@startuml participant "ACM Runtime" participant "Participant Replica 1" participant "Participant API Replica 1" participant "Participant Replica 2" "ACM Runtime" -> "Participant Replica 1": [ASYNC] Trigger an ACM operation for this AC Instance alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance match my Participant ID? alt Does this AC Element Instance exist? "Participant Replica 1" -> "ACM Runtime": [ASYNC] AC Element does not exist end "Participant Replica 1" -> "Participant API Replica 1": Perform ACM operation "Participant API Replica 1" -> "Participant Replica 1": ACM operation failed Response "Participant Replica 1" -> "ACM Runtime": [ASYNC] INFO: ACM operation failed note left of "Participant Replica 1" This returns the response message with StateChangeResult 'FAILED' end note "ACM Runtime" -> "Participant Replica 2": [ASYNC] Send sync message end @enduml