/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.common.parameters; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import lombok.Getter; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.Items; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.Max; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.Min; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.NotBlank; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.NotNull; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.Pattern; import org.onap.policy.common.parameters.annotations.Valid; public class TestBeanValidator { private static final String TOP = "top"; private static final String STR_FIELD = "strValue"; private static final String INT_FIELD = "intValue"; private static final String NUM_FIELD = "numValue"; private static final String STRING_VALUE = "string value"; private static final int INT_VALUE = 20; private BeanValidator validator; @Before public void setUp() { validator = new BeanValidator(); } @Test public void testValidateTop_testValidateFields() { // validate null assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, null).isValid()); // validate something that has no annotations assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, validator).isValid()); @NotNull @Getter class Data { String strValue; } // one failure case Data data = new Data(); BeanValidationResult result = validator.validateTop(TOP, data); assertInvalid("testValidateFields", result, STR_FIELD, "null"); assertTrue(result.getResult().contains(TOP)); // one success case data.strValue = STRING_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, data).isValid()); /** * Repeat with a subclass. */ @Getter class Derived extends Data { @Min(10) int intValue; } Derived derived = new Derived(); derived.strValue = STRING_VALUE; derived.intValue = INT_VALUE; // success case assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, derived).isValid()); // failure cases derived.strValue = null; assertInvalid("testValidateFields", validator.validateTop(TOP, derived), STR_FIELD, "null"); derived.strValue = STRING_VALUE; derived.intValue = 1; assertInvalid("testValidateFields", validator.validateTop(TOP, derived), INT_FIELD, "minimum"); derived.intValue = INT_VALUE; // both invalid derived.strValue = null; derived.intValue = 1; result = validator.validateTop(TOP, derived); assertInvalid("testValidateFields", result, STR_FIELD, "null"); assertInvalid("testValidateFields", result, INT_FIELD, "minimum"); derived.strValue = STRING_VALUE; derived.intValue = INT_VALUE; } @Test public void testVerNotNull() { class NotNullCheck { @Getter @Min(1) @NotNull Integer intValue; } NotNullCheck notNullCheck = new NotNullCheck(); assertInvalid("testVerNotNull", validator.validateTop(TOP, notNullCheck), INT_FIELD, "null"); notNullCheck.intValue = INT_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, notNullCheck).isValid()); notNullCheck.intValue = 0; assertInvalid("testVerNotNull", validator.validateTop(TOP, notNullCheck), INT_FIELD, "minimum"); } @Test public void testVerNotBlank() { class NotBlankCheck { @Getter @NotBlank String strValue; } NotBlankCheck notBlankCheck = new NotBlankCheck(); // null assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, notBlankCheck).isValid()); // empty notBlankCheck.strValue = ""; assertInvalid("testVerNotNull", validator.validateTop(TOP, notBlankCheck), STR_FIELD, "blank"); // spaces notBlankCheck.strValue = " "; assertInvalid("testVerNotNull", validator.validateTop(TOP, notBlankCheck), STR_FIELD, "blank"); // not blank notBlankCheck.strValue = STRING_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, notBlankCheck).isValid()); /* * Class with "blank" annotation on an integer. */ class NotBlankInt { @Getter @NotBlank int intValue; } NotBlankInt notBlankInt = new NotBlankInt(); notBlankInt.intValue = 0; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, notBlankInt).isValid()); } @Test public void testVerRegex() { class RegexCheck { @Getter @Pattern(regexp = "[a-f]*") String strValue; } RegexCheck regexCheck = new RegexCheck(); // does not match regexCheck.strValue = "xyz"; assertInvalid("testVerRegex", validator.validateTop(TOP, regexCheck), STR_FIELD, "does not match regular expression [a-f]"); // matches regexCheck.strValue = "abcabc"; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, regexCheck).isValid()); // invalid regex class InvalidRegexCheck { @Getter @Pattern(regexp = "[a-f") String strValue; } InvalidRegexCheck invalidRegexCheck = new InvalidRegexCheck(); // does not match invalidRegexCheck.strValue = "abc"; assertInvalid("testVerRegex", validator.validateTop(TOP, invalidRegexCheck), STR_FIELD, "does not match regular expression [a-f"); // matches regexCheck.strValue = "abcabc"; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, regexCheck).isValid()); /* * Class with "regex" annotation on an integer. */ class RegexInt { @Getter @Pattern(regexp = "[a-f]*") int intValue; } RegexInt regexInt = new RegexInt(); regexInt.intValue = 0; assertInvalid("testVerRegex", validator.validateTop(TOP, regexInt), INT_FIELD, "does not match regular expression [a-f]"); } @Test public void testVerMax() { /* * Field is not a number. */ class NonNumeric { @Getter @Max(100) String strValue; } NonNumeric nonNumeric = new NonNumeric(); nonNumeric.strValue = STRING_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, nonNumeric).isValid()); /* * Integer field. */ class IntField { @Getter @Max(100) Integer intValue; } // ok value IntField intField = new IntField(); assertNumeric("testVerMax-integer", intField, value -> { intField.intValue = value; }, INT_FIELD, "maximum", INT_VALUE, 100, 101); /* * Long field. */ class LongField { @Getter @Max(100) Long numValue; } // ok value LongField longField = new LongField(); assertNumeric("testVerMax-long", longField, value -> { longField.numValue = (long) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "maximum", INT_VALUE, 100, 101); /* * Float field. */ class FloatField { @Getter @Max(100) Float numValue; } // ok value FloatField floatField = new FloatField(); assertNumeric("testVerMax-float", floatField, value -> { floatField.numValue = (float) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "maximum", INT_VALUE, 100, 101); /* * Double field. */ class DoubleField { @Getter @Max(100) Double numValue; } // ok value DoubleField doubleField = new DoubleField(); assertNumeric("testVerMax-double", doubleField, value -> { doubleField.numValue = (double) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "maximum", INT_VALUE, 100, 101); /* * Atomic Integer field (which is a subclass of Number). */ class AtomIntValue { @Getter @Max(100) AtomicInteger numValue; } // ok value AtomIntValue atomIntField = new AtomIntValue(); atomIntField.numValue = new AtomicInteger(INT_VALUE); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, atomIntField).isValid()); // invalid value - should be OK, because it isn't an Integer atomIntField.numValue.set(101); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, atomIntField).isValid()); } @Test public void testVerMin() { /* * Field is not a number. */ class NonNumeric { @Getter @Min(10) String strValue; } NonNumeric nonNumeric = new NonNumeric(); nonNumeric.strValue = STRING_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, nonNumeric).isValid()); /* * Integer field. */ class IntField { @Getter @Min(10) Integer intValue; } // ok value IntField intField = new IntField(); assertNumeric("testVerMin-integer", intField, value -> { intField.intValue = value; }, INT_FIELD, "minimum", INT_VALUE, 10, 1); /* * Long field. */ class LongField { @Getter @Min(10) Long numValue; } // ok value LongField longField = new LongField(); assertNumeric("testVerMin-long", longField, value -> { longField.numValue = (long) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "minimum", INT_VALUE, 10, 1); /* * Float field. */ class FloatField { @Getter @Min(10) Float numValue; } // ok value FloatField floatField = new FloatField(); assertNumeric("testVerMin-float", floatField, value -> { floatField.numValue = (float) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "minimum", INT_VALUE, 10, 1); /* * Double field. */ class DoubleField { @Getter @Min(10) Double numValue; } // ok value DoubleField doubleField = new DoubleField(); assertNumeric("testVerMin-double", doubleField, value -> { doubleField.numValue = (double) value; }, NUM_FIELD, "minimum", INT_VALUE, 10, 1); /* * Atomic Integer field (which is a subclass of Number). */ class AtomIntValue { @Getter @Min(10) AtomicInteger numValue; } // ok value AtomIntValue atomIntField = new AtomIntValue(); atomIntField.numValue = new AtomicInteger(INT_VALUE); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, atomIntField).isValid()); // invalid value - should be OK, because it isn't an Integer atomIntField.numValue.set(101); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, atomIntField).isValid()); } @Test public void testVerCascade() { class Item { @Getter @NotNull Integer intValue; } @Getter class Container { @Valid Item checked; Item unchecked; @Valid List items; @Valid Map itemMap; } Container cont = new Container(); cont.unchecked = new Item(); cont.items = List.of(new Item()); cont.itemMap = Map.of(STRING_VALUE, new Item()); cont.checked = null; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); cont.checked = new Item(); assertInvalid("testVerCascade", validator.validateTop(TOP, cont), INT_FIELD, "null"); cont.checked.intValue = INT_VALUE; assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); } @Test public void testVerCollection() { @Getter class Container { @Items(min = @Min(5)) List items; // not a collection - should not be checked @Items(valid = {@Valid}) String strValue; String noAnnotations; } Container cont = new Container(); cont.strValue = STRING_VALUE; cont.noAnnotations = STRING_VALUE; // null collection - always valid assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); // empty collection - always valid cont.items = List.of(); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); cont.items = List.of(-10, -20); assertThat(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).getResult()).contains("\"0\"", "-10", "\"1\"", "-20", "minimum"); cont.items = List.of(10, -30); assertThat(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).getResult()).contains("\"1\"", "-30", "minimum") .doesNotContain("\"0\""); cont.items = List.of(10, 20); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); } @Test public void testVerMap() { @Getter class Container { Map items; // not a map @NotBlank String strValue; String noAnnotations; } Container cont = new Container(); cont.strValue = STRING_VALUE; cont.noAnnotations = STRING_VALUE; // null map - always valid assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); // empty map - always valid cont.items = Map.of(); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); cont.items = Map.of("abc", -10, "def", -20); assertThat(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).getResult()).contains("abc", "-10", "def", "-20", "minimum"); cont.items = Map.of("abc", 10, "def", -30); assertThat(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).getResult()).contains("def", "-30", "minimum") .doesNotContain("abc"); cont.items = Map.of("abc", 10, "def", 20); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, cont).isValid()); } @Test public void testGetEntryName() { assertThat(validator.getEntryName(makeEntry(null, 0))).isEmpty(); assertThat(validator.getEntryName(makeEntry("", 0))).isEmpty(); assertThat(validator.getEntryName(makeEntry(STRING_VALUE, 0))).isEqualTo(STRING_VALUE); } /** * Makes a Map entry with the given key and value. * * @param key desired key * @param value desired value * @return a new Map entry */ private Map.Entry makeEntry(String key, int value) { HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(key, value); return map.entrySet().iterator().next(); } private void assertNumeric(String testName, T object, Consumer setter, String fieldName, String expectedText, int inside, int edge, int outside) { setter.accept(inside); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, object).isValid()); // on the edge setter.accept(edge); assertTrue(validator.validateTop(TOP, object).isValid()); // invalid setter.accept(outside); assertInvalid("testVerNotNull", validator.validateTop(TOP, object), fieldName, expectedText); } private void assertInvalid(String testName, BeanValidationResult result, String... text) { assertThat(result.getResult()).describedAs(testName).contains(text); } }