#!/bin/bash ### # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # ONAP POLICY # ================================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= ### # # db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh: This script is to perform database schema upgrade on remote db, # no shecma downgrade will be performed in case db_version is higher then target_version # # Logic: 1. Get target schema version from db scripts in $POLICY_HOME/data/mysql # 2. Get current db schema version from support.db_version table (of target system) # 3. Apply db upgrade script in order if target_version is HIGHER than db_version # 4. Print out warning message if target_version is LOWER than db_version # 4. Print out message if target_version is EQUAL to db_version # # # Usage : db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh db_user_id db_user_password hostname # Example: db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh policy_user password policydb # # Assumption: 1. DB schema upgrade script in $POLICY_HOME/data/mysql folder with read permission # 2. DB user has privilege to create/drop/alter database table # # Note: The default location for db schema upgrade script is $POLICY_HOME/data/mysql # The release level is represented as Two-digit-Year+Two-digit-Month+two-digit-Sub-release (151000, 151001) # # TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION="" CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION="" DB_UPGRADE_USER="" DB_UPGRADE_PASSWORD="" DB_HOSTNAME="" DB_UPGRADE_DIR=$POLICY_HOME/data/mysql DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"` LOG="" ERR="" function get_current_schema_version { echo "Get current schema version from [${DB_HOSTNAME}] started ...@`date`" | tee -a $LOG # display output vertical query="select version from support.db_version where the_key = 'DROOLS_VERSION' \G" CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION=`${MYSQL} --skip-column-names --execute "${query}" 2>$ERR | grep -v "*"` error_msg=`cat $ERR | grep "doesn't exist"` if [ "${error_msg}" != "" ]; then echo "Create support.db_version table ..." | tee -a $LOG sql="create table support.db_version(the_key varchar(20) not null, version varchar(20), primary key(the_key));" ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}" CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION="00" fi echo "CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION: [$CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION]" | tee -a $LOG echo "Get current schema version from [${DB_HOSTNAME}] completed ...@`date`" | tee -a $LOG } function get_target_schema_version { UPGRADE_LIST=/tmp/db_upgrade_list.$$ find ${DB_UPGRADE_DIR} -name "*_upgrade_script.sql" 2>/dev/null | grep "droolspdp" | sort -r | head -1 > $UPGRADE_LIST while read -r file do TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION=`basename $file | cut -d'_' -f1` echo "TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION: [$TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION]" | tee -a $LOG break done < $UPGRADE_LIST rm -f $UPGRADE_LIST } function evaluate_upgrade_downgrade { echo "CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION --> [$CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION]" | tee -a $LOG echo "TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION --> [$TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION] " | tee -a $LOG if [[ "${CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION}" < "${TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION}" ]]; then # perform db upgrade UPGRADE_LIST=/tmp/db_upgrade_list.$$ find ${DB_UPGRADE_DIR} -name "*_upgrade_script.sql" 2>/dev/null | grep "droolspdp" | sort > $UPGRADE_LIST while read -r file do DB_VERSION=`basename $file | cut -d'_' -f1` #echo "[$DB_VERSION] [$TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION]" | tee -a $LOG if [ "${DB_VERSION}" -gt "${CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION}" ] && [ "${DB_VERSION}" -le "${TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION}" ]; then run_script "UPGRADE" "${file}" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi done < $UPGRADE_LIST rm -f $UPGRADE_LIST set_current_release_level $TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION elif [[ "${CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION}" > "${TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION}" ]]; then # db downgrade echo "WARNING: Target db schema version is LOWER than current db scema version, please run downgrade script manually." | tee -a $LOG | tee -a $ERR else echo "CURRENT SCHEMA VERSION THE SAME AS TARGET SCHEMA VERSION, NO ACTION TAKEN ..." | tee -a $LOG fi } function run_script { action="${1}" script="${2}" echo "Perform DB $action on [${DB_HOSTNAME}] use $script ..." | tee -a $LOG echo "--" | tee -a $LOG ${MYSQL} --verbose < "${script}" 2>$ERR | tee -a $LOG echo "--" | tee -a $LOG } function set_current_release_level { DB_VERSION="${1}" echo "Set current release level on [${DB_HOSTNAME}] to [$DB_VERSION] started ...@`date`" | tee -a $LOG update_statement="insert into support.db_version (the_key, version) values ('DROOLS_VERSION', '${DB_VERSION}') on duplicate key update version='${DB_VERSION}';" ${MYSQL} --execute "${update_statement}" echo "" | tee -a $LOG echo "CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION set to: [$DB_VERSION]" | tee -a $LOG echo "" | tee -a $LOG echo "Set current release level on [${DB_HOSTNAME}] to [$DB_VERSION] completed ...@`date`" | tee -a $LOG } function check_directory { if [ ! -d $DB_UPGRADE_DIR ]; then echo "ERROR, DIRECTORY NOT EXIST: $DB_UPGRADE_DIR, PROCESS EXIT ..." exit; else if [ ! -d $DB_UPGRADE_DIR/logs ]; then mkdir $DB_UPGRADE_DIR/logs fi fi } # MAIN #check_directory LOG=$POLICY_HOME/logs/db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote_$DATE.log ERR=$POLICY_HOME/logs/db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote_$DATE.err echo "db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh started ..." | tee -a $LOG if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then DB_UPGRADE_USER="${1}" DB_UPGRADE_PASSWORD="${2}" DB_HOSTNAME="${3}" echo "DB_UPGRADE_USER: $DB_UPGRADE_USER" | tee -a $LOG echo "DB_UPGRADE_DIR : $DB_UPGRADE_DIR" | tee -a $LOG echo "DB_HOSTNAME : $DB_HOSTNAME" | tee -a $LOG # typeset -r MYSQL="mysql -u${DB_UPGRADE_USER} -p${DB_UPGRADE_PASSWORD} -h ${DB_HOSTNAME}"; get_target_schema_version if [ ${#TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION} -ne 6 ]; then echo "ERROR, TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION MUST BE 6 DIGITS: $TARGET_SCHEMA_VERSION" | tee -a $LOG | tee -a $ERR else get_current_schema_version evaluate_upgrade_downgrade fi else echo "Usage : db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh db_user_id db_user_password db_hostname" | tee -a $LOG echo "Example: db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh policy_user password policydb" | tee -a $LOG fi echo "db_upgrade_droolspdp_remote.sh completed ..." | tee -a $LOG