# Policy Framework Docker Compose The PF docker compose starts a small instance of docker containers for PF components. ## Features - Starts all components, including Prometheus/Grafana dashboard and GUI (ACM and Apex) - Can start specific components - Expose fixed ports so all the REST endpoints can be called with localhost:component_port ## Tech Things to be installed beforehand: - Linux VM if using Windows - Docker - Docker compose - Any editor ## Installation Assuming the docker repository has been cloned and workdir is ../docker/compose - Install all PF components (excluding GUI) ```sh ./start-compose.sh ``` - Install all PF components + GUI ```sh ./start-compose.sh --gui ``` - Install an specific PF component (accepted options: api pap apex-pdp distribution drools-pdp drools-apps xacml-pdp policy-clamp-runtime-acm) ```sh ./start-compose.sh component # that will start apex-pdp and its dependencies (pap, api, db, simulator) ./start-compose.sh apex-pdp ``` - Install an specific PF component with Grafana dashboard (accepted options: api pap apex-pdp distribution drools-pdp drools-apps xacml-pdp policy-clamp-runtime-acm) ```sh ./start-compose.sh component --grafana # that will start apex-pdp and its dependencies (pap, api, db, simulator) + grafana and prometheus server ./start-compose.sh apex-pdp --grafana ``` ## Docker image localization The docker images are always downloaded from nexus repository, but if needed to build a local image, edit the ``export-ports.sh`` script and change the variable ``CONTAINER_LOCATION`` to be empty. ## Docker image versions The start-compose script is always looking for the latest SNAPSHOT version available (will look locally first, then download from nexus if not available). Note: if latest Policy-API docker image is 2.8-SNAPSHOT-latest, but on nexus it was released 2 days ago and in local environment it's 3 months old - it will use the 3 months old image, so it's recommended to keep an eye on it. If needed, the version can be edited on docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.gui.yml i.e: need to change db-migrator version from docker-compose.yml: ``image: ${CONTAINER_LOCATION}onap/policy-db-migrator:${POLICY_DOCKER_VERSION}`` replace the ${POLICY_DOCKER_VERSION} for the specific version needed ## Logs To collect the docker-compose logs, simply run the following: ```sh ./start-compose.sh logs ``` Note: these are logs for installation only, not actual application usage It will generate a ``docker-compose.log`` file with the result. ## Uninstall Simply run the ``stop-compose.sh`` script. ```sh ./stop-compose.sh ```