tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3 capability_types: org.onap.EventProducer: properties: carrier_protocol_type: type: string required: true constraints: - valid_values: - DMAAP_message_router - SOMETHING_ELSE - REST data_format: type: string required: true constraints: - valid_values: - JSON - YAML - JMS event_format: type: string required: true event_format_version: type: string required: false config_keys: type: list required: false entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - all valid values should be added here - if not specified, events of any config key may be generated - 'examples for config_key: ves-measurement, ves-syslog, tca_handle_out, etc.' version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root org.onap.EventConsumer: properties: responding_capability: type: string required: false carrier_protocol_type: type: string required: true constraints: - valid_values: - DMAAP_message_router - SOMETHING_ELSE - REST data_format: type: string required: true constraints: - valid_values: - JSON - YAML - JMS - all valid values should be added here event_format: type: string description: 'examples for event_format: Ves_specification, LinkUp, VnfConfigured, etc.' required: true event_format_version: type: string description: 'examples for event_format_version: 5.28.4, 7.30.1, etc.' required: false config_keys: type: list required: false entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - all valid values should be added here - if not specified, events of any config key may be generated - 'examples for config_key: ves-measurement, ves-syslog, tca_handle_out, etc.' version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root node_types: org.onap.DynamicConfig: properties: application_name: type: string description: Value used to tie the config to an application ? should we be using a relationship here instead? required: true application_version: type: string required: true application_provider: type: string required: false data_types: type: object required: false schema: type: object required: false version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root org.onap.APP: properties: application_name: type: string description: Human readable name for the application Product required: false provider: type: string description: Provider of the application and of the descriptor required: true application_version: type: string description: Software version of the application required: true blueprint_id: type: string description: A reference to the app blueprint required: false monitoring_policy: type: string description: A reference to the monitoring policy required: false requirements: - receive: capability: org.onap.EventProducer relationship: org.onap.PropagateEvent occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 - send: capability: org.onap.EventConsumer relationship: org.onap.PropagateEvent occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root org.onap.EventRelay: properties: event_format: type: string description: 'examples for event_format: Ves_specification, etc.' required: true event_format_version: type: string description: 'examples for event_format_version: 5.28.4, 7.30.1, etc.' required: true config_keys: type: list required: false entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - all valid values should be added here - if not specified, events of any config key is relayed - 'examples for config_key: ves-measurement, ves-syslog, tca_handle_out, etc.' supported_carrier_protocols: type: map description: 'A map describing supported carrier protocols and translations. The tuples define what protocol combinations are supported on the producer and consumer side: e.g. { REST: REST, DMAAP: REST, DMAAP: DMAAP}' required: true key_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - DMAAP_message_router - SOMETHING_ELSE - REST - all valid values should be added here entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - DMAAP_message_router - SOMETHING_ELSE - REST - all valid values should be added here supported_data_formats: type: map description: 'Is a map describing supported data formats and translation. The tuples define what protocol combinations are supported on the producer and consumer side: e.g. { JSON: JSON, JMS: JSON, YAML:YAML }' required: true key_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - JSON - JMS - YAML - etc - all valid values should be added here entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: - JSON - JMS - YAML - etc - all valid values should be added here requirements: - receive: capability: org.onap.EventProducer relationship: org.onap.PropagateEvent occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 - send: capability: org.onap.EventConsumer relationship: org.onap.PropagateEvent occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root relationship_types: org.onap.PropagateEvent: properties: config_keys: type: list description: The relationship type used on requirements to org.onap.EventProducer and org.onap.EventConsumer capabilities. Filters events by specific config_keys to be transferred by this relationship. That is, any event with a specific config_key found in the list is transferred. If list is not defined or is empty, events with all config_keys are transferred. required: false entry_schema: type: string version: 0.0.1 derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root topology_template: inputs: pm_subscription_topic: type: string pm_subscription_response_topic: type: string pm_subscription_handler_blueprint_id: type: string pm_subscription_operational_policy_id: type: string pm_subscription_cds_blueprint_id: type: string enable_tls: type: string node_templates: org.onap.PM_Subscription_Handler: type: org.onap.APP properties: application_name: PM Subscription Handler provider: Ericsson application_version: 1.0.0 artifact_id: get_input: pm_subscription_handler_blueprint_id description: Is this a reference to the DCAE Cloudify Blueprint that is already stored(or will be stored before CL configuration & instatiation) in DCAE Inventory? artifact_config: enable_tls: get_input: enable_tls pmsh_publish_topic_name: get_input: pm_subscription_topic capabilities: pm-subscription-event-publisher: properties: carrier_protocol_type: DMAAP_message_router data_format: JSON event_format: pm-subscription-event-format event_format_version: 1.0.0 attributes: type: org.onap.EventProducer occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 pm-subscription-event-receiver: properties: carrier_protocol_type: DMAAP_message_router data_format: JSON event_format: pm-subscription-event-response-format event_format_version: 1.0.0 relationships: - type: tosca.relationships.DependsOn - description: any ideas on a better realtionship ? or is it better to just use the root realtionship ? - target: org.onap.PM_Monitoring_Policy attributes: type: org.onap.EventConsumer occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 version: 0.0.0 org.onap.PM_Monitoring_Policy: type: org.onap.DynamicConfig properties: application_name: PM Subscription Handler application_version: 1.0.0 provider: Ericsson data_types: measurementType: type: string DN: type: string nfFilter: properties: nfNames: type: list entry_schema: string modelInvariantIDs: type: list entry_schema: type: string modelVersionIDs: type: list entry_schema: type: string measurementGroup: properties: masurementTypes: type: list entry_schema: type: measurementType managedObjectDNsBasic: type: list entry_schema: type: DN schema: subscription: subscriptionName: type: string required: true administrativeState: type: string required: true filebasedGP: type: integer required: true fileLocation: type: string required: true nfFilter: type: nfFilter measurementGroups: type: list entry_schema: type: measurementGroup version: 0.0.0 description: Should I be showing a dependency between PM Subscription Handler and the PM Monitoring Policy org.onap.PM_Policy: type: org.onap.APP properties: application_name: PM Subscription Operational Policy provider: Ericsson application_version: 1.0.0 artifact_id: get_input: pm_subscription_operational_policy_id artifact_config: NOT_DEFINED requirements: - receive_0: capability: pm-subscription-event-publisher node: org.onap.PM_Subscription_Handler relationship: NOT_DEFINED properties: config_keys: - topic_name: get_input: pm_subscription_topic version: 0.0.0 - send_0: capability: cds-rest-receive node: org.onap.CDS version: 0.0.0 - receive_1: capability: cds-rest-response node: org.onap.CDS version: 0.0.0 - send_1: capability: pm-subscription-event-receiver node: org.onap.PM_Subscription_Handler relationship: NOT_DEFINED properties: config_keys: - topic_name: get_input: pm_subscription_response_topic version: 0.0.0 capabilities: pm-subscription-response-event-publisher: properties: type: org.onap.EventProducer carrier_protocol_type: DMAAP_message_router data_format: JSON event_format: pm-subscription-event-response-format event_format_version: 1.0.0 occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 version: 0.0.0 org.onap.PM_CDS_Blueprint: type: org.onap.APP properties: application_name: PM Subscription CDS Blueprint provider: Ericsson application_version: 1.0.0 artifact_id: get_input: pm_subscription_cds_blueprint_id capabilities: cds-rest-receive: properties: type: org.onap.EventConsumer protocol_type: REST data_format: JSON event_format: cds_action_format event_format_version: 1.0.0 responding_capability: cds-rest-response occurrences: - 0.0 - UNBOUNDED version: 0.0.0 cds-rest-response: properties: type: org.onap.EventProducer protocol_type: REST data_format: JSON event_format: cds_action_response_format event_format_version: 1.0.0 occurrences: - 0.0 version: 0.0.0 version: 1.0.0 org.onap.controlloop0: type: org.onap.APP properties: application_name: Test Control Loop provider: Ericsson application_version: 1.0.0 status: NOT_DEPLOYED version: 0.0.0 version: 0.0.0