#!/bin/bash # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Copyright (C) 2023 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # This script will be used to gather cluster information # for JMeter to work towards the installed cluster # EXPLICITLY ASSIGN PORTS FOR TESTING PURPOSES export APEX_PORT=30001 export API_PORT=30002 export PAP_PORT=30003 export XACML_PORT=30004 export DROOLS_PORT=30005 export DIST_PORT=30006 export ACM_PORT=30007 export POLICY_PARTICIPANT_PORT=30008 export DMAAP_PORT=30904 # Retrieve pod names function get_pod_names() { export APEX_POD=$(get_pod_name apex) export PAP_POD=$(get_pod_name pap) export API_POD=$(get_pod_name api) export DMAAP_POD=$(get_pod_name message-router) export XACML_POD=$(get_pod_name xacml) export DROOLS_POD=$(get_pod_name drools-pdp) export DIST_POD=$(get_pod_name distribution) export ACM_POD=$(get_pod_name acm-runtime) export POLICY_PPNT_POD=$(get_pod_name policy-ppnt) } # Retrieve service names function get_svc_names() { export APEX_SVC=$(get_svc_name policy-apex) export PAP_SVC=$(get_svc_name policy-pap) export API_SVC=$(get_svc_name policy-api) export DMAAP_SVC=$(get_svc_name message-router) export DROOLS_SVC=$(get_svc_name drools-pdp) export XACML_SVC=$(get_svc_name xacml) export DIST_SVC=$(get_svc_name distribution) export ACM_SVC=$(get_svc_name acm-runtime) export POLICY_PPNT_SVC=$(get_svc_name policy-ppnt) } # Expose services in order to perform tests from JMeter function expose_services() { expose_service $APEX_SVC expose_service $PAP_SVC expose_service $API_SVC expose_service $XACML_SVC expose_service $DROOLS_SVC expose_service $DIST_SVC expose_service $ACM_SVC export_service $POLICY_PPNT_SVC setup_message_router_svc sleep 2 patch_ports } function get_pod_name() { microk8s kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=':metadata.name' | grep $1 } function get_svc_name() { microk8s kubectl get svc --no-headers -o custom-columns=':metadata.name' | grep $1 } function expose_service() { microk8s kubectl expose service $1 --name $1"-svc" --type NodePort --protocol TCP --port 6969 --target-port 6969 } function patch_port() { microk8s kubectl patch service "$1-svc" --namespace=default --type='json' --patch='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/nodePort", "value":'"$2"'}]' } # Assign set port values function patch_ports() { patch_port "$APEX_SVC" $APEX_PORT patch_port "$API_SVC" $API_PORT patch_port "$PAP_SVC" $PAP_PORT patch_port "$ACM_SVC" $ACM_PORT patch_port "$POLICY_PPNT_SVC" $POLICY_PARTICIPANT_PORT patch_port "$DIST_SVC" $DIST_PORT patch_port "$DROOLS_SVC" $DROOLS_PORT patch_port "$XACML_SVC" $XACML_PORT } function setup_message_router_svc() { microk8s kubectl expose service message-router --name message-router-svc --type NodePort --protocol TCP --port 3904 --target-port 3904 microk8s kubectl patch service message-router-svc --namespace=default --type='json' --patch='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/nodePort", "value":'"$DMAAP_PORT"'}]' } ####MAIN### get_pod_names get_svc_names expose_services