{ "requestInfo": { "transactionId": "xxx-xxx-xxxx", "requestID": "yyy-yyy-yyyy", "sourceId": "cmopt", "timeout": 600 }, "optimInfo": { "solverArgs": { "solver": "cbc" }, "modelContent": "% Baking cakes for the school fete (with data file)\r\n\r\nint: flour; %no. grams of flour available\r\nint: banana; %no. of bananas available\r\nint: sugar; %no. grams of sugar available\r\nint: butter; %no. grams of butter available\r\nint: cocoa; %no. grams of cocoa available\r\n\r\nconstraint assert(flour >= 0,\"Invalid datafile: \" ++\r\n \"Amount of flour should be non-negative\");\r\nconstraint assert(banana >= 0,\"Invalid datafile: \" ++\r\n \"Amount of banana should be non-negative\");\r\nconstraint assert(sugar >= 0,\"Invalid datafile: \" ++\r\n \"Amount of sugar should be non-negative\");\r\nconstraint assert(butter >= 0,\"Invalid datafile: \" ++\r\n \"Amount of butter should be non-negative\");\r\nconstraint assert(cocoa >= 0,\"Invalid datafile: \" ++\r\n \"Amount of cocoa should be non-negative\");\r\n\r\nvar 0..100: b; % no. of banana cakes\r\nvar 0..100: c; % no. of chocolate cakes\r\n\r\n% flour\r\nconstraint 250*b + 200*c <= flour;\r\n% bananas\r\nconstraint 2*b <= banana;\r\n% sugar\r\nconstraint 75*b + 150*c <= sugar;\r\n% butter\r\nconstraint 100*b + 150*c <= butter;\r\n% cocoa\r\nconstraint 75*c <= cocoa;\r\n\r\n% maximize our profit\r\nsolve maximize 400*b + 450*c;\r\n\r\noutput [\"no. of banana cakes = \\(b)\\n\",\r\n \"no. of chocolate cakes = \\(c)\\n\"];" } }