/** * @license * Copyright 2011 Dan Vanderkam (danvdk@gmail.com) * MIT-licensed (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) */ /** * @fileoverview DygraphOptions is responsible for parsing and returning information about options. * * Still tightly coupled to Dygraphs, we could remove some of that, you know. */ var DygraphOptions = (function() { /*jshint sub:true */ /*global Dygraph:false */ "use strict"; /* * Interesting member variables: (REMOVING THIS LIST AS I CLOSURIZE) * global_ - global attributes (common among all graphs, AIUI) * user - attributes set by the user * series_ - { seriesName -> { idx, yAxis, options }} */ /** * This parses attributes into an object that can be easily queried. * * It doesn't necessarily mean that all options are available, specifically * if labels are not yet available, since those drive details of the per-series * and per-axis options. * * @param {Dygraph} dygraph The chart to which these options belong. * @constructor */ var DygraphOptions = function(dygraph) { /** * The dygraph. * @type {!Dygraph} */ this.dygraph_ = dygraph; /** * Array of axis index to { series : [ series names ] , options : { axis-specific options. } * @type {Array.<{series : Array., options : Object}>} @private */ this.yAxes_ = []; /** * Contains x-axis specific options, which are stored in the options key. * This matches the yAxes_ object structure (by being a dictionary with an * options element) allowing for shared code. * @type {options: Object} @private */ this.xAxis_ = {}; this.series_ = {}; // Once these two objects are initialized, you can call get(); this.global_ = this.dygraph_.attrs_; this.user_ = this.dygraph_.user_attrs_ || {}; /** * A list of series in columnar order. * @type {Array.} */ this.labels_ = []; this.highlightSeries_ = this.get("highlightSeriesOpts") || {}; this.reparseSeries(); }; /** * Not optimal, but does the trick when you're only using two axes. * If we move to more axes, this can just become a function. * * @type {Object.} * @private */ DygraphOptions.AXIS_STRING_MAPPINGS_ = { 'y' : 0, 'Y' : 0, 'y1' : 0, 'Y1' : 0, 'y2' : 1, 'Y2' : 1 }; /** * @param {string|number} axis * @private */ DygraphOptions.axisToIndex_ = function(axis) { if (typeof(axis) == "string") { if (DygraphOptions.AXIS_STRING_MAPPINGS_.hasOwnProperty(axis)) { return DygraphOptions.AXIS_STRING_MAPPINGS_[axis]; } throw "Unknown axis : " + axis; } if (typeof(axis) == "number") { if (axis === 0 || axis === 1) { return axis; } throw "Dygraphs only supports two y-axes, indexed from 0-1."; } if (axis) { throw "Unknown axis : " + axis; } // No axis specification means axis 0. return 0; }; /** * Reparses options that are all related to series. This typically occurs when * options are either updated, or source data has been made available. * * TODO(konigsberg): The method name is kind of weak; fix. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.reparseSeries = function() { var labels = this.get("labels"); if (!labels) { return; // -- can't do more for now, will parse after getting the labels. } this.labels_ = labels.slice(1); this.yAxes_ = [ { series : [], options : {}} ]; // Always one axis at least. this.xAxis_ = { options : {} }; this.series_ = {}; // Traditionally, per-series options were specified right up there with the options. For instance // { // labels: [ "X", "foo", "bar" ], // pointSize: 3, // foo : {}, // options for foo // bar : {} // options for bar // } // // Moving forward, series really should be specified in the series element, separating them. // like so: // // { // labels: [ "X", "foo", "bar" ], // pointSize: 3, // series : { // foo : {}, // options for foo // bar : {} // options for bar // } // } // // So, if series is found, it's expected to contain per-series data, otherwise we fall // back. var oldStyleSeries = !this.user_["series"]; if (oldStyleSeries) { var axisId = 0; // 0-offset; there's always one. // Go through once, add all the series, and for those with {} axis options, add a new axis. for (var idx = 0; idx < this.labels_.length; idx++) { var seriesName = this.labels_[idx]; var optionsForSeries = this.user_[seriesName] || {}; var yAxis = 0; var axis = optionsForSeries["axis"]; if (typeof(axis) == 'object') { yAxis = ++axisId; this.yAxes_[yAxis] = { series : [ seriesName ], options : axis }; } // Associate series without axis options with axis 0. if (!axis) { // undefined this.yAxes_[0].series.push(seriesName); } this.series_[seriesName] = { idx: idx, yAxis: yAxis, options : optionsForSeries }; } // Go through one more time and assign series to an axis defined by another // series, e.g. { 'Y1: { axis: {} }, 'Y2': { axis: 'Y1' } } for (var idx = 0; idx < this.labels_.length; idx++) { var seriesName = this.labels_[idx]; var optionsForSeries = this.series_[seriesName]["options"]; var axis = optionsForSeries["axis"]; if (typeof(axis) == 'string') { if (!this.series_.hasOwnProperty(axis)) { Dygraph.error("Series " + seriesName + " wants to share a y-axis with " + "series " + axis + ", which does not define its own axis."); return; } var yAxis = this.series_[axis].yAxis; this.series_[seriesName].yAxis = yAxis; this.yAxes_[yAxis].series.push(seriesName); } } } else { for (var idx = 0; idx < this.labels_.length; idx++) { var seriesName = this.labels_[idx]; var optionsForSeries = this.user_.series[seriesName] || {}; var yAxis = DygraphOptions.axisToIndex_(optionsForSeries["axis"]); this.series_[seriesName] = { idx: idx, yAxis: yAxis, options : optionsForSeries }; if (!this.yAxes_[yAxis]) { this.yAxes_[yAxis] = { series : [ seriesName ], options : {} }; } else { this.yAxes_[yAxis].series.push(seriesName); } } } var axis_opts = this.user_["axes"] || {}; Dygraph.update(this.yAxes_[0].options, axis_opts["y"] || {}); if (this.yAxes_.length > 1) { Dygraph.update(this.yAxes_[1].options, axis_opts["y2"] || {}); } Dygraph.update(this.xAxis_.options, axis_opts["x"] || {}); }; /** * Get a global value. * * @param {string} name the name of the option. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.get = function(name) { var result = this.getGlobalUser_(name); if (result !== null) { return result; } return this.getGlobalDefault_(name); }; DygraphOptions.prototype.getGlobalUser_ = function(name) { if (this.user_.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.user_[name]; } return null; }; DygraphOptions.prototype.getGlobalDefault_ = function(name) { if (this.global_.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.global_[name]; } if (Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS[name]; } return null; }; /** * Get a value for a specific axis. If there is no specific value for the axis, * the global value is returned. * * @param {string} name the name of the option. * @param {string|number} axis the axis to search. Can be the string representation * ("y", "y2") or the axis number (0, 1). */ DygraphOptions.prototype.getForAxis = function(name, axis) { var axisIdx; var axisString; // Since axis can be a number or a string, straighten everything out here. if (typeof(axis) == 'number') { axisIdx = axis; axisString = axisIdx === 0 ? "y" : "y2"; } else { if (axis == "y1") { axis = "y"; } // Standardize on 'y'. Is this bad? I think so. if (axis == "y") { axisIdx = 0; } else if (axis == "y2") { axisIdx = 1; } else if (axis == "x") { axisIdx = -1; // simply a placeholder for below. } else { throw "Unknown axis " + axis; } axisString = axis; } var userAxis = (axisIdx == -1) ? this.xAxis_ : this.yAxes_[axisIdx]; // Search the user-specified axis option first. if (userAxis) { // This condition could be removed if we always set up this.yAxes_ for y2. var axisOptions = userAxis.options; if (axisOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return axisOptions[name]; } } // User-specified global options second. var result = this.getGlobalUser_(name); if (result !== null) { return result; } // Default axis options third. var defaultAxisOptions = Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS.axes[axisString]; if (defaultAxisOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return defaultAxisOptions[name]; } // Default global options last. return this.getGlobalDefault_(name); }; /** * Get a value for a specific series. If there is no specific value for the series, * the value for the axis is returned (and afterwards, the global value.) * * @param {string} name the name of the option. * @param {string} series the series to search. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.getForSeries = function(name, series) { // Honors indexes as series. if (series === this.dygraph_.getHighlightSeries()) { if (this.highlightSeries_.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.highlightSeries_[name]; } } if (!this.series_.hasOwnProperty(series)) { throw "Unknown series: " + series; } var seriesObj = this.series_[series]; var seriesOptions = seriesObj["options"]; if (seriesOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return seriesOptions[name]; } return this.getForAxis(name, seriesObj["yAxis"]); }; /** * Returns the number of y-axes on the chart. * @return {number} the number of axes. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.numAxes = function() { return this.yAxes_.length; }; /** * Return the y-axis for a given series, specified by name. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.axisForSeries = function(series) { return this.series_[series].yAxis; }; /** * Returns the options for the specified axis. */ // TODO(konigsberg): this is y-axis specific. Support the x axis. DygraphOptions.prototype.axisOptions = function(yAxis) { return this.yAxes_[yAxis].options; }; /** * Return the series associated with an axis. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.seriesForAxis = function(yAxis) { return this.yAxes_[yAxis].series; }; /** * Return the list of all series, in their columnar order. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.seriesNames = function() { return this.labels_; }; /* Are we using this? */ /** * Return the index of the specified series. * @param {string} series the series name. */ DygraphOptions.prototype.indexOfSeries = function(series) { return this.series_[series].idx; }; return DygraphOptions; })();