/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Nordix Foundation. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Bell Canada. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import { dropdownList } from "./dropdownList"; import { createAddFormButton } from "./ApexUtils"; import { showHideTextarea } from "./showhideTextarea"; import { formUtils_generateUUID } from "./ApexFormUtils"; import {editPolicyForm_getNextStateOptions, editPolicyForm_updateTriggerEventOptions} from "./ApexPolicyEditForm"; function editPolicyForm_State_generateStateDiv(createEditOrView, policy, statename, state, tasks, events, contextAlbums, contextItemSchemas) { var retDiv = document.createElement("div"); retDiv.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormStateDiv_" + statename); retDiv.setAttribute("class", "editPolicyFormStateDiv"); var divUL = document.createElement("ul"); retDiv.appendChild(divUL); // input event var triggerLI = document.createElement("li"); divUL.appendChild(triggerLI); var triggerLabel = document.createElement("label"); triggerLI.appendChild(triggerLabel); triggerLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormTrigger" + "_" + statename); triggerLabel.innerHTML = "Input Event for State: "; var eventselected = null; if (state != null && state.trigger != null) { eventselected = { "name" : state.trigger.name, "version" : state.trigger.version, "displaytext" : state.trigger.name + ":" + state.trigger.version }; } var ineventSelectDiv = dropdownList("editPolicyFormTrigger" + "_" + statename, events, eventselected, (createEditOrView == "VIEW"), function() { return editPolicyForm_updateTriggerEventOptions(events) }); triggerLI.appendChild(ineventSelectDiv); // Context Albums references var contextsLI = document.createElement("li"); divUL.appendChild(contextsLI); var contextsLabel = document.createElement("label"); contextsLI.appendChild(contextsLabel); contextsLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormContextsTable" + "_" + statename); contextsLabel.innerHTML = "Context Albums used in Task Selection Logic / State Output Logic: "; var contextstable = document.createElement("table"); contextstable.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormContextsTable" + "_" + statename); contextstable.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormContextsTable" + "_" + statename); contextstable.setAttribute("class", "table-policycontext"); contextsLI.appendChild(contextstable); // var contextstable_head = document.createElement("thead"); // contextstable.appendChild(contextstable_head); // var contextstable_head_tr = document.createElement("tr"); // contextstable_head.appendChild(contextstable_head_tr); // contextstable_head_tr.appendChild(document.createElement("th")); //empty, // for delete button // var contextstable_head_th = document.createElement("th"); // contextstable_head_tr.appendChild(contextstable_head_th); // contextstable_head_th.innerHTML = "Context Album: "; // contextstable_head_th.setAttribute("class", // "table-policycontext-heading"); var contextstable_body = document.createElement("tbody"); contextstable.appendChild(contextstable_body); // Add the contexts if (state && state.contextAlbumReference && $.isArray(state.contextAlbumReference)) { for (let contextEntry of state.contextAlbumReference) { var contextName = contextEntry.name + ":" + contextEntry.version; var ce = { "name" : contextEntry.name, "version" : contextEntry.version, "displaytext" : contextName }; editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyContext(contextstable_body, (createEditOrView == "VIEW"), statename, contextName, ce, contextAlbums); } } // add the Policy Context button if (createEditOrView == "CREATE" || createEditOrView == "EDIT") { var contextTR = document.createElement("tr"); contextTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policycontext-tr.new"); contextstable_body.appendChild(contextTR); var contextTD = document.createElement("td"); contextTD.setAttribute("colspan", "2"); contextTR.appendChild(contextTD); var addContextInput = createAddFormButton("Add New Policy Logic Context"); contextTD.appendChild(addContextInput); // addContextInput.setAttribute("id", "addContextButton"); // addContextInput.setAttribute("class", "ebBtn ebBtn_large"); // addContextInput.setAttribute("type", "submit"); // addContextInput.setAttribute("value", "Add New Policy Logic // Context"); // addContextInput.innerHTML = addContextInput.getAttribute("value"); addContextInput.onclick = function() { return editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyContext(contextstable_body, false, statename, null, null, contextAlbums); }; } // Task references var tasksLI = document.createElement("li"); divUL.appendChild(tasksLI); var tasksLabel = document.createElement("label"); tasksLI.appendChild(tasksLabel); tasksLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormTasksTable" + "_" + statename); tasksLabel.innerHTML = "State Tasks:"; var taskstable = document.createElement("table"); taskstable.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTasksTable" + "_" + statename); taskstable.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTasksTable" + "_" + statename); taskstable.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask"); tasksLI.appendChild(taskstable); var taskstable_head = document.createElement("thead"); taskstable.appendChild(taskstable_head); var taskstable_head_tr = document.createElement("tr"); taskstable_head.appendChild(taskstable_head_tr); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(document.createElement("th")); // empty, // for // delete // button var taskstable_isdefault_head_th = document.createElement("th"); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(taskstable_isdefault_head_th); taskstable_isdefault_head_th.innerHTML = "Default Task? "; taskstable_isdefault_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask-heading form-heading"); var taskstable_localname_head_th = document.createElement("th"); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(taskstable_localname_head_th); taskstable_localname_head_th.innerHTML = "Local Name for Task: "; taskstable_localname_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask-heading form-heading"); var taskstable_head_th = document.createElement("th"); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(taskstable_head_th); taskstable_head_th.innerHTML = "Task: "; taskstable_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask-heading form-heading"); var taskstable_outputtype_head_th = document.createElement("th"); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(taskstable_outputtype_head_th); taskstable_outputtype_head_th.innerHTML = "Output Mapping type: "; taskstable_outputtype_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask-heading form-heading"); taskstable_outputtype_head_th.setAttribute("colspan", "2"); var taskstable_outputsel_head_th = document.createElement("th"); taskstable_head_tr.appendChild(taskstable_outputsel_head_th); taskstable_outputsel_head_th.innerHTML = "Output Mapping: "; taskstable_outputsel_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policytask-heading form-heading"); var taskstable_body = document.createElement("tbody"); taskstable.appendChild(taskstable_body); var defaulttask = null; if (state && state.defaultTask && state.defaultTask.name && state.defaultTask.version) { defaulttask = state.defaultTask.name + ":" + state.defaultTask.version; } // Add the tasks if (state && state.taskReferences && $.isArray(state.taskReferences.entry)) { for (let taskEntry of state.taskReferences.entry) { var taskName = taskEntry.key.name + ":" + taskEntry.key.version; var taskselected = { "name" : taskEntry.key.name, "version" : taskEntry.key.version, "displaytext" : taskName }; var taskreference = taskEntry.value; editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyTask(taskstable_body, (createEditOrView == "VIEW"), (defaulttask == taskName), state, statename, taskreference, taskselected, tasks); } } // add the Policy Task button if (createEditOrView == "CREATE" || createEditOrView == "EDIT") { var taskTR = document.createElement("tr"); taskTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policytask-tr.new"); taskstable_body.appendChild(taskTR); var taskTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTD.setAttribute("colspan", "4"); taskTR.appendChild(taskTD); var addTaskInput = createAddFormButton("Add New Task"); taskTD.appendChild(addTaskInput); // addTaskInput.setAttribute("id", "addTaskButton"); // addTaskInput.setAttribute("class", "ebBtn ebBtn_large"); // addTaskInput.setAttribute("type", "submit"); // addTaskInput.setAttribute("value", "Add New Task"); // addTaskInput.innerHTML = addTaskInput.getAttribute("value"); addTaskInput.onclick = function() { return editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyTask(taskstable_body, false, false, state, statename, null, null, tasks); }; } // tasksellogic var tasksellogicLI = document.createElement("li"); divUL.appendChild(tasksellogicLI); var tasksellogicLabel = document.createElement("label"); tasksellogicLI.appendChild(tasksellogicLabel); tasksellogicLabel.setAttribute("for", "editEventFormTaskSelLogicDiv" + "_" + statename); tasksellogicLabel.innerHTML = "Task Selection Logic: "; var tasksellogicdiv = document.createElement("div"); tasksellogicdiv.setAttribute("id", "editEventFormTaskSelLogicDiv" + "_" + statename); var logic = ""; if (state && state.taskSelectionLogic && state.taskSelectionLogic.logic && state.taskSelectionLogic.logic != "") { logic = state.taskSelectionLogic.logic; } var edit_disabled = false; if (createEditOrView != "CREATE" && createEditOrView != "EDIT") { edit_disabled = true; } var textarea = showHideTextarea("editEventFormTaskSelLogicInput" + "_" + statename, logic, false, !edit_disabled, false); tasksellogicLI.appendChild(textarea); // tasksellogic type var tasksellogicTypeLabel = document.createElement("label"); tasksellogicdiv.appendChild(tasksellogicTypeLabel); tasksellogicTypeLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormTaskSelLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename); tasksellogicTypeLabel.innerHTML = "Task Selection Logic Type / Flavour: "; var tasksellogicTypeInput = document.createElement("input"); tasksellogicdiv.appendChild(tasksellogicTypeInput); tasksellogicTypeInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTaskSelLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename); tasksellogicTypeInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); tasksellogicTypeInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTaskSelLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename); tasksellogicTypeInput.setAttribute("class", "field-taskSelLogicType ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); tasksellogicTypeInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "MVEL"); if (state && state.taskSelectionLogic && state.taskSelectionLogic.logicFlavour != null && state.taskSelectionLogic.logicFlavour != "" && state.taskSelectionLogic.logicFlavour.toUpperCase() != "UNDEFINED") { tasksellogicTypeInput.value = state.taskSelectionLogic.logicFlavour; } tasksellogicTypeInput.readOnly = (createEditOrView != "CREATE" && createEditOrView != "EDIT"); divUL.appendChild(tasksellogicdiv); // Output mappings var outputsLI = document.createElement("li"); divUL.appendChild(outputsLI); var outputsLabel = document.createElement("label"); outputsLI.appendChild(outputsLabel); outputsLabel.innerHTML = "State Output Mappings: "; outputsLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormOutputsUL" + "_" + statename); var outsUL = document.createElement("ul"); outsUL.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormOutputsUL" + "_" + statename); outputsLI.appendChild(outsUL); // Direct Output Mappings var dir_outputsLI = document.createElement("li"); outsUL.appendChild(dir_outputsLI); var dir_outputsLabel = document.createElement("label"); dir_outputsLI.appendChild(dir_outputsLabel); dir_outputsLI.innerHTML = "Direct State Output Mappings: "; dir_outputsLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormDirOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); var dir_outputstable = document.createElement("table"); dir_outputstable.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormDirOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); dir_outputstable.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormDirOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); 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var dir_outputstable_event_head_th = document.createElement("th"); dir_outputstable_head_tr.appendChild(dir_outputstable_event_head_th); dir_outputstable_event_head_th.innerHTML = "State Output Event: "; dir_outputstable_event_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policyoutput-heading form-heading"); var dir_outputstable_body = document.createElement("tbody"); dir_outputstable.appendChild(dir_outputstable_body); var stateNextStateOptions = new Array(); stateNextStateOptions.push({ "name" : "NULL", "displaytext" : "None", "state" : null }); if (policy && policy.state && policy.state.entry && $.isArray(policy.state.entry)) { for (let st of policy.state.entry) { if (statename != st.key) { // state cannot have itself as nextstate stateNextStateOptions.push({ "name" : st.key, "displaytext" : st.key, "state" : st.value }); } } } if (state && state.stateOutputs && $.isArray(state.stateOutputs.entry)) { for (let outputEntry of state.stateOutputs.entry) { var outputName = outputEntry.key; var nextState = null; var nxtst = outputEntry.value.nextState.localName; if (nxtst != null && nxtst.toUpperCase() != "NULL") { nextState = { "name" : nxtst, "displaytext" : nxtst }; } if (nxtst != null && nxtst.toUpperCase() == "NULL") { nextState = { "name" : "NULL", "displaytext" : "None" }; } var outEvent = null; var oute = outputEntry.value.outgoingEvent; if (oute != null && oute.name != null && oute.version != null) { outEvent = { "name" : oute.name, "version" : oute.version, "displaytext" : oute.name + ":" + oute.version }; } editPolicyForm_State_addStateDirectOutput(dir_outputstable_body, (createEditOrView == "VIEW"), statename, state, outputName, nextState, outEvent, stateNextStateOptions, events); } } // add the new Direct output button if (createEditOrView == "CREATE" || createEditOrView == "EDIT") { var dir_outputTR = document.createElement("tr"); dir_outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr.new"); dir_outputstable_body.appendChild(dir_outputTR); var dir_outputTD = document.createElement("td"); dir_outputTD.setAttribute("colspan", "4"); dir_outputTR.appendChild(dir_outputTD); var addStateDirOutput = createAddFormButton("Add New Direct State Output Mapping") dir_outputTD.appendChild(addStateDirOutput); // addStateDirOutput.setAttribute("id", // "editPolicyFormDirOutputsAddOutput"+"_"+statename); // addStateDirOutput.setAttribute("class", "ebBtn ebBtn_large"); // addStateDirOutput.setAttribute("type", "submit"); // addStateDirOutput.setAttribute("value", Add New Direct State Output // Mapping); // addStateDirOutput.innerHTML = // addStateDirOutput.getAttribute("value"); addStateDirOutput.onclick = function() { return editPolicyForm_State_addStateDirectOutput(dir_outputstable_body, false, statename, state, null, null, null, stateNextStateOptions, events); }; } // Logic-based Output Mappings var logic_outputsLI = document.createElement("li"); outsUL.appendChild(logic_outputsLI); var logic_outputsLabel = document.createElement("label"); logic_outputsLI.appendChild(dir_outputsLabel); logic_outputsLI.innerHTML = "Logic-based State Output Mappings / Finalizers: "; logic_outputsLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormLogicOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); var logic_outputstable = document.createElement("table"); logic_outputstable.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormLogicOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); logic_outputstable.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormLogicOutputsTable" + "_" + statename); logic_outputstable.setAttribute("class", "table-policyoutput"); logic_outputsLI.appendChild(logic_outputstable); var logic_outputstable_head = document.createElement("thead"); logic_outputstable.appendChild(logic_outputstable_head); var logic_outputstable_head_tr = document.createElement("tr"); logic_outputstable_head.appendChild(logic_outputstable_head_tr); logic_outputstable_head_tr.appendChild(document.createElement("th")); // empty, // for // delete // button var logic_outputstable_name_head_th = document.createElement("th"); logic_outputstable_head_tr.appendChild(logic_outputstable_name_head_th); logic_outputstable_name_head_th.innerHTML = "Local Name for Output Mapping: "; logic_outputstable_name_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policyoutput-heading form-heading"); var logic_outputstablelogic_head_th = document.createElement("th"); logic_outputstable_head_tr.appendChild(logic_outputstablelogic_head_th); logic_outputstablelogic_head_th.style.textAlign = "left"; logic_outputstablelogic_head_th.innerHTML = "Output Mapping / Finalizer Logic: "; logic_outputstablelogic_head_th.setAttribute("class", "table-policyoutput-heading form-heading"); var logic_outputstable_body = document.createElement("tbody"); logic_outputstable.appendChild(logic_outputstable_body); if (state && state.stateFinalizerLogicMap && $.isArray(state.stateFinalizerLogicMap.entry)) { for (let outputEntry of state.stateFinalizerLogicMap.entry) { outputName = outputEntry.key; logic = null; if (outputEntry.value != null && outputEntry.value.logic != null) { logic = outputEntry.value.logic; } var flavour = null; if (outputEntry.value != null && outputEntry.value.logicFlavour != null) { flavour = outputEntry.value.logicFlavour; } editPolicyForm_State_addStateLogicOutput(logic_outputstable_body, (createEditOrView == "VIEW"), statename, state, outputName, logic, flavour); } } // add the new Logic output button if (createEditOrView == "CREATE" || createEditOrView == "EDIT") { var logic_outputTR = document.createElement("tr"); logic_outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr.new"); logic_outputstable_body.appendChild(logic_outputTR); var logic_outputTD = document.createElement("td"); logic_outputTD.setAttribute("colspan", "3"); logic_outputTR.appendChild(logic_outputTD); var addStateLogicOutput = createAddFormButton("Add New Logic-based State Output Mapping / Finalizer"); logic_outputTD.appendChild(addStateLogicOutput); // addStateLogicOutput.setAttribute("id", // "editPolicyFormLogicOutputsAddOutput"+"_"+statename); // addStateLogicOutput.setAttribute("class", "ebBtn ebBtn_large"); // addStateLogicOutput.setAttribute("type", "submit"); // addStateLogicOutput.setAttribute("value", "Add New Logic-based State // Output Mapping / Finalizer"); // addStateLogicOutput.innerHTML = // addStateLogicOutput.getAttribute("value"); addStateLogicOutput.onclick = function() { return editPolicyForm_State_addStateLogicOutput(logic_outputstable_body, false, statename, state, null, null, null); }; } return retDiv; } function editPolicyForm_State_addStateLogicOutput(parentTBody, disabled, statename, state, outputName, logic, flavour) { var random_suffix = formUtils_generateUUID(); var outputTR = parentTBody.insertRow(parentTBody.rows.length - 1); outputTR.style.verticalAlign = "top"; outputTR.style.textAlign = "left"; outputTR.setAttribute("finalizer_id", random_suffix); outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr"); if (outputName == null && !disabled) { outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr.new"); } // delete var deleteTD = document.createElement("td"); outputTR.appendChild(deleteTD); var deleteDiv = document.createElement("div"); deleteTD.appendChild(deleteDiv); if (!disabled) { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete"); deleteDiv.onclick = function(event) { $(outputTR).hide("fast", function() { outputTR.parentNode.removeChild(outputTR); }); }; } else { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete ebIcon_disabled"); } // name var nameTD = document.createElement("td"); nameTD.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; outputTR.appendChild(nameTD); var nameInput = document.createElement("input"); nameTD.appendChild(nameInput); nameInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormLogicOutputNameValue" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); nameInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); nameInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormLogicOutputNameValue" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); nameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-outputname"); if (outputName == null && logic == null && flavour == null && !disabled) { nameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-outputname.new ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); } nameInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "A name for this Output mapper"); if (outputName) { nameInput.value = outputName; } nameInput.readOnly = disabled; // logic var logicTD = document.createElement("td"); logicTD.style.width = "99%"; logicTD.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; outputTR.appendChild(logicTD); var finalizerlogicdiv = document.createElement("div"); logicTD.appendChild(finalizerlogicdiv); finalizerlogicdiv.setAttribute("id", "editEventFormFinalizerLogicDiv" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); var finalizerlogicLabel = document.createElement("label"); finalizerlogicdiv.appendChild(finalizerlogicLabel); finalizerlogicLabel.setAttribute("for", "editEventFormfinalizerLogicInput" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); finalizerlogicLabel.innerHTML = "Logic: "; var edit_readOnly = disabled; var textarea = showHideTextarea("editEventFormfinalizerLogicInput" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix, logic, false, !edit_readOnly, false); finalizerlogicdiv.appendChild(textarea); // finalizerlogic type var finalizerlogicTypeLabel = document.createElement("label"); finalizerlogicdiv.appendChild(finalizerlogicTypeLabel); finalizerlogicTypeLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormFinalizerLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); finalizerlogicTypeLabel.innerHTML = "Type / Flavour: "; var finalizerlogicTypeInput = document.createElement("input"); finalizerlogicdiv.appendChild(finalizerlogicTypeInput); finalizerlogicTypeInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormFinalizerLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); finalizerlogicTypeInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); finalizerlogicTypeInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormFinalizerLogicTypeInput" + "_" + statename + "_" + random_suffix); finalizerlogicTypeInput.setAttribute("class", "field-finalizerLogicType ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); finalizerlogicTypeInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "MVEL"); if (flavour != null) { finalizerlogicTypeInput.value = flavour; } finalizerlogicTypeInput.readOnly = disabled; logicTD.appendChild(finalizerlogicdiv); } function editPolicyForm_State_addStateDirectOutput(parentTBody, disabled, stateName, state, outputName, nextState, outEvent, stateNextStateOptions, events) { var random_suffix = formUtils_generateUUID(); var outputTR = parentTBody.insertRow(parentTBody.rows.length - 1); outputTR.setAttribute("output_id", random_suffix); outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr"); if (outputName == null && nextState == null && nextState == null && !disabled) { outputTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policyoutput-tr.new"); } // delete var deleteTD = document.createElement("td"); outputTR.appendChild(deleteTD); var deleteDiv = document.createElement("div"); deleteTD.appendChild(deleteDiv); if (!disabled) { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete"); deleteDiv.onclick = function(event) { $(outputTR).hide("fast", function() { outputTR.parentNode.removeChild(outputTR); }); } } else { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete ebIcon_disabled"); } // name var nameTD = document.createElement("td"); outputTR.appendChild(nameTD); var nameInput = document.createElement("input"); nameTD.appendChild(nameInput); nameInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormDirectOutputNameValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); nameInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); nameInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormDirectOutputNameValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); nameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-outputname ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); if (outputName == null && nextState == null && nextState == null && !disabled) { nameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-outputname.new ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); } nameInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "A name for this Output mapper"); if (outputName) { nameInput.value = outputName; } nameInput.readOnly = disabled; // outputEvent var outeventTD = document.createElement("td"); var outeventSelectDiv = dropdownList("editPolicyFormOutputEventValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, events, outEvent, disabled, null); outeventTD.appendChild(outeventSelectDiv); // nextstate var nextstateTD = document.createElement("td"); var nextstateSelectDiv = dropdownList("editPolicyFormOutputNextStateValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, stateNextStateOptions, nextState, disabled, null, function() { return editPolicyForm_getNextStateOptions(); }); nextstateTD.appendChild(nextstateSelectDiv); outputTR.appendChild(nextstateTD); outputTR.appendChild(outeventTD); } function editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyContext(parentTBody, disabled, stateName, contextName, contextreference, contextAlbums) { var random_suffix = formUtils_generateUUID(); var contextTR = parentTBody.insertRow(parentTBody.rows.length - 1); contextTR.setAttribute("context_id", random_suffix); contextTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policycontext-tr"); if (contextName == null && contextreference == null && !disabled) { contextTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policycontext-tr.new"); } // delete var deleteTD = document.createElement("td"); contextTR.appendChild(deleteTD); var deleteDiv = document.createElement("div"); deleteTD.appendChild(deleteDiv); if (!disabled) { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete"); deleteDiv.onclick = function(event) { $(contextTR).hide("fast", function() { contextTR.parentNode.removeChild(contextTR); }); } } else { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete ebIcon_disabled"); } // context var valueTD = document.createElement("td"); contextTR.appendChild(valueTD); var selectDiv = dropdownList("editPolicyFormContextValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, contextAlbums, contextreference, disabled, null); valueTD.appendChild(selectDiv); } function editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyTask(parentTBody, disabled, isdefault, state, stateName, taskreference, taskSelected, taskOptions) { var random_suffix = formUtils_generateUUID(); var taskTR = parentTBody.insertRow(parentTBody.rows.length - 1); taskTR.setAttribute("task_id", random_suffix); taskTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policytask-tr"); if (taskreference && taskSelected == null && !disabled) { taskTR.setAttribute("class", "field-policytask-tr.new"); } // delete var deleteTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(deleteTD); var deleteDiv = document.createElement("div"); deleteTD.appendChild(deleteDiv); if (!disabled) { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete"); deleteDiv.onclick = function(event) { $(taskTR).hide("fast", function() { taskTR.parentNode.removeChild(taskTR); }); } } else { deleteDiv.setAttribute("class", "ebIcon ebIcon_interactive ebIcon_delete ebIcon_disabled"); } // default var defaulttaskTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(defaulttaskTD); var defaulttaskInput = document.createElement("input"); defaulttaskTD.appendChild(defaulttaskInput); defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTaskIsDefault" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("value", "editPolicyFormTaskIsDefault" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("type", "radio"); defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTaskIsDefault" + "_" + stateName); // group // name defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskisdefault"); if (taskreference == null && taskSelected == null && !disabled) { defaulttaskInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskisdefault.new"); } defaulttaskInput.checked = isdefault; defaulttaskInput.readOnly = disabled; // localname var localnameTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(localnameTD); var localnameInput = document.createElement("input"); localnameTD.appendChild(localnameInput); localnameInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTaskLocalNameValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); localnameInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); localnameInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTaskLocalNameValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); localnameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-tasklocalname ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); if (taskreference == null && taskSelected == null && !disabled) { localnameInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-tasklocalname.new ebInput ebInput_width_xLong"); } localnameInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Task's Local Name"); if (taskreference != null && taskreference.key != null && taskreference.key.localName != null) { localnameInput.value = taskreference.key.localName; } localnameInput.readOnly = disabled; // task var valueTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(valueTD); var selectDiv = dropdownList("editPolicyFormTaskValue" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, taskOptions, taskSelected, disabled, null); valueTD.appendChild(selectDiv); // output type var outputTypeDirectTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(outputTypeDirectTD); var outputTypeDirectLabel = document.createElement("label"); outputTypeDirectTD.appendChild(outputTypeDirectLabel); outputTypeDirectLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix + "_DIRECT"); outputTypeDirectLabel.setAttribute("class", "label-policy-taskoutputtype"); outputTypeDirectLabel.innerHTML = " DIRECT"; var outputTypeDirectInput = document.createElement("input"); outputTypeDirectLabel.appendChild(outputTypeDirectInput); outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix + "_DIRECT"); outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("value", "DIRECT"); outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("type", "radio"); outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); // group // name outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskoutputtype"); if (taskreference == null && taskSelected == null && !disabled) { outputTypeDirectInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskoutputtype.new"); } if (taskreference != null && taskreference.outputType != null && taskreference.outputType.toUpperCase() == "DIRECT") { outputTypeDirectInput.checked = true; } outputTypeDirectInput.readOnly = disabled; var outputTypeLogicTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(outputTypeLogicTD); var outputTypeLogicLabel = document.createElement("label"); outputTypeLogicTD.appendChild(outputTypeLogicLabel); outputTypeLogicLabel.setAttribute("for", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix + "_LOGIC"); outputTypeLogicLabel.setAttribute("class", "label-policy-taskoutputtype"); outputTypeLogicLabel.innerHTML = " LOGIC"; var outputTypeLogicInput = document.createElement("input"); outputTypeLogicLabel.appendChild(outputTypeLogicInput); outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("id", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix + "_LOGIC"); outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("value", "LOGIC"); outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("type", "radio"); outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("name", "editPolicyFormTaskOutputType" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix); // group // name outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskoutputtype"); if (taskreference && taskSelected == null && !disabled) { outputTypeLogicInput.setAttribute("class", "field-policy-taskoutputtype.new"); } if (taskreference != null && taskreference.outputType != null && taskreference.outputType.toUpperCase() == "LOGIC") { outputTypeLogicInput.checked = true; } outputTypeLogicInput.readOnly = disabled; // output selected var outputSelectionTD = document.createElement("td"); taskTR.appendChild(outputSelectionTD); var dir_outputselected = null; var logic_outputselected = null; if (taskreference != null && taskreference.output != null && taskreference.output.localName != null && taskreference.outputType != null && taskreference.outputType.toUpperCase() == "DIRECT") { dir_outputselected = { "name" : taskreference.output.localName, "displaytext" : taskreference.output.localName }; } else if (taskreference != null && taskreference.output != null && taskreference.output.localName != null && taskreference.outputType != null && taskreference.outputType.toUpperCase() == "LOGIC") { logic_outputselected = { "name" : taskreference.output.localName, "displaytext" : taskreference.output.localName }; } var dir_outputOptions = new Array(); if (state != null && state.stateOutputs != null && $.isArray(state.stateOutputs.entry)) { for (let value of state.stateOutputs.entry) { var outputEntry = value.key; dir_outputOptions.push({ "name" : outputEntry, "displaytext" : outputEntry }); } } var logic_outputOptions = new Array(); if (state != null && state.stateFinalizerLogicMap != null && $.isArray(state.stateFinalizerLogicMap.entry)) { for (let value of state.stateFinalizerLogicMap.entry) { outputEntry = value.key; logic_outputOptions.push({ "name" : outputEntry, "displaytext" : outputEntry }); } } var dir_selectDiv = document.createElement("div"); dir_selectDiv.appendChild(new dropdownList("editPolicyFormTaskDirectOutputSelection" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, dir_outputOptions, dir_outputselected, disabled, null, function() { return editPolicyForm_State_getDirectOutputMappingOptions(stateName); })); outputSelectionTD.appendChild(dir_selectDiv); var logic_selectDiv = document.createElement("div"); logic_selectDiv.appendChild(dropdownList("editPolicyFormTaskLogicOutputSelection" + "_" + stateName + "_" + random_suffix, logic_outputOptions, logic_outputselected, disabled, null, function() { return editPolicyForm_State_getLogicOutputMappingOptions(stateName); })); outputSelectionTD.appendChild(logic_selectDiv); if (outputTypeLogicInput.checked) { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; } else if (outputTypeDirectInput.checked) { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; } else { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; } outputTypeDirectInput.onclick = function() { if (this.checked) { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; } else { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; } }; outputTypeLogicInput.onclick = function() { if (this.checked) { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; } else { dir_selectDiv.style.display = "inline"; logic_selectDiv.style.display = "none"; } }; } function editPolicyForm_State_getLogicOutputMappingOptions(statename) { var outputoptions = new Array(); var finalizerstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormLogicOutputsTable_" + statename).rows; if (finalizerstablerows && finalizerstablerows.length > 2) { // has head // so just // ignore // (2) top // row and // bottom // row for (var i = 1; i < finalizerstablerows.length - 1; i++) { var finalizerTR = finalizerstablerows[i]; if (finalizerTR && finalizerTR.getAttribute("finalizer_id")) { var finalizer_id = finalizerTR.getAttribute("finalizer_id"); var finalizerlocalname = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormLogicOutputNameValue_" + statename + "_" + finalizer_id).value; if (finalizerlocalname != null && finalizerlocalname != "") { outputoptions.push({ "name" : finalizerlocalname, "displaytext" : finalizerlocalname }); } } } } return outputoptions; } function editPolicyForm_State_getDirectOutputMappingOptions(statename) { var outputoptions = new Array(); var outputstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormDirOutputsTable_" + statename).rows; if (outputstablerows && outputstablerows.length > 2) { // has head so just // ignore (2) top // row and bottom // row for (var i = 1; i < outputstablerows.length - 1; i++) { var outputTR = outputstablerows[i]; if (outputTR && outputTR.getAttribute("output_id")) { var output_id = outputTR.getAttribute("output_id"); var outputlocalname = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormDirectOutputNameValue_" + statename + "_" + output_id).value; if (outputlocalname != null && outputlocalname != "") { outputoptions.push({ "name" : outputlocalname, "displaytext" : outputlocalname }); } } } } return outputoptions; } function editPolicyForm_State_getStateBean(statename) { if (statename == null || statename == "") { console.error("Request for '" + statename + "' state!"); alert("Request for '" + statename + "' state!"); return null; } var div = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormStateDiv_" + statename); if (div == null) { console.error("State information requested for state " + statename + ", but that state does not exist!") alert("State information requested for state " + statename + ", but that state does not exist!"); return null; } var ret = new Object(); // name ret["name"] = statename; // trigger var triggervalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTrigger_" + statename + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; ret["trigger"] = null; if (triggervalue != null && triggervalue.event != null) { ret.trigger = { "name" : triggervalue.event.key.name, "version" : triggervalue.event.key.version }; } // context var statebean_context = new Array(); var contextstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormContextsTable_" + statename).rows; if (contextstablerows && contextstablerows.length > 1) { // no head so // just ignore // (1) bottom // row for (var i = 0; i < contextstablerows.length - 1; i++) { var contextTR = contextstablerows[i]; if (contextTR && contextTR.getAttribute("context_id")) { var context_id = contextTR.getAttribute("context_id"); var contextvalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormContextValue_" + statename + "_" + context_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; if (contextvalue != null && contextvalue.album != null) { statebean_context.push({ "name" : contextvalue.album.key.name, "version" : contextvalue.album.key.version }); } } } } ret["contexts"] = statebean_context; // outputs var statebean_outputs = new Object(); var outputstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormDirOutputsTable_" + statename).rows; if (outputstablerows && outputstablerows.length > 2) { // has head so just // ignore (2) top // row and bottom // row for (var k = 1; k < outputstablerows.length - 1; k++) { var outputTR = outputstablerows[k]; if (outputTR && outputTR.getAttribute("output_id")) { var output_id = outputTR.getAttribute("output_id"); var outputlocalname = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormDirectOutputNameValue_" + statename + "_" + output_id).value; if (outputlocalname == null || outputlocalname == "") { console.error("No Local Name entered for Direct Output Mapping #" + k + " for state " + statename); alert("No Local Name entered for Direct Output Mapping #" + k + " for state " + statename); return null; } var nextstatevalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormOutputNextStateValue_" + statename + "_" + output_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; var nextstatename; if (nextstatevalue == null) { console.error("An option must be selected for Next State for Direct Output Mapping " + outputlocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("An option must be selected for Next State for Direct Output Mapping " + outputlocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } else if (nextstatevalue.name.toUpperCase() == "NULL") { nextstatename = null; } else { nextstatename = nextstatevalue.name; } var nexteventvalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormOutputEventValue_" + statename + "_" + output_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; if (nexteventvalue == null || nexteventvalue.event == null || nexteventvalue.event.key == null) { console.error("No Output Event selected for Direct Output Mapping " + outputlocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No Output Event selected for Direct Output Mapping " + outputlocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } var nextevent = { "name" : nexteventvalue.event.key.name, "version" : nexteventvalue.event.key.version }; statebean_outputs[outputlocalname] = { "event" : nextevent, "nextState" : nextstatename }; } } } ret["stateOutputs"] = statebean_outputs; // finalizers var statebean_finalizers = new Object(); var finalizerstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormLogicOutputsTable_" + statename).rows; if (finalizerstablerows && finalizerstablerows.length > 2) { // has head // so just // ignore // (2) top // row and // bottom // row for (var g = 1; g < finalizerstablerows.length - 1; g++) { var finalizerTR = finalizerstablerows[g]; if (finalizerTR && finalizerTR.getAttribute("finalizer_id")) { var finalizer_id = finalizerTR.getAttribute("finalizer_id"); var finalizerlocalname = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormLogicOutputNameValue_" + statename + "_" + finalizer_id).value; if (finalizerlocalname == null || finalizerlocalname == "") { console.error("No Local Name entered for Logic-based Output Mapping #" + g + " for state " + statename); alert("No Local Name entered for Logic-based Output Mapping #" + g + " for state " + statename); return null; } var finalizerlogicvalue = document.getElementById("editEventFormfinalizerLogicInput_" + statename + "_" + finalizer_id + "_textarea").value; if (finalizerlogicvalue == null || finalizerlogicvalue == "") { console.error("No Logic is specified for Logic-based Output Mapping " + finalizerlocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No Logic is specified for Logic-based Output Mapping " + finalizerlocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } var finalizerlogictypevalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormFinalizerLogicTypeInput_" + statename + "_" + finalizer_id).value; if (finalizerlogictypevalue == null || finalizerlogictypevalue == "") { console.error("No Logic Type is specified for Logic-based Output Mapping " + finalizerlocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No Logic Type is specified for Logic-based Output Mapping " + finalizerlocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } statebean_finalizers[finalizerlocalname] = { "logic" : finalizerlogicvalue, "logicFlavour" : finalizerlogictypevalue }; } } } ret["finalizers"] = statebean_finalizers; // tasks & defaulttask var statebean_tasks = new Object(); var statebean_defaultTask = null; var taskstablerows = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTasksTable_" + statename).rows; if (taskstablerows == null || taskstablerows.length <= 2) { alert("No tasks selected for state " + statename); console.error("No tasks selected for state " + statename); return null; } else { // has head so just ignore (2) top row and bottom row for (var h = 1; h < taskstablerows.length - 1; h++) { var taskTR = taskstablerows[h]; if (taskTR && taskTR.getAttribute("task_id")) { var task_id = taskTR.getAttribute("task_id"); var tasklocalname = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskLocalNameValue_" + statename + "_" + task_id).value; if (tasklocalname == "") { console.error("No Local Name entered for task #" + h + " for state " + statename); alert("No Local Name entered for task #" + h + " for state " + statename); return null; } if (statebean_tasks[tasklocalname] != null) { console.error("There cannot be more than one task called " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("There cannot be more than one task called " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } var taskvalue = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskValue_" + statename + "_" + task_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; if (taskvalue == null || taskvalue.task == null) { console.error("No Task selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No Task selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } var task = taskvalue.task; var r = document.querySelector('input[name="editPolicyFormTaskOutputType_' + statename + '_' + task_id + '"]:checked'); if (r == null) { console.error("No Output Mapping type selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No Output Mapping type selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } var outputtype = r.value; var outputname = null; if (outputtype == "DIRECT") { var diroutput = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskDirectOutputSelection_" + statename + "_" + task_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; if (diroutput == null) {// } || diroutput.output == null){ console.error("No DIRECT Output Mapping selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No DIRECT Output Mapping selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); } outputname = diroutput.name; } else if (outputtype == "LOGIC") { var logoutput = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskLogicOutputSelection_" + statename + "_" + task_id + "_dropdownList").selectedOption; if (logoutput == null || logoutput.name == null) { console.error("No LOGIC Output Mapping selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("No LOGIC Output Mapping selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); } outputname = logoutput.name; } else { console.error("Unknown Output Mapping type ('" + outputtype + "') selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); alert("Unknown Output Mapping type ('" + outputtype + "') selected for task " + tasklocalname + " for state " + statename); return null; } statebean_tasks[tasklocalname] = { "task" : { "name" : task.key.name, "version" : task.key.version }, "outputType" : outputtype, "outputName" : outputname }; var r2 = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskIsDefault_" + statename + "_" + task_id); if (taskstablerows.length <= 3 || (r2 != null && r2.checked)) { // default // is // checked // or // there // is // only // one // task statebean_defaultTask = { "name" : task.key.name, "version" : task.key.version }; } } } } ret["tasks"] = statebean_tasks; ret["defaultTask"] = statebean_defaultTask; // tasksellogic var tsl = document.getElementById("editEventFormTaskSelLogicInput_" + statename + "_textarea").value; var tsl_type = document.getElementById("editPolicyFormTaskSelLogicTypeInput_" + statename).value; if (tsl == null || tsl == "" || tsl_type == null || tsl_type == "") { if (statebean_tasks != null && taskstablerows.length > 3) { // there is // more than // 1 task console .error("State " + statename + " has more than one task reference so Task Selection Logic and Task Selection Logic type must be specified"); alert("State " + statename + " has more than one task reference so Task Selection Logic and Task Selection Logic type must be specified"); return null; } } else if ((tsl == null || tsl == "") && (tsl_type == null || tsl_type == "")) { ret["taskSelectionLogic"] = null; } else { ret["taskSelectionLogic"] = { "logic" : tsl, "logicFlavour" : tsl_type }; } return ret; } export { editPolicyForm_State_generateStateDiv, editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyContext, editPolicyForm_State_addPolicyTask, editPolicyForm_State_addStateDirectOutput, editPolicyForm_State_addStateLogicOutput, editPolicyForm_State_getDirectOutputMappingOptions, editPolicyForm_State_getStateBean, editPolicyForm_State_getLogicOutputMappingOptions }