// // ============LICENSE_START======================================================= // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. // ================================================================================ // This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE // Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode // // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 // ============LICENSE_END========================================================= // // @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com) // == Engine Service Parameters The configuration provides a number of parameters to configure the engine. An example configuration with explanations of all options is shown below. [source%nowrap,json] ---- "engineServiceParameters" : { "name" : "AADMApexEngine", // <1> "version" : "0.0.1", // <2> "id" : 45, // <3> "instanceCount" : 4, // <4> "deploymentPort" : 12345, // <5> "policyModelFileName" : "examples/models/VPN/VPNPolicyModelJava.json", // <6> "periodicEventPeriod": 1000, <7> "engineParameters":{ <8> "engineParameters":{...}, <9> "contextParameters":{...} <10> } } ---- <1> a name for the engine. The engine name is used to create a key in a runtime engine. An name matching the following regular expression can be used here: `[A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.]+` <2> a version of the engine, use semantic versioning as explained here: link:http://semver.org/[Semantic Versioning]. This version is used in a runtime engine to create a version of the engine. For that reason, the version must match the following regular expression `[A-Z0-9.]+` <3> a numeric identifier for the engine <4> the number of threads (policy instances executed in parallel) the engine should use, use `1` for single threaded engines <5> the port for the deployment Websocket connection to the engine <6> the model file to load into the engine on startup (optional) <7> an optional timer for periodic policies, in milliseconds (a defined periodic policy will be executed every `X` milliseconds), not used of not set or `0` <8> engine parameters for plugin configurations (execution environments and context handling) <9> engine specific parameters, mainly for executor plugins <10> context specific parameters, e.g. for context schemas, persistence, etc. The model file is optional, it can also be specified via command line. In any case, make sure all execution and other required plug-ins for the loaded model are loaded as required.