path: root/extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql
diff options
authorJessica Wagantall <jwagantall@linuxfoundation.org>2020-12-08 09:33:13 -0800
committerJessica Wagantall <jwagantall@linuxfoundation.org>2020-12-08 09:33:25 -0800
commitbfc36d8cb714661eb00ba805d7858872cbce5308 (patch)
tree99052cc69000d791187d45381b4253353c77bef1 /extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql
parentdcd4bab11134095747a90d05f97a578b7d909520 (diff)
parent1083012bb7376c63d26b7caf9e6251d736342e30 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of /home/jwagantall/linuxfoundation/onap/IT-21108/clamp
Signed-off-by: Jessica Wagantall <jwagantall@linuxfoundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql b/extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..111a4058e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/sql/bulkload/create-tables.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ create table dictionary (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ dictionary_second_level integer,
+ dictionary_type varchar(255),
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table dictionary_elements (
+ short_name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ description varchar(255) not null,
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ subdictionary_name varchar(255),
+ type varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (short_name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements (
+ dictionary_name varchar(255) not null,
+ dictionary_element_short_name varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (dictionary_name, dictionary_element_short_name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table hibernate_sequence (
+ next_val bigint
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 );
+ create table loop_element_models (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ blueprint_yaml MEDIUMTEXT,
+ dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
+ loop_element_type varchar(255) not null,
+ short_name varchar(255),
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table loop_logs (
+ id bigint not null,
+ log_component varchar(255) not null,
+ log_instant datetime(6) not null,
+ log_type varchar(255) not null,
+ message MEDIUMTEXT not null,
+ loop_id varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (id)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table loop_templates (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ allowed_loop_type varchar(255),
+ blueprint_yaml MEDIUMTEXT,
+ dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
+ maximum_instances_allowed integer,
+ unique_blueprint boolean default false,
+ service_uuid varchar(255),
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels (
+ loop_element_name varchar(255) not null,
+ policy_model_type varchar(255) not null,
+ policy_model_version varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (loop_element_name, policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table loops (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ dcae_deployment_id varchar(255),
+ dcae_deployment_status_url varchar(255),
+ global_properties_json json,
+ last_computed_state varchar(255) not null,
+ loop_template_name varchar(255) not null,
+ service_uuid varchar(255),
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table loops_to_microservicepolicies (
+ loop_name varchar(255) not null,
+ microservicepolicy_name varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (loop_name, microservicepolicy_name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels (
+ loop_element_model_name varchar(255) not null,
+ loop_template_name varchar(255) not null,
+ flow_order integer not null,
+ primary key (loop_element_model_name, loop_template_name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table micro_service_policies (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ configurations_json json,
+ json_representation json not null,
+ pdp_group varchar(255),
+ pdp_sub_group varchar(255),
+ context varchar(255),
+ dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
+ dcae_deployment_id varchar(255),
+ dcae_deployment_status_url varchar(255),
+ device_type_scope varchar(255),
+ shared bit not null,
+ loop_element_model_id varchar(255),
+ policy_model_type varchar(255),
+ policy_model_version varchar(255),
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table operational_policies (
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ configurations_json json,
+ json_representation json not null,
+ pdp_group varchar(255),
+ pdp_sub_group varchar(255),
+ loop_element_model_id varchar(255),
+ policy_model_type varchar(255),
+ policy_model_version varchar(255),
+ loop_id varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (name)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table policy_models (
+ policy_model_type varchar(255) not null,
+ version varchar(255) not null,
+ created_by varchar(255),
+ created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ updated_by varchar(255),
+ updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
+ policy_acronym varchar(255),
+ policy_tosca MEDIUMTEXT,
+ policy_pdp_group json,
+ primary key (policy_model_type, version)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ create table services (
+ service_uuid varchar(255) not null,
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ resource_details json,
+ service_details json,
+ version varchar(255),
+ primary key (service_uuid)
+ ) engine=InnoDB;
+ alter table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements
+ add constraint FK68hjjinnm8nte2owstd0xwp23
+ foreign key (dictionary_element_short_name)
+ references dictionary_elements (short_name);
+ alter table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements
+ add constraint FKtqfxg46gsxwlm2gkl6ne3cxfe
+ foreign key (dictionary_name)
+ references dictionary (name);
+ alter table loop_logs
+ add constraint FK1j0cda46aickcaoxqoo34khg2
+ foreign key (loop_id)
+ references loops (name);
+ alter table loop_templates
+ add constraint FKn692dk6281wvp1o95074uacn6
+ foreign key (service_uuid)
+ references services (service_uuid);
+ alter table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels
+ add constraint FK23j2q74v6kaexefy0tdabsnda
+ foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
+ references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
+ alter table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels
+ add constraint FKjag1iu0olojfwryfkvb5o0rk5
+ foreign key (loop_element_name)
+ references loop_element_models (name);
+ alter table loops
+ add constraint FK844uwy82wt0l66jljkjqembpj
+ foreign key (loop_template_name)
+ references loop_templates (name);
+ alter table loops
+ add constraint FK4b9wnqopxogwek014i1shqw7w
+ foreign key (service_uuid)
+ references services (service_uuid);
+ alter table loops_to_microservicepolicies
+ add constraint FKle255jmi7b065fwbvmwbiehtb
+ foreign key (microservicepolicy_name)
+ references micro_service_policies (name);
+ alter table loops_to_microservicepolicies
+ add constraint FK8avfqaf7xl71l7sn7a5eri68d
+ foreign key (loop_name)
+ references loops (name);
+ alter table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels
+ add constraint FK1k7nbrbugvqa0xfxkq3cj1yn9
+ foreign key (loop_element_model_name)
+ references loop_element_models (name);
+ alter table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels
+ add constraint FKj29yxyw0x7ue6mwgi6d3qg748
+ foreign key (loop_template_name)
+ references loop_templates (name);
+ alter table micro_service_policies
+ add constraint FKqvvdypacbww07fuv8xvlvdjgl
+ foreign key (loop_element_model_id)
+ references loop_element_models (name);
+ alter table micro_service_policies
+ add constraint FKn17j9ufmyhqicb6cvr1dbjvkt
+ foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
+ references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
+ alter table operational_policies
+ add constraint FKi9kh7my40737xeuaye9xwbnko
+ foreign key (loop_element_model_id)
+ references loop_element_models (name);
+ alter table operational_policies
+ add constraint FKlsyhfkoqvkwj78ofepxhoctip
+ foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
+ references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
+ alter table operational_policies
+ add constraint FK1ddoggk9ni2bnqighv6ecmuwu
+ foreign key (loop_id)
+ references loops (name);