Stability Test for Policy Distribution ## Steps to Run stability test 1. Download Apache JMeter Download JMeter 5.0 from, and extracted it locally. 2. Run the setup-components script found within simulator setup. This will launch MariaDB, PDPSimulator, PAP, Policy-API and DMaap Simulator as docker containers. 3. Launch the policy distribution service by running the setup-distribution script found within distributionsetup. If you are running all of the components locally you will need to edit the port that distribution starts on as it is currently 6969 which conflicts with the policy API port. This will launch policy-distribution as a docker container and takes 2 arguments, PAP IP and API IP. If you are running locally these will be If on a VM enter the VM IP. ``` ``` 4. Run the JMeter stability test ``` rm -f stability.log; /bin/ -t stability.jmx -n -Jhost= -Jduration=100 -l stability.log ``` Search for 'get policy failed' in the stability.log file to see if there is any errors found during the stability test. ## JMeter properties We can configure the following properties when running the JMeter stability test for policy distribution | Property Name | Default Value | Description | |---------------|-------------|---------------| | host | pdp | PDP service host name or ip | | csardir | /tmp/policy_distribution/csar | Directory where to store the generated csar files | | testcsar | {SCRIPT_DIR}/sample_csar_with_apex_policy.csar) | Location of Test CSAR | | duration | 30 | Number of seconds for how long to run the tests | | retry | 10 | Number of retry to retrieve the policy of each csar | | wait | 1000 | Milliseconds to wait between each retry | |PAP_PORT|7000| Port that pap service is exposing| |API_PORT|6969| Port that API service is exposing|