/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases; import static org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopTargetType.PNF; import static org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopTargetType.VM; import static org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopTargetType.VNF; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.GENERIC_VNF_IS_CLOSED_LOOP_DISABLED; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.GENERIC_VNF_PROV_STATUS; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.GENERIC_VNF_VNF_ID; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.GENERIC_VNF_VNF_NAME; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.PNF_IS_IN_MAINT; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.PNF_NAME; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.PROV_STATUS_ACTIVE; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.VM_NAME; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.VNF_NAME; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.VSERVER_IS_CLOSED_LOOP_DISABLED; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.VSERVER_PROV_STATUS; import static org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.UsecasesConstants.VSERVER_VSERVER_NAME; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.ToString; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.drools.core.WorkingMemory; import org.kie.api.runtime.rule.FactHandle; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopEventStatus; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopException; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopNotificationType; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopOperation; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.ControlLoopResponse; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.VirtualControlLoopEvent; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.VirtualControlLoopNotification; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.OperationFinalResult; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.OperationOutcome; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.OperationProperties; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.OperationResult; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.TargetType; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.parameters.ControlLoopOperationParams; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.drl.legacy.ControlLoopParams; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.eventmanager.ActorConstants; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.eventmanager.ControlLoopEventManager; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.eventmanager.StepContext; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.AaiCqStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.AaiGetPnfStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.AaiGetTenantStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.GetTargetEntityStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.GuardStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.LockStep2; import org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controller.usecases.step.Step2; import org.onap.policy.drools.domain.models.operational.ActorOperation; import org.onap.policy.drools.domain.models.operational.Operation; import org.onap.policy.drools.domain.models.operational.OperationalTarget; import org.onap.policy.drools.system.PolicyEngine; import org.onap.policy.drools.system.PolicyEngineConstants; import org.onap.policy.sdnr.PciMessage; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Manager for a single control loop event. Once this has been created, the event can be * retracted from working memory. Processing progresses through each policy, which * involves at least one step. As a step is processed, additional preprocessor steps may * be pushed onto the queue (e.g., locks, A&AI queries, guards). */ @ToString(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true) public class UsecasesEventManager extends ControlLoopEventManager implements StepContext { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UsecasesEventManager.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -1216568161322872641L; /** * Maximum number of steps, for a single policy, allowed in the queue at a time. This * prevents an infinite loop occurring with calls to {@link #loadPreprocessorSteps()}. */ public static final int MAX_STEPS = 30; /** * If there's a failure from one of these actors, then the TOSCA processing should be * aborted. */ private static final Set ABORT_ACTORS = Set.of(ActorConstants.CL_TIMEOUT_ACTOR, ActorConstants.LOCK_ACTOR); private static final Set VALID_TARGETS = Stream .of(VM_NAME, VNF_NAME, VSERVER_VSERVER_NAME, GENERIC_VNF_VNF_ID, GENERIC_VNF_VNF_NAME, PNF_NAME) .map(String::toLowerCase).collect(Collectors.toSet()); private static final Set TRUE_VALUES = Set.of("true", "t", "yes", "y"); /** * Names of Operation properties for which A&AI PNF query is needed. */ private static final Set PNF_PROPERTIES = Set.of(OperationProperties.AAI_PNF); /** * Names of Operation properties for which A&AI Tenant query is needed. */ private static final Set TENANT_PROPERTIES = Set.of(OperationProperties.AAI_VSERVER_LINK); /** * Names of Operation properties for which A&AI custom query is needed. */ private static final Set CQ_PROPERTIES = Set.of(OperationProperties.AAI_DEFAULT_CLOUD_REGION, OperationProperties.AAI_VNF, OperationProperties.AAI_SERVICE_MODEL, OperationProperties.AAI_VNF_MODEL, OperationProperties.AAI_SERVICE, OperationProperties.AAI_RESOURCE_VNF, UsecasesConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_GENERIC_VNF); public enum State { LOAD_POLICY, POLICY_LOADED, AWAITING_OUTCOME, DONE } public enum NewEventStatus { FIRST_ONSET, SUBSEQUENT_ONSET, FIRST_ABATEMENT, SUBSEQUENT_ABATEMENT, SYNTAX_ERROR } @Getter private final VirtualControlLoopEvent event; /** * Request ID, as a String. */ private final String requestIdStr; @Getter @Setter private State state; /** * {@code True} if the event has been accepted (i.e., an "ACTIVE" notification has * been delivered), {@code false} otherwise. */ @Getter @Setter private boolean accepted; /** * Queue of steps waiting to be performed. */ @Getter private final transient Deque steps = new ArrayDeque<>(6); /** * Number of attempts, so far, for the current step. */ @Getter private int attempts; /** * Policy currently being processed. */ private Operation policy; /** * Result of the last policy operation. This is just a place where the rules can store * the value for passing to {@link #loadNextPolicy()}. */ @Getter @Setter private OperationResult result = OperationResult.SUCCESS; @ToString.Include private int numOnsets = 1; @ToString.Include private int numAbatements = 0; private VirtualControlLoopEvent abatement = null; /** * Full history of operations that have been processed by the rules. This includes the * items in {@link #partialHistory}. */ @Getter private final transient Deque fullHistory = new LinkedList<>(); /** * History of operations that have been processed by the rules for the current policy. * When a step is started, its "start" outcome is added. However, once it completes, * its "start" outcome is removed and the "completed" outcome is added. */ @Getter private final transient Deque partialHistory = new LinkedList<>(); @Getter private OperationFinalResult finalResult = null; /** * Message to be placed into the final notification. Typically used when something * causes processing to abort. */ @Getter private String finalMessage = null; private final transient WorkingMemory workMem; private transient FactHandle factHandle; /** * Constructs the object. * * @param params control loop parameters * @param event event to be managed by this object * @param workMem working memory to update if this changes * @throws ControlLoopException if the event is invalid or if a YAML processor cannot * be created */ public UsecasesEventManager(ControlLoopParams params, VirtualControlLoopEvent event, WorkingMemory workMem) throws ControlLoopException { super(params, event.getRequestId()); checkEventSyntax(event); if (isClosedLoopDisabled(event)) { throw new IllegalStateException("is-closed-loop-disabled is set to true on VServer or VNF"); } if (isProvStatusInactive(event)) { throw new IllegalStateException("prov-status is not ACTIVE on VServer or VNF"); } this.event = event; this.workMem = workMem; this.requestIdStr = getRequestId().toString(); } @Override public void destroy() { for (Step2 step : steps) { step.cancel(); } super.destroy(); } /** * Starts the manager and loads the first policy. * * @throws ControlLoopException if the processor cannot get a policy */ public void start() throws ControlLoopException { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("manager is no longer active"); } if ((factHandle = workMem.getFactHandle(this)) == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("manager is not in working memory"); } if (!steps.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("manager already started"); } loadPolicy(); } /** * Indicates that processing has been aborted. * * @param finalState final state * @param finalResult final result * @param finalMessage final message */ public void abort(@NonNull State finalState, OperationFinalResult finalResult, String finalMessage) { this.state = finalState; this.finalResult = finalResult; this.finalMessage = finalMessage; } /** * Loads the next policy. * * @param lastResult result from the last policy * * @throws ControlLoopException if the processor cannot get a policy */ public void loadNextPolicy(@NonNull OperationResult lastResult) throws ControlLoopException { getProcessor().nextPolicyForResult(lastResult); loadPolicy(); } /** * Loads the current policy. * * @throws ControlLoopException if the processor cannot get a policy */ private void loadPolicy() throws ControlLoopException { partialHistory.clear(); if ((finalResult = getProcessor().checkIsCurrentPolicyFinal()) != null) { // final policy - nothing more to do return; } policy = getProcessor().getCurrentPolicy(); ActorOperation actor = policy.getActorOperation(); OperationalTarget target = actor.getTarget(); String targetType = (target != null ? target.getTargetType() : null); Map entityIds = (target != null ? target.getEntityIds() : null); // convert policy payload from Map to Map Map payload = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (actor.getPayload() != null) { payload.putAll(actor.getPayload()); } // @formatter:off ControlLoopOperationParams params = ControlLoopOperationParams.builder() .actorService(getActorService()) .actor(actor.getActor()) .operation(actor.getOperation()) .requestId(event.getRequestId()) .preprocessed(true) .executor(getExecutor()) .retry(policy.getRetries()) .timeoutSec(policy.getTimeout()) .targetType(TargetType.toTargetType(targetType)) .targetEntityIds(entityIds) .payload(payload) .startCallback(this::onStart) .completeCallback(this::onComplete) .build(); // @formatter:on // load the policy's operation steps.add(new Step2(this, params, event)); } /** * Loads the preprocessor steps needed by the step that's at the front of the queue. */ public void loadPreprocessorSteps() { if (steps.size() >= MAX_STEPS) { throw new IllegalStateException("too many steps"); } final Step2 step = steps.peek(); // initialize the step so we can query its properties step.init(); // determine if any A&AI queries are needed boolean needCq = false; boolean needPnf = false; boolean needTenant = false; boolean needTargetEntity = false; for (String propName : step.getPropertyNames()) { needCq = needCq || CQ_PROPERTIES.contains(propName); needPnf = needPnf || PNF_PROPERTIES.contains(propName); needTenant = needTenant || TENANT_PROPERTIES.contains(propName); needTargetEntity = needTargetEntity || OperationProperties.AAI_TARGET_ENTITY.equals(propName); } /* * The Policy's actual operation requires additional, implicit steps, such as * locking and guards. */ final boolean needPolicySteps = step.isPolicyStep(); /* * NOTE: need to push steps onto the queue in the OPPOSITE order in which they * must be performed. */ // GUARD must be pushed first if (needPolicySteps) { steps.push(new GuardStep2(step, getClosedLoopControlName())); } // A&AI queries if (needCq) { steps.push(new AaiCqStep2(step)); } if (needPnf) { steps.push(new AaiGetPnfStep2(step)); } if (needTenant) { steps.push(new AaiGetTenantStep2(step)); } // LOCK must be pushed after the queries if (needPolicySteps) { steps.push(new LockStep2(step)); } // GET-TARGET-ENTITY should be pushed last if (needTargetEntity) { steps.push(new GetTargetEntityStep2(step)); } } /** * Executes the first step in the queue. * * @return {@code true} if the step was started, {@code false} if it is no longer * needed (or if the queue is empty) */ public boolean executeStep() { attempts = 0; Step2 step = steps.peek(); if (step == null) { return false; } return step.start(getEndTimeMs() - System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Discards the current step, if any. */ public void nextStep() { steps.poll(); } /** * Increments the number of attempts. */ public void bumpAttempts() { ++attempts; } /** * Determines if the TOSCA should be aborted due to the given outcome. * * @param outcome outcome to examine * @return {@code true} if the TOSCA should be aborted, {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean isAbort(OperationOutcome outcome) { return (outcome.getResult() != OperationResult.SUCCESS && ABORT_ACTORS.contains(outcome.getActor())); } /** * Adds the outcome to the history. * * @param outcome outcome to add */ public void addToHistory(OperationOutcome outcome) { OperationOutcome2 last = partialHistory.peekLast(); if (last != null && last.getOutcome().getEnd() == null && last.getOutcome().isFor(outcome.getActor(), outcome.getOperation())) { // last item was a "start" - remove it partialHistory.removeLast(); if (fullHistory.peekLast() == last) { fullHistory.removeLast(); } } OperationOutcome2 outcome2 = new OperationOutcome2(outcome); partialHistory.add(outcome2); fullHistory.add(outcome2); } /** * Makes a notification message for the current operation. * * @return a new notification */ public VirtualControlLoopNotification makeNotification() { VirtualControlLoopNotification notif = new VirtualControlLoopNotification(event); notif.setNotification(ControlLoopNotificationType.OPERATION); notif.setFrom("policy"); notif.setPolicyVersion(getPolicyVersion()); if (finalResult != null) { return notif; } OperationOutcome2 last = partialHistory.peekLast(); if (last == null) { return notif; } notif.setMessage(last.getClOperation().toHistory()); notif.setHistory(partialHistory.stream().map(OperationOutcome2::getClOperation).collect(Collectors.toList())); return notif; } /** * Delivers a notification to a topic. * * @param sinkName name of the topic sink * @param notification notification to be published, or {@code null} if nothing is to * be published * @param notificationType type of notification, used when logging error messages * @param ruleName name of the rule doing the publishing */ public void deliver(String sinkName, T notification, String notificationType, String ruleName) { try { if (notification != null) { getPolicyEngineManager().deliver(sinkName, notification); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn("{}: {}.{}: manager={} exception publishing {}", getClosedLoopControlName(), getPolicyName(), ruleName, this, notificationType, e); } } /** * Get the last operation, as a message. * * @return the last operation, as a message */ public String getOperationMessage() { OperationOutcome2 last = fullHistory.peekLast(); return (last == null ? null : last.getClOperation().toMessage()); } /** * Stores an operation outcome in the DB. * * @param outcome operation outcome to store */ public void storeInDataBase(OperationOutcome2 outcome) { String targetEntity = getProperty(OperationProperties.AAI_TARGET_ENTITY); getDataManager().store(requestIdStr, event, targetEntity, outcome.getClOperation()); } /** * Makes a control loop response. * * @param outcome operation outcome * @return a new control loop response, or {@code null} if none is required */ public ControlLoopResponse makeControlLoopResponse(OperationOutcome outcome) { ControlLoopResponse clRsp = new ControlLoopResponse(); clRsp.setFrom(outcome.getActor()); clRsp.setTarget("DCAE"); clRsp.setClosedLoopControlName(event.getClosedLoopControlName()); clRsp.setPolicyName(event.getPolicyName()); clRsp.setPolicyVersion(event.getPolicyVersion()); clRsp.setRequestId(event.getRequestId()); clRsp.setVersion(event.getVersion()); Object obj = outcome.getResponse(); if (!(obj instanceof PciMessage)) { return clRsp; } PciMessage msg = (PciMessage) obj; if (msg.getBody() != null && msg.getBody().getOutput() != null) { clRsp.setPayload(msg.getBody().getOutput().getPayload()); } return clRsp; } /** * An event onset/abatement. * * @param newEvent the event * @return the status */ public NewEventStatus onNewEvent(VirtualControlLoopEvent newEvent) { try { checkEventSyntax(newEvent); if (newEvent.getClosedLoopEventStatus() == ControlLoopEventStatus.ONSET) { if (newEvent.equals(event)) { return NewEventStatus.FIRST_ONSET; } numOnsets++; return NewEventStatus.SUBSEQUENT_ONSET; } else { if (abatement == null) { abatement = newEvent; numAbatements++; return NewEventStatus.FIRST_ABATEMENT; } else { numAbatements++; return NewEventStatus.SUBSEQUENT_ABATEMENT; } } } catch (ControlLoopException e) { logger.error("{}: onNewEvent threw an exception", this, e); return NewEventStatus.SYNTAX_ERROR; } } /** * Check an event syntax. * * @param event the event syntax * @throws ControlLoopException if an error occurs */ protected void checkEventSyntax(VirtualControlLoopEvent event) throws ControlLoopException { validateStatus(event); if (StringUtils.isBlank(event.getClosedLoopControlName())) { throw new ControlLoopException("No control loop name"); } if (event.getRequestId() == null) { throw new ControlLoopException("No request ID"); } if (event.getClosedLoopEventStatus() == ControlLoopEventStatus.ABATED) { return; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(event.getTarget())) { throw new ControlLoopException("No target field"); } else if (!VALID_TARGETS.contains(event.getTarget().toLowerCase())) { throw new ControlLoopException("target field invalid"); } validateAaiData(event); } private void validateStatus(VirtualControlLoopEvent event) throws ControlLoopException { if (event.getClosedLoopEventStatus() != ControlLoopEventStatus.ONSET && event.getClosedLoopEventStatus() != ControlLoopEventStatus.ABATED) { throw new ControlLoopException("Invalid value in closedLoopEventStatus"); } } private void validateAaiData(VirtualControlLoopEvent event) throws ControlLoopException { Map eventAai = event.getAai(); if (eventAai == null) { throw new ControlLoopException("AAI is null"); } if (event.getTargetType() == null) { throw new ControlLoopException("The Target type is null"); } switch (event.getTargetType()) { case VM: case VNF: validateAaiVmVnfData(eventAai); return; case PNF: validateAaiPnfData(eventAai); return; default: throw new ControlLoopException("The target type is not supported"); } } private void validateAaiVmVnfData(Map eventAai) throws ControlLoopException { if (eventAai.get(GENERIC_VNF_VNF_ID) == null && eventAai.get(VSERVER_VSERVER_NAME) == null && eventAai.get(GENERIC_VNF_VNF_NAME) == null) { throw new ControlLoopException( "generic-vnf.vnf-id or generic-vnf.vnf-name or vserver.vserver-name information missing"); } } private void validateAaiPnfData(Map eventAai) throws ControlLoopException { if (eventAai.get(PNF_NAME) == null) { throw new ControlLoopException("AAI PNF object key pnf-name is missing"); } } /** * Is closed loop disabled for an event. * * @param event the event * @return true if the control loop is disabled, false * otherwise */ private static boolean isClosedLoopDisabled(VirtualControlLoopEvent event) { Map aai = event.getAai(); return (isAaiTrue(aai.get(VSERVER_IS_CLOSED_LOOP_DISABLED)) || isAaiTrue(aai.get(GENERIC_VNF_IS_CLOSED_LOOP_DISABLED)) || isAaiTrue(aai.get(PNF_IS_IN_MAINT))); } /** * Does provisioning status, for an event, have a value other than ACTIVE. * * @param event the event * @return {@code true} if the provisioning status is neither ACTIVE nor {@code null}, * {@code false} otherwise */ private static boolean isProvStatusInactive(VirtualControlLoopEvent event) { Map aai = event.getAai(); return !(PROV_STATUS_ACTIVE.equals(aai.getOrDefault(VSERVER_PROV_STATUS, PROV_STATUS_ACTIVE)) && PROV_STATUS_ACTIVE.equals(aai.getOrDefault(GENERIC_VNF_PROV_STATUS, PROV_STATUS_ACTIVE))); } /** * Determines the boolean value represented by the given AAI field value. * * @param aaiValue value to be examined * @return the boolean value represented by the field value, or {@code false} if the * value is {@code null} */ private static boolean isAaiTrue(String aaiValue) { return (aaiValue != null && TRUE_VALUES.contains(aaiValue.toLowerCase())); } @Override public void onStart(OperationOutcome outcome) { super.onStart(outcome); workMem.update(factHandle, this); } @Override public void onComplete(OperationOutcome outcome) { super.onComplete(outcome); workMem.update(factHandle, this); } @Getter @ToString public class OperationOutcome2 { private final int attempt; private final OperationOutcome outcome; private final ControlLoopOperation clOperation; /** * Constructs the object. * * @param outcome outcome of the operation */ public OperationOutcome2(OperationOutcome outcome) { this.outcome = outcome; this.attempt = attempts; clOperation = outcome.toControlLoopOperation(); // TODO encode()? OperationalTarget target = policy.getActorOperation().getTarget(); String targetStr = (target != null ? target.toString() : null); clOperation.setTarget(targetStr); if (outcome.getEnd() == null) { clOperation.setOutcome("Started"); } else if (clOperation.getOutcome() == null) { clOperation.setOutcome(""); } } } // these following methods may be overridden by junit tests protected PolicyEngine getPolicyEngineManager() { return PolicyEngineConstants.getManager(); } }