/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.distributed.locking; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLTransientException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory; import org.onap.policy.common.utils.network.NetworkUtil; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.AlwaysFailLock; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.Lock; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.LockCallback; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.LockImpl; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.LockState; import org.onap.policy.drools.core.lock.PolicyResourceLockManager; import org.onap.policy.drools.features.PolicyEngineFeatureApi; import org.onap.policy.drools.persistence.SystemPersistenceConstants; import org.onap.policy.drools.system.PolicyEngine; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Distributed implementation of the Lock Feature. Maintains locks across servers using a * shared DB. * *

* Note: this implementation does not honor the waitForLocks={@code true} * parameter. * *

* Additional Notes: *

  • The owner field in the DB is not derived from the lock's owner info, but is * instead populated with the {@link #uuidString}.
  • *
  • A periodic check of the DB is made to determine if any of the locks have * expired.
  • *
  • When a lock is deserialized, it will not initially appear in this feature's map; it * will be added to the map once free() or extend() is invoked, provided there isn't * already an entry. In addition, it initially has the host and UUID of the feature * instance that created it. However, as soon as doExtend() completes successfully, the * host and UUID of the lock will be updated to reflect the values within this feature * instance.
  • *
    */ public class DistributedLockManager implements PolicyResourceLockManager, PolicyEngineFeatureApi { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DistributedLockManager.class); private static final String CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES_NAME = "feature-distributed-locking"; private static final String LOCK_LOST_MSG = "lock lost"; private static final String NOT_LOCKED_MSG = "not locked"; @Getter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) @Setter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) private static DistributedLockManager latestInstance = null; /** * Name of the host on which this JVM is running. */ @Getter private final String hostName; /** * UUID of this object. */ @Getter private final String uuidString = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); /** * Maps a resource to the lock that owns it, or is awaiting a request for it. Once a * lock is added to the map, it remains in the map until the lock is lost or until the * unlock request completes. */ private final Map resource2lock = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Engine with which this manager is associated. */ private PolicyEngine engine; /** * Feature properties. */ private DistributedLockProperties featProps; /** * Thread pool used to check for lock expiration and to notify owners when locks are * granted or lost. */ private ScheduledExecutorService exsvc = null; /** * Data source used to connect to the DB. */ private BasicDataSource dataSource = null; /** * Constructs the object. */ public DistributedLockManager() { this.hostName = NetworkUtil.getHostname(); } @Override public int getSequenceNumber() { return 1000; } @Override public boolean isAlive() { return (exsvc != null); } @Override public boolean start() { // handled via engine API return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { // handled via engine API return true; } @Override public void shutdown() { // handled via engine API } @Override public boolean isLocked() { return false; } @Override public boolean lock() { return true; } @Override public boolean unlock() { return true; } @Override public PolicyResourceLockManager beforeCreateLockManager(PolicyEngine engine, Properties properties) { try { this.engine = engine; this.featProps = new DistributedLockProperties(getProperties(CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES_NAME)); this.exsvc = getThreadPool(); this.dataSource = makeDataSource(); return this; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DistributedLockManagerException(e); } } @Override public boolean afterStart(PolicyEngine engine) { try { exsvc.execute(this::deleteExpiredDbLocks); exsvc.schedule(this::checkExpired, featProps.getExpireCheckSec(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); setLatestInstance(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DistributedLockManagerException(e); } return false; } /** * Make data source. * * @return a new, pooled data source * @throws Exception exception */ protected BasicDataSource makeDataSource() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("driverClassName", featProps.getDbDriver()); props.put("url", featProps.getDbUrl()); props.put("username", featProps.getDbUser()); props.put("password", featProps.getDbPwd()); props.put("testOnBorrow", "true"); props.put("poolPreparedStatements", "true"); // additional properties are listed in the GenericObjectPool API return BasicDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(props); } /** * Deletes expired locks from the DB. */ private void deleteExpiredDbLocks() { logger.info("deleting all expired locks from the DB"); try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM pooling.locks WHERE expirationTime <= now()")) { int ndel = stmt.executeUpdate(); logger.info("deleted {} expired locks from the DB", ndel); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("failed to delete expired locks from the DB", e); } } /** * Closes the data source. Does not invoke any lock call-backs. */ @Override public boolean afterStop(PolicyEngine engine) { exsvc = null; closeDataSource(); return false; } /** * Closes {@link #dataSource} and sets it to {@code null}. */ private void closeDataSource() { try { if (dataSource != null) { dataSource.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("cannot close the distributed locking DB", e); } dataSource = null; } @Override public Lock createLock(String resourceId, String ownerKey, int holdSec, LockCallback callback, boolean waitForLock) { if (latestInstance != this) { AlwaysFailLock lock = new AlwaysFailLock(resourceId, ownerKey, holdSec, callback); lock.notifyUnavailable(); return lock; } DistributedLock lock = makeLock(LockState.WAITING, resourceId, ownerKey, holdSec, callback); DistributedLock existingLock = resource2lock.putIfAbsent(resourceId, lock); // do these outside of compute() to avoid blocking other map operations if (existingLock == null) { logger.debug("added lock to map {}", lock); lock.scheduleRequest(lock::doLock); } else { lock.deny("resource is busy", true); } return lock; } /** * Checks for expired locks. */ private void checkExpired() { try { logger.info("checking for expired locks"); Set expiredIds = new HashSet<>(resource2lock.keySet()); identifyDbLocks(expiredIds); expireLocks(expiredIds); exsvc.schedule(this::checkExpired, featProps.getExpireCheckSec(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { logger.warn("thread pool is no longer accepting requests", e); } catch (SQLException | RuntimeException e) { logger.error("error checking expired locks", e); exsvc.schedule(this::checkExpired, featProps.getRetrySec(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } logger.info("done checking for expired locks"); } /** * Identifies this feature instance's locks that the DB indicates are still active. * * @param expiredIds IDs of resources that have expired locks. If a resource is still * locked, it's ID is removed from this set * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ private void identifyDbLocks(Set expiredIds) throws SQLException { /* * We could query for host and UUIDs that actually appear within the locks, but * those might change while the query is running so no real value in doing that. * On the other hand, there's only a brief instance between the time a * deserialized lock is added to this feature instance and its doExtend() method * updates its host and UUID to match this feature instance. If this happens to * run during that brief instance, then the lock will be lost and the callback * invoked. It isn't worth complicating this code further to handle those highly * unlikely cases. */ // @formatter:off try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT resourceId FROM pooling.locks WHERE host=? AND owner=? AND expirationTime > now()")) { // @formatter:on stmt.setString(1, hostName); stmt.setString(2, uuidString); try (ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery()) { while (resultSet.next()) { String resourceId = resultSet.getString(1); // we have now seen this resource id expiredIds.remove(resourceId); } } } } /** * Expires locks for the resources that no longer appear within the DB. * * @param expiredIds IDs of resources that have expired locks */ private void expireLocks(Set expiredIds) { for (String resourceId : expiredIds) { AtomicReference lockref = new AtomicReference<>(null); resource2lock.computeIfPresent(resourceId, (key, lock) -> { if (lock.isActive()) { // it thinks it's active, but it isn't - remove from the map lockref.set(lock); return null; } return lock; }); DistributedLock lock = lockref.get(); if (lock != null) { logger.debug("removed lock from map {}", lock); lock.deny(LOCK_LOST_MSG, false); } } } /** * Distributed Lock implementation. */ public static class DistributedLock extends LockImpl { private static final String SQL_FAILED_MSG = "request failed for lock: {}"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Feature containing this lock. May be {@code null} until the feature is * identified. Note: this can only be null if the lock has been de-serialized. */ private transient DistributedLockManager feature; /** * Host name from the feature instance that created this object. Replaced with the * host name from the current feature instance whenever the lock is successfully * extended. */ private String hostName; /** * UUID string from the feature instance that created this object. Replaced with * the UUID string from the current feature instance whenever the lock is * successfully extended. */ private String uuidString; /** * {@code True} if the lock is busy making a request, {@code false} otherwise. */ private transient boolean busy = false; /** * Request to be performed. */ private transient RunnableWithEx request = null; /** * Number of times we've retried a request. */ private transient int nretries = 0; /** * Constructs the object. */ public DistributedLock() { this.hostName = ""; this.uuidString = ""; } /** * Constructs the object. * * @param state initial state of the lock * @param resourceId identifier of the resource to be locked * @param ownerKey information identifying the owner requesting the lock * @param holdSec amount of time, in seconds, for which the lock should be held, * after which it will automatically be released * @param callback callback to be invoked once the lock is granted, or * subsequently lost; must not be {@code null} * @param feature feature containing this lock */ public DistributedLock(LockState state, String resourceId, String ownerKey, int holdSec, LockCallback callback, DistributedLockManager feature) { super(state, resourceId, ownerKey, holdSec, callback); this.feature = feature; this.hostName = feature.hostName; this.uuidString = feature.uuidString; } /** * Grants this lock. The notification is always invoked via the * foreground thread. */ protected void grant() { synchronized (this) { if (isUnavailable()) { return; } setState(LockState.ACTIVE); } logger.info("lock granted: {}", this); notifyAvailable(); } /** * Permanently denies this lock. * * @param reason the reason the lock was denied * @param foreground {@code true} if the callback can be invoked in the current * (i.e., foreground) thread, {@code false} if it should be invoked via the * executor */ protected void deny(String reason, boolean foreground) { synchronized (this) { setState(LockState.UNAVAILABLE); } logger.info("{}: {}", reason, this); if (feature == null || foreground) { notifyUnavailable(); } else { feature.exsvc.execute(this::notifyUnavailable); } } @Override public boolean free() { // do a quick check of the state if (isUnavailable()) { return false; } logger.info("releasing lock: {}", this); if (!attachFeature()) { setState(LockState.UNAVAILABLE); return false; } AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(false); feature.resource2lock.computeIfPresent(getResourceId(), (resourceId, curlock) -> { if (curlock == this && !isUnavailable()) { // this lock was the owner result.set(true); setState(LockState.UNAVAILABLE); /* * NOTE: do NOT return null; curlock must remain until doUnlock * completes. */ } return curlock; }); if (result.get()) { scheduleRequest(this::doUnlock); return true; } return false; } @Override public void extend(int holdSec, LockCallback callback) { if (holdSec < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("holdSec is negative"); } setHoldSec(holdSec); setCallback(callback); // do a quick check of the state if (isUnavailable() || !attachFeature()) { deny(LOCK_LOST_MSG, true); return; } AtomicBoolean success = new AtomicBoolean(false); feature.resource2lock.computeIfPresent(getResourceId(), (resourceId, curlock) -> { if (curlock == this && !isUnavailable()) { success.set(true); setState(LockState.WAITING); } // note: leave it in the map until doUnlock() removes it return curlock; }); if (success.get()) { scheduleRequest(this::doExtend); } else { deny(NOT_LOCKED_MSG, true); } } /** * Attaches to the feature instance, if not already attached. * * @return {@code true} if the lock is now attached to a feature, {@code false} * otherwise */ private synchronized boolean attachFeature() { if (feature != null) { // already attached return true; } feature = latestInstance; if (feature == null) { logger.warn("no feature yet for {}", this); return false; } // put this lock into the map feature.resource2lock.putIfAbsent(getResourceId(), this); return true; } /** * Schedules a request for execution. * * @param schedreq the request that should be scheduled */ private synchronized void scheduleRequest(RunnableWithEx schedreq) { logger.debug("schedule lock action {}", this); nretries = 0; request = schedreq; feature.exsvc.execute(this::doRequest); } /** * Reschedules a request for execution, if there is not already a request in the * queue, and if the retry count has not been exhausted. * * @param req request to be rescheduled */ private void rescheduleRequest(RunnableWithEx req) { synchronized (this) { if (request != null) { // a new request has already been scheduled - it supersedes "req" logger.debug("not rescheduling lock action {}", this); return; } if (nretries++ < feature.featProps.getMaxRetries()) { logger.debug("reschedule for {}s {}", feature.featProps.getRetrySec(), this); request = req; feature.exsvc.schedule(this::doRequest, feature.featProps.getRetrySec(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); return; } } logger.warn("retry count {} exhausted for lock: {}", feature.featProps.getMaxRetries(), this); removeFromMap(); } /** * Gets, and removes, the next request from the queue. Clears {@link #busy} if * there are no more requests in the queue. * * @param prevReq the previous request that was just run * * @return the next request, or {@code null} if the queue is empty */ private synchronized RunnableWithEx getNextRequest(RunnableWithEx prevReq) { if (request == null || request == prevReq) { logger.debug("no more requests for {}", this); busy = false; return null; } RunnableWithEx req = request; request = null; return req; } /** * Executes the current request, if none are currently executing. */ private void doRequest() { synchronized (this) { if (busy) { // another thread is already processing the request(s) return; } busy = true; } /* * There is a race condition wherein this thread could invoke run() while the * next scheduled thread checks the busy flag and finds that work is being * done and returns, leaving the next work item in "request". In that case, * the next work item may never be executed, thus we use a loop here, instead * of just executing a single request. */ RunnableWithEx req = null; while ((req = getNextRequest(req)) != null) { if (feature.resource2lock.get(getResourceId()) != this) { /* * no longer in the map - don't apply the action, as it may interfere * with any newly added Lock object */ logger.debug("discard lock action {}", this); synchronized (this) { busy = false; } return; } try { /* * Run the request. If it throws an exception, then it will be * rescheduled for execution a little later. */ req.run(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(SQL_FAILED_MSG, this, e); if (e.getCause() instanceof SQLTransientException) { // retry the request a little later rescheduleRequest(req); } else { removeFromMap(); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn(SQL_FAILED_MSG, this, e); removeFromMap(); } } } /** * Attempts to add a lock to the DB. Generates a callback, indicating success or * failure. * * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ private void doLock() throws SQLException { if (!isWaiting()) { logger.debug("discard doLock {}", this); return; } /* * There is a small window in which a client could invoke free() before the DB * is updated. In that case, doUnlock will be added to the queue to run after * this, which will delete the record, as desired. In addition, grant() will * not do anything, because the lock state will have been set to UNAVAILABLE * by free(). */ logger.debug("doLock {}", this); try (Connection conn = feature.dataSource.getConnection()) { boolean success = false; try { success = doDbInsert(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.info("failed to insert lock record - attempting update: {}", this, e); success = doDbUpdate(conn); } if (success) { grant(); return; } } removeFromMap(); } /** * Attempts to remove a lock from the DB. Does not generate a callback if * it fails, as this should only be executed in response to a call to * {@link #free()}. * * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ private void doUnlock() throws SQLException { logger.debug("unlock {}", this); try (Connection conn = feature.dataSource.getConnection()) { doDbDelete(conn); } removeFromMap(); } /** * Attempts to extend a lock in the DB. Generates a callback, indicating success * or failure. * * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ private void doExtend() throws SQLException { if (!isWaiting()) { logger.debug("discard doExtend {}", this); return; } /* * There is a small window in which a client could invoke free() before the DB * is updated. In that case, doUnlock will be added to the queue to run after * this, which will delete the record, as desired. In addition, grant() will * not do anything, because the lock state will have been set to UNAVAILABLE * by free(). */ logger.debug("doExtend {}", this); try (Connection conn = feature.dataSource.getConnection()) { /* * invoker may have called extend() before free() had a chance to insert * the record, thus we have to try to insert, if the update fails */ if (doDbUpdate(conn) || doDbInsert(conn)) { grant(); return; } } removeFromMap(); } /** * Inserts the lock into the DB. * * @param conn DB connection * @return {@code true} if a record was successfully inserted, {@code false} * otherwise * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ protected boolean doDbInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException { logger.debug("insert lock record {}", this); try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO pooling.locks (resourceId, host, owner, expirationTime) " + "values (?, ?, ?, timestampadd(second, ?, now()))")) { stmt.setString(1, getResourceId()); stmt.setString(2, feature.hostName); stmt.setString(3, feature.uuidString); stmt.setInt(4, getHoldSec()); stmt.executeUpdate(); this.hostName = feature.hostName; this.uuidString = feature.uuidString; return true; } } /** * Updates the lock in the DB. * * @param conn DB connection * @return {@code true} if a record was successfully updated, {@code false} * otherwise * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ protected boolean doDbUpdate(Connection conn) throws SQLException { logger.debug("update lock record {}", this); try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE pooling.locks SET resourceId=?, host=?, owner=?," + " expirationTime=timestampadd(second, ?, now()) WHERE resourceId=?" + " AND ((host=? AND owner=?) OR expirationTime < now())")) { stmt.setString(1, getResourceId()); stmt.setString(2, feature.hostName); stmt.setString(3, feature.uuidString); stmt.setInt(4, getHoldSec()); stmt.setString(5, getResourceId()); stmt.setString(6, this.hostName); stmt.setString(7, this.uuidString); if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1) { return false; } this.hostName = feature.hostName; this.uuidString = feature.uuidString; return true; } } /** * Deletes the lock from the DB. * * @param conn DB connection * @throws SQLException if a DB error occurs */ protected void doDbDelete(Connection conn) throws SQLException { logger.debug("delete lock record {}", this); try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE pooling.locks WHERE resourceId=? AND host=? AND owner=?")) { stmt.setString(1, getResourceId()); stmt.setString(2, this.hostName); stmt.setString(3, this.uuidString); stmt.executeUpdate(); } } /** * Removes the lock from the map, and sends a notification using the current * thread. */ private void removeFromMap() { logger.debug("remove lock from map {}", this); feature.resource2lock.remove(getResourceId(), this); synchronized (this) { if (!isUnavailable()) { deny(LOCK_LOST_MSG, true); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "DistributedLock [state=" + getState() + ", resourceId=" + getResourceId() + ", ownerKey=" + getOwnerKey() + ", holdSec=" + getHoldSec() + ", hostName=" + hostName + ", uuidString=" + uuidString + "]"; } } @FunctionalInterface private static interface RunnableWithEx { void run() throws SQLException; } // these may be overridden by junit tests protected Properties getProperties(String fileName) { return SystemPersistenceConstants.getManager().getProperties(fileName); } protected ScheduledExecutorService getThreadPool() { return engine.getExecutorService(); } protected DistributedLock makeLock(LockState state, String resourceId, String ownerKey, int holdSec, LockCallback callback) { return new DistributedLock(state, resourceId, ownerKey, holdSec, callback, this); } }