// // ============LICENSE_START======================================================= // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. // ================================================================================ // This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE // Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode // // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 // ============LICENSE_END========================================================= // // @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com) // == Installing the Web Monitoring Application APEX comes with a deployment and monitoring application realized as a servlet. This requires a _full_ installation of APEX. This requires a web server that can execute `war` web archives. We recommend to use link:https://tomcat.apache.org/[Apache Tomcat], however other web servers can be used as well. Install Apache Tomcat including the `Manager App`, see link:https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/manager-howto.html#Configuring_Manager_Application_Access[V9.0 Docs] for details. Start the Tomcat service, or make sure that Tomcat is running. Locate the APEX monitoring application. [source%nowrap,sh,numbered,subs="attributes+"] ---- $APEX_HOME/war/apex-services.client.monitoring-{release-version}.war ---- [source%nowrap,bat,numbered,subs="attributes+"] ---- %APEX_HOME%\war\apex-services.client.monitoring-{release-version}.war ---- There are multiple ways to install the APEX monitoring application: - copy the `.war` file into the Tomcat `webapps` folder - use the Tomcat `Manager App` to deploy via the web interface - deploy using a REST call to Tomcat For details on how to install `war` files please consult the link:https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/index.html[Tomcat Documentation] or the link:https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/manager-howto.html[Manager App HOW-TO]. Once you installed the APEX monitoring application (and wait for sufficient time for Tomcat to finalize the installation), open the `Manager App` in Tomcat. You should see the APEX monitoring application being installed and running. image::install-guide/tomcat-installed.png[Tomcat Application Manager with APEX Monitoring Application] In case of errors, examine the log files in the Tomcat log directory. In a conventional install, those log files are in the logs directory where Tomcat is installed. Once the APEX monitoring application is installed, start an APEX engine with the `SampleDomain` configuration as described above. Wait until the engine is fully started. Then open a browser (or a new tab) and use the following URL to connect to the APEX monitoring application. Change the values for the Tomcat port (`10080` in the example), the APEX application version (`{release-version}` in the example), and the APEX management port (`12345` in the example, taken from the example configuration) to your local settings. If your browser is not opened on the same host as the APEX engine runs, change `localhost` to the host name with the APEX engine. [source%nowrap,url,subs="attributes+"] ---- http://localhost:10080/apex-services.client-{release-version}/?hostname=localhost&port=12345 ---- The browser will now show the APEX monitoring application. image::install-guide/monitoring-app.png[APEX Monitoring and Deployment Application] Now send some events to the APEX engine. The configuration is for standard input, so simply paste the following event into the APEX engine console. [source%nowrap,json,numbered] ---- { "nameSpace": "org.onap.policy.apex.sample.events", "name": "Event0000", "version": "0.0.1", "source": "test", "target": "apex", "TestSlogan": "Test slogan for External Event0", "TestMatchCase": 0, "TestTimestamp": 1469781869269, "TestTemperature": 9080.866 } ---- When events are sent to APEX, the monitoring application will show all engine status changes. The following screen shot show the engine status after passing several events into the engine. image::install-guide/monitoring-app-status.png[APEX Monitoring: status] To terminate this setting, first use `CTRL+C` in the engine console to terminate the engine. Within a few seconds, the APEX monitoring application will terminate as well with a connection error: ---- Error connecting to Apex Engine Service at localhost:12345 cound not handshake with server localhost:12345 See detailed message in log ---- Terminate the browser now (or the tab with the application). Finally, if you do not want to use Tomcat for any other applications, terminate the Tomcat server as well.