[tox] skipsdist=True envlist = py3, pylint, flake8diff [testenv] distribute = False basepython=python3 setenv = OSDF_CONFIG_FILE={toxinidir}/test/config/osdf_config.yaml commands = /bin/cp config/slicing_config.yaml test/config/ /bin/bash test/functest/scripts/start-simulators.sh coverage run --module pytest --junitxml xunit-results.xml coverage xml --omit=".tox/py3/*","test/*" coverage report -m --omit=".tox/py3/*","test/*" /bin/bash test/functest/scripts/stop-simulators.sh /bin/rm test/config/slicing_config.yaml # TODO: need to update the above "omit" when we package osdf as pip-installable deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/test/test-requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements-osdf.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements-opteng.txt [run] source=./apps/,./osdf/,osdfapp.py,./runtime/,solverapp.py [testenv:pylint] allowlist_externals=bash commands = bash -c "pylint --reports=y osdf apps runtime| tee pylint.out" [testenv:py3] basepython=python3 [testenv:flake8diff] basepython=python3 allowlist_externals=bash deps = hacking>=2.0.0 commands = bash -c "files=$(git diff HEAD^ HEAD --diff-filter=d --name-only | grep -E '(^apps\/|osdf\/|runtime\/)'| grep -E '*\.py$'); if [[ -z $files ]]; then exit 0; else flake8 $files; fi" [flake8] select = E,H,W,F max-line-length = 119 ignore = W503 #conflict with W504 per-file-ignores= apps/pci/optimizers/__init__.py:F401