// // ============LICENSE_START======================================================= // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. // ================================================================================ // This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE // Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode // // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 // ============LICENSE_END========================================================= // // @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com) // == Data Models === Sales Input Event Each time a PoS system processes a sales item an event with the following format is emitted: .Sale Input Event [width="100%",options="header"] |==================== |Event| Fields | Description | SALE_INPUT | time, sale_ID, amount, item_ID, quantity, assistant_ID, branch_ID, notes, ... | Event indicating a sale of an item is occurring |==================== In each `SALE_INPUT` event the `sale_ID` field is a unique ID generated by the PoS system. A timestamp for the event is stored in the `time` field. The `amount` field refers to the value of the item(s) to be sold (in cents). The `item_ID` field is a unique identifier for each item type, and can be used to retrieve more information about the item from _HyperM_'s stock control system. The `quantity` field refers to the quantity of the item to be sold. The `assistant_ID` field is a unique identifier for the PoS operator, and can be used to retrieve more information about the operator from the _HyperM_'s personnel system. Since __HyperM__ has many branches the `branch_ID` identifies the shop. The `notes` field contains arbitrary notes about the sale. === Sales Decision Event After a `SALE_INPUT` event is emitted by the PoS system _HyperM_'s policy-based controlled sales checking system emits a Sale Authorization Event indicating whether the sale is authorized or denied. The PoS system can then listen for this event before continuing with the sale. .Sale Authorisation Event [width="100%",options="header"] |==================== |Event| Fields | Description | SALE_AUTH | sale_ID, time, authorized, amount, item_ID, quantity, assistant_ID, branch_ID, notes, message... | Event indicating a sale of an item is authorized or denied |==================== In each `SALE_AUTH` event the `sale_ID` field is copied from the `SALE_INPUT` event that trigger the decision request. The `SALE_AUTH` event is also timestamped using the `time` field, and a field called `authorised` is set to `true` or `false` depending on whether the sale is authorized or denied. The `message` field carries an optional message about why a sale was not authorized. The other fields from the `SALE_INPUT` event are also included for completeness. === Stock Control: Items _HyperM_ maintains information about each item for sale in a database table called `ITEMS`. .Items Database [width="100%",options="header"] |==================== |Table| Fields | Description | ITEMS | item_ID, description, cost_price, barcode, supplier_ID, category, ... | Database table describing each item for sale |==================== The database table `ITEMS` has a row for each items that _HyperM_ sells. Each item is identified by an `item_ID` value. The `description` field stores a description of the item. The cost price of the item is given in `cost_price`. The barcode of the item is encoded in `barcode`, while the item supplier is identified by `supplier_ID`. Items may also be classified into categories using the `category` field. Useful categories might include: `soft drinks`, `alcoholic drinks`, `cigarettes`, `knives`, `confectionery`, `bakery`, `fruit&vegetables`, `meat`, etc.. === Personnel System: Assistants .Assistants Database [width="100%",options="header"] |==================== |Table| Fields | Description | ASSISTANTS | assistant_ID, surname, firstname, middlename, age, grade, phone_number, ... | Database table describing each _HyperM_ sales assistant |==================== The database table `ASSISTANTS` has a row for each sales assistant employed by _HyperM_. Each assistant is identified by an `assistant_ID` value, with their name given in the `firstname`, `middlename` and `surname` fields. The assistant's age in years is given in `age`, while their phone number is contained in the `phone_number` field. The assistant's grade is encoded in `grade`. Useful values for `grade` might include: `trainee`, `operator`, `supervisor`, etc.. === Locations: Branches .Branches Database [width="100%",options="header"] |==================== |Table| Fields | Description | BRANCHES | branch_ID, branch_Name, category, street, city, country, postcode, ... | Database table describing each _HyperM_ branch |==================== _HyperM_ operates a number of branches. Each branch is described in the `BRANCHES` database table. Each branch is identified by a `branch_ID`, with a branch name given in `branch_Name`. The address for the branch is encoded in `street`, `city`, `country` and `postcode`. The branch category is given in the `category` field. Useful values for `category` might include: `Small`, `Large`, `Super`, `Hyper`, etc..