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//  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.
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// Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
// ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
// @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com)

== Introduction to APEX Logging

All APEX components make extensive use of logging using the logging façade link:https://www.slf4j.org/[SLF4J] with the backend link:https://logback.qos.ch/[Logback].
Both are used off-the-shelve, so the standard documentation and configuration apply to APEX logging.
For details on how to work with logback please see the link:https://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html[logback manual].

The APEX applications is the logback configuration file `$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml` (Windows: `%APEX_HOME%\etc\logback.xml`).
The logging backend is set to no debug, i.e. logs from the logging framework should be hidden at runtime.

The configurable log levels work as expected:

- __error__ (or __ERROR__) is used for serious errors in the APEX runtime engine
- __warn__ (or __WARN__) is used for warnings, which in general can be ignored but might indicate some deeper problems
- __info__ (or __INFO__) is used to provide generally interesting messages for startup and policy execution
- __debug__ (or __DEBUG__) provides more details on startup and policy execution
- __trace__ (or __TRACE__) gives full details on every aspect of the APEX engine from start to end

The loggers can also be configured as expected.
The standard configuration (after installing APEX) uses log level __info__ on all APEX classes (components).

The applications and scripts in `$APEX_HOME/bin` (Windows: `%APEX_HOME\bin`) are configured to use the logback configuration `$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml` (Windows: `%APEX_HOME\etc\logback.xml`).
There are multiple ways to use different logback configurations, for instance:

- Maintain multiple configurations in `etc`, for instance a `logback-debug.xml` for deep debugging and a `logback-production.xml` for APEX in production mode, then copy the required configuration file to the used `logback.xml` prior starting APEX
- Edit the scripts in `bin` to use a different logback configuration file (only recommended if you are familiar with editing bash scripts or windows batch files)