#!/bin/bash -x # # Copyright 2016-2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # Modification Copyright 2019 © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # Modification Copyright 2021 © AT&T Intellectual Property. # Modification Copyright 2021-2023 Nordix Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $1 functionality # $2 robot options # # functions # function on_exit(){ rc=$? if [[ ${WORKSPACE} ]]; then # Record list of active docker containers docker ps --format "table {{ .Names }}\t{{ .Status }}" # show memory consumption after all docker instances initialized docker_stats source_safely ${WORKSPACE}/compose/stop-compose.sh if [[ ${WORKDIR} ]]; then rsync -av "${WORKDIR}/" "${WORKSPACE}/csit/archives/${PROJECT}" fi rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/models fi # TODO: do something with the output exit $rc } # ensure that teardown and other finalizing steps are always executed trap on_exit EXIT function docker_stats(){ # General memory details if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] then sh -c "top -l1 | head -10" echo else sh -c "top -bn1 | head -3" echo sh -c "free -h" echo fi # Memory details per Docker docker ps --format "table {{ .Names }}\t{{ .Status }}" echo docker stats --no-stream echo } # save current set options function save_set() { RUN_CSIT_SAVE_SET="$-" RUN_CSIT_SHELLOPTS="${SHELLOPTS}" } # load the saved set options function load_set() { _setopts="$-" # bash shellopts for i in $(echo "${SHELLOPTS}" | tr ':' ' ') ; do set +o ${i} done for i in $(echo "${RUN_CSIT_SHELLOPTS}" | tr ':' ' ') ; do set -o ${i} done # other options for i in $(echo "$_setopts" | sed 's/./& /g') ; do set +${i} done set -${RUN_CSIT_SAVE_SET} } # set options for quick bailout when error function harden_set() { set -xeo pipefail set +u # enabled it would probably fail too many often } # relax set options so the sourced file will not fail # the responsibility is shifted to the sourced file... function relax_set() { set +e set +o pipefail } # wrapper for sourcing a file function source_safely() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 relax_set . "$1" load_set } # # main # # set and save options for quick failure harden_set && save_set if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo echo "Usage: $0 []" echo echo " : " echo exit 1 fi if [ -z "${WORKSPACE}" ]; then WORKSPACE=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) export WORKSPACE fi # Add csit scripts to PATH export PATH="${PATH}:${WORKSPACE}/csit:${WORKSPACE}/scripts:${ROBOT_VENV}/bin" export SCRIPTS="${WORKSPACE}/csit/resources/scripts" export ROBOT_VARIABLES= export PROJECT="${1}" cd "${WORKSPACE}" rm -rf "${WORKSPACE}/csit/archives/${PROJECT}" mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}/csit/archives/${PROJECT}" # Run installation of pre-required libraries source_safely "${SCRIPTS}/prepare-robot-env.sh" # Activate the virtualenv containing all the required libraries installed by prepare-robot-env.sh source_safely "${ROBOT_VENV}/bin/activate" export TEST_PLAN_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/csit/resources/tests" export TEST_OPTIONS="${2}" WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d) cd "${WORKDIR}" # Sign in to nexus3 docker repo docker login -u docker -p docker nexus3.onap.org:10001 # Run setup script plan if it exists SETUP="${SCRIPTS}/setup-${PROJECT}.sh" if [ -f "${SETUP}" ]; then echo "Running setup script ${SETUP}" source_safely "${SETUP}" fi # show memory consumption after all docker instances initialized docker_stats | tee "${WORKSPACE}/csit/archives/${PROJECT}/_sysinfo-1-after-setup.txt" # Run test plan cd "${WORKDIR}" echo "Reading the testplan:" echo "${SUITES}" | egrep -v '(^[[:space:]]*#|^[[:space:]]*$)' | sed "s|^|${TEST_PLAN_DIR}/|" > testplan.txt cat testplan.txt SUITES=$( xargs < testplan.txt ) echo ROBOT_VARIABLES="${ROBOT_VARIABLES}" echo "Starting Robot test suites ${SUITES} ..." relax_set python3 -m robot.run -N "${PROJECT}" -v WORKSPACE:/tmp ${ROBOT_VARIABLES} ${SUITES} RESULT=$? load_set echo "RESULT: ${RESULT}" # Note that the final steps are done in on_exit function after this exit! exit ${RESULT}