// // ============LICENSE_START======================================================= // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. // ================================================================================ // This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE // Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode // // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 // ============LICENSE_END========================================================= // // @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com) // == VPN SLA Demo This demo uses a network with several central office and core switches, over which two VPNs are run. A customer `A` has two location `A1` and `A2` and a VPN between them. A customer `B` has two location `B1` and `B2` and a VPN between them. .VPN SLA Architecture image::pcvs/vpnsla-arch.png[VPN SLA Architecture] The architecture above shows the scenario. The components are realized in this demo as follows: * _CEP / Analytics_ - a simple Python script taking events from Kafka and sending them to APEX * _APEX / Policy_ - the APEX engine running the VPA SLA policy * _Controller_ - A vanilla Floodlight controller taking events from the Link Monitor and configuring Mininet * _Network_ - A network created using Mininet The demo requires to start some software (detailed below). To show actual video streams, we use `VLC`. If you do not want to show video streams, but only the policy, skip the `VLC` section. All shown scripts are available in a full APEX installation in `$APEX_HOME/examples/scripts/pcvs/vpnsla`. === Start all Software Create environment variables in a file, say `env.sh`. In each new Xterm * Source these environment settings, e.g. `. ./env.sh` * Run the commands below as root (`sudo` per command or `sudo -i` for interactive mode as shown below) ---- #!/usr/bin/env bash export src_dir=/usr/local/src export APEX_HOME=/opt/ericsson/apex/apex export APEX_USER=apexuser ---- In a new Xterm, start Floodlight ---- sudo -i . ./env.sh cd $src_dir/floodlight-master && java -jar target/floodlight.jar ---- In a new Xterm start Mininet ---- sudo -i . ./env.sh mn -c && python $APEX_HOME/examples/scripts/pcvs/vpnsla/MininetTopology.py ---- In a new Xterm, start Kafka ---- sudo -i . ./env.sh /opt/Kafka/kafka_2.12-1.0.0/bin/kafka-server-start.sh /opt/Kafka/kafka_2.12-1.0.0/config/server.properties ---- In a new Xerm start APEX with the Kafka configuration for this demo ---- cd $APEX_HOME ./bin/apexApps.sh engine -c examples/config/pcvs/vpnsla/kafka2kafka.json ---- In a new Xterm start the Link Monitor. The Link Monitor has a 30 second sleep to slow down the demonstration. So the first action of it comes 30 seconds after start. Every new action in 30 second intervals. ---- sudo -i . ./env.sh cd $src_dir xterm -hold -e 'python3 $src_dir/kafka-python/LinkMonitor.py' & ---- Now all software should be started and the demo is running. The Link Monitor will send link up events, picked up by APEX which triggers the policy. Since there is no problem, the policy will do nothing. === Create 2 Video Streams with VLC In the Mininet console, type `xterm A1 A2` and `xterm B1 B2` to open terminals on these nodes. `A2` and `B2` are the receiving nodes. In these terminals, run `vlc-wrapper`. In each opened VLC window do * Click Media -> Open Network Stream * Give the URL as `rtp://@:5004` `A1` and `B1` are the sending nodes (sending the video stream) In these terminals, run `vlc-wrapper`. In each opened VLC window do * Click Media -> Stream * Add the video (from `/usr/local/src/videos`) * Click `Stream` * Click `Next` * Change the destination `RTP / MPEG Transport Stream` and click `Add` * Change the address and type to `` in `A1` and to `` in `B1` * Turn off `Active Transcoding` (this is important to minimize CPU load) * Click `Next` * Click `Stream` The video should be streaming across the network from `A1` to `A2` and from `B1` to `B2`. If the video streams a slow or interrupted the CPU load is too high. In these cases either try a better machine or use a different (lower quality) video stream. === Take out L09 and let the Policy do it's Magic Now it is time to take out the link `L09`. This will be picked up by the Link Monitor, which sends a new event (L09 DOWN) to the policy. The policy then will calculate which customer should be impeded (throttled). This will continue, until SLAs are violated, then a priority calculation will kick in (Customer `A` is prioritized in the setup). To initiate this, simply type `link s5 s6 down` in the Mininet console followed by `exit`. If you have the video streams running, you will see one or the other struggeling, depending on the policy decision. === Reset the Demo If you want to reset the demo, simple stop (in this order) the following process * Link Monitor * APEX * Mininet * Floodlight Then restart them in this order * Floodlight * Mininet * APEX * Link Monitor === Monitor the Demo Floodlight and APEX provide REST interfaces for monitoring. * Floodlight: see link:https://floodlight.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/floodlightcontroller/pages/40403023/Web+GUI[Floodlight Docs] for details on how to access the monitoring. In a standard installation as we use here, pointing browser to the URL `http://localhost:8080/ui/pages/index.html` should work on the same host * APEX please see the APEX documentation for link:https://ericsson.github.io/apex-docs/user-manual/engine-apps/um-engapps-eng-monitoring.html[Monitoring Client] or link:https://ericsson.github.io/apex-docs/user-manual/engine-apps/um-engapps-full-client.html[Full Client] for details on how to monitor APEX.