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//  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.
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// Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
// ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
// @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com)

== Build APEX

The examples in this document assume that the APEX source repositories are cloned to:

- Unix, Cygwin: `/usr/local/src/apex-pdp`
- Windows: `C:\dev\apex-pdp`
- Cygwin: `/cygdrive/c/dev/apex-pdp`

.A Build requires ONAP Nexus
APEX has a dependency to ONAP parent projects.
You might need to adjust your Maven M2 settings.
The most current settings can be found in the ONAP oparent repo: link:https://git.onap.org/oparent/plain/settings.xml[Settings].

.A Build needs Space
Building APEX requires approximately 2-3 GB of hard disc space, 1 GB for the actual build with full distribution and 1-2 GB for the downloaded dependencies

.A Build requires Internet (for first build)
During the build, several (a lot) of Maven dependencies will be downloaded and stored in the configured local Maven repository.
The first standard build (and any first specific build) requires Internet access to download those dependencies.

.Building RPM distributions
RPM images are only build if the `rpm` package is installed (Unix).
To install `rpm` run `sudo apt-get install rpm`, then build APEX.

Use Maven to for a standard build without any tests.

| Unix, Cygwin | Windows
# cd /usr/local/src/apex-pdp
# mvn clean install -DskipTests
>cd \dev\apex-pdp
>mvn clean install -DskipTests

The build takes 2-3 minutes on a standard development laptop.
It should run through without errors, but with a lot of messages from the build process.

When Maven is finished with the build, the final screen should look similar to this (omitting some `success` lines):

include::{adsite-main-dir}/site-docs/adoc/fragments/screens/mvn-install-skiptests.txt[mvn build, no tests]

The build will have created all artifacts required for an APEX installation.
The following example show how to change to the target directory and how it should look like.

| Unix, Cygwin
# cd packages/apex-pdp-package-full/target
# ls -l

include::{adsite-main-dir}/site-docs/adoc/fragments/screens/target-ls-unix.txt[successful build, ls, unix]


| Windows
>cd packages\apex-pdp-package-full\target

include::{adsite-main-dir}/site-docs/adoc/fragments/screens/target-ls-win.txt[successful build, ls, windows]
