*** Settings *** Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library json Library Process Resource ${CURDIR}/common-library.robot *** Keywords *** DeployPolicy [Documentation] Deploy the policy in apex-pdp engine ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/policy_deploy.json ${postjson}= evaluate json.loads('''${postjson}''') json set to dictionary ${postjson['groups'][0]['deploymentSubgroups'][0]['policies'][0]} name=${policyName} ${postjson}= evaluate json.dumps(${postjson}) json ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch 202 ${postjson} null ${policyadmin} RunEventOnApexEngine [Documentation] Send event to verify policy execution Create Session apexSession http://${APEX_EVENTS_IP} max_retries=1 ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/event.json &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json ${resp}= PUT On Session apexSession /apex/FirstConsumer/EventIn data=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 CheckLogMessage [Documentation] Read log messages received and check for expected content. [Arguments] ${status} ${expectedMsg} ${result}= CheckTopic APEX-CL-MGT ${status} Should Contain ${result} ${expectedMsg} ValidatePolicyExecution [Arguments] ${url} ${executionTime} [Documentation] Check that policy execution under X milliseconds ${resp}= QueryPrometheus ${url} ${rawNumber}= Evaluate ${resp['data']['result'][0]['value'][1]} ${actualTime}= Set Variable ${rawNumber * ${1000}} Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${executionTime} ValidateEventExecution [Arguments] ${eventStartTime} ${eventEndTime} ${eventsNo} [Documentation] Check that X amount of events were exeuted per second ${eventTimeTaken}= Subtract Date From Date ${eventEndTime} ${eventStartTime} ${eventResult}= Set Variable ${eventTimeTaken * ${1000}} ${eventsPerSecond}= Set Variable ${${1000} / ${eventResult}} Should Be True ${eventsPerSecond} >= ${eventsNo}