'jpapdpstatistics_enginestats'; Check the pdp table to ensure the LASTUPDATE column has been dropped. .. code:: SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'pdp'; .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 13 * - Tables in policyadmin - 73 * - Records Added - 13 * - schema_version - 0800 10. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) with data in pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats ****************************************************************************************** Ensure you are on release 0800. Check pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats are populated with data. .. code:: :number-lines: SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics; SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats; Modify db_migrator_policy_init.sh - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts" Make/Redeploy to run upgrade Check the tables to ensure the number records is the same. .. code:: :number-lines: SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics; SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats; Check pdpstatistics to ensure the primary key has changed: .. code:: SELECT column_name, constraint_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_name='pdpstatistics'; Check jpapdpstatistics_enginestats to ensure timestamp column has been dropped and id column added. .. code:: SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'jpapdpstatistics_enginestats'; Check the pdp table to ensure the LASTUPDATE column has been added and the value has defaulted to the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. .. code:: SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'pdp'; .. list-table:: :widths: 60 20 :header-rows: 0 * - Number of files run - 13 * - Tables in policyadmin - 75 * - Records Added - 13 * - schema_version - 0900 .. note:: The number of records added may vary depnding on the number of retries. With addition of Postgres support to db-migrator, these tests can be also performed on a Postgres version of database. In addition, scripts running the aforementioned scenarios can be found under `smoke-tests` folder on db-migrator code base. End of Document