The APEX Policy Guide Sven van der Meer Liam Fallon John Keeny

The APEX policy guide combines a set of howto documents, all supporting APEX and policy, including how to write task and task selection logic. The howto documents are provided as integrated documentation in the APEX site. Furthermore, we provide stand-alone documents in HTML and PDF.

Note: most of the documentation is written in AsciiDoc. We are using the AsciiDoctor version. Due to the different build tools used for the different documentation targets, the rendered documents differ in style. The content however comes always from a single, normative source located in the APEX source repositories.

APEX Policy Guide documentation

Name Description Links
Policy Guide The complete APEX Policy Guide, including all HowTos and other documentation. The stand-alone versions aggregate all other documents listed in this table.
The APEX Policy Model A deep dive into the policy model defined and implemented in the APEX engine. This model is the foundation for policy execution.
HowTo: Policy Logic An APEX policy requires task logic being programmed. When multiple tasks are combined into a single policy state, a so called task selection logic needs to be programmed as well. This HowTo explains how to programme policy task logic and if required task selection logic.