/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import { JSONEditor } from "@json-editor/json-editor"; import { Alert } from "react-bootstrap"; import React from "react"; const CommissioningUtils = { makeSchemaForCommonProperties: (commonProps) => { const commonPropsArr = Object.entries(commonProps) const newSchemaObject = {} newSchemaObject.title = "CommonProperties" newSchemaObject.type = "object" newSchemaObject.properties = {} commonPropsArr.forEach(([templateKey, template]) => { const propertiesObject = {} Object.entries(template.properties).forEach(([propKey, prop]) => { propertiesObject[propKey] = { type: CommissioningUtils.getType(prop.type) } }) newSchemaObject.properties[templateKey] = { options: { "collapsed": true }, properties: propertiesObject } }) return newSchemaObject }, getType: (propertyType) => { switch (propertyType) { case "string": return "string" case "integer": return "integer" case "list": return "array" case "object": return "object" default: return "object" } }, createJsonEditor: (toscaModel, editorData) => { JSONEditor.defaults.options.collapse = false; return new JSONEditor(document.getElementById("editor"), { schema: toscaModel, startval: editorData, theme: 'bootstrap4', iconlib: 'fontawesome5', object_layout: 'normal', disable_properties: false, disable_edit_json: true, disable_array_reorder: true, disable_array_delete_last_row: true, disable_array_delete_all_rows: false, array_controls_top: true, keep_oneof_values: false, collapsed: false, show_errors: 'always', display_required_only: false, show_opt_in: false, prompt_before_delete: true, required_by_default: false, }) }, renderJsonEditor: async (template, commonProps) => { const fullTemplate = await template.json() let toscaInitialValues const allNodeTemplates = fullTemplate.topology_template.node_templates const shortenedNodeTemplatesObjectStartValues = {} // Get the common properties to construct a schema // Get valid start values at the same time const commonNodeTemplatesJson = await commonProps.json().then(data => { const nodeTemplatesArray = Object.entries(data) const shortenedNodeTemplatesObject = {} nodeTemplatesArray.forEach(([key, temp]) => { const currentNodeTemplate = allNodeTemplates[key] const propertiesObject = { properties: temp.properties } shortenedNodeTemplatesObject[key] = propertiesObject const propertiesStartValues = {} // Get all the existing start values to populate the properties in the schema Object.entries(propertiesObject.properties).forEach(([propKey, prop]) => { propertiesStartValues[propKey] = currentNodeTemplate.properties[propKey] }) shortenedNodeTemplatesObjectStartValues[key] = propertiesStartValues }) toscaInitialValues = shortenedNodeTemplatesObjectStartValues; return shortenedNodeTemplatesObject; }) const propertySchema = CommissioningUtils.makeSchemaForCommonProperties(commonNodeTemplatesJson); const editorTemp = CommissioningUtils.createJsonEditor(propertySchema, shortenedNodeTemplatesObjectStartValues); return { fullTemplate: fullTemplate, propertySchema: propertySchema, editorTemp: editorTemp, toscaInitialValues: toscaInitialValues } }, getAlertMessages: async (response) => { if (response.ok) { return(<Alert variant="success"> <Alert.Heading>Commissioning Success</Alert.Heading> <p>Altered Template was Successfully Uploaded</p> <hr/> </Alert>); } else { return(<Alert variant="danger"> <Alert.Heading>Commissioning Failure</Alert.Heading> <p>Updated Template Failed to Upload</p> <p>Status code: { await response.status }: { response.statusText }</p> <p>Response Text: { await response.text() }</p> <hr/> </Alert>); } }, updateTemplate: async (userAddedCommonPropValues, fullToscaTemplate) => { const nodeTemplates = fullToscaTemplate.topology_template.node_templates const commonPropertyDataEntries = Object.entries(userAddedCommonPropValues) // This replaces the values for properties in the full tosca template // that will be sent up to the api with the entries the user provided. commonPropertyDataEntries.forEach(([templateKey, values]) => { Object.entries(values).forEach(([propKey, propVal]) => { nodeTemplates[templateKey].properties[propKey] = propVal }) }) fullToscaTemplate.topology_template.node_templates = nodeTemplates alert('Changes saved. Commission When Ready...') return fullToscaTemplate } } export default CommissioningUtils;