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.. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

.. _api-s3p-label:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Policy API S3P Tests

72 Hours Stability Test of Policy API


The 72 hour stability test of policy API has the goal of verifying the stability of running policy design API REST service by
ingesting a steady flow of transactions of policy design API calls in a multi-thread fashion to simulate multiple clients' behaviors.
All the transaction flows are initiated from a test client server running JMeter for the duration of 72+ hours.

Setup Details

The stability test is performed on VMs running in Intel Wind River Lab environment.
There are 2 seperate VMs. One for running API while the other running JMeter & other necessary components, e.g. MariaDB, to simulate steady flow of transactions.
For simplicity, let's assume:

VM1 will be running JMeter, MariaDB.
VM2 will be running API REST service and visualVM.

**Lab Environment**

Intel ONAP Integration and Deployment Labs
`Physical Labs <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Physical+Labs>`_,
`Wind River <https://www.windriver.com/>`_

**API VM Details (VM2)**

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

CPU: 4 core


HardDisk: 91 GB

Docker Version: 18.09.8

Java: OpenJDK 1.8.0_212

**JMeter VM Details (VM1)**

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

CPU: 4 core


HardDisk: 91GB

Docker Version: 18.09.8

Java: OpenJDK 1.8.0_212

JMeter: 5.1.1

**Software Installation & Configuration**

**VM1 & VM2 in lab**

**Install Java & Docker**

Make the etc/hosts entries

.. code-block:: bash

    $ echo $(hostname -I | cut -d\  -f1) $(hostname) | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Update the Ubuntu software installer

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo apt-get update

Check and install Java

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
    $ java -version

Ensure that the Java version executing is OpenJDK version 8

Check and install docker

.. code-block:: bash

    $ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce
    $ sudo apt-get install -y unzip docker-ce
    $ systemctl status docker
    $ docker ps

Change the permissions of the Docker socket file

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock

Or add the current user to the docker group

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Check the status of the Docker service and ensure it is running correctly

.. code-block:: bash

    $ service docker status
    $ docker ps

**VM1 in lab**

**Install JMeter**

Download & install JMeter

.. code-block:: bash

    $ mkdir jMeter
    $ cd jMeter
    $ wget http://mirrors.whoishostingthis.com/apache//jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-5.2.1.zip
    $ unzip apache-jmeter-5.2.1.zip

**Install other necessary components**

Pull api code & run setup components script

.. code-block:: bash

    $ cd ~
    $ git clone https://git.onap.org/policy/api
    $ cd api/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/simulatorsetup
    $ . ./setup_components.sh

After installation, make sure the following mariadb container is up and running

.. code-block:: bash

    ubuntu@test:~/api/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/simulatorsetup$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    3849ce44b86d        mariadb:10.2.14     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   11 days ago         Up 11 days>3306/tcp   mariadb

**VM2 in lab**

**Install policy-api**

Pull api code & run setup api script

.. code-block:: bash

    $ cd ~
    $ git clone https://git.onap.org/policy/api
    $ cd api/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/apisetup
    $ . ./setup_api.sh <host ip running api> <host ip running mariadb>

After installation, make sure the following api container is up and running

.. code-block:: bash

    ubuntu@tools-2:~/api/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/apisetup$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
    4f08f9972e55        nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-api:2.1.1-SNAPSHOT   "bash ./policy-api.sh"   11 days ago         Up 11 days>6969/tcp,>9090/tcp   policy-api

**Install & configure visualVM**

VisualVM needs to be installed in the virtual machine having API up and running. It will be used to monitor CPU, Memory, GC for API while stability test is running.

Install visualVM

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo apt-get install visualvm

Run few commands to configure permissions

.. code-block:: bash

    $ cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/
    $ sudo touch visualvm.policy
    $ sudo chmod 777 visualvm.policy

    $ vi visualvm.policy

    Add the following in visualvm.policy

    grant codebase "file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar" {
       permission java.security.AllPermission;

Run following commands to start jstatd using port 1111

.. code-block:: bash

    $ cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/
    $ ./jstatd -p 1111 -J-Djava.security.policy=visualvm.policy  &

**Local Machine**

**Run & configure visualVM**

Run visualVM by typing

.. code-block:: bash

    $ jvisualvm

Connect to jstatd & remote policy-api JVM

    1. Right click on "Remote" in the left panel of the screen and select "Add Remote Host..."
    2. Enter the IP address of VM2 (running policy-api)
    3. Right click on IP address, select "Add JMX Connection..."
    4. Enter the VM2 IP Address (from step 2) <IP address>:9090 ( for example, and click OK.
    5. Double click on the newly added nodes under "Remote" to start monitoring CPU, Memory & GC.

Sample Screenshot of visualVM

.. image:: images/results-5.png

Run Test

**Local Machine**

Connect to lab VPN

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo openvpn --config <path to lab ovpn key file>

SSH into JMeter VM (VM1)

.. code-block:: bash

    $ ssh -i <path to lab ssh key file> ubuntu@<host ip of JMeter VM>

Run JMeter test in background for 72+ hours

.. code-block:: bash

    $ mkdir s3p
    $ nohup ./jMeter/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin/jmeter.sh -n -t ~/api/testsuites/stability/src/main/resources/testplans/policy_api_stability.jmx &

(Optional) Monitor JMeter test that is running in background (anytime after re-logging into JMeter VM - VM1)

.. code-block:: bash

    $ tail -f s3p/stability.log nohup.out

Test Plan

The 72+ hours stability test will be running the following steps sequentially
in multi-threaded loops. Thread number is set to 5 to simulate 5 API clients'
behaviors (they can be calling the same policy CRUD API simultaneously).
Each thread creates a different version of the policy types and policies to not
interfere with one another while operating simultaneously.  The point version
of each entity is set to the running thread number.

**Setup Thread (will be running only once)**

- Get policy-api Healthcheck
- Get API Counter Statistics
- Get Preloaded Policy Types

**API Test Flow (5 threads running the same steps in the same loop)**

- Create a new Monitoring Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Create a new Monitoring Policy Type with Version 7.0.#
- Create a new Optimization Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Create a new Guard Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Create a new Native APEX Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Create a new Native Drools Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Create a new Native XACML Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Get All Policy Types
- Get All Versions of the new Monitoring Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Monitoring Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Optimzation Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Guard Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native APEX Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native Drools Policy Type
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native XACML Policy Type
- Get the Latest Version of the New Monitoring Policy Type
- Create Monitoring Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Monitoring Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Create Monitoring Policy Ver 7.0.# w/Monitoring Policy Type Ver 7.0.#
- Create Optimization Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Optimization Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Create Guard Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Guard Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Create Native APEX Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Native APEX Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Create Native Drools Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Native Drools Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Create Native XACML Policy Ver 6.0.# w/Native XACML Policy Type Ver 6.0.#
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Monitoring Policy
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Optimzation Policy
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Guard Policy
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native APEX Policy
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native Drools Policy
- Get Version 6.0.# of the new Native XACML Policy
- Get the Latest Version of the new Monitoring Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Monitoring Policy
- Delete Version 7.0.# of the new Monitoring Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Optimzation Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Guard Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Native APEX Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Native Drools Policy
- Delete Version 6.0.# of the new Native XACML Policy
- Delete Monitoring Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Delete Monitoring Policy Type with Version 7.0.#
- Delete Optimization Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Delete Guard Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Delete Native APEX Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Delete Native Drools Policy Type with Version 6.0.#
- Delete Native XACML Policy Type with Version 6.0.#

**TearDown Thread (will only be running after API Test Flow is completed)**

- Get policy-api Healthcheck
- Get Preloaded Policy Types

Test Results El-Alto


Policy API stability test plan was triggered and running for 72+ hours without any error occurred.

**Test Statistics**

=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================
**Total # of requests**  **Success %**  **Error %**  **Avg. time taken per request**  **Min. time taken per request**  **Max. time taken per request**
=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================
    49723                    100%           0%              86 ms                               4 ms                            795 ms
=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================

**VisualVM Results**

.. image:: images/results-5.png
.. image:: images/results-6.png

**JMeter Results**

.. image:: images/results-1.png
.. image:: images/results-2.png
.. image:: images/results-3.png
.. image:: images/results-4.png

Test Results Frankfurt

PFPP ONAP Windriver lab


Policy API stability test plan was triggered and running for 72+ hours without
any real errors occurring.  The single failure was on teardown and was due to
simultaneous test plans running concurrently on the lab system.

Compared to El-Alto, 10x the number of API calls were made in the 72 hour run.
However, the latency increased (most likely due to the synchronization added
`POLICY-2533 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/POLICY-2533>`_.
This will be addressed in the next release.

**Test Statistics**

=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================
**Total # of requests**  **Success %**  **Error %**  **Avg. time taken per request**  **Min. time taken per request**  **Max. time taken per request**
=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================
    514953                    100%           0%              2510 ms                               336 ms                          15034 ms
=======================  =============  ===========  ===============================  ===============================  ===============================

**VisualVM Results**

VisualVM results were not captured as this was run in the PFPP ONAP Windriver

**JMeter Results**

.. image:: images/api-s3p-jm-1_F.png

Performance Test of Policy API


Performance test of policy-api has the goal of testing the min/avg/max processing time and rest call throughput for all the requests when the number of requests are large enough to saturate the resource and find the bottleneck.

Setup Details

The performance test is performed on OOM-based deployment of ONAP Policy framework components in Intel Wind River Lab environment.
In addition, we use another VM with JMeter installed to generate the transactions.
The JMeter VM will be sending large number of REST requests to the policy-api component and collecting the statistics.
Policy-api component already knows how to communicate with MariaDB component if OOM-based deployment is working correctly.

Test Plan

Performance test plan is the same as stability test plan above.
Only differences are, in performance test, we increase the number of threads up to 20 (simulating 20 users' behaviors at the same time) whereas reducing the test time down to 1 hour.

Run Test

Running/Triggering performance test will be the same as stability test. That is, launch JMeter pointing to corresponding *.jmx* test plan. The *API_HOST* and *API_PORT* are already set up in *.jmx*.

Test Results

Test results are shown as below. Overall, the test was running smoothly and successfully. We do see some minor failed transactions, especially in POST calls which intend to write into DB simultaneously in a multi-threaded fashion . All GET calls (reading from DB) were succeeded.

.. image:: images/summary-1.png
.. image:: images/summary-2.png
.. image:: images/summary-3.png
.. image:: images/result-1.png
.. image:: images/result-2.png
.. image:: images/result-3.png
.. image:: images/result-4.png
.. image:: images/result-5.png
.. image:: images/result-6.png