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//  Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.
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// Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
// ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
// @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com)

== Application: Create Event Templates

**Status: Experimental**

This application takes a policy model (JSON or XML encoded) and generates templates for events in JSON format.
This can help when a policy defines rather complex trigger or action events or complex events between states.
The application can produce events for the types: stimuli (policy trigger events), internal (events between policy states), and response (action events).

| Unix, Cygwin | Windows
# $APEX_HOME/bin/apexApps.sh tpl-event-json [args]
> %APEX_HOME%\bin\apexApps.bat tpl-event-json [args]

The option `-h` provides a help screen.

usage: gen-model2event
 -h,--help                 prints this help and usage screen
 -m,--model <MODEL-FILE>   set the input policy model file
 -t,--type <TYPE>          set the event type for generation, one of:
                           stimuli (trigger events), response (action
                           events), internal (events between states)
 -v,--version              prints the application version

The created templates are not valid events, instead they use some markup for values one will need to change to actual values.
For instance, running the tool with the __Sample Domain__ policy model as:
apexApps.sh tpl-event-json -m $APEX_HOME/examples/models/SampleDomain/SamplePolicyModelJAVA.json -t stimuli

will produce the following status messages:

gen-model2event: starting Event generator
 --> model file: examples/models/SampleDomain/SamplePolicyModelJAVA.json
 --> type: stimuli

and then run the generator application producing two event templates.
The first template is called `Event0000`.

        "name" : "Event0000",
        "nameSpace" : "org.onap.policy.apex.sample.events",
        "version" : "0.0.1",
        "source" : "Outside",
        "target" : "Match",
        "TestTemperature" : ###double: 0.0###,
        "TestTimestamp" : ###long: 0###,
        "TestMatchCase" : ###integer: 0###,
        "TestSlogan" : "###string###"
The values for the keys are marked with `###` and the expected type of the value.
To create an actual stimuli event, all these markers need to be change to actual values, for instance:
        "name" : "Event0000",
        "nameSpace" : "org.onap.policy.apex.sample.events",
        "version" : "0.0.1",
        "source" : "Outside",
        "target" : "Match",
        "TestTemperature" : 25,
        "TestTimestamp" : 123456789123456789,
        "TestMatchCase" : 1,
        "TestSlogan" : "Testing the Match Case with Temperature 25"